Pula Airport plans new terminal


Pula Airport plans to build a new passenger terminal in the near future as part of its new development masterplan. The General Manager of Pula Airport, Svemir Radmilo, said the construction of a new 36.000 square metre facility is a key project which will fuel passenger growth. "I can already announce that this year we will overhaul the runway, which was built in 1954, upgraded in 1972 and has not been touched since", Mr Radmilo said. He added, "We will also extend the approach lighting system from the current 400 metres to 900 metres". Pula Airport recently presented its master plan for 2014 - 2039, including guidelines for the development of the airport's infrastructure and the business as a whole. Emphasis has been put on increasing scheduled and charter traffic, as well as attracting more budget carriers. The airport estimates handling some 1.5 million passengers by 2040. Its new masterplan was drafted by a consortium including the Zagreb-based IGH company and Airport Consulting Vienna. Pula Airport's existing passenger terminal was opened in 1989. It has the capacity to handle one million passengers per year. Pula Airport welcomed 118.033 travellers through its doors during the first half of 2016, an increase of 18.3% compared to the same period last year.


  1. Anonymous16:51

    hm, 36000sqm, and current one is barely half full ? Wise investment ???

    1. It's time to kick-off Svemir Vasiona Kosmos, as he laundry money. Radmir Cacic and Ostojic put Svemir. Ostojic as he is living 6 km from airport, and Ccic as he was livng in prison on pula airpot.

  2. Anonymous21:47

    verovatno se aerodrom izdrzava od dodatnih prihoda, a oni planiraju meleon i po putnika. mene bi bilo sramota da stampam ove gluposti. Radmilo sta mazne para mazne.

    1. Anonymous21:48

      planiraju 1.5 mil. 2040.

    2. kozmos, opet si bezobrazan, kao s umirućim Vladom Gotovcem.


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