Zagreb Airport prepares for terminal opening

Zagreb Airport is preparing for the opening of its new passenger terminal scheduled in just five months time. The shift from the old to the new facility will take place over night. As EX-YU Aviation News learns, a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) will likely be issued in the hours leading up to the terminal's opening, closing the airport for traffic as staff members and other ground crew are moved to the new building in order to handle flights in the morning. Employees are already undergoing training as part of the Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer (ORAT) program, which includes operational readiness preparation, staff familiarisation with the new terminal, trial runs, staff transfer and post opening training.

Some eighty tests will take place at the new facility starting from January 2017 and will run up until the opening in March in order to trial different components of the structure and to ensure a smooth start up and optimal service levels for passengers and airlines. Over 400 volunteers will take part in the advanced trial, designed to test the systems and processes across the facility, as well as staff preparedness by simulating typical airport operating scenarios. In the final days ahead of the opening a select number of arriving flights will use the new terminal in order to test access, traffic flow, way-finding signage, police, immigration and customs, as well as food and beverage and retail areas.

Valued at 243 million euros, Zagreb Airport's new terminal building will stretch over 63.000 square metres and three levels, feature three baggage carousels, eight air bridges (six for international flights and two for domestic services), nine security checkpoints, 23 passport control booths and a car park with the capacity to handle 1.100 vehicles. Furthermore, the airport includes three remote stands next to the terminal, while stands at the current passenger building will also be used if the need arises. Each of the aircraft parking positions at the new facility includes a Visual Docking Guidance System which gives information to a pilot attempting to park their aircraft. The terminal itself will include a large 600 square metre duty free shop operated by Aelia, sixteen cafés, bars, restaurants and snack bars run by Turkey's BTA, as well as smoking cabins and automated baggage handling. Enough space has been left for additional check-in counters and baggage carousels to be added once the new terminal reaches its maximum capacity.


  1. Anonymous09:03

    Exciting times for Zagreb Airport ahead. Really looking forward to the opening.

  2. Anonymous09:04

    Has the exact opening date been set?

    1. Anonymous09:08

      Not yet but it would make sense to open it on the first day of the summer season on 26th March, or maybe a day or two before.

  3. Anonymous09:07

    Looking really beautiful, can't wait for it to open!

  4. Anonymous09:07

    I think it's smart to do it all in one night rather then stretch it out in phases. Passengers who get to use the terminal before the official opening will be lucky.

    1. Nemjee09:17

      I don't know how smart it is to do it all at once. I remember when LCA opened its new terminal, they tested it out by moving only CY and U2 there while the rest switched after a month.

      Maybe it would have been wiser to start with just OU. Then again, March is not a busy month so maybe they could handle it.

  5. Anonymous09:11

    Undoubtedly, this will be the BEST airport in ex-YU region! All the very best to ZAG and looking forward to the 3 million mark in 2017!! ;)

    1. Anonymous13:01

      Agreed but Podgorica Airport also has a small but Modern terminal. It was built only 10 years ago.I have been to TGD 3 times and it it's a very clean and modern airport.

  6. Anonymous09:13

    One question. ZAG has short minimum connecting time. Will this increase with the new terminal since it's a much larger building. Reason I'm bringing this up because I heard a few people at OU talking about this but not really sure.

    I really like the terminal and can't wait for the opening.

    1. Anonymous09:26

      That could be an issue if the airport is busy and an OU aircraft is parked at the old terminal which is not close at all. But my guess is OU will get preferential treatment in terms of parking positions, plus they will pretty much have two dedicated gates for themselves for their domestic ops.

    2. Anonymous09:44

      Very true. If it's busy and they have to use stands at the old terminal it will be a very long bus ride.

    3. Anonymous10:33

      If you can connect in MUC in just 25 minutes then I am sure you could do the same in ZAG,

  7. Anonymous09:21

    Jako lijep i moderan terminal. Ali Zagreb sporo raste u odnosu na konkurenciju. Jos mi dandanas nije jasno zasto je Flydubai otkazao. Zbog Qatara? Onda mi je cudno da prema BI moze poslovati samo jedan prijevoznik. Svakako krasan terminal.

