Ryanair to launch new Podgorica flights

Europe's largest low cost airline, Ryanair, will introduce services from Berlin Schonefeld Airport to Podgorica later this summer. It comes just a day after the carrier announced it would launch flights from the German capital to Niš. Services between Berlin and Podgorica will also operate twice per week, each Thursday and Sunday afternoon, starting September 4. Further details are available here. The new route will complement the airline's existing flights from Charleroi and London Stansted to the Montenegrin capital and faces no competition. Germany has become Ryanair's fastest growing market, with the airline to offer more flights than any of its competitors from Berlin Schonefeld Airport this coming winter season.

Ryanair has enjoyed success in Podgorica so far and was the first low cost airline to enter the Montenegrin market. Since launching services there in 2013, it handled over 100.000 passengers on flights to and from the city by September 2015. "We are very pleased with our Podgorica operations, which continue to perform strongly", the airline said recently. Under a three-year agreement with the Montenegrin government, Ryanair was also to launch services to Tivat. However, these never materialised. In 2013, the no frills carrier said, “This year we are introducing only one service due to capacity restrictions. However, from next year we plan to introduce flights from London, Barcelona, Stockholm and Milan to Tivat”. According to the Montenegrin government, Ryanair has not received any subsidies or incentives and is paying full landing and handling fees in Podgorica.

Last week, the Montenegrin government said it is also in talks with another low cost airline over the introduction of new flights from Italy and Germany. It added that an agreement with the yet-to-be-named carrier is to be signed soon. This summer, easyJet launched operations to Montenegro, with its first route from Manchester to Tivat, which will be followed up by a new service from London Gatwick on June 16. Last year, Wizz Air confirmed to EX-YU Aviation News it was in talks over future flights to the country. "We can confirm talks with Montenegro. However, airport costs are a problem and we have been dragged into long negotiations", Wizz CEO, Joseph Varadi, said at the time. In late 2014, Predrag Jelušić, the Montenegrin State Secretary for Tourism, said, “I believe we are very close to reaching a deal with Wizz Air to launch flights from Montenegro to Germany and Poland”. Just a few days ago, Tivat Airport's new General Manager, Jovan Mačić, noted, " In addition to significant growth in charter flights, this season we will welcome some of the most renowned low cost airlines such as Ryanair, easyJet and Wizz Air".


  1. Anonymous09:03

    Wow... These are some great news. They are on a roll. Let's hope they add more flights out of OSI soon!

    I guess most passengers to Berlin used to connect in VIE & BEG?

    1. Anonymous09:30

      FCO as well, AZ flies into MNE and they were quite aggressive.

  2. Anonymous09:04

    wow after practically ignoring the region it's great to see Ryanair starting up new flights. Congrats Podgorica.

  3. Anonymous09:08

    "According to the Montenegrin government, Ryanair has not received any subsidies or incentives and is paying full landing and handling fees in Podgorica."

    Hahahahaha, I'm pretty sure Ryanair is in love with Podgorica, that must be the reason!

    1. Anonymous09:17

      The Montenegrin government is known for its honesty :D

    2. Anonymous09:19

      One could say the same about the Serbian government! ;)

    3. Anonymous09:22

      What does that have to do with anything today?

    4. Anonymous09:57

      well they were lying for years that Wizz did not get any subsidies in Belgrade, and that we found it was totally opposite.

    5. Anonymous10:00

      That's true

    6. Anonymous10:33

      thats not true. subsidies granted to wizz were of public domain at the time of granting (newspaper articles). it was the new serbian SNS govt. that used this to put the ex belgrade airport manager in jail as if subsidies are a criminal offence..

    7. Anonymous10:35

      The problem was that at the time subsidies were not regulated.

    8. Anonymous10:42

      W6 got cheaper prices at BEG, not cash as was the case with JU.

    9. Anonymous11:25

      W6 got .. wait for it .. 2 EUR discount per passenger in order to promote tourism. SNS used a bundled up figure to blow the story out of proportion and remove an opposition figure out of the way.

    10. Anonymous12:03

      the guy was for a few months in jail while "investigation" was ongoing and now i think he is awaiting trial. He was a DS nominated airport manager...

    11. Mali Marko L.12:37

      For sure it was not just 2 EUR, because for 2 EUR Wizz would not remove one plane from Belgrade and cut 50% of capacity (sack employees, bigger cost for one plane instead of two, compensations, bad marketing...).

