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Serbia passes final evaluation ahead of US flights |
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), a component of the United States Department of Homeland Security, has completed its evaluation of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport. Its outcome will have a strong impact on whether Air Serbia will be granted a permit to launch flights to New York commencing this June. The TSA concluded that both the airport and the Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate have worked hard to put into place an effective aviation security system. The TSA determines whether foreign airports that provide service to the United States are maintaining and carrying out effective security measures. The Administration carried out its inspection of Belgrade Airport throughout last week. "Nonstop flights to the United States will be an excellent opportunity for Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport to position itself again in this part of Europe as an important transfer hub", the airport said in a statement issued yesterday. It added, "This is an excellent opportunity for the development of trade, economy and tourism for both Belgrade and Serbia". Following its positive assessment, Air Serbia is expected to be issued a final permit for its services to the United States in the coming days. The airline will officially commence sales for five weekly flights to New York next Thursday morning.
The TSA assessed the effectiveness of security measures at Belgrade Airport using select aviation security standards and recommended practices adopted by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation). ICAO standards and recommended practices address operational issues at an airport, such as ensuring that passengers and baggage are properly screened and that unauthorised individuals do not have access to restricted areas at the airport. ICAO standards and recommended practices also address non-operational issues, such as whether a foreign government, in this case Serbia, has implemented a national civil aviation security program for regulating security procedures at its airports and whether airport officials implementing security controls go through background investigations, are appropriately trained and are certified according to the government’s national civil aviation security program.
Along with conducting an airport assessment, the same TSA inspection team also conducted an inspection of Air Serbia to ensure that the carrier is in compliance with TSA security requirements. TSA inspectors examined compliance with applicable security requirements, including TSA-approved security programs, emergency amendments to the security programs and security directives. During the inspection, inspectors reviewed applicable security manuals, procedures and records. Furthermore, they interviewed the carrier's station personnel and observed employees processing passengers on at least one flight, from passenger check-in until the flight departed the gate, to ensure that the it is in compliance with applicable requirements.
Congratulations to BEG and JU. All the best with the new flights.
ReplyDeleteI ako su mnogi hteli da ne prodju TSA chek prosli su .
ReplyDeleteOvo je odlicno za razvoj ASL samo jos da uvedu IKA uz ovu liniju bilo bi odlicno .
Tek nas ocekuju iznenadjenja od ASL u narednom periodu sto je odlicno.
IKA, CAI and two destinations in Romania starts from jun 2016!
DeleteNew destinations are starting but none of those you mentioned.
Delete@ Anon February 14, 2016 at 10:29 AM
Deletesurprise us!!! :)
PRN will be one for sure. From when it will be launched is a good question.
DeleteOHD, MUC, something in Romania, maybe MAD/BCN...maybe more frequencies to SJJ
And passingers will be flying on Boeing or Airbus 000?
DeleteJa stvarno nisam na ovom blogu pročitao niti jedan jedni komentar koji je priželjkivao da BEG ne prođe TSA!
DeleteNema potrebe za ovakvim iznošenjem neistina koje potiču nesnošljivost i mržnju. Ovakim iznošenjem dezinformacija samo stvaraš nepotrebno lošu atmosferu. Iskreno bih molio moda da ne dozvoljava ovako što. Jučerašnja rasprava bila je vrlo kreativna i nadasve civilizirane. Zato što nije bilo nepotrebnih upadica ovakve vrste.
Evo Purgeru nisi dobro video
DeleteAnonymous May 30, 2015 at 6:12 PM
Imagine when the TSA come over to do their audit and then check out the ease of access to the airport from the back of Jat Tehnika ? Can't wait for that one
JATBEGMEL other than Pristina, I feel like you are guessing. Correct me if I am wrong. Does anybody have inside info on which flights they will start? Two destinations in Romania, IKA, and CAI seem more realisitic than MAD or OHD or MUC
Anon 3.58
DeleteTu niko nije prizeljkivao da se ne dobije TSA dozvola vec je osoba dobro upoznata sa tim koja se sprdnja taj D prolaz. Siguran sam da im je TSA skrenuo paznju na to.
Iz tog komentara se ne vidi želja da se ne prođe TSA!
DeleteNapisati "mnogi su htjeli" ne da je daleko od istine nego je takva neistina stvarno poticanje netrpeljivosti.
+1 Purger, some fanboys on this site are turning into bots who say "hater" in like every other post
DeleteYYZ, I think they have to because it's getting increasingly more difficult to defend JU. I hope politics stop interefering in the way the airline is run so that JU can start growing once again.