    1. Anonymous09:28

      Samo jedan direktno, no ako uzmeš u obzir TK onda je to posve druga slika. Mislim da FZ jednostavno nije nudio dobre konekcije na DXB sa frekvencijama koje je imao u ZAG.

    2. Anonymous09:33

      Ali FZ nudi slicne konekcije iz BEG, SJJ, SKP, OTP, SOF ali svi oni nisu otkazani.

    3. Anonymous10:02

      Očito promet prema DXB iz Zagreba nije toliko jak ili se i FZ loše pozicionirao pa su drugi (QR, TK) prodavali bolje, tj dovoljno da ih izbace iz igre. Također, prilično skromna frekvencija od 3X tjedno nije pomogla da se FZ (zajedno sa EK) dočepa i nekih vrijednijih segmenata tržišta. Sve u svemu, na kraju priče je otišla kompanija koja je nudila osjetno manje od konkurencije, a u kombinaciji sa moguće nedovoljnom point to point potražnjom (ili nesposobnošću da uzme dovoljan share postojeće) vjerojatni razlozi izlaska sa tržišta.

    4. Anonymous10:08

      Does anyone knows what is the Qatar's LF from ZAG to DOH and vice versa?

    5. Anonymous10:19

      Mozda bas to, promet iz ZAG prema DXB nije dovoljno jak. Mani je samo zao da je doslo do otkazivanja TAP-a, Flydubaia, Swissa. Steta. I to da stite OU na nacin da ne dopustaju dolazak Ryana ili Easyjeta je isto promasaj. Ocito misle da se ZAG moze pozicionirati kao legacy aerodrom, ali ni to ne ide. Nak dopuste dolazak Ryana, brojke bi odmah skocile.

    6. Anonymous15:12

      @AnonymousOctober 14, 2016 at 10:08 AM

      It is very good in summer months, no idea how well Qatar will do over winter months as this is the first winter they have daily flights to Zagreb, however with the departure of FlyDubai by the end of this year, Qatar should have bit more room to manoeuvre.

      Turkish also reducing number of flights to Zagreb down to 10 per week from original 14, Erdogan is eliminating political opposition in turkey and many with in Turkish airline were seen as danger to Erdogan's regime. Entire Turkish Airline route has be cut dramatically as a result.

      So Qatar might do well in 2017, has done really well in 2016, reported load factor up to July was around 87% an average for to Zagreb, no idea load factor on return flights.

      Someone should call Qatar Airways and find out.

  8. Anonymous09:58

    The new terminal looks absolutely stunning. Without doubt the best looking airport in ex-Yu. The French have done well. Thank you ex-Yu for the video.

  9. Anonymous09:58

    Building looks great. Although a missed opportunity for OU to open a Star Alliance lounge.

    1. Anonymous15:18

      New terminal has 75mx135m 32000sqm (section to the right that can be added one terminal expands, I think OU will try than to reserve space for Star Alliance lounge, pity they didn't do now, but OU has other priorities and perhaps there's no demand for Star Alliance lounge just yet, perhaps in 5 years time there'll be a demand for it.

  10. Anonymous09:59

    A bit of a stupid question but will there be a fast food chain restaurant at the airport? For example Skopje has Burger King.

    1. Anonymous10:04

      Don't think so. TAV subsidiary is running all the food & beverage stores. They also do this in Tbilisi and I have to admit their food is pretty bad. Apparently they will also do catering for Croatia Airlines. They will open some Turkish fast food chain.

    2. Anonymous10:09

      Kebab than ��

    3. Anonymous11:40

      Kebab then :-)

  11. Definitely the best terminal in ex-Yu and beyond (including Albania and Bulgaria).
    It'll easily reach and surpass 3 million pax next year. The only thing I don't like about Zagreb airport, which has nothing to do with the terminal itself, is the proximity of the air force base and the air force runway right next to the new terminal. It'd be so amazing if that huge air force hangar were adapted to a LCC terminal, since the old terminal will be for cargo and the military moved someplace else.

    1. Anonymous10:32

      With all the reductions and cancellations I doubt we will see 3 million... hopefully we will but I am not holding my breath.

    2. FZ and Swiss? I don't see how that can hurt the fact the increase with the Chinese,Koreans,QR, Transat, the new OU lines and who knows what else will pretty much assure the current growth of of at least 5-6%. And that growth alone is enough to reach 3 mill.

    3. Anonymous11:08

      There will be just cancelation of flyDubai. Swiss will come back in 2017 summer time table. TAP did not fly last summer also.

      But in same time you will have:
      - new Peking route (2x A330)

      - one more Toronto weekly flight (1x A330-300) and they will start earlier than last year + they will have connection to Montreal this year via YYZ

      - Monarch with London and Manchester (5x with A320)

      - New York JFK 1x weekly

      - ČSA 5 more flights than last year (they start in June)

      - LOT more flights than last year in winter and spring

      - Lufthansa 7 more flights to FRA during first 3 months

      - Croatia more flights in first 5 months

      And that is for now. There will be some more surprises.

    4. Anonymous11:13

      I sto jos? Muzicka zelja? Joj ljudi moji, dajte se malo prizemljit.

    5. Anonymous12:07

      Pa čak i da ništa više novo ne dođe ovo je ogromno za bilo koji aerodrom u široj regiji.

      A doći će, strpite se malo.

    6. Anonymous12:17

      LH ce imati vise letova ali ce slati manji avion tako da izadje na isto.

      Sto se tice Pekinga i Njujorka jos nista nije potvrdjeno tako se ne treba zaletati.

    7. Anonymous14:03

      Izdata je dovzola od CAAC (kineske agencije), traženi su slotovi na ZAG, isto je najavljeno, što još treba potvrđivati?

      New York je potvrđen samo još javno nije objavljen, bit će sredinom siječnja.

      LH šalje manji avion sa više frekvencija, to je istina i to je neznatno povečanje. Ali naravno da je veći broj frekvencija sa istim kapacitetom uvijek motor povečanja LF. A što je već sada vidljivo na ovoj liniji, a takva praksa će sigurno ostati i tijekom početka godine.

    8. Anonymous14:08

      Promjena reda letanja od strane LH je samo jos jedan u nizu udaraca prema OU. Dakle akoce se LH povecati LF onda ce sigurno opasti kod OU.

      Bilo je puno najava do sada i nista se nije realizovalo. Kao sto nas narod kaze, prvo skoci pa reci hop.

    9. Anonymous14:18

      Anonymus 12.07, kako to mislis ovo je ogromno za siru regiju? Nadam se da mislis na terminal, jer po prometu nije bas nesto.

    10. Anonymous14:21

      Netko je nedavno govorio o tome da osim New Yorka i Pekinga ima jos nesto. Nadam se da ce se i to ostvariti.

    11. I don't think the the air force will be moving anytime soon. Most of the supporting infrastructure is located in the wooded area in front of the new terminal and the air force ramp is new too.,+Croatia/@45.738522,16.0766712,2129m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x4765d692c902cc39:0x3a45249628fbc28a!8m2!3d45.8150108!4d15.981919

      Also, there is plenty of room for a new cargo facility next to the old terminal if that is what they intend to do.

    12. Anonymous16:36

      pa povečanje frekvencija ne mora značiti da će netko ukinuti let ili da će mu se smanjiti broj putnika. Povečanje frekvencija (a posebno kada se ne smanjuju kapaciteti) u načelu povečava LF.

      Govorimo o povečanju i činjenici da je najveljeno toliko mnogo novih linija, posebno interkontinentalnih. I da, to jest veliko. U zadnjih dvije godine niti jedna zračna luka nije imala toliko povečanje.

    13. Anonymous16:52

      Jel neko zna o kojoj se kompaniji radi za JFK letove .
      Hvala Unapred.

    14. Anonymous17:09

      Verovatno UA zbog Star Alliance-a

    15. Anonymous17:09

      Netko je spomenuo da se radi o europskoj firmi, nije Star Alliance. Nije ni meni jasno tko bi to mogao biti?

    16. Anonymous17:11

      EDIT: Firma iz EU, air frame A332, navodno dva puta tjedno iako je trebao ići samo jednom tjedno.

    17. Anonymous17:14

      XL Airways
      Thomas Cook

      Ne vidim ko bi drugi mogao biti

    18. Anonymous17:17

      Anonymous 5:14, they don't have a332 in their fleet.

    19. Anonymous17:28

      My bad then I have no idea.

    20. Anonymous17:47

      Najbolja opcija jeste svakako UA ali oni su malo verovatni zato sto ne leti ni za VIE gde im je vazniji clan Star Alliance OS a taakodje CTN ne moze da im ponudi dobar feed.
      Takodje isto mislim MT ili DE ma da je i to tesko poverovati.

    21. Danijel17:51

      I think OU will get a332 and fly to Amreica.
      Just kidding.

    22. Anonymous18:00

      INN-NS, why do you have to write your nick on every single comment? It's really annoying... And guys, English please. Even if you use google translate, we'll get the point.

    23. Anonymous19:15

      Zasto ti tolko smeta njegov nick? Iako se puno puta ne slazem s njim, to u vezi nicka je glupost.

    24. Anonymous23:51

      Ma kakav New York, ne budite smiješni! I to još jednom tjedno....hahahahah show!

    25. @Q400 Oh, sure...I absolutely don't expect the air force to move, especially since that is their main base in the country. I just meant it's personally kind of annoying to me..I meant; if only they moved, I know they won't. It's just a minor thing anyway, no big deal, the airport looks amazing!
      And the other thing...I meant (again just my wish) they had adapted that military hangar to serve as a LCC terminal, not for cargo, since they already have enouogh facilities for cargo in the place of the old terminal, as you say.

  12. Anonymous10:18

    65 000 m2,not 63 000 m2!

  13. Anonymous10:40

    Sve je to lijepo i krasno, ali zaboravili ste da ima jedan jos ljepsi koji se isto otvara sljedece godine- DBV!!!!!

    1. Anonymous10:48

      a kakve veze ima dbv sa zg? osim ako pričaš o lijepoti same konstrukcije....

    2. Anonymous11:11

      Po čemu je dograđen dio terminala ljepši od ovog zagrebačkog?

    3. Anonymous11:54

      Po cemu je ovo sranje od francuskog dizajan uopste lepo? Nemas nigde lep pogled na aerodrom iz zgrade. Tolike sipke na sve strane abortusi Beaubourg.

    4. Anonymous12:14

      Znači ljepota terminala mjeri se pogledom na stajanku. Prema tome stari terminal je bitno ljepši od novog terminala jer iz gatea, ali i iz restorana ima puno ljepši pogled na stajanku?

    5. Anonymous13:20

      stari i novi terminal se ne mogu porediti ali novi sa DBV mogu posto su u istoj ligi.

    6. Anonymous14:13

      Po čemu? Kapacitetima? Tu je Zagreb bitno veći.

      Činjenici da je to nekoliko raznih zgrada raznih kvaliteta i starosti?

      Uz to prilazna rampa za autobuse i automobile, te parkiralište je u Dubrovniku vrlo loše, možda i najgore među svim većim aerodromima exYU. Zagreb ima pristupnu rampu na dvije etaže izuzetno dobro organiziranu i parkiralište sa 1.100 mjesta, te još tri stara parkirališta.

      Prilazna infrastruktura Dubrovniku je jedna cesta sa dvije trake, Zagreb ima dva autoput pokraj aerodroma (obilaznica i Sisak) sa dvije pristupne ceste sa po 4 trake.

      Kako je onda to usporedivo?

    7. Anonymous14:20

      Uporedivo je ako se pogleda rast putnika. ZAG ne moze preci 5% dok smo svi bili svedoci rasta u SPU i DBV. To je glavna razlika... Kompanije neprestano povecavaju i dodaju letove ka ova dva aerodroma dok se ZAG klima i nada se da ce neka treceklasna kompanija uvesti jedan nedeljni let za JFK. lol

      Daj Dubrovniku jos koju godinu pa ce preci 3 miliona, kao i SPU

    8. Anonymous14:23

      Kolko kiseline, ajme! Ahahaha, strasno te zivcira ZAG kolega ahaha

    9. Anonymous14:32

      Nista mene ne zivcira vec samo citiram cinjenice :)

    10. Anonymous15:29

      Ne bih rekao, na kraju si puko, ali ok, nema beda ;-)

    11. Anonymous15:35

      Ne znam o cemu pricas ali ti si taj koji je prekinuo raspravu u trenutku kada sam spomenuo rast na obali i rast u Zagrebu :)

    12. Anonymous16:47

      Ja vodim raspravu sa tobom a ne prošli anonimac.

      Mi ne raspravljamo o povečanju broja putnika, nego govorimo o izgledu i funkcionalnosti terminala. O tome se vodi rasprava. Ne razumijem zašto okrečeš raspravu sa igleda terminala, pogleda na stajanku, prilaznih cesta, platforme... na broj putnika.

      No, i kod broja putnika to ne drži vodu. Zagreb je u prošloj godini imao tek 6,4% povečanja, no u realnim brojevima to je bilo 156.827 putnika više. Dubrovnik se prošle godine povečao tek 109.463 putnika. Znači da je Zagreb povečao razliku za skoro 50.000 putnika. Ove godine Zagreb ima 6,6% povečanja (što će biti oko 170.000 putnika više), a što znači da će do kraja godine razlika između Dubrovnika i Zagreba biti jednaka bez obzira na veće povečanje Dubrovnika u postocima, jer isto neće biti veće u realnim brojevima.

    13. Anonymous17:08

      Ali treba sacekati i videti sta ce se desiti zimus kada DBV nece vise biti prazan vec kada ce imati letove posle duzeg vremena.

      Ja sam samo rekao da su DBV i ZAG u istoj ligi i da se mogu porediti. Mozda je ZAG zadrzao razliku ali to nece dugo trajati, samo pogledaj fenomenalan uspeh u SPU. To je bucnost prijatelju, ZAG ce dostici plafon u skorijoj buducnosti.

    14. Anonymous17:28

      Anonymous 5:08, s obzirom da sam iz Dubrovnika i u njemu živim, mogu ti reći da se ne nadaš velikom broju turista tijekom zime. Već sad je grad pun samo kad su kruzeri na pristaništu, a navečer poprilično prazno. Zračna luka obara rekorde, ali će zima biti jadna kao i svake godine, jedino je ove godine bilo više prometa tijekom zime zahvaljujući prezentaciji Mercedesa.

    15. Anonymous17:29

      Dubrovnik je sezonski aerodrom, Split također, a Zagreb ima konstantan promet kroz cijelu godinu. Vrlo jednostavno.

    16. Anonymous20:25

      @12:14 PM Naravno kad u Frankfurtu pogledas nekoliko naslaganih A380 u redu sve ti je jasno koliko im je aerodrom lepsi od CDG gde imaju mnogo bolje prozore od zracne vam luke.

    17. Anonymous22:19

      Dakle, da se vratimo na izvornu temu kako smo to prešli, dragi anonimac, sa izgleda zračne luke na broj putnika. Koji je i opet na strani Zagreba.

      Dubrovnik i Split su puni LCC. Ako ZAIC dozvoli dolazak samo jednog LCC u Zagreb i baziranje jednog aviona to je +400.000 putnika godišnje. Mislite da nema putnika za LCC? O da, i te kako ima!!!!

    18. Anonymous22:27

      Ma pusti ga. Ja se samo nadam da ce doci koji LCC.

  14. Anonymous11:29

    In my view it would be important to continue the discussion started here yesterday about EY and the latest poor performances of the large EAP member airlines. The issue tackles not only JU, but all of ExYu region (YM, potentially JA - yesterday B&H FM officially asked UAE FM for investment into aviation).

    I would disagree with some posts heavily underestimating Hogan's strategy. Obviously, in such a heterogeneous structure composed by 7+1 (VA) different airlines and different business models EY faces difficulties. However, Hogan's recent moves are focused to consolidate and expand European presence.

    First, he made an agreement with the European Commission (and LH) by reducing AB. With that maneuver EY closed the battlefield inside European Union, gaining space for Mediterranean and SEE expansion. He would anyway loose the battle against LH in Germany. That frees EY resources for the rivalry against US carriers, specifically on the flights from Europe.

    Second, his recent warnings to Renzi's government are just a little pressure to get more state support for expansion in Italy (LIN). It's a focal point for the "Mediterranean strategy". He is finalizing negotiations to invest in KM through AZ. Might use similar model with YM through JU.

    I think the largest problem EY faces inside EAP is with 9W. Despite being profitable for the last year and half, main issue is that Naresh Goyal is not obeying Hogan, who is a very hands-on leader. Goyal decided to set up airline's European hub in AMS, Hogan was requesting for DUS. Hogan lost that fight and withdrew all his senior staff from 9W.

    Minor difficulties EY has in HM, where in the country general elections opposition won after 20+ years, creating potential instability for the airline. But it's a small country and a micro-airline, so nothing significant on a long run.

    And probably the most important observation: Hogan doesn't make any move against the UAE state long-term strategy. In that respect, focus on Mediterranean is fully understandable. That said, I believe there is a solid development perspective for JU inside both EY's Mediterranean and long-haul strategies.

    1. Nemjee12:14

      It was a smart move for 9W to opt for AMS over DUS. KL's network and product is far superior, not to mention that with recent cuts and issues one doesn't know how long AB will be around.

      Another advantage AMS has over DUS is KL's extensive network all throughout the United Kingdom, one of the biggest foreign markets for any Indian carrier. I think Jet Airways did the right thing by putting their own interests first. They can't afford to have AB drag them down.

      I think they could also partner up with Alitalia for flights to the Iberian peninsula as well as to South America.

      Would be nice to see them in Belgrade but realistically speaking, JU has little to offer in terms of European network.

    2. Anonymous14:19

      Etihad is least likely to divest from Air Serbia. Others are not as important for Ex Yu zone.

    3. Anonymous14:21

      AZ jeste.

    4. Anonymous16:09

      Hogan will abandon JU like he did with AB, if that appears to be the interest of EY.

    5. Anonymous16:34

      Etihad Group don't have a specific overall strategy. In Europe, they should focus on a LCC acting as a feeder. Bigger European airlines did it: BA/IB>VY, AF/KL>HV, LH>EW and obviously this model works. You can´t just focus mainly on chic and shiny airlines as the customer nowadays is extremely price sensitive. Airlines are focused on newer cabins, lighter seats, less pampering, newer aircraft, etc. On my opinion, they are trying to apply an old fashioned way and not being innovative nor modern unlike the rest.
      Finally, if it weren´t for EY being heavily subsidised by the UAE government then nor of these airlines would´ve existed.
      AZ has always been a hopeless case airline, always loss making even when they were in the AF/KL group.
      AB used to be a real competitor to LH before and now it´s getting smaller due to LH effective way of reacting to markets.
      JU was literally saved from bankruptcy and it´s still a bit too early to predict overall performance.
      9W lacks a basic strategy let alone a solid one.
      And yeah, EY Regional where in the drop down menu you can choose Lugano and been offered to fly to Australia. That´d be!
      JU website, I choose BCN-SKP and then I am "forced" to fly: BCN-FCO-BEG-SKP!
      Don´t trust me? Go to their website.
      My favourite is on the AB website when I search for flights from OTP-BKK and then I am offered: OTP-BER-AUH-BKK...yeah a Romanian client from Bucharest flies via Germany and UAE to reach Thailand.
      Their idea is to connect all the airlines via AUH and this simply won´t work.

    6. Anonymous16:37

      It would be more logical to have OTP-BEG-AUH-BKK

    7. Anonymous16:48

      AMS je bolja opcija i 9W logicnija zbog ogromne Indiske Dijaspore u UK i zbog toga imaju odlicnog partnera u KL kao sto je Nemjje rekao.
      Takodje u DUS nemaju toliko mogucnosti za letove za USA i Kanadu osim 3-4 leta AB za USA a ovako su jako dobro pokriveni sa DL i KL USA i Kanada letovima .
      I na kraju KL je takodje odlicna kompanija koja nudi iste usluge kao i 9W a do sad se jos ne zna sta je tacno AB .
      U 9W, HM i ASL su napravili odlican uspeh dok u AZ nisu oni krivi iste probleme je i pre toga imala sama Drzava i AF/KLM Grupa sa zaposlenim.

    8. Anonymous17:30

      What they are trying to do is to feed the AUH hub via 3 smaller ones in Europe: TXL, FCO and now little BEG - this way you will ALWAYS have 2 stops wherever you are. Basically, the idea of buying smaller airlines worldwide and massive code-sharing apparently is not the right method.

    9. AirCEO05:40

      Anon @ 11:29, nice post even though I don't agree with everything, but thank you. AZ is part of massive DL/AF/KL JV and that's the silver lining, but they are by far the smallest member. LIN is not and will not be part of the JV. Even if they get the LIN slots to open and non-EU flights to start to AUH, EK and QR will also be there from day one. LIN can get 5-6 mil pax more, but is never going to be a massive hub, same for Malta. The only solution was to build huge new North Italy airport in the Brescia area, but it's too late for that. I am not convinced Mediterranean strategy will take off.

    10. Anonymous08:23

      I am sure Hogan asked only for AZ to be allowed to operate non-EU flights out of LIN which is why nothing became of it.

  15. Anonymous14:49

    Very nice terminal, well done to Croatia! Sorry for my ignorance I'm not from an ex yu country, is it going to have the same name with the old one or a different?

    1. The whole airport has been renamed Zagreb Airport Fanjo Tudjman. It was simple called Zagreb Pleso or Zagreb Airport before.

  16. Anonymous14:50

    looks good, long overdue for Zagreb to have a proper terminal, however these metal bars are literally everywhere it looks a little like a beehive

    1. I agree. The original design was a bit different to the now standing terminal and I think the changes have now given the terminal a cluttered look.

      The original design was supposed to have a complete glass roof with the interior fool of a lot of greenery including a large waterfall which probably would have in some way made all the crossing bars less noticeable.

  17. Anonymous16:10


    Wizz Air announced additional 4 flights from Dortmund to Nis during the Christmas holidays. This comes in addition to Ryanair already adding extra flights to Berlin and Bratislava. :)

  18. Anonymous17:37

    OT: I have noticed that there seem to be some important changes to Czech Airline's schedule to ZAG (and further to SKP) ... I was scheduled to fly PRG-ZAG on 1 January and back on 7 January and now the return leg is cancelled and moved up to Friday 6 January.

    At the same time, the ZAG-SKP leg has disappeared from the reservation system and the aircraft has been changed from a319 to atr72.

    Admin, could you please look into this? OK's reservation system is a mess so I really don't know what to believe (e.g. there is no flight scheduled on Thursday evening 5 January to ZAG, so what plane do they intend to operate at 4:40 on my return flight on January 6?! ... this entire schedule doesn't make any sense).

    I am not asking because of me as I was already able to reschedule the return leg to Croatia (via MUC), but would be nice to know what's going on ...

    1. Anonymous19:28

      Maybe they are dropping the silly tag to SKP in the middle of the night and are looking to operate ZAG as a terminator flight?

    2. Anonymous19:56

      Yes, that's what I think, too. But what I don't get is that different booking engines offer different times/days ... so how many flights (and when) per week will there be between PRG and ZAG?

      The Czech airlines website is of no help here, I don't think I ever saw such a messy reservation system ...

    3. Anonymous23:28

      According to Amadeus not flights to SKP from JAN to end of MAR. Flights to ZAG are maintained.

  19. Anonymous17:38

    A friend says me wizz air launch flights to Tirana in April 2017. Really?

    1. Anonymous19:55

      If true then that´s SUPER NEWS! SKP/PRN watch out :D

  20. Anonymous18:35

    Zaista lep terminal, odlicno arh. resenje sa nedovoljