Air Serbia mulls future market growth

Air Serbia plans to focus on new markets and further strengthen its network in the future, according to the President of the company's Supervisory Board, Siniša Mali. Mr Mali has also said the airline could launch additional routes to North America, following the introduction of its New York service just over a month ago. In a statement last Friday, the President of the Board said, “The fruits of hard work in the past three years are slowly beginning to show and I believe that, with the opening of new markets in the future, Air Serbia will be even bigger and more successful". He previously noted, "We are considering flights to Canada, Chicago and some other destinations. We are undertaking analysis but no decision has been made. However, it is certainly a logical continuation for Air Serbia's future development. When you have one wide body aircraft, then you open up the possibility to have another one".

The Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board and President and CEO of the Etihad Aviation Group, James Hogan, noted, "As a key partner, we remain committed to working together to strengthen its [Air Serbia's] position further. It is a successful business, making a noticeable difference to the lives of many Serbians". Commenting on Air Serbia's future plans, the head of the Etihad Aviation Group recently said, "We see more opportunity over the next five years to do more long haul flying. However, to be successful in long haul flying you have to develop a destination and tourism strategy and cooperate with stakeholders". According to OAG's traffic analyser report, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington are the busiest routes between Belgrade and the United States after New York.

Commenting on the possibility of introducing additional new points in the United States, Air Serbia's CEO, Dane Kondić, said in a recent interview, "We can't fly everywhere. We obviously chose New York as the first staging post, and we are organically growing our footprint through codeshare relationships". Mr Kondić previously noted the airline already serves all of its main markets in Europe and will therefore focus on adding more departures to existing destinations. "We serve 43 destination in Europe and the Mediterranean, and that’s a good start for our network. We carried 2.6 million people last year, compared to 1.3 million before 2013. With many of the destinations that we fly today, we want to add frequencies. We don’t see a lot more opportunity for new destinations, because our network in Europe is set", the CEO said. Air Serbia added new routes to its network this summer for the first time since December 2014, with the introduction of flights to Hamburg, Kiev, St. Petersburg, Ohrid and New York.


  1. Anonymous09:03

    I am still interested to see whether they will bring in a second A330 to the fleet over the winter though if they do it will definitely be towards the end of the season.

  2. Anonymous09:05

    'We carried 2.6 million people last year, compared to 1.3 million before 2013.'

    How many did they carry in 2014?

    'We don’t see a lot more opportunity for new destinations, because our network in Europe is set

    One more reason why everyone should ignore Mali, after all he is a politician without any relevant experience. Everything he says belongs to party propaganda. Hogan and Kondic are the ones that should be making statements.

    Also I don't see how they can say that their European market is set when there are so many more destinations they should/could serve: Venice, Lyon, Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon, Marseilles...

    Also, some routes like BRU are seriously underperforming, especially in winter.

    1. Anonymous10:18

      Venice, Lyon, Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon, Marseilles... Problem je gde bi ljudi iz tih gradova isli? Bejrut, Tel Aviv Kijev? Ima dijaspore u Lyonu ali to moze da otvara Wizz za njih dva puta nedeljno ne Air Serbia.

    2. Anonymous10:21

      Ako cemo tom logikom onda koja je svrha da JU igde leti i da vuce transferne putnike? Onda neka se jednostavno pretvore u p2p prevoznika i ciao.

      Putnici iz tih gradova bi mogli da presedaju ka celom Balkanu i ka odredjenim mestima na Bliskom istoku, to jest ka istim odredistima kao i putnici iz AMS, CDG, DUS, STR...

      Problem kod JU-a je to sto ne moze nikako da privuce veci broj transfernih putnika.

    3. Anonymous10:26

      Odakel ti te smesne ideje da ne moze da privuce transferne putnike. Barem trecina na letu za NYC su transferni i dobar deo drugih linija takodje. Odakle ideja LH da ima transferne putnike? Problem jeste gde ce ici putnici sa zapadne obale Mediterana slabo je tamo interesovanje za Balkan. Tamo nema dovoljno putnika iz Beg i okoline tokom zime a malo je cak i u sezoni.

    4. Anonymous10:35

      Naravno da su transferni putnici trecina na letu za JFK kada su prodavali karte za svega €400. Imajuci u vidu da biznis klasa zvrji prazna a da je let relativno dugacak, morace jos da porade na tome.