DeleteRe new routes: JFK + another 4 are confirmed. Another 1 is still not 100% sure. I can't tell you which ones because I don't want to have problems. They will present them next week or around 1 march. Since its already been reported everywhere PRN is one of them.
DeleteSo you hate JU so badly because politicians run it on the Serbian side?
DeleteSuch a great news for BEG and AS. It is not going to be a huge money maker at the beginning but I can see a major potential on this route . Fares are already loaded into the system and it is showing 629 US dollars including tax. Great connection time as well, flight lands at 5:30 am into BEG.
ReplyDeleteThat's just one of the times. There will be another time as well but it hasn't been loaded yet.
DeleteIf this is one of the times (someone is say that this is only for Mon,Thu my guess is that another one is :
DeleteJU500 BEG1730 – 2200JFK 330 3,6
JU501 JFK0740 – 2230+1BEG 330 4,7
JU500 BEG0730 – 1200JFK 330 1,4
JU501 JFK1440 – 0530+1BEG 330 2,5
and fifth coold be
JU500 BEG1330 – 1800JFK 330 5
JU501 JFK2040 – 1130+1BEG 330 6
In this way 4th waves on Mon,Thu will be covered with JFK , and even daily flight to TLV could be covered (7:30-15:30)
We will see in next few days what is real timetable this is just my guess.
JU500 BEG0730 – 1200JFK 330 D
JU501 JFK1440 – 0530+1BEG 330 D
a sta ce ovo +1 u prvom JU501?
DeletePlus 1 je da stiže sledećeg dana od poletanja. Meni su u najdražoj uspomeni letovi koje sam imao sa -1, sletiš dan pre nego što si poleteo!
DeleteDa li ovde iko cita i gleda sta pise? Decko Tzar - ako iz JFK poleti u 07:40 ne moze sleteti u BEG u 22:30 sledeci dan, moze sleteti samo ISTI dan. Hvala na informaciji sta znaci +1. Pobogu ljudi, ukljucite mozak. Pozdrav
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteДечко Тзар - jel bih mogao dobiti neki primer leta koji sleti -1 ? :) Mozda si mislio na letove koji slete vremenski ranije nego polete, ali to se desava samo na letovima iz Azije ili Australije ka Zapadnoj Americkoj obali. Ti letovi imaju vremena sletanja ranija nego vremena poletanja. Jedino letovi npr iz Novog Zelanda i to oni koji polecu pre podne za Honolulu npr. mogu sleteti -1. :)To je zbog prelaska medjunarodne datumske linije. HOcu reci da mnogo letova ne postoji sa -1. Uslov je da polece do podne ili oko podne, inace ce sleteti isti dan, nikako -1. Jako me zanima vase iskustvo sa sletanjam -1 dan. pozdrav
DeleteJU501 JFK2040 – 1130+1BEG 330 6
DeleteOvo deluje ok, a
JU501 JFK0740 – 2230+1BEG 330 4,7
izgleda da je neko pogrešio za +1.
Željko baš tako za -1, ja sam leteo sa Air New Zealand AKL-HNL, let je bio jutarnje poletanje iz AKL i sletanje popodne u HNL, a kad pogledaš na kalendar vratio sam se dan unazad!
Што се тиче -1, сећам се да је био лет који је полетео из Јапана 01. јануара а слетео на Хаваје 31. децембра претходне године. :)
DeleteIpak je dosao kraj ''dusebriznika'' koji svojim iznosenjem svoje istine trudeci se da razuvere svakog ko procita njihovo pisanje. Istini za volju, ANT Beograd za sada nije mnogo odmakao od izgleda spoljne strane terminal iz osamdesetih godina. Naravno gledajuci sa prednje strane, gde putnici ulaze u zgradu. Prosao je zavrsni kontrolni ispit bezbedonosne agencije iz USA. Za sada verujem da izuzev Budimpeste, Bukuresta i Atine, u ovom delu Evrope drugi nemaju takav nivo. Ostaje da se vidi u ovoj godini pocetak radovan na Tesli, kao i Kraljevackoj Moravi u sistemu nove agencije Aerodromi Srbije. Da ponovim da je ova godina, godina novog razvitka aerodromske infrastructure Srbije. Uz prvi let Er Srbije na liniji BEG✈JFK, daj Boze veliki napredak civilnom vazduhoplovstvu, ove zemlje u pokretu ka napretku. Uz zelju da i drugima bude dobro.