    12. Nemjee12:57

      It wasn't just the two Euros, if I remember correctly Wizz Air also got to use the airbridges free of charge and so on. The CEO was angry because Jat was always late with its payments and he actually wanted to speed up their demise so that W6 and other airlines could move in.

      Just a note, he wasn't in DS, he was a member of the G17 party and he was proposed by the ex-health minister.

    13. Anonymous13:38

      No Mali Marko, they didn't remove it due to losing the 2 EUR discount, but the new pricing scheme introduced in Jan that year which provided a completely skewed playing field in Air Serbia's favor. Now, we can play dumb and pretend it never happened. Fair play to you guys, I'm not getting into that debate ever again.

    14. Anonymous13:39

      Anyways, Nemjee knows best. +1

    15. Anonymous13:55

      Anon 1.39

      Air Serbia? Did you mean skewing the field in favour of Wizz Air?

    16. Anonymous14:10


      AIP Jan 2014.

    17. Anonymous14:15

      What's AIP?

    18. Anonymous14:35

      He and Nemjee didn't make any sense so he is using acronyms to distract you.

    19. Anonymous15:15

      Standard aviation acronyms, mind you, learned during years of exposure to airlines very relevant to the topic. Which clearly shows who the impostor here is.


  4. Anonymous09:09

    Wizz AIr must be kicking themselves for not opening up flights to Montenegro sooner. If they start flying there they will now have to deal with Ryanair and Easy jet.

  5. Anonymous09:14

    They are making it harder for Etihad to help Montenegro Airlines, also Air Berlin and Air Serbia.

    1. Anonymous09:54

      Three airlines that would have long since ceased to exist on the free market. Subsidies and unfair elevated treatment gets old, eventually.

  6. Anonymous09:25

    Looks like Wizz Air managed to annoy too many governments by demanding too much. It's all unravelling... shareholders, employees... beware!

    1. Anonymous09:31

      That policy could have worked until now, that is while they were the dominant lowcost player in ex-YU. Now when they have competition it will be much harder to keep on playing that game.

    2. Anonymous09:31


    3. Anonymous09:36

      Wizz Air should be smart and to launch flights from Tirana. Even if the airport is not the cheapest they shouldn't care because Ryanair won't.

    4. Anonymous09:47

      ^ That might actually happen. Tirana was sold just a few days ago to the Chinese. Also the crazy exclusivity clause, where Tirana was the only airport in Albania that could have traffic was dropped a few days ago as well. That gives Kukes airport in the north near Kosovo a chance which is where Wizz Air wanted to focus I think.

    5. Anonymous09:51

      I think that FR or W6 could immediately announce a base. Ryanair could make a killing from Kukes on routes to Italy and Germany. It could also make it more difficult for W6 to expand in OHD.

  7. Anonymous09:51

    OT: Air Serbia A330


    1. Nemjee10:04

      The livery looks really nice on the A330! They were smart to put those billboard titles, unlike Alitalia which messed it up.

    2. Anonymous14:32

      Interesting article:


    3. Anonymous14:43

      Somehow I can't believe what writes in that article can be true. I am sure the Americans will not sabotage this.

    4. Anonymous14:48

      Kako ovo moze biti istinito? Zar se nije pricalo kako je dobijena dozvola i sama JU je skinula naznaku sa sajta. Ne znam, nekako mi je cudno.

    5. Anonymous14:50

      Well DELTA and United or America (I dont remembe), did have objections to Air Serbia flying to US, if I remember correctly.They do have an influence in governing and regulatory institutions

    6. Anonymous14:58

      You do not remember correctly. Delta had an objection to JU placing codes on Etihad flights from Abu Dhabi to US in 2013. The DoT has approved JUs license and if you look at JUs docket you will see that no one lodged any complaint against them flying to the US. In fact the DoT says that in its final order to issue the license. Also, JU has signed an agreement with AA.

    7. Anonymous15:05

      You make it sound as if JU and AA signed an ATI when all they did sign was a meaningless interline which JU already had with DL.

    8. Anonymous15:29

      Čivijaš očajnički pokušava da hejtuje Er Srbiju, sigurno nije mu lako kad je video ofarban avion. Da je makar pročitao DoT doket video bi da je pitanje efektivne kontrole rešeno pa ne bi pisao nebuloze.

    9. Anonymous19:00

      Jet is asking his A330 back because they want to use it on JFK flights. At the end it will be in Belgrade but just till winter. Etihad offered Air Serbia their old A330 with problems of statics, but Air Serbia refuse. They also offered A340, but Air Serbia also refuse because of huge exploitation costs.