      Da su uspeli da privuku odredjeni broj transfernih putnika onda im red letenja ne bi oscilirao kao sto je to danas slucaj. Pogledaj samo CPH, ARN, BRU pa cak je i AMS smanjen ove zime.

      Dakle, oni nemaju svoje regularne putnike vec tokom leta kupe mrve koje su ostalima ispale. Cinjenica da su ugasili BUD a ove zime i WAW samo dokazuje koliko im slabo ide prodaja u trzistima gde nema puno O&D.

    5. Anonymous10:45

      Naravno da je cena za NYC veca za 50% u sezoni. Ni LH ni LX ne prodaju skuplje karte iz BEG. Treba popuniti flotu A380. Naravno da je AMS smanjen kada vozi njihov avion za NYC. Transferni putnici ASL dolaze sa bliskog istoka.

    6. Anonymous11:51

      Huh? Znaci hoces da kazes da se AMS smanjuje iskljucivo zbog JFK? Da li to znaci da JU ima toliko malo transfernih putnika iz AMS za BEY, LCA, ATH, SKG, IST, SOF, OTP... da ne moze da odrzi 10/nedeljnih letova sa A319?

      Kao sto si i sam rekao, AMS se smanjuje zbog JFK tako da si samo potvrdio ono o cemu sam ja i pricao sve vreme.

    7. Anonymous12:22

      Da li ti znas koliko je ASL dobijala od putnika koji su leteli preko AMS za NYC?
      Smesno malo. Bolje ista nego nista naravno ali kada vec imas svoj let po popularnim cenama prvo njega punis. Za Nizozemlje se sad leti mnogo preko Ajndhovena sa Wizzom. Ako ocekujes puno transfernih putnika iz Nizozemske stvarno... Bilo je preko Brisela i Amsterdama Jevreja koji su dolazili iz Amerike i isli dalje preko Beograda za Tel Aviv.

    8. Anonymous12:37

      Sto znaci da sam bio u pravu. Komercijala Er Srbije radi jako slabo i nije u stanju da proda brend zvan Er Serbija. Nije JU jedina koja se setila da vuce tranzite iz AMS, ima tu mnogo drugih igraca koji imaju mnogo vecu konkurenciju pa uspevaju da se izbore za putnike.

      Kada JU poboljsa prodaju, poboljsace se i popunjenost i tada ce dodati jos nekoliko nedeljnih letova. Ja sam siguran da trziste postoji za 14 nedeljnih sa A319. Ali problem je sto im drugi otimaju trziste, pocev od W6 koji pritom nije uopste tako jeftin.

    9. Anonymous12:43

      A samo bih dodao da to sto se tice prevzenih putnika za JFK, jeste, bolje sto oni sada lete direktno ali taj gubitak je morao da se nadoknadi sa drugim putnicima.

    10. Anonymous12:44

      i kada Srbi budu imali plate 1000€

    11. Anonymous12:48

      Kakve veze imaju Srbi sa strancima koji bi presedali u Beogradu?

    12. Anonymous13:05

      HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH hoces da kazes da Holandjanin ne bi presedao u Beogradu jer eto, to je Srbija? HAHAHAHHA
      On ce presedati tamo gde mu najvise odgovara i gde mu je najpolovljnije a Er Srbiju tu moze da konkurise.

      Niko nije ni rekao da prodaja odlucuje o nabavci aviona, ne izvrci diskusiju jer nemas vise argumenta.

      Prodaja mora da radi da se poboljsa brand awareness JU-a u Holandiji i kako bi neki od njih razmotrili mogucnost presedanja u Beogradu sledeci put kada budu isli za Bukurest, Sofiju, Solun, Podgoricu, Atinu, Bejrut, Istanbul...

      To o cemu ti pricas nije model Er Srbije koja je u vise navrata izjavila da planira da izgradi cvoriste u BEG-u. To podrazumeva jaci brend bas u drzavama kao sto su Holandija, Danska, Svedska, Nemacka... to jest gde gradjanima nije problem da plati €270 da leti za ATH preko BEG.

      Ubuduce zamolio bih te da pripazis na svoj ton i nacin razmisljanja, posto ispadas posebno smesan, posebno kada omasis argument.