ReplyDeleteiz sucanog februarskog Kraljeva svima dobro
Rodney & Son. KVO✈SYD
Radovane, a sta je sa ZAG i sa najmodernijim i najlepsim terminalom u ovom delu Evrope? Ne budite toliko subjektivni!
Delete@10:31 Radovanov post se odnosi na današnju temu a ZAG to danas nije.
DeletePostovani Anon 10:31 AM. O Zagrebackom terminal bice na ovom Beogradskom blogu jos dosta reci. Koliko mi je poznato taj terminal se zavrsava u drugoj polovini ove godine. samo prije otprilike desetak dana sam dao compliment tome objektu koji se zavrsava. Na moj tekst neko anoniman mi je odgovorio ''Hvala Rodney na vasu objektivnost I iskrenost''... To mozete pronaci i sami da proverite. Moje osnovno opredeljenje jeste da ne kritikujem nekog ili nesto sto se nalazi u novim drzavama nastalim na rusevinama propale drzave. Pod tim principom nije Srbija. Nju kritikujem ili hvalim kada zivim preko zime ovde u Otadzbini. U zadnjih 50 godina nikada nisam ruzno govorio o zemlji u kojoj sam rodjen. O ostalim Balkanskim drzavama takodje. Kako je zlo u tome? Svako Vam dobro. Uzivajte uz gradnju vaseg novog Zagrebackog terminal.
DeleteSpozdravom Rodney. KVO✈SYD
Rodni, od kad je ovo Beogradski blog? I 'njihov' Zagrebački terminal? Ko su naši, a ko su njihovi? MZLZ će bit najmodernija luka u ovom delu Europe, bez daljeg.
DeleteI što niste ovde (Kraljevo) leti? A u Australiji (Melbourne) zimi? Nije mi jasno.
Odnosno Sydney.
DeleteThe question remains - will Air Serbia become a Signatory Visa Waiver Program (VWP) Carrier? They have to sign the I-775 form - Visa Waiver Carrier Agreement with CBP and the I-420 form with information on aircraft participating in the program. Without becoming a Signatory Visa Waiver Program (VWP) Carrier all those passengers who normally do not require a visa for the US but only an electronic authorization (most of the EU, Australian, Japanese etc. citizens) would require a full fledged visa when traveling to the US on Air Serbia. This of course does not concern Serbian citizens as they require a visa anyway but it's my guess that Air Serbia is hoping for a lot of transfer passengers from Greece, Slovenia, Czech Republic etc.
ReplyDeleteI am sure JU completely forgot about this and they will have 50% of each flight rejected at JFK passport control and deported back on the same plane.
DeleteIn fact, I think this is Kondic's secret plan to achieve high LF on the route.
JAT has signed VWP Carrier Agreement with CBP, so all is fine!
DeleteI-775 bijela i zelena karta se ne koriste već 4 godine. Imaš ESTA program sada koji popuniš na netu i to je to.
Deletenenade mislim da nisi razumeo, nije korisnik iznad mene pricao o tome o cemu ti pricas...Ti pricas o I-94 i I-94W forms koje vise ne postoje. Tacnije I-94w ne postoji zbog Esta, a I-94 ne postoji zbog automaticzacije procesa preuzimanja podataka od avio kompanija-API/PNR. Takodje za land border ti obrasci postoje i dalje.
DeleteKorisnik je pricao da svaki Air prevoznik mora biti potpisnik VWP Carier liste. poz
Zeljko F, Air Serbia has to renew it under the new name.
DeleteNenade, radi se o ugovorima koje potpisuje avio-kompanija sa CBP. Uopste ne pricam o kartoncicu koji je ukinut a koji su popunjavali putnici i ciji broj je bio I-94. Ugovori su broj I-775 i I-420.
OK,so,there will be three years until these flights become profitable. Also if they launch 2 more transatlantic routes, they will be profitable exactly when?
DeleteBut you can still relax :)
Lets wait and see. Unless you are Baba Vanga and see into the future, I think we can end this discussion on profits and no profits. Every new destination takes time to mature, you didnt exactly discover America with your comment. Some mature faster, some slower. You never know if you never go.
DeleteTickets are already on sail. Price is 50600RSD, which would something like 412 EUR
Official sale has not begun. They are mostl being trialed on book engines. I would wait like the article says thursday morning.
DeleteFrom where is this info?