      In Air Serbia is state of emergency because of that!

      You don't have to believe me but you will see that this A330 will not be in Air Serbia for long.

    10. Anonymous19:51

      Does that mean they will not fly to JFK in the winter? :( Old doesn't necessarily mean bad, why is JU acting so patriotic? Better this than nothing!

    11. Anonymous19:52

      ex yu admin, I would appreciate if you could provide us with some insight in regards to the details that Aviatica posted in today's article. I find this site as the most credible place when it comes to aviation in ex yu and it would be great if you could confirm whether the info in the article above is correct.

    12. Anonymous19:53

      "Old doesn't necessarily mean bad, why is JU acting so patriotic? "
      its not about age, but the fact that aircraft has issue, reading the comment above yours carefully

    13. Anonymous20:25

      I hope A330 will not be with Air Serbia for long. Airplanes like 787, A330NEO or A350 should be ordered instead.

    14. Anonymous20:55

      No one is crazy enough to paint and reconfigure the plane for only 6 months flying. If anyone's gonna be in the lookout for a new plane, then that's Jet Airways. It would be incredible responsible from Etihad and all parties involved to have arranged this without a long-term commitment.

    15. Anonymous20:57

      @7:00PM - What is 'problem of statics'?

    16. Anonymous21:46

      Problem sa statikom :) lol :)) voleo bih da saznam koji to Etihadov A330 "već duže vreme" boravi u hangaru ;)

    17. Anonymous23:26

      Losa laz pred izbore ali svi znamo da ne znate nista osim da lazete .

    18. Anonymous23:48

      I jos nesto je zaboravio doticni da je 9W premestio svoj Evropski Hub iz BRU u AMS i potpisao ogroman strateski ugovor sa DL-KL i ukidaju dalje letove za EWR i jos nesto na tim letovima ce da koriste A330-300 ali dobro mora nesto da se pise.

    19. Anonymous00:50


    20. Anonymous03:58

      That article is even below M.Brkic level. Most errors were already pointed out, but the nonsense about already painted JU A330 in danger of being revoked and replaced with A340 is just awful. The truth is that Etihad has A340 in AUH that Air Serbia has access to in case of A330 being AOG for a prolonged time. It's simply a backup plane, and ASL CEO talked about it in T6 interview.

      That site can't be trusted at all and I can't believe respectable airlines are advertising on it.

    21. Anonymous19:29

      Jet have changed their plans regarding transatlantic flights in the last 2 months. Probably this have caused this mess.

  8. Purger10:00


    5 novih baza Ryanaira imaju samo jednu jednu zajedničku crtu, svi su baze Wizzaira. Bucharest, Prag, Sofia, Timisoara i Vilnius. U svima njima Ryanair je krenuo žestoko i najavio desetke tjednih letova odjednom. Tako je primjerice Ryanair u Sofiji odjednom otvorio nevjerovatnih 21 liniju (do tada nisu ni opsluživali Sofiju). Kako Wizzair trenutno leti 26 linija iz Sofije jasno je da Ryanair udara žestoko odmah od samog početka. Odgovor Wizza je relativno mlačan. Tek 3 nove linije.

    No i u drugih zračnim lukama, pa čak i gdje nemaju baze, Ryanair kreće u rat sa Wizzairom. Zadnji primjer je iz našeg susjedstva gdje je u Nišu Ryanair odlučio krenuti sa letovima iako je Wizzair tamo tek početo letjeti i ima tek nekoliko tjednih letova.

    U Modlinu (LCC luka pokraj Warsawe) Ryanair je već uspio izbaciti Wizzar. Naime, Wizzair je letio za Warsaw Chopin pa se odlučio preseliti u Modlin. Nakon toga u Modlinu je bazu otvorio i Ryanari što je rezultiralo povlačenjem Wizza i ponovno seljenje u WAW Chopin.

    No, i Ryanair ima neuspješan rat u Budimpešti. Iako je 2012. Ryanair imao veći tržini udio (23,2% sjedala) u Budimpešti od Wizzaira (20,8% sjedala), te gotovo isti broj destinacija (Ryanair 30, Wizzair 31), Ryanair je u međuvremenu smanjio broj letova i sjedala dok je Wizz povečao. Danas je Wizza dominantan i skoro tri puta veći od Ryanaira u Budimpešti. Tako Wizza danas nudi 40 destinacija i 28,6% sjedala, dok Ryanair nudi tek 15 destinacija i 11,1% sjedala.