    13. Zbog cega bi itko iz Holandije, Njemacke ili Danske u kojoj ja zivim, putovao za Athenu, Sofiu, Istanbul,Tel Aviv...etc. preko Beograda, kada imamo direktne letove za sve te destinacije??

    14. Anonymous21:33

      Zato sto to vec cine..? o<O

    15. Anonymous21:33

      Zato sto je to ucinilo 1 milion ljudi prosle godine? Najgluplji komentar odavno.

    16. Anonymous21:57

      Bas BEG odjekuje od govora Nemaca, Danaca, Holandjana, Sveda sve pirgavi plavi.

    17. Anonymous22:08

      So who is fueling the growth of Air Serbia?

    18. Anonymous22:16

      Ima odredjenih destinacija gde ima dosta transfera i to su ath, sof, prg... ali problem je to sto ima malo putnika koji poticu iz zapadne evrope.

  3. Anonymous09:06

    Didn't they speak of opportunities in Italy?

    1. Anonymous09:14

      Yes I think Florence was mentioned by Kondic some time ago. But now he says that all necessary routes are served,

    2. Anonymous09:16

      Even if they want to fly to Florence, what aircraft would they send there? The Atr?

    3. Anonymous09:17

      "There’s probably half-a-dozen to a dozen points that we could cover that we haven’t started flying to yet. In Italy, we don’t fly to Florence or Venice, for example. Each airline [Etihad Partners] is focusing on core networks now, then we’ll look for incremental opportunities", Mr Kondić said.

    4. Anonymous09:30

      They need to find a way to improve their sales so that their summer seasonal routes can survive the whole year. I mean there is no way airlines like RO or LO fly to BEG in winter but JU can't do the same in WAW, KBP or LED.

    5. Anonymous10:08

      I wonder which 6-12 destinations they see as having potential. I wouldn't have thought of Italy seeing that it is quite seasonal.

    6. Anonymous10:28

      Don't get how Florence could work. Only a few legacy airlines fly there and even Alitalia only serves Rome from there.

    7. Anonymous10:31

      I highly doubt any destination will come before Venice (as far as Italy goes).

      BUT Italy won't be a success for them until they get some regional jets. They can't even fly daily to MXP in winter.

    8. Anonymous11:05

      Amman and Kairo!

    9. Aэrologic13:03

      PS recently announced they're increasing Erevan to double daily. Teheran is daily with Boeing 737. Iran is preparing to cancel visa requirments for a number of countries. All airlines that have since launched Teheran have seen an increase, some sending wide-bodies. Venice is the most lacking destination in the regional network along with CLJ, LWO. BTS could be an alternative or an addition to VIE. Saying the European network is done is all but shortsighted. Bottom line, Air Serbia is still too small to be profitable.

    10. Anonymous13:52

      Is there an O&D market between Armenia and Kiev? What aircraft they send there?

    11. Aэrologic14:19

      Very low unlike TBS/KUT. It's almost purely transfer. They're sending a mix of 737's.

      Truth is, it makes more sense for ASL to fly to IKA than to IST.

    12. Anonymous16:05

      Evo ga ovaj opet sa svojom patoloskom mrznjom prema Turskoj.

    13. Aэrologic19:02

      You'd say that Swiss, Adria and other European airlines that pulled-out of Turkey also have a 'pathological' hatred? I do have hatred but it's not pathological, it's rather natural. You only have to follow news about Syria to understand that.

      Back to the topic. The market in Turkey is tumbling, TK is taking away pax due to its perfect schedule from BEG while PC is taking care of the Turkish O&D and lower-tier pax. JU is pretty much nowhere, both in terms of schedule and service, even pricing.

      On the other hand IKA is booming and totally underserved. Decide for yourself.

  4. Anonymous09:09

    Vucic 26.12.2015: The Serbian Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vučić, has said that Air Serbia will most likely take delivery of a second wide-body aircraft by the end of next year, adding that, "flights to New York are just the beginning".

  5. Anonymous10:07

    Like someone said first they have to make seasonal routes work ear-round and then they can consider new destinations.

  6. Anonymous10:08

    How would BEG handle 2 A330s. Would be extremely cramped.