DeleteOfficial sale has not begun as it would be on Air Serbia's website.
DeleteWell its definetly good to have direct flights to USA, but still dont understand how they will operate that flights with only one jet.
ReplyDeleteBecause it's more economical and it's only for prestige.
DeleteThis is just a political project which has no real economy background. At the end of a day someone (read taxpayers) will (MUST) cover an idea of a man who loves aviation and as such willing to put all in to jepardise whole company...no I am not a hater but just an observer who thinks that this project is someones fetish
ReplyDeleteWell said. There are many other projects in Serbia where the government should have invested in. I just feel sorry for the tax payer because they are the ones who will have to pay for one mans dreams. Most of the tax payers can't even afford to fly. They should have waited a few more years with these flights. Prestige costs money.
DeleteYou can't be called a hater because what you wrote above was what our prime minister said yesterday. He called this flights a prestige and a way to increase investment from the US- since you know, there was no other way for American businessmen to get to Belgrade. ;)
DeleteAlso, the timeframe for reaching profitability was increased from two to three years.
There was always a way to get to Beg. Change of planes somewhere in Europe. Most people, if the chose to fly to Beg via JFK, will have to change planes in JFK. ie pssengers from ORD,DTW, LAX etc. So what's the difference if they change at a European Airport or at JFK?
DeleteActually, there is a difference. Transferring at a US airport is a horrible experience as most airports are ugly with an outdated infrastructure. Going via most European airports is much better. Not to mention that JFK is one of the most chaotic airports around.
DeleteThere was always a way to get to Beg. Change of planes somewhere in Europe. Most people, if the chose to fly to Beg via JFK, will have to change planes in JFK. ie pssengers from ORD,DTW, LAX etc. So what's the difference if they change at a European Airport or at JFK?
DeleteLet's not forget the horrible experience of having to check in your bag at JFK (or any other US airport). This route should be for passengers getting off at New York, not for continuing their journey to some other destination.
DeleteORD should be served via Air Berlin, not JFK.
Must also add this. What about the passenger who wants to travel from Sofia, Bucahrest or even Athens to Chicago. Why would they go via Beg only to have to transfer in JFK again. This just increase the chance of lost luggage, missed connections etc. This works the same way when coming back. Be better to transfer via a European airport. It is not as though there aren't any direct flights to ORD from European centers.
DeleteI don't think JU would be after two-stop-connections. For people originating in Sofia, they would be after those who are getting off at JFK.
DeleteSerbian tax payers already pay for many things that they see little in return ie Railways.
DeleteAs for 2 stop connections, it already happens in the JU network, it is not uncommon to see AUH with transfer pax bound for another connecting flight ie PRG-BEG-AUH-BKK.
Lets see how the flights go, it could be good it could be bad. AUH last year was a poor performing destination, now all flights are filling well over 75%. Last week was 100% in economy and 6/8 in business on a flight i took.
Other then pax figures, cargo is constantly on the rise which on its own brings alot of money. JFK could be a great cargo destination.
Najviše volim ove šta pričaju kako se od njihovih poreza plaća JFK i koje štošta, pa nije vlada Srbije sada toliko bogata da se financira sve živo( autoputevi, željeznice, aerodromi...) Svaki projekat zahtjeva nekoliko vremens da počne da vraća pare kompaniji tako i ovaj, ni jedna aviokompanija ne pravi pare čim poleti ka nekoj destinaciju, to jednostavno ne postoji.Drugo ova linija će u sljedećoj godini već pokriti svoje troškove a od idućeg ljeta će biti i manji doprinos. Jeste politička linija pošto svi ekonomski forumi na kojima je učestvovala vlada Srbije i Amerike kao najvažniji faktor za privlačenje američkih investicija u SRB je direktna aviolinija.Nova radna mjesta su veoma bitna i mogu vam garantirati da u narednih 8 mjeseci nakon otvaranja linije JFK beg dolazi par velikih investitora u BEG čije kompanije će uposliti ogroman broj ljudi.
DeleteYeah but the railway wasn't privatized and then presented as the next best thing that happened to Serbia, JU was.
DeleteNenade, sta lupas kada je sam premijer rekao da ce trebati 3 godine pre nego sto ova linija krene da pokriva svoje troskove.
DeleteA sto se tice subvencija, Jat je privatizovan BAS iz razloga da poreski obveznici ne bi morali da placaju i da pokrivaju dugove nacionalnog avio-prevoznika. Dakle malo sta se promenilo od doba Jata. Malo sminke i to je to.
