ANA considers Belgrade flights

All Nippon Airways (ANA) has expressed initial interest in operating flights between Japan and Belgrade. As EX-YU Aviation News learns, contact has been made between the two sides although no concrete agreement has been reached at this point. While early interest may not necessarily result in flights, it is the first time a Japanese carrier has mulled potential operations to Serbia. It comes just weeks after the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia held talks in Tokyo with Japanese tour operators, the country’s tourism board, as well as the Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Japan-Southeast Europe Business Association in a bid to boost travel between the two countries.

As Japan’s largest carrier, ANA is no stranger to the region. This summer, the airline operated six charter flights to Ljubljana and four to Dubrovnik from various cities including Tokyo, Sendai, Osaka and Nagoya with Boeing 777-200 aircraft. The flights were chartered by Japan’s largest tour operator which sold combined packages to Slovenia and Croatia and catered for some 1.250 travellers to each country. The flights ran in late August and early September. Several years ago, JAL Japan Airlines also operated summer charters to Zagreb with Boeing 747 aircraft. Package tours make up the largest segment of all Japanese travellers.

Serbia and Japan enjoy a visa free regime, where both Serbian and Japanese nationals can travel to each others’ countries for up to ninety days without the need to acquire a visa. In 2015, there were 5.196 Japanese tourist arrivals in Serbia, which, although light, was still ahead of arrivals from much closer markets such as Portugal, Finland and Ireland. Lately, there has been increased interest in the region from the Far East with Beijing Capital Airlines to launch flights to Zagreb next summer, while an unnamed Chinese carrier also plans to link Beijing and Belgrade in 2017. Services between Shanghai and the Serbian capital are also being considered. Furthermore, the Slovenian government has also said it is lobbying for a direct service between Ljubljana and China.


  1. Anonymous09:01

    This in response to the Zagreb charters?

    1. Anonymous09:02

      What Zagreb charters?

  2. Anonymous09:02

    Interesting, My guess is if something comes of it they would be charter flights.

  3. Anonymous09:05

    Nice. Hope it materializes.

  4. I just don't see it but maybe as some limited charters.

    OT: 50.000 kg of humanitarian aid were transported from Niš to Syria via a RuAF IL-76. Good cooperation.

    1. Anonymous09:08

      It says clearly they operate 4-6 charter flights to the region each year. If they do come they will come with charters.

    2. JU520 BEGLAX12:36

      Tents, Blankets etc fm Zastava Kragujevac.... nice coop indeed

    3. It's helping the real Syrian government ( and not the so called moderate rebels) so I do not see any issues with this. Armenians did the same with a few flights to Syria.

  5. Anonymous09:11

    Here we go again...

    The Balkans is the undisputed world champion in the number of long haul routes that were "initially announced", "briefly considered", "generally discussed" and of course never introduced.

    1. Anonymous09:12

      Why do you think it would be impossible to have a few charters per year between Tokyo and Belgrade?

    2. Anonymous10:18


    3. Anonymous10:19

      Because Belgrade or Serbia in general doesn't have the sea, if Japanese people wanted to go to mountains they have their own and they are some of the most beautiful in the world.

    4. Anonymous10:21

      Then 5000+ of them would not have come in 2015. If 1,250 can come by plane in a few charters, why not?

    5. Anonymous10:24

      Hmm so what? How many Japanese travel to Australia for a beach holiday when Thailand or Hawaii are much closer.

    6. Anonymous10:34

      Japanese coming to Serbia (mostly Beograd) for tourism are mostly backpackers travelling thru the Balkan area . they visit Serbia just because it's on the route it.s not their main destination. Same is valid for other Japanese tourists in Serbia.

    7. Anonymous10:40

      So anonymous 10 : 34 am there's no reason for direct scheduled or charter flights, am I right?

    8. Anonymous10:42

      No that's just your conclusions based on no actual facts.

    9. Anonymous11:07

      No it's my conclusion based on anonymous 10 : 34 am comments!

    10. Anonymous11:09

      Exactly, not based on actual facts. By the way, it was the airline that approached the airport. They obviously see something you don't.

    11. Anonymous11:24

      Ok anonymous 11 : 09 am , just to clear something are you anonymous 10 : 34 am?

    12. Anonymous11:30


    13. Anonymous11:41

      Ok then from your point of view what are the actual facts?

    14. Anonymous11:43

      That an airline does not approach an airport with interest to operate there under the impression it will fail miserably with no passengers.

    15. Anonymous11:54

      Well do you know what I think? ! I think that someone said something in general and all this has become a big deal!

    16. Anonymous11:59

      Who said it was a big deal? Even in the article it says that initial interest does not mean the flights will happen and that it is just interesting because for the first time a company from Japan has shown interest to fly to Belgrade.

      I think that you simply can't stand anything remotely positive about Serbian aviation sector (or let's be honest Serbia in general). Your past comments have shown it over and over. Take a day off if you can't stand the news and focus on something else.

    17. Anonymous11:59

      The point here is which airport will be the gateway for japanese tourists making a package TOUR of the region (visiting multiple locations). Clearly they dont come all the way from Japan just to visit Belgrade, Zagreb and/or some village on the croatian cost. Would have thought that much is clear to everyone.

  6. Anonymous09:14

    JAL operated charters to LJU as well. sorry if slightly OT :)

    1. Anonymous09:23

      I think that was a few years ago no? Whch plane did they use?

    2. Anonymous16:47

      B747 and B777

  7. Anonymous09:25

    I for one am glad that the region is becoming more appealing to airlines from far-east Asia. With ANA in Dubrovnik and Ljubljana, Korean in Zagreb, flights from Beijing to Zagreb and Balgrade in near future and these possible flights from Tokyo to Belgrade (most probably charters). It is a good thing.

    1. Anonymous10:41

      many Far East travellers are skipping weurope e.g Paris, London, German and central East Europe is very safe and popular. Koreans are attracted because many korean .telenovelas. were shot in Croatia . Some visit Bled, Postojna caves in Slovenia because they are near. Japanese know Croatia they love Dubrovnik most. Parts of Bosnia are interesting for individual travellers mainly Sarajevo and Mostar.

    2. Anonymous16:10

      @AnonymousOctober 21, 2016 at 10:41 AM

      Japanese, Koreans and Chinese come to Zagreb and Croatia in their thousands.

      In 2015 Croatia had nearly a million visitors from these 3 markets.

      S. Korea: 300 000~@
      Japan: 255 000@~
      China: 220 000~

      In 2016 these numbers will be much greater, especially now that Chinese are coming in huge numbers.

      Korean Air, Chinese Airline are plan or have flights to Zagreb cause of these facts.

      JAL at one time flew to Zagreb with 8-12 seasonal flights during summers for number of years, for some reason they stopped. Qatar and Turkish filled the gap.

      Zagreb Advent is becoming one of the biggest events in the region and is visited by 70-80 000 foreign tourists each year.

      Then you have snow King and Queen event in early January on slopes of Medvednica which attract anther 40-50 000 foreign visitors, and it is growing with each passing year.

      Zagreb is becoming a place to visit, by 2020, 1.75 million foreign visitors are expected in Zagreb, (conservative estimates). 2016 1.25 million foreign visitors will have visited Zagreb.

      I think to say Croatia is of no interest to foreign visitors is bit strange, considering 14 million foreign visitors visit Croatia each year.

    3. Anonymous16:14

      @anon above I read the comment at 10.41 and don't see where he or she said that Croatia is of no interest to foreign visitors. On the contrary they said why people from Far East Asia like to visit Croatia. Read more carefully in the future.

    4. Anonymous17:57

      @AnonymousOctober 21, 2016 at 4:14 PM

      My bad, wasn't looking.

  8. Anonymous09:35

    Charters would be great! Belgrade would have Air Serbia A330 to New York, still unknown airline from China with most likely A330 or 787 to Beijing, ANA with most likely 777 to Japan and possibly one more to Shanghai. Would Shanghai be more likely with Air Serbia or another airline from China?

    1. Anonymous09:36

      From the PM's statement it seemed as if Shanghai would also be operated by a Chinese airline.

    2. Nemjee09:46

      Personally, I think flights to China will happen at some point. Belgrade and Beijing are closer than ever which can only mean that business ties between the two countries will keep on developing.

      However, the Chinese carrier should cooperate with JU. Four weekly flights arriving at 11.30 and departing at around 17.30 could work very well.
      One thing is certain, they should not schedule them on days when JU has its 12.55 departure to JFK as BEG would turn into an IST-like zoo.

    3. Anonymous09:47

      Any guess on who this mystery Chinese airline could be? My guess is Hainan. They have an interline with JU as well.

    4. Nemjee09:50

      Plus, they seem to be the most adventurous one.

    5. Anonymous09:53

      True. Apart from expaning into Europe they also have quite a few subsiduaries - 12 in China and have bought stakes in Virgin Australia, TAP, Comair and Azul. Hell they even have a share in Uber.

    6. Nemjee09:57

      Haha exactly but I still think that if they do come to BEG it has to be followed by a code-share agreement with JU. Otherwise the route might prove to be a financial disaster, like most political routes.

      Mind you, thanks to JU's code-share with Alitalia, BEG could also become one of the transfer points for those travelling between Rome and Beijing.

    7. Nemjee09:58

      ...also, this would be a perfect opportunity to re-introduce BUD. Unfortunately I don't know what a/c but...

    8. Anonymous09:59

      Nemjee lupeta kao Maxim po diviziji, samo se pravi pametan kao Purger. Na BEG dolazi odjednom po 4-5 aviona u vecernjem talasu bez problema tako da prijem i otpremanje dva sirokotrupca u isto vreme nisu nikakav organizacioni problem. Ataturk je pak jedno cudo od aerodroma.

    9. Anonymous10:00

      I agree. Although it is also possible that they link up BEG with another route. Last year they were saying how their LF to Rome was not so great so they could possibly fly PEK-BEG-FCO.

    10. Nemjee10:02

      Извини, ко је споменуо вечерњи талас? Овде се прича о подневном шпциу где уз ЈУ долећу и Луфтханса х2, Аерофлот, Пегаз, Лот... ако би се на све ово додао и Кинез, аеродром би био преко 100% капацитета.

      Молим те прати дискусију ако већ желиш да коментаришеш.

    11. Nemjee10:04

      Anon 10.00

      I can't see that happening as FCO by itself is way too competitive not to be served directly. What they might do is link another regional city with BEG.

      Maybe something like PEK-OTP-BEG. Mind you, TK sends its A332 to OTP primarily because of connecting passengers to China.

    12. Anonymous10:09

      Nemjee ne obraćaj pažnju na ovog pametnjakovića koji svima govori da lupetaju a pritom misli da je mnogo pametan kada kaže da aerodrom fenomenalno funkcioniše kada sleti 4 aviona u 22.00 kada nema žive duše. :D

    13. Anonymous10:24

      U roku od pola sata slece 8 aviona.

    14. Anonymous10:27

      Nije problem u dolascima vec u odlascima, tu nastaje problem jer je ceo proces znatno komplikovaniji. JU ima u proseku 8 polazaka nocu tokom leta u podnevnom spicu polece preko 20 letova.

    15. Anonymous10:31

      Samo da dodam, kada sleti avion putnici odmah krenu ka pasoskoj kontroli a njihov prtljag ide odmah u sortirnicu. Odlazeci putnici provedu u proseku barem 90 minuta u terminalu. Sada zamisli kako je veselo sa 20 poletanja unutar 120 minuta kada imas preko 2.000 ljudi u onako malo terminalu kao sto je beogradski.

    16. Anonymous10:34

      Da li ti shvatas da vec ima jedan odlazak za NYC, a da bi ovaj iz Kine trebalo da bude dolazak prema ideji Nemjee? Znaci nema problema sa tim.
      17.30 -12.55 znaci 4 i po sata po njemu je problem da se napuni tzv vreme za jedan okret. Onda treba da se obese svi na BEG.

    17. Anonymous10:42

      Odlazeci putnici provedu manje od 60 minuta na Surcinu pa cak i kada lete za NYC. Pise za sve letove doci dva sata pre, ali niko ne dolazi tako rano. Patite na ovom blogu od iluzije da je BEG blizu svojih maksimalnih kapaciteta oni su barem dva puta veci od 5 miliona putnika moze BEG da protera milion putnika mesecno. Naravno ja nemam nista protiv druge piste i prosirenja C dela.

    18. Nemjee10:46

      По мени, лет из Пекинга би требало да слети у око 11.30 када почиње гужва која траје до 14.00. Ако буде пристизао истог дана када лети Њујорк у 12.55 онда значи да би морали да ослободе све паркинг позиције од Ц1 до Ц6. Значи остаје нам 10 авио-мостова који су довољни да се паркирају Ер Србијини Ербасеви. Где ћемо сместити два Визера, Лот, две Луфтхансе, Аерофлот, Алиталију, 6 Атра и ко год још слеће у том периоду?

      Чак и на Б платформи од седам позиција, две су за карго авионе што значи да нам преостаје 5 стајанки и још 4 на Ц страни (Ц7-Ц10).

      Период 11.00-14.00 је напет а само у том временском периоду Пекинг има смисла ако се прича о сарадњи са Ер Србијом.

    19. Anonymous11:03

      neka dograde jos koju stajanku kraj C10 i to je to, resen problem

    20. Anonymous11:09

      Vec sam pisao ovde da se avion za Njujork normalno parkira zauzimajuci jednu poziciju. Znaci za 777 recimo za taj iz kine treba dva mesta ostaje jos 3 pozicije slobodne. Znaci imas 13 slobodnih aviomostova a wizzair normalno ide na ukrcavanje iz autobusa kako i prilici niskobudzetnim kompanijama. To sto su izmuzli od Dinkica nema nigde. Atrovi su na pozicijama posle C mostova. Nemas visak aviona. Ja zaista ne znam gde ti zivis i koliko cesto dolazis na BEG ali ima mapa na mrezi i pogledaj je dobro.

    21. Ja sam pre tri dana sleteo iz FRA sa LH u 12:30 i bila je stvarno gužva na carini ali nismo čekali više od 10 minuta. Bilo je sigurno oko 8 dolazaka i nije se osećalo da je aerodrom prekrcat.Ne znam da li se neki ljudi ovde sećaju kasni 80ti kada je u isto vreme sletalo po 4 širokotrupna aviona u BEG i sve je bilo ok..tad je i terminal bio mnogo manji nego brinite BEG to može.

    22. Anonymous14:41

      ЈAT je imao 5 desetki ali su one retko kada bile sve u isto vreme u beogradu. Desetka nije mogla ni na jedan gejt sem onih na C-u.

    23. Anonymous19:33

      Anon 2:41...ja ga video parkiran na A2 nekoliko puta oo dolasku iz PEK

    24. Nemjee06:46

      AnonymousOctober 21, 2016 at 11:09 AM

      Када слети широкотрупни авион он заузима један авио-мост, као што си написао али две стајанке. Сетимо се када је Катар послао свој А330, он је био прикачен на Ц2 али је заузео и паркинг позицију Ц3. Исти принцип и са ЈУ А332.
      Дакле, ја не причам о недостатку гејтова у случају да Пекинг долази док Њујорк одлази у истом шпицу, већ о недостатку стајанки. Сећам се када је етихадов Б773 принудно слетео, аеродром је морао да заблокира чак три стајанке, Ц7, Ц8 и Ц9.

      Наравно, све што сам горе написао је фикција, теорија где Кинези одлучују да сарађују са Ер Србијом и како би ред летења морао изгледати. У том случају, два широкотрупна авиона би заузела 4 стајанке. Не знам која је дужина Ц терминала и колико је законом прописана дистанца између два авиона али распон крила А332 и Б777 би укупно износила 121 m.