    1. They could be at BEG at different times.

    2. Anonymous11:23

      To nema nikakve veze samo tesko lupetanje da BEG nema dovoljno mesta, pored A332 bez problema staje na gejtu A320 sa manjim rasponom krila.

    3. Anonymous11:53

      Opet ti sa tvojim 'lupetanjem'? Zar nisi dovoljo naucio kada te je Admin prosli put izbrisao?

      Pretpostavljam da je tvoj nivo znanja avijacije isti kao i u Vlaisavljevica.

      I ne, A320 ne moze da se parkira izmedju dva A332 na C, jer prvi A330 nece biti parkiran na C1 vec na C2 tako da ce zatvoriti i C3. A C4 nece moci zbog drugog A332.

    4. Anonymous12:13

      Da li si ti normalan sa svojim rasporedom parkiranja aviona. Na C1a, C3a i C5a staju knap A330 i B787 ti ocigledno ne znas da nadjes i da citas dokumetaciju. Jasno ti je valjda da lupetas.

    5. Anonymous13:19

      Vidi ove bisere:

      Druga pista na beogradskom aerodromu neophodna je, kako saznaju Novosti, zbog uvođenja direktnih letova ka SAD.
      Proširenje beogradskog aerodroma neophodno je zbog najavljenih direktnih letova ka SAD, otvaranja više novih destinacija i, za početak, dupliranog broja putnika, a uzimajući u obzir veličinu investicije, traži se koncesionar.


    6. Anonymous13:28

      Vucic opet juce rekao da traze investitora za aerodrom. Tri godine traze a mole boga da ga ne nadju.

    7. Anonymous13:51

      Dupliranog broja putnika? U poredjenju sa kojim periodom? 2002?

    8. JATBEGMEL16:11

      BEG I believe can have up to 4 widebody ac connected to air bridges (A1, C1a, C3a and C5a) while a further 11 on remote stand (B1-B7 and C7-C10).

      Currently with the JU A330 is that 2 bridges are used. For example, C5 is attached to L2 door and C6 to L1 door. C1-C4 is usable. A second A330 would have C4 attached to L1 door and C3 to L2.

      Other than the A330, BEG frequently sees the IL76 and B747. There have been a few landings with the IL96, B777 while IR used to fly in with the A300, A310 and B747SP.

    9. Anonymous16:18

      Alo bre zakacen je avion samo na jedan avio most samo odakle skupljate te vase poluinformacije.

    10. Anonymous16:50

      OMG zakacen je na jedan ali zbog velicine zauzima dva parking mesta tako da se racuna kao dva aviomosta. Aman... prestani da istrajavas u gluposti

    11. Anonymous17:18

      Ne zauzima dva parking mesta leteo sam sa njim, normalno zakacen na jedan avio most, ne zauzima svojim krilima mesto drugom avionu. To sto vi pricate je jedno takvo nevidjeno autoritarno lupetanje da nemam reci.

    12. JATBEGMEL18:07


      Searching more, I have found a pic of the A330 attached to 1 bridge (C5 from L2), you are correct.

      However, it is still possible to use 2 bridges, providing a more efficient boarding.

      @ anonymous 5,18pm

      it takes up 2 parking positions when parked at the C stands.

    13. Anonymous18:25

      To je C5a pozicija i ona ima razmak koliko su krila A332 aviona, ja stvarno ne znam dokle ce ovde da se lupetaju stvari kao da ljudi na aerodromu ne znaju svoj posao. Ja se eto za razliku od Purgera i drugih samozvanih ovdasnjih eksperata pomalo razumem u avijaciji. Vlaisavljevic je direktor aerodroma, ali ne i tehnicki kako se vec zove ta pozicija. Nema potrebe za efikasnijim boardingom vec za bolje obucenim zemaljskim posadam. Sadasnje su ocajne. Meni i jos jednom coveku su ostetili pasos i bili su smeteni sa rasporedom ukrcavanja. To je do ASL ne
      do aerodroma. Dve parking pozicije samo kada bude sletao A38O za INN.

    14. Anonymous19:52

      Kazes kako se razumes a onda posle toga napises kako aerodrom mora da poboljsa svoje zemaljsko osoblje jer su ti zaposleni u ASGSu ostetili pasos. Hmm... ASGS i BEG Ground Services su dve razlicite firme. ;)

      A fizicki, A332 zauzima dve parking pozicije, to jest prostor gde bi mogla da stanu dva A320 npr. Seti se kada je QR poslao svoj A332. Parkiran je bio na C3 ali je i C4 bio zatvoren.