Ali naravno, sta tebe briga kada se tvoja plata ne oporezuje, sem ako nisu uveli porez na sendvic. lol
Nenade, hoćeš reći da je uvjet za američke investicije direktna linija do SAD-a? Čudi me da se ni Grci ni Mađari nisu toga ranije sjetili
DeleteA svašta:
Delete1. Linija će iduće godine da bude profitabilna. Ako je Vučić rekao da će da treba tri godine onda će da treba bar pet. Ali Nenad zna bolje od osobe koja je direktno zainteresovana za ovu liniju i aktivno je radila na njoj.
2. Zbog te linije će da dođu investicije. Jadni li su i Rumunji, i Mađari, i Bugari, i svi ostali koji nemaju liniju sa SAD jer će sada sve da ode u Srbiju umesto kod njih.
Jeli, jesu to izbori za dva meseca?
Last 3 Anons,
DeleteIs it anyhow possible that you cure your obsession with certain politicians in some specialized center for such traumas? You may find it hard to believe but not everyone in this world is obliged to share pain and bitterness with you. There are trained specialists for that. You go and you see them, they help you. Very easy. You dont ask the entire world to pay.
The EY deal was not done in the best way but it has been good so far. Yes, government funding is still there, but for similar amounts in JAT we ger Air Serbia. We went from an airline with a dilapedated mostly grounded fleet, poor
Deleteschedules and scandals to an airline that has hired alot of young Serbs, with a growing network and bringing the region many firsts (onboard wifi,dedicated lounge...). Can things be better ofcourse. Lets not forget alot has been changed and improved.
Our railways are in a poor condition, soiled with graffiti, distroyed interiors after thousands of euros were pumped into their refitting, yet nothing is done about it and respective people still get their salaries. I dont see nearly as much revolt into this as we see with Air Serbia. Are railways not important?
Vucic and the way he talks of the flights is as if he has invented sliced bread. I dont see why he needs to talk on soo much about something he doesnt know. It is not as if he is Baba Vanga to predict the future. Who knows, the flights could be a hit, it could be the worst thing ever for the airline. After all, Vucic did say we will live better in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018...
DeletePlease, don't speak if you are not familiar with the situation in the Serbian railway. New trains from both Switzerland and Russia were bought, the entire rail system towards Pancevo and then north to the Hungarian border is being completely renovated along with certain sectors south of Belgrade. Money from this is coming from the Russian loan.
Let's also not forget that Prokop was opened and trains to Novi Sad as well as Beovoz are already operating from there.
So the situation in te railway system is not as bad as you present it to be.
Even if there was no Etihad, JU would have either fixed a bit its situation (like the railway) or it would have gone belly up and Wizz Air and others would have stepped in.
DeleteJust like Vlaisavljevic is fixing the airport?
Prokop has to be fixed to make way for Belgrade Waterfront. The quality of BG:Voz is absolutely shamefull.
As for Jat going belly up, do you realistic think that what BUD did after MA went bankrupt would happen in Serbia? Doubt it.
Do you realize that the whole railway to Pancevo has been changed with new stations already built as well as new bridges? Same scenario on the sector to Hungary. What exactly are you saying? Also, haven't you noticed all the new trains from Russia and Switzerland? I really don't see what you are getting at.
DeleteNot as much as BUD but W6 would surely have at least three aircraft based at BEG and the prices would be lower than they are today. We would also have a few destinations by U2.
Sure thing. And the 1700 people working at JU and affiliated companies (catering, Su-port) would be without a job. Pilots would go abroad, technicians would go abroad...
DeleteLuckily, no one leaves Serbia, there's plenty of job for everyone...NOT!
DeleteExactly. So you would rather create a situation where even more people would leave.
DeleteThe railway to Pancevo is not complete. To the Hungarian border has not started. The new trains go on poor tracks. BG:Voz hasnt improved its schedule since opening, the interiors distroyed and im just waiting to see how long before it will be the same scenario in the new trains.
DeleteHaving just LCC would only reduce our connectivity to European capitals as well as distant destinations - SKP a good example. BA, AF and SK left way before Air Serbia. Even today there is a void left in BUD after the bankrupcy of MA. Lets not forget that Hungary is in the EU which Serbia isnt, those running BUD are doing a far better job than Vlaisavljevic and his team
in BEG, as well not to mention that Budapest sees more tourists than Belgrade. Lets not talk on the purchasing power of Hungarians compared to us in Serbia. JU expansion is more focused on the transit market. This market Budapest lost the moment MA went bankrupt.
great post, JATBEGMEL, thank you!
