Adria grows fleet

Adria Airways has leased a Bombardier CRJ900ER aircraft, making it the seventh jet of its type in the carrier’s fleet and the second plane to join the airline this year. The aircraft, registered ES-ACB (pictured above), was previously operated by the now defunct Estonian Air and has been stored in Tallinn since November. It operated its first revenue service on Adria's behalf yesterday, between Ljubljana and Vienna. The 88-seat aircraft is five years old and will be leased by the carrier throughout the summer season. Its addition is in line with previous statements made by Adria's new owners, 4K Invest, that the fleet would be expanded with the addition of "several Bombardier jets" during the year. In January, the Slovenian carrier added a second CRJ700 to its fleet.

Despite Adria's plans to retire its aging CRJ200 aircraft during the first quarter of the year, the jet is now expected to remain with the carrier until further notice and has been scheduled on several routes this summer. The airline's former CEO, Mark Anžur, recently said that Adria was looking to add two planes during the year, indicating that one would be a Bombardier and the other an Airbus aircraft. However, he added that the airline needed to strike a balance between demand for more seats in the summer and weak winter demand. With the latest addition of the CRJ900, the Slovenian carrier plans to operate a total of twelve aircraft this summer - one CRJ200, two CRJ700 s, six CRJ900s and three Airbus A319s. An additional CRJ900 is being leased out through much of the season.

Last month, Adria concluded a short-term wet lease of one its CRJ900s to Air Serbia. The jet will operate for the Serbian carrier with Adria crew from June to September. The aircraft in question, registered S5-AAV, is just three years old and is currently being leased to CityJet, which is using it to operate flights on SAS Scandinavian Airlines' behalf. Adria Airways boasts the youngest fleet of any national carrier in the former Yugoslavia, with its average age at 9.3 years old. The airline recently announced the suspension of three routes and the cancellation of its planned new service between Ljubljana and Cologne. However, it will launch two new services from Poland, from Lodz and Olsztyn respectively.

Photo credit: Miha Žnidar


  1. Anonymous09:04

    Interesting. I believe this is the first extended range CRJ900 they are operating right?

    1. yes it's the first ER in the fleet ;)

    2. Anonymous14:28

      WHat's the range of the er version? Could they possibly use it for charters as well?

    3. Anonymous14:30

      And speaking of charters will Adria go ahead with those Austria-Greece flights that were announced here a while ago?

  2. Anonymous09:06

    Great news Adria! Congratulations.

  3. Anonymous09:10

    I would really like to know the story behind the lease to Air Serbia. What I'm hearing from the airline is that it was not done on standard commercial terms. Adria is not getting paid anything for it and the deal is much more complicated than it seems.

    1. Anonymous09:30

      This deal is in lieu of the debt owed by Adria to JAT, during the SFRJ period. Adria will not get paid, as it is a compensation.

    2. Anonymous09:33

      Apparently, it's something to do with a law suit dating back to the 70's. It is some sort of compensation.

    3. Anonymous09:35

      Thanks. I realize neither of them would be willing to talks about it publicly.

    4. Anonymous13:18

      Air Serbia is a clandestine Star Alliance member :D

    5. Anonymous17:05

      How do you figure that ? if anything, i would've said they were an "honorary" member of Skyteam, since they have tie-ups with Alitalia, Air France, KLM and Aeroflot

  4. Anonymous09:12

    Koja je logika da Adria unajmljuje dodatni CRJ900, a da istovremeno u špicu letnje sezone iznajmljuje jedan CRJ900 srpskoj kompaniji. Da li neko upućen u ovu problematiku može to da objasni ? Pitanje se odnosi i na administratora bloga.

    1. Anonymous09:34

      Dogovor sa JU je rezultat nekih dugova, bili su prinudjeni da to tako rese. U suprotnom taj CRJ ne bi bio iznajmljen.

  5. Anonymous09:14

    Any chance of Adria purchasing some C series planes? That would be fantastic.

    1. Anonymous10:44

      Hope so...


    2. Anonymous17:01

      Of course, buying BRAND NEW aircraft when company is barely surviving is always a fantastic thing. Like Adria's A319 leasing contracts that they are trying to get out of for the past 5 years.

      What advantage would CSeries have over CRJ900? Oldest CRJ900 is 9 years old at the moment, and the LF doesn't warrant a larger aircraft on many of their routes (since they are still using CRJ200 and nowadays even CRJ700). Fuel costs at this oil prices aren't even remotely an issue. Plus, a lot of technical problems with CRJ900 are now a thing of the past (namely flaps lock) and the aircraft can be considered quite a reliable one.

      Sure, it's nice to have new aircraft, but only if you can afford it and you have a market for it. And Adria has neither.

  6. Anonymous09:19

    Ja obožavam CRJ-200, penzionišu ga, najmanje, zadnje dve godine, te ostaje do kraja letnjeg, te do kraja zimskog reda letenja, ali deda se ne da!

  7. Anonymous09:20

    So Adria now has one aircraft more than OU?