    15. Anonymous21:43

      ExYu molim te da obrsise ovog majmuna koji ne zna nista o avio letovima. Idiot nema pojma gde se pokazuje sve pasos na aerodromu

    16. Anonymous22:14

      Bolje procitaj jos jednom sta si napisao pre nego sto krenes da siris primitivizam.

    17. Anonymous00:46

      Slika ne laze:

  7. Anonymous10:11

    Kakva bi perspektiva bila da Er Srbija pokrene letove za Kinu?

  8. Anonymous10:20

    Is there any chance for JU to start BEG-MBX route with ATR?

    1. Anonymous10:32

      No. The market is well served via LJU and it would be a waste of aircraft.

    2. Purger17:10

      If, and only if LJU two daily frequencies would be served so good that they should open 3rd frequency than it will be logical to open MBX instead 3rd LJU daily flight.

      But even then I am not sure that it would not be cleverer to fly one of two frequencies with A319 instead 3 ATR frequencies (2 to LJU and 1 to MBX) as 319 is much more profitable to fly (per seat).

  9. Anonymous11:41

    Nije mi jasno ovo da su zavrsili sa Evro mrezom. Ima tu jos mnogo mesta da se siri: PRN, VCE, BCN, HEL, TBS i tako dalje i tako blize.

  10. Nemjee12:15

    '- Mi obaveštavamo avio-kompanije o interesatnim destinacijama iz Niša, a ima još puno interesantnih destinacija, tako da ja očekuje već sledeće godine otvaranje više letova. Mi se trudimo da ne bude samo putnika iz Niša već da ovo bude aerodrom na kome će leteti i putnici iz drugih delova Srbije i regiona. Han, Verona, Pariz, Oslo, Cirih , London, Geteborg, a sada da li ćemo uspeti da ubedimo avio-kompanije da pokrenu letove ka ovim destinacijama ili nekim drugim videćemo. Ja mislim da hoćemo. - istakao je direktor aerodroma Niš.'

    INI also welcomed 38.000 passengers in the first seven months of the year. They are expecting some 120.000 by the end of 2016. Seems like INI is on a roll!

    More importantly, seems like BEG got some real competition.

  11. Anonymous13:11

    BEG in July 589.159 passengers of +4%.

    At least now we know why it took them so long to publish their June numbers!!

    1. Anonymous13:26

      Not enough for 5 mil in 2016.

    2. Anonymous13:36

      It's an impressive number nevertheless.

    3. Anonymous14:12

      An increase of about 22.600 passengers in july, does not worth to mention it.Sorry but 5 million pax at least for this year,not gonna happen.

    4. Anonymous17:16

      It is not concerning new routes from Air Serbia (5 of them), Wizza and others, and more frequencies on some routes.

  12. Anonymous13:33

    OT: let za Njujork od pre par dana je imao toliko putnika da su neki likovi upali u Biznis klasu, izvor - drugar

    1. Anonymous13:45

      Upali u smislu upgrade?

    2. Anonymous14:08

      Nije bilo mesta u ekonomskoj

    3. Anonymous14:18

      Ekonomska je uvek skoro puna a biznis uvek skoro prazna pa kompanija uvek moze nekoga da usreći ako je ekonomija prebukirana.

    4. Anonymous14:40

      Najbolje da usreći sebe tako što ponudi ljudima da za razuman iznos plate prelazak u sledeću klasu.

    5. Anonymous14:46

      Tada niko nece da placa punu cenu biznisa. Ovako prebukiraju let i ubace prebukirane u biznis. Jedno cudo je koliko nemate elementarnih znanja o poslovanju.

    6. Anonymous15:15

      Pa bolje da smanje gubitak tako sto ce ponuditi upgrade. Mada i dalje mislim da je biznis klasa preskupa,€5000.

      Ajde ako je prodajes za toliko iz JFK ok ali odavde ne bi smela biti vise od €3000.

    7. Anonymous16:06

      Mozes da nadjes i za 2000 jura na matrixu da se navozikas okolo.

    8. Kad smo vec kod biznisa, evo upravo sam na gejtu cekam JU501. Airserbia nudi one way upgrade za $600.

    9. Anonymous22:42

      Hvala Praguc. Da li imas dobar status ili ne? $600 upgrade iz JFK je razumno u udarnoj sezoni. Znaci nema cenkanja ili aukcije kao kod nekih drugih. Dobro, ajde da vidimo koliko ce biti upgrade po pravcu iz BEG u zimskoj sezoni, ja se nadam ispod $400.

  13. Anonymous14:25

    There's no way to process online AMEX payments in Serbia.

  14. Anonymous14:41

    This entire text is written basically for the purpose of filling up space (sorry admin!) and it doesn't give any new relevant news at all. What Mali and Vucic are saying is irrelevant to the aviation business and their sole role is to get personally richer and get Serbia in more debt (read John Parkins..he explains well how that works!). JU despite decent management still has no firm plans on the replacement of their regional fleet hence how can one talk about more destinations at this point!?! Instead of paying another 500k /month for a second A330 they could rejuvenate the entire regional fleet and indeed add some feeder destinations. This second option is top priority if they want to remain in business going forward.

    1. Anonymous15:13

      New York is here to stay, at least until Vucic is in power. By now everyone knows this was his idea and just because of that it happened.

    2. JATBEGMEL17:17

      Kondic mentioned in an interview at the start of the year that they intended to use Long Haul to help boost regional frequencies.

      There is only soo much O&D especially when the domestic purchasing power is weak.

      I don't think JU has firm plans for smaller aircraft is because they still havnt seen what will work best for them and at the same time to fit into the whole EY group. CRJ was a very cheap way in testing the additional capacity compared to the ATR and flown on routes where the ATR is also sent (SOF, TIV). Getting more ATR's may not be a solution as they have been known to be weight restricted even on the shortest flights such as SJJ, which ultimately is not good.

  15. Anonymous14:49

    Kako ja onda placam sa AMEXom?

  16. Anonymous15:03

    "However, to be successful in long haul flying you have to develop a destination and tourism strategy and cooperate with stakeholders"

    How does this smells to you? For me it smells like more money from taxpayers. Sorry that I'm being realistic and reading between the lines. Hope this won't be erased...

  17. Anonymous15:53

    OT: BEG Jul 2015/2016
    Putnika 564.629 - 589.159 +4%
    Broj avio operacija operacija +3%

    1. Anonymous18:29

      On Wednesday 27th of july there was an article about BEG airport sets for record july 2016. Really? All the fuzz about 4% increase?

    2. Anonymous18:34

      Naravno ako nesto exYu dobro radi je pracenje prometa na exYu aerodromima. Sve je ispratio.

    3. Anonymous00:09

      5 new routes of Air Sebia including JFK (just that is more than 10.000 seats)
      new routes and frequencies of other carriers

      ... that is not a good result!

  18. Koliko ljubomore još uvjek postoji kada se piše o AS. Ne znam zašto vas toliko boli uspeh jedne aviokompanije ? Ajde sada ovi negativci da me upitaju "a koji to uspeh"? Ako me to pitate onda nemamamo o čemu da razgovaramo. Bolje svoju ljubomoru ostavite kući i ovde napišite nešto konstruktivno i pametno.

  19. Koliko ljubomore još uvjek postoji kada se piše o AS. Ne znam zašto vas toliko boli uspeh jedne aviokompanije ? Ajde sada ovi negativci da me upitaju "a koji to uspeh"? Ako me to pitate onda nemamamo o čemu da razgovaramo. Bolje svoju ljubomoru ostavite kući i ovde napišite nešto konstruktivno i pametno.

    1. Anonymous16:16

      A koja zapravo ljubomora? Dosadni ste vise sa time. Kritikujes druge kako nemaju nista konstruktivno da napisu a pritom si sam to uradio.

    2. Anonymous16:55

      Even with Etihad they (Air Serbia) do have a fleet shortage.They use ancient 737 till they fall apart in flight.
      Some of their Atr are also garbage.

      Their frequencies are a joke.
      As in winter a good part of their network disappears into thin air...

    3. JATBEGMEL17:46

      A rumour was mentioned here that 2 A320's will join the fleet.

      However, on SSC a comment was made regarding this saying it is somewhat correct, however it is supposed to be 2 A319's with one joining next year, and the second in 2018.

      The B733's are not as problematic as the ATR's, and I believe this is what JU needs to deal with. The B733 can still fly on more as long as JU has the parts for them. It was only a couple years back did DL retire the DC9, something JU did a decade before DL. DL actually had ex JU models, and some aircraft over 40 years.

      As for the frequencies, they have gone up a lot compared to JU. Remember JU also did quite a number of triangle routes (BEG-AMS-BRU-BEG, BEG-MLA-TIP-BEG, BEG-BEY-DAM-BEG, BEG-ARN-GOT-BEG, BEG-CPH-ARN-BEG etc). The timetable is now more structured, allowing transfers, which ultimately is boosting frequencies. It will only get better in time.

    4. Anonymous18:24

      It would be much better if they even now had some triangular routes than completely ignore some markets.

      BEG-TBS-EVN-BEG is one of many examples.

    5. Anonymous18:25

      ...or BEG-EVN-IKA-BEG.

    6. Anonymous19:48

      Their winter timetable is disappointing. No night flight to ATH despite a 07.30 departure to JFK. I hope this changes soon.

    7. JATBEGMEL20:52

      Air Serbia got rid of all triangular flights and I think it was good they did this. This could bring pax potential 2 stop connections rather than direct or 1 stop what some competitors are offering. JU doesn't need more destinations with lower yields.

      I think IKA is a large enough market to serve direct, bonus being the ability to have it as a turn around meaning the crew can operate there and back without a layover. IKA could help feed some new flights such as GOT, MUC, LAX.

    8. Anonymous22:44

      BEY has been on A320 daily for almost a month. I'm sure there are destinations that would warrant the A321.

  20. Anonymous19:44

    They need to open OMO

  21. Evo jos jedan update pre nego sto poletimo. Avion je poluprazan (Govorim o JU501).. Cak se i sjuardesa zacudila (doduse kaze ona njoj to najbolje). U odlasku prosli utorak je bilo krcato.

    1. Anonymous21:24

      Thank you Praguc for the updates.

    2. Anonymous21:32

      Ouch!!... Poluprazan usred sezone i sa kartama od nikako ne valja!

    3. Anonymous21:48

      Koji datum?

    4. Anonymous22:32

      Данас, читај коментар више.

    5. Anonymous22:50


    6. Anonymous00:07

      Krcato=100% i poluprazno=50%, u proseku za ta dva leta=75% sto nije lose.

    7. Praguc01:44

      Ja ne znam kakve karte od 400 eura, ja sam bogami moju platio 700e BEG-JFK, ali svejedno super stvar jeste sto kako nema puno ljudi internet sljaka ko lud. Taman da mogu da catch up on my work. Samo me nervira ovih 90MB, ali za mail i osnovne stvari je i to ok.. na 500 km smo od Irske a meni je jos 20MB ostalo od 90MB.

  22. Anonymous20:49

    Ti ne živiš u Srbiji! ;)

  23. Anonymous21:49

    Naravno da zivim i u Srbiji i imam AMEX izdat od srpske banke placam po celom svetu sa njom.

  24. Anonymous22:59

    Lepo ti čovek kaže, u Srbiji nema nijedne banke koja nudi uslugu online plaćanja AMEX karticama, to je problem - a ne mogu da uzmu stranu banku, jer ukoliko bi rezident Srbije iskoristio taj kanal plaćanja, JU bi bio u prekršaju propisa o deviznom poslovanju.

  25. Anonymous00:14

    Mogu da ponude AMEX stanovniku Amerike, EU itd. Ionako moras da uneses pasos za taj let.

  26. Anonymous01:11

    Državljanstvo nije isto što i rezidentnost - srpski državljanin možda živi u inostranstvu, a strani u Srbiji. A možda je i dvojni državljanin, pa iz pasoša ništa ne vidiš, jer je recimo boravišna viza u onom drugom. Zamisli samo taj nivo provere. I šta ako se ispostavi prilikom check-ina da nisi smeo da koristiš AMEX? Skinuće te sa leta? Teško, usluga je plaćena, prekršaj je načinjen nedeljama ili mesecima ranije. Prosto ne žele da reskiraju, NBS je (neopravdano) stroga i rigidna oko ovih stvari.