I've taken BeoVoz to Pancevo a few times as I live close to Vuk and the trains run regularly and are never late.
DeleteOn the inside they are quite decent but the only issue is that they are filthy. Then again, if you ride them between Pancevacki most and Batajnica you pay nothing so we can't really complain.
The fare to Pancevo is around 65 Dinars which is nothing. From what I could see, trains run every 15 to 30 minutes which is fine and as I mentioned before, they are never late- I find that quite impressive really.
Until they find an effective way to charge the passengers using Beovoz not much will change.
As far as the tracks to Hungary go, they have until April to come up with a plan on how to do it. The Russian loan will be used to modernize the railway system towards Montenegro and I think the tracks towards Romania are currently being fixed as the train to Bucharest is currently suspended. Don't know if the work being done is in Serbia or Romania.
The situation might not be perfect but it's at least moving in the right direction... slowly.
Yes, Budapest lost some destinations since Malev went bankrupt but those are some secondary destinations such as PRN, SKP, KIV,TGD... The real issue is that BUD is quite expensive to maintain with its newly opened Skycourt terminal, its two terminals (one now but back then both were functional), two runways, large aprons and so on.
DeleteRelying on lowcost carriers doesn't help to improve their financial performance but given the nature of the Hungarian market they will be fine in the long-run.
After all, no market suffered after its home carrier collapsed. The market always finds a way of taking care of itself.
Serbian Railways lose 100 million euro every year. All new trains and tracks have been financed from loans worth up to 1 billion euro.
DeleteI can only try and imagine what would happen if Air Serbia had such numbers on it. What I am certain of is that none of these railway advocates would not even think of saying something like: "OK the numbers are disaster for poor Serbian taxpayers but at least we have new aircraft, new routes, new connections..."
No, Air Serbia can and must be hated. And railways are cool no matter how much of poor taxpayers money they burn.
You guys are simply unbelievable.
Railways, just like ports, airports and so on are of strategic importance for a country, either in time of peace or war. A commercial business is different, be it an airline, bus company or an engineering company. In my opinion the best solution for Serbian railways would be to have it privatized but that won't happen.
Delete@ anonymous
Deletei see you understand where i was getting to.
@ nemjee
i agree. railways are important, however we have spent more on this bottomless hole, with little quality and little use called Serbian railways yet day after day we read of the 'spare change' that will be thrown for JFK flights.
Oh if only JU recieved as much as Serbian railways where would it be today! Imagine if BEG had that money!
I agree with you but I think that it has to do with expectations. The way I see is that your average Serb looks at our trains the same way he used to look at Jat- we love to hate them. We know not to expect much and we made peace with it.
DeleteHowever, since Air Serbia was launched it was presented as a company that made it, that was saved from the pits of economic doom and gloom. So when all of a sudden the average Serb reads that money is being poured into it he starts to complain because 'this is not the way it's supposed to be.'
And the vicious Serbian cycle begins where everyone and anyone has an opinion and doesn't mind sharing it with the world. It's unfortunate but it's how things are over here.
That's why Serbs tolerate Zelezara, ZTP and all the other failed government enterprises but attack JU with the first chance they have.
Plus there is a big difference between simply offering discounts to Air Serbia as compared to shoveling piles of cash into the railways.
DeleteEndless experts
ReplyDeleteAnonymous March 6, 2015 at 12:04 PM
These constant north American announcements are beyond pathetic and they should stop.
Anyone remotely educated knows that there is no way in Hell BEG or JU can make it happen in the next 5 years.
Anonymous March 6, 2015 at 1:54 PM
The airport simply lacks the infrastructure, not only the separation of incoming and departing passengers but also there are not enough airbridges, especially those that can handle widebodies. Air Serbia can barely replace the B733 fleet, let alone lease an A332. Not to mention that they experience so many difficulties in leasing a freaking Atr from Etihad Regional. So no. JU will NOT have any north America flights soon.
Anonymous August 10, 2015 at 6:54 PM
with the war going on between the US carriers and those from the Middle-East, how do you imagine that they will grant ASL permission to fly to the US? Are you aware of what is happening there? If yes how do you expect to give permission to a ME subsidiary?
Anonymous August 10, 2015 at 3:58 PM
Not before Summer 2017
AnonymousAugust 11, 2015 at 9:00 AM
- Delta je već banala Aer Serbiju u prošlosti, i to dok još nije bila ni izblizu toliko profilirana kompanija, zašto to ne bi napravila i sada, posebno u slučaju direktnih letova?
Anonymous May 30, 2015 at 6:12 PM
Imagine when the TSA come over to do their audit and then check out the ease of access to the airport from the back of Jat Tehnika ? Can't wait for that one
Anonymous September 28, 2015 at 4:14 PM
Gdje je avion Vucko? Pricas o avionu a nigdje ga nema. Nece biti nista od JFK, ovo je samo prazna prica tradicionalna Balkanska.
etc etc etc etc
Sorry to break it to you but you belong to the same clan of experts that you are trying to belittle.
DeleteAlso, this is not JU's doing, it's the government's. Huge difference.
Da si malo citao ovaj blog ranije, izvalio bi da avion tek u maju dolazi
Deleteno need to dramatise and make up things for your agenda.
A330 was confirmed a month ago to be A6-EYC from 9W currently flying for EY. As mentioned, it arrives in BEG in May. There is no need for it to come sooner.
Ako dolazi u Maju pretpostavljam da će imati par letova po Evropi za upoznavanje posade sa avionom?
DeleteNext month goes the first batch of crew to AUH for A330 training. There will be a select Serbian crew from EY who have US crew visas who will be transfered to JU to work along the JU crew to assist in familiarisation. JU A330 crew will also go for applying for US visas shortly. The process for visas is very quick, less than 24 hours after completing the interview.
DeleteAlso there is some JU crew already flying for EY temporarily who also have A330/A340 licences.
AS posadi neće trebati viza pošto je to regulisano ugovorom između sve zemlje. Mnoge zemlje su to uradile sa USA, zadnja na listi sa takvim ugovorom je Meksiko
DeleteNot all. I need a crew visa for flying to the US as a crew member, I have a Serbian passport. The visa is issued for 3 years.
DeleteNenade opet greska. Naravno da ce im trebati vize za putovanje u ameriku. To su radne crew vize. poz
DeleteAS posadi neće trebati viza pošto je to regulisano ugovorom između sve zemlje. Mnoge zemlje su to uradile sa USA, zadnja na listi sa takvim ugovorom je Meksiko
DeleteAko si član posade onda bi trebao da znaš da je ugovorom regulirano da će posada ulaziti na 48 sati bez viza. Možda ne prvi mjesec ali u narednim mjesecima poslje toga neće trebati. Isti ugovor kao šta je dobio i AirMexico
DeleteAko si član posade onda bi trebao da znaš da je ugovorom regulirano da će posada ulaziti na 48 sati bez viza. Možda ne prvi mjesec ali u narednim mjesecima poslje toga neće trebati. Isti ugovor kao šta je dobio i AirMexico
DeleteNenade, ne mozemo pricati ovako jer takvo nesto ne postoji. Pokazite mi link ili nesto na takve ugovore osim usmene reci. Za AS ce u pocetku leteti osoblje iz Etihada koje ima vazecu usa visu. Srdacno
Delete@ Nenad
DeleteI know for a fact Serbian crew members need a visa to travel on duty to the US, as do Croatians as well. I have a crew visa for the US. Canadians for example do not need a crew visa to the US. Serbian passport holders get crew visa for a validity of 3 years. I was also granted a multiple entry visa to the US for 10 years. The cost is just over 17.000 din an a quick process, online application and scheduling an interview in the US embassy. I got my passport back in less than 24 hours from DHL. If you like I can explain the whole process to you, or you can check online.
What you will not find online is that once you land in the US as a crew member, there is a special declaration form to fill out for crew members. First time entry also requires an additional form that is later stapled into the passport, and is stamped for each entry to the US with a different stamp as to the one stamped into the passport for pax.
volim kad objasni neko ko zna o cemu prica!! kartoncic sa imenom aerodroma i datumom :)
ReplyDeleteOS A321 in ZAG today! :)
Bravo Hrvatska!
DeleteGo Zagreb!
ReplyDeleteAtlas Air MC/CMB570 Boeing 747-446 at PRN at the moment
Being a superfan I gained notoriety as looking at all things Air Serbia through rose-colored glasses. For the record, I am being critical today. Look at the following recent statements:
ReplyDeletePM: NYC flights not profitable in the first 3 years. EY CEO: ORD and YYZ expansion possible in 2-3 years. ASL CEO: Except for specific opportunities, expansion once LF hits 80%. (Note: ASL LF approx. 64% in 2013, 67% in 2014 and 70% in 2015. At 3-4 point annual improvement, LF could hit 80% in 2-3 years). EY/JU 5 year contract expires by then. A320neo fleet delivery starts in 2018.