    1. Anonymous09:41

      Technically speaking, their fleet size will be the same when OU leases the Fokker 100 but in reality Croatia Airlines will be operating one aircraft more, since one of Adria CRJ900s will be leased out to other airlines through the summer like the article says.

  8. Anonymous09:21

    Adria is in an interesting position, possibly it could become the only ACMI operator in Europe offering mid size regional jets other than avros. Whether or not there's a market for them is another story...

    1. Anonymous17:02

      There isn't, the only ACMI market is for high-capacity B734/B738/A320 and even that mainly only for the summer season.

  9. JU520 BEGLAX09:22

    JP would like to get rid of the A319s, but that s not easy since they there is a Leasing Agreement signed. Goal is to become an all CRJ Operator with the main Focus on CR9

    I personally like their CR9 especially the seat pitch on the Emergency Exit seats

    1. Anonymous09:24

      Makes sense with Adria Tehnika being the regional CRJ service facility.

    2. Anonymous09:27

      Do you know maybe until when the Airbus contracts expire?

    3. Anonymous09:36

      It's a shame JU doesn't have the necessary cash but they could have taken over the lease from JP. They desperately need more A319s for the summer season.

    4. JU520 BEGLAX09:40

      I would Need to ask. Not sure if it s 10 years. Maybe Miha Znidar knows, he posted today and also provided the photo of todays Topic. He s quite Close to JP

    5. Anonymous17:08

      JU would never take over JP's lease of their A319 - it is almost twice as much as what JU are paying for their cheapest A319.

      It was a bad deal that JP entered into and now they are stuck with it because no one will take on a lease at the amount they are paying for it.

    6. Anonymous18:24

      Yes but JU could renegotiate the deal, I am sure the leasing house would prefer to have JU operate them than JP.

    7. Anonymous19:08

      How come JU was able to get it at such a cheap rates?

    8. Anonymous21:43

      That's the benefit you have when you are part of a group that makes purchasing decisions toegther

  10. Anonymous10:09

    OT: JU A330 will be painted and shown in AUH in the next two weeks.

    1. Anonymous13:20

      will it be test flown to BEG soon?

    2. Anonymous14:27

      Well done air serbia,bravo!!I'm from greece and yesterday I booked 2 tickets to New York(leave on 20th of september and return on 30th of septemper).Great price 447 euros each and great time connections via belgrade!Keep on the good work!

  11. Anonymous11:52

    Did they change the interior on the plane to JP seats or are they using the ones from Estonian Air?

  12. the seats are in blue color the same like AAU and AAV

    1. Anonymous12:37


    2. JU520 BEGLAX13:46

      Cool. Vesna and AAU hve comfortable seats

  13. Anonymous12:24

    Any news about QR flights to SKP?

    1. Anonymous12:25

    2. Anonymous14:14

      It will be a non-stop?

    3. Anonymous14:15


    4. Anonymous21:03

      but on their website i don't see any direct flights. All the options are via Rome, Vienna and Zagreb.

    5. Anonymous08:59

      In the link I posted it says that flights are still no on sale. Since they start in October there is still quite a lot of time.

  14. Anonymous13:11

    Mozda JP bude imala srecu pa ce da leti letove za SKi LH .

  15. Anonymous14:38

    OT Ryanair opens its 84th base in Prague! Let's hope for some ex-YU routes,
    especially BEG.

    1. Anonymous14:41

      Prosečna cena karte BEG-PRG-BEG skoro na nivou
      prosečne plate u Srbiji i to se klackaš u propelercu skoro tri sata. AT75
      troši smešnu količinu goriva, koje je sad jeftino skoro kao voda. I do VIE
      može da se uhvati za 100 do 120 eur. oza PRG je skoro nemoguće naći ispod
      200, toliko je prosečna cena karte za LCA koja je duplo dalje ali na LCA
      imaju konkurenciju.

    2. Nemjee14:43

      Најгоре је то што је просечна карта до Ларнаке свега 140 евра а лети се два
      сата и двадесет минута. Праг је у просеку 220 до 240 евра а лет траје 01.40
      са Атром.

      Нажалост ЈУ неће добити конкуренцију у скорије време на овој линији тако да
      ће цене остати непромењене.Праг је дестинација где сигурно могу да напуне
      А319 али шта вреди када немају слободних

    3. Anonymous16:15

      Možda su u Pragu skupi troškovi aerodroma,pa i to utječe na cijenu karte.

    4. Anonymous17:21

      PRG se dobro puni pa moze da se odrzava takva cena .

    5. Anonymous18:20

      Da je skup aerodrom ne bi FR otvarao bazu a ne bi ni W6 imao jedan stacioniran avion tamo. Fora je u tome sto JU sama a trziste postoji, dakle moze im se. Uz sve to, PRG je dosta daleko da bi ljudi isli kolima kao sto je to slucaj sa VIE ili ZAG, pa cak i sa LJU.

    6. Anonymous19:07

      Таксе на PRG износе скоро 30 Евра по путнику.