    Očito se Ryanair odlučio na novu strategiju i ratovati u ostalim bazama, a primiriti se u glavnoj Wizzovoj bazi.

    1. Anonymous11:17

      So far so good, 4+.

      Jedina zamerka - strategija nije nova, autor je zaboravio pogledati sta se desava u Poljskoj od 2007 naovamo. Ryanair su trenutno #1 tamo i malo je verovatno da ce ih Wizz preteci.

      Kapiram da se sada pridaje veci znacaj ovoj prici posto se prosirila na Balkan, jedno sto bombasticni naslovi i nisu toliko zasluzeni. Al to je vise kulturna karakteristika, inflacija u izrazavanju :)

    2. Purger12:46

      Pa nije baš tako. Ryanair jest preuzimao tržišta i od SkyEurope i od Vuelinga i od easyJeta, i od Wizza, no to je bilo sve pomalo i samo parcijalno. Sada se radi o strategiji Ryanaira i totalnom ratu do istrebljenja sa Wizzom (5 baza sa enormnim povečanjem u kratko vrijeme), te o ozbiljnom ratu sa easyJetom (ulazak u njihove najveće baze). Niti je to slučajno, niti su to izdvojeni primjeri. Do sada su se oni pohrvati povremeno, sa manjim obujmom, sada je krenuo planski rat.

      Ono što sam zapravo htio reči sa ovim komentarom je:

      1. Dok će trajat super za putnike, no kad završi pobjednik će to debelo naplatiti, a na račun korisnika koji će imati manje konkurencije i time i manji broj odabira, a više cijene.

      2. Danas je taktički pametno da veća zračna luka dovuče Wizzair jer možeš biti siguran da će ti Ryanair bazirati avion u roku od par mjeseci. Primjerice Zagreb kada otvori novi terminal (i omoguće mu se uvjeti da širi usluge i na LCC, što sada ne može niti kapacitetima, niti razlikom u ponudi) može stari terminal ponuditi LCC, a bilo bi više nego pametno da to da Wizzariu da bazira avion, jer će u roku odmah doći Ryanair i bazirati avion u ZAG, pa će se oba klati i sa cijenama i sa linijama, što je dobro i za putnike i za zračnu luku.

      3. Jednako tako, da sam ja management Aerodroma Tuzla ili Skopje, ništa mi ne bi bilo preće u ovom momentu nego napraviti ozbiljan sastanak u Dublinu sa Ryanairom.

    3. Anonymous13:33

      Proveri koliko baza ima u Poljskoj i koliki je ukupan saobracaj. :)

    4. Anonymous13:52

      Moze ih na kraju taj rat da kosta vise nego ostale igrace posto 1 protiv 10 tesko da moze da pobedi.

    5. Anonymous13:53

      Ali macko oni imaju ogromnu mrezu i ovek ce imati trzista gde ce biti sami i odakle ce vuci profit. Plus, upravo ce omogucavati presedanja na DY sto je super i to ce ih dodatno ojacati.
      Sta mislis, da li ima sanse da isto tako pune avione Er Srbije?

    6. Anonymous17:19

      Gospodine ja sam mislio ako se udruzi neko i protiv njih bice im nezgodno protiv 10 njih.

    7. Anonymous09:54

      Purger, hvataj:


      Originalni clanak:


  9. Anonymous10:12

    I'm just glad the Montenegrin government has finally woken up and liberlised its skies so people don't have to depend on Montenegro Airlines.

  10. Anonymous11:13

    Excellent news for Montenegro. Does Norwegian Air Shuttle fly to Podgorica or Tivat?

  11. Anonymous13:51

    HG se resio 1 A321 sad ce jos jednog steta sto jedan nije barem preuzela ASL.
    Jedina prepreka je mozda sto imaju CFM 56 Motore.
    I sve cestitke ljudima sto su farbali A330 odlicno izgleda .

    1. Anonymous13:54

      A sto ga nije JU preuzela? Bolje da su uzeli A321 od HG nego CRJ-900 od JP!!

    2. Anonymous17:20

      Ne moze CRJ i A321 uporediti samo je steta sto oni nisu preuzeli 1 .

  12. Anonymous13:58

    Good news !

  13. Anonymous14:57

    Are either W6 or FR even considering MBX? FR already flown there.

  14. Anonymous16:48

    OT: Regarding privatization of Croatia Airlines



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