All those events/statements intersect at about 3 years from now. Accountants don’t want being pushed deeper in red by more expansion in 2016, delaying long haul expansion by 2-3 years sounds reasonable, so what could go wrong?
Everything. Whole region is up in arms and wants in on longhaul action by then, with Aegean, BH Air, Tarom, Transat and Air Canada Rouge possibly expanding longhaul presence in the region, plus existing airlines offering hub connections. Having only 1-2 widebody destinations for 3 years invites competition, so competitive landscape could look very different in 3 years. It makes more sense to take the advantage (and risk) and expand more aggressively to at least 3-4 North America and Far East destinations now than to play it safe, wait 3 years and realize they missed the boat for expansion. EY investment in JU makes more sense if it’s long term, so commitment beyond current term is a way to reap long term benefits from more rapid longhaul expansion. Bottom line: don’t wait 3 years, commit to long haul and aggressively expand now.
Kinda makes sense
DeleteIn my opinion there are two key markets in the Balkans that JU needs to take care of: IST and ATH.
DeleteThe former is, for obvious reasons, well covered and it won't be easy securing a share of the market there.
Air Serbia needs to fight hard so as to cement its position in Athens. Delta upped its game with almost double daily JFK flights and United is returning with daily EWR flights.
Given that both of these airlines operate seasonally into Athens, it will be of paramount importance for JU to work hard during the winter months so as to increase its brand-awareness in the Greek market. Suspending night flights to ATH after the summer months will not longer be an option.
Could JU extend its codesharing with A3 into something stronger and use Aegean's network feed for the JFK flight or A3 is too loyal to Star Alliance to do that?
DeleteI think JU and A3 should definitely cooperate but Aegean is the one that is not really interested. I think it's because JU wanted them to feed their network beyond Belgrade which is a bit funny if you look at their sizes and at the fact that A3 has been expanding rather aggressively throughout Europe. It would have made more sense if JU offered to feed their regional and Middle Eastern network.
DeleteThe real issue is that for JU to become interesting for A3, they need to up their game. ATH is very competitive and Aegean already cooperates really well with Turkish Airlines, Lufthansa and United. I am sure that they held talks with A3 before launching the EWR flights.
Aegean is rapidly growing and they will be doing it at least until 2019. Last year alone they added 8 aircraft to their fleet! If I remember correctly three were factory fresh.
Good info Nemjee, thank you.
DeleteYou are welcome.
DeleteI have been regularly checking the news on the future BEG-JFK route. I am definitely with mixed feelings.
ReplyDeleteFrom one hand it's really a positive thing to see BEG as the sole capital in CEE with direct flights to NYC besides WAW and ATH. On the other hand, I am not sure if they will be able to maintain continuous traffic relying on smaller markets such as RS, MK, HR, RO, BG where the bigger boys already present such as LH, OS, TK, AF/KL, etc.
It is also highly unlikely that someone from Paris or Stockholm for example fly to JFK via BEG.
OTP used to have a direct flight to NYC which didn't exist for long, SOF used to do NYC in the Balkan Airlines era, BUD used to have BUD-JFK thanks to MA, currently no carrier is serving it having more than twice the traffic of BEG.
But hey, lets be more optimistic and to wish JU a good start!
Pozdrav from Sofia again.
Just a small addition, Delta used to serve both Budapest and Bucharest. I don't remember when they suspended BUD but OTP was cancelled in winter 2008.
DeleteCorrect Nemjee. Not sure why BUD doesn't have a direct flight to NYC though. There are 1m+ Hungarians in US.
DeleteBesides, JU apparently decided not to no longer fly to BUD which is sad.
Lets not dramatize and see this summer! =)
True but I am sure they will be back once the economic situation in Hungary improves. Delta is certainly the most adventurous among the US carriers so who knows.
Delete"The economic situation in Hungary improves"??? Do you have an idea of the size of Hungarian economy? Are you on drugs?
No, I am not on drugs but thanks for your concern.
DeleteIf you go back and read what I wrote you will notice that I didn't write the economy of Budapest but that of Hungary. Huge difference.
Lots people from Western EU on LOT North American flights.