      А што се тиче Београда у доба СФРЈ, мислим да је бесмислено поредити аеродром тада са аеродромом данас. Најбоља година Београда у доба комунизма је била 1987. када је аеродром опслужио 3.311.951 путника. Поређења ради, у 2015. години аеродром је имао 4.776.164 путника док је у првих десет месеци имао више него у целој 87. то јест 3.810.517 путника.
      Оно шта вреди напоменути је то да иако се број путника знатно увећао, број авио-мостова није, док је аеродром додао свега 3 аутобуска излаза.
      У закључку додали смо преко 1.500.000 путника на мање више исте капацитете. Уз све то, Ер Србијин регионални шпиц је постављен у исто време када је Београд традиционално имао највећу гужву због страних превозника.

      Наравно, свако може да тврди да Београд још није достигао своје капацитете. Слажем се, има ту још простора само што мало коме одговара да полеће у 09.30, 15.30, 20.00... те постоји разлог зашто је аеродром мање више празан у ово доба. Чак и Атина која ће опслужити 20 милиона путника ове године има периоде када је апсолутно празна.

      Но живи били па видели шта ће бити следеће године.

    25. Nemjee06:52

      Заборавио сам да додам да ће визеров други авион донети још неких 400.000 путника у 2017. години што значи да Београд дефинитивно прелази пет милиона путника следеће године.

    26. Anonymous21:56

      Ne lupetaj Nemjee A332 za NYC zauzima poziciju C5a na kojoj ima dovoljno razmaka za njegov raspon krila. Imas dokumentaciju na mrezi tamo sve to lepo pise pa to trazi umesto sto ovde besomucno lupas. Naravno exYu ce ovo da brise. Ja sam leteo za NYC sa Surcina ebem li ga gledao poredjane masine.

  9. Anonymous10:22

    Ovi letovi ako bi bili karaktera redovnog leta, bili bi odrzivi iskljucivo uz usku saradnju sa JU, bas kao i letovi za Peking.
    Ukoliko budu carteri, to je vec druga prica...

  10. Anonymous10:31

    Well well, so if all info is true, by 2018 BEG will be connected to BJS, NRT/HND and maybe PVG! Exciting times ahead. I also heard that the Chinese will construct the future HSR between BEG and BUD. It will be interesting.

  11. Anonymous10:34

    It seems unreal to think Belgrade might have nonstop flight to Japan (charter or regular) before having a flight to Toronto and Chicago.

  12. Anonymous11:26

    Again, I am comparing other cities in Eastern Europe and there is not even 1 (except Moskva) with non-stop regular flights to Japan. I am not really sure if this is going to work out. Lets see, maybe Belgrade can actually have a chance.

    1. Anonymous11:29

      The article does not really mention regular flights. It says they are interested in flying, that it is at an early stage and then hints it might be charters since that's what they do in the region.

  13. JU520 BEGLAX12:33

    Stop dreaming. Even OS closed down NRT
    If at all u will see 3-4 charters per an for travellers combining Serbia with Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Ohrid

    1. Anonymous13:49

      Oh, you're right dear. I almost forgot about OS closing NRT. What a pity.

  14. Purger13:29

    petak 21.10. u 7:40

    Beograd-Zagreb, Air Serbia ATR72

    28 od 66 = 42,4%

    Vrlo loše za petak!

    Danas ujutro Turkish sa A321, i Austrian sa Fokkerom 100, 4 autobusa kosookih turista je napunjeno od čega je jedan imao Slovenske registracijske pločice (nisam uspio shatiti jesu li Koreanci, Kinezi ili Japanci). Dio tih turista je došao sa OS, dio sa TK (to sam vidio po tegovima).

    1. Purger13:31

      Ovi Turkish i Austrian sa kosookima su bili u Zagrebu.

    2. JU520 BEGLAX13:38

      When TK and AY arrives in LJU, alwyas plenty of Asian groups. Borh airlines are heaven for local tourism

    3. Anonymous14:05

      15.10 u 18:25


      62 od 66

    4. Anonymous18:18

      42,4% je zapravo sasvim pristojan LF za petak ujutru. Ko uopšte leti petkom ujutru? Poslovni ljudi lete ili četvrtkom uveče ili petkom uveče, kao i nedeljom uveče i ponedeljkom ujutru. Petkom ujutru lete samo ljudi koji imaju baš specifične okolnosti da im taj let odgovara.

    5. it is a bad load regardless, but I am still not sure why people look at individual flight loads. If somebody provides us with a monthly LF then we could judge. One full flight or one empty flight mean nothing in the long run.

  15. Anonymous15:06


    1. Anonymous15:15

      Pa to je valjda logično u toku zime kada se frekfencije smanjuju na većini destinacija u odnosu na leto?

    2. Anonymous15:26

      Ali za gde?

    3. Anonymous15:30

      Nyc. Mada treba napomenuti da ce veci deo zime leteti 4x, a od sledeceg leta ponovo 5.

    4. Anonymous16:40

      @anon at 3:30 PM, ne nece. Letece samo oko Novogodisnjih praznika 4 puta nedeljko, a kasnije opet se vraca na 3 do marta.

    5. Anonymous19:25

      Znaci pukla linija...a 332 kosta 500somica mesecno leteo ili ne leteo...AV i Mali ce sigurno da plate razliku iz svog dzepa da pokriju gubitak

    6. Anonymous20:32

      what happened with the suspected codeshare with American Airlines? they announced it MONTH back, before the flights even launched! I believe in March or April, there was an official Air Serbia twitter announcement.

      Also, for a couple days you could book secondary cities in America such as San Diego, Nashville, and Cleveland to fly with AA to JFK and connect to BEG and then onto Bucharest or Tirana I believe. That all disappeared though?

    7. Anonymous20:32


    8. Anonymous20:34

      I think AA wasn't interested in c/s with JU. I mean, why should they?

    9. Anonymous22:13

      What is JU going to do with A330 during other 4 winter days of the week? Can they do exotic charters to Caribbean or similar destinations?

    10. Anonymous00:56

      And they announce that just 9 days before winter time table. So, they will pay for compensation and rerouting to all alereay pay for ticket + they will be furious! Why? They could do it on time. It was logical to make it 3 or 4 times per week.

    11. Anonymous01:36

      I think that JU has no say - all things are done thru EY.

      Check this out: AA is dropping its codeshare agreement with AB:

      Air Berlin Loses U.S. Partner
      Oct 21, 2016 Jens Flottau | Aviation Daily

      FRANKFURT—American Airlines is canceling a codesharing agreement with its Oneworld partner Air Berlin, industry sources told Aviation Daily. The decision, which becomes effective at the end of March 2017, is deepening the already near-fatal crisis of Air Berlin by forcing it to fly a growing transatlantic operation without a U.S. partner. The move is understood to be linked to American’s fight against Gulf carriers (Air Berlin is 29.2% owned by Etihad Airways, which acts as the ...

    12. Nemjee06:19

      But if the suspension of the c/s deal with AB has to do with AA's fight against the MEB3 then they would be doing the same with Etihad, which doesn't seem to be the case.

      My guess is that this has to do with the crisis at AB. Maybe AA feels that their partner has become useless and they want to protect themselves and their customers. That said, by losing AA, this could really be the end of AB. They did announce that they are making money on their transatlantic flights, flying mostly to AA hubs. If this is gone then what's left for them?

    13. Anonymous13:19

      That must be the surprise Kondic was talking about!!...what a nice one!!)))

    14. Anonymous22:03

      Stvarno je neverovatno kolike ste vi dileje. AB je pre neki dan prodao deo svoje mreze LH. AA nema interesa da obezbedjuje letove partneru koji im ne onemogucava slicnu protivuslugu u Evropi. Ovo je zaista veliki udarac za AB.

  16. Anonymous16:56

    It was said that Ljubljana could be connected to Beijing via Prague. Ljubljana needs new connections, scheduled or charter,because latest figures are down

    1. Anonymous19:18

      LJU needs a LCC base. People want to go to Greece, Spain, Italy. China is not the first priority, especially with both parties requiring visas, even for short-term tourist visits.

  17. Anonymous17:56

    Nadam se da ce ostvariti ti letovi sa NH i da ce leteti sa 777 .
    I nadam se da ce CA leteti sa A330 pa posle sa A350 .

    1. Anonymous19:52

      INN-NS kako ti tumacis smanjenje linije za JFK? Jel to jer nemaju dovoljno transfernih putnika tj linija?

    2. Anonymous22:50

      Nisam INNNS ali tumačim kao:

      1. pobedu zdravog razuma. Ko je normalan očekivao da izrazito sezonski let ide istom frekvencijom kao i leti?

      2. pobedu za ORD i YYZ. Više niko ne može da kaže da ORD i YYZ nisu prikladni zbog velike sezonalnosti. Kako zimi smanjujete frekvenciju za JFK, isto tako ili još više morate da smanjite zimi za ORD i YYZ. Šta ćete zimi da radite sa avionom kad ne leti za YYZ i ORD? Pa isto što i sa onim za JFK. Rešen problem.

  18. Anonymous22:32

    Some cheerleaders here are reallly hilarious :)
    Serbia has 5.000 Japanese tourists per year, Croatia 255.000. JU has nothing in common with ANA, OU and ANA are both *All. with codeshare and cooperation possibilities, and ANA will start scheduled BEG, not ZAG. How yes no :)

    1. Anonymous22:40

      How about trying to read the article? No one mentioned scheduled flights.

    2. Anonymous23:02

      Lets stop this BEG vs ZAG thing once and for all. Both airports will never be the same. Both airports are doing well and have different markets and strategies.

  19. Iduca 2017 godina, bice godina veceg rasta na Beogradskom aerodromu Nikola Tesla. Koliko redovnih linija, koliko cartera na srednjim j dugim linijama iz Kine, Japana, USA, Kanade... ostaje da se vidi. Ocigledno da se po tom pitanju trenutno uporno radi sa ovim trzistima. Verujem da ce se uspeti u pretvaranju Nikole Tesle u manji hab u sredjoj velicini. To i jeste strategija, bar sto se ove luke tice. Medjutim sporost u prosirenju terminala i aerodroma starace probleme bar sest meseci godisnje. Ukljuciujuci periode Bozica i Vaskrsa. Planiranje i dinamika gradnje je vrlo mala, spora... Koncept po kojem se do sada radi je neprihvatljiva, jer usporava razvoj najvece vazdusne luke izmedju Atine i Budimpeste. Sa nadom da ce se nacin i dinamika izgradnje aeroroma Nikole Tesle potpuno izmeniti. Tu naravno mislim na koncesionara od pocetka fiskalne 2017 godine. Protok putnika, karga ce se povecati kroz adekvatnno dogradjenu i novu infra strukturu. Naravno nemislim kroz 30, vec u iducih 13 godina. Brzina razvoja aerodroma mora biti veca, nego brzina razvoja Beograda. Kao sto je to sada slucaj. Beogradski aerodrom ce uvodjenjem novih linija, povecanjem i fleksibilnoscu flote, povecavati profit. Bar 12% od prevezenih putnika u Srbiji avionom, odvijace se iz Nisa, Kraljeva i Uzica u godinama koje dolaze. Naravno sa LCC, carterima, ad hoc... Centralna, juzna i zapadna ce pocivati na nisko budjetnim i manjim kargo saobracajem. Mnogi ce se nasmejati ovom tekstu. Sigurno je da ce se brze razvijati glavna Srpska vazdusna luka. Ali i ova za sada tri sekundarna aerodroma, Srbiji ce obezbediti ravnomerniji razvoj. Omoguciti sansu za sve. To do sada nije bilo moguce. Ostaje da b u demo svedoci buduceg razvoja vazdusnog saobracaja Srbije.
    Pozdrav iz prolecnog Sidneja. Radovan + ...

  20. Anonymous13:05

    ANA has no plan for BEG. It's just a Japanese politeness to say we are interested. 2017 there will be no charter to LJU and ZAG. JAL turned down charter request from the tour operators as they didnt have enough captain in 2015. They are also unhappy with ZAG for expensive landing fee. The tour operators were not happy with ZAG either.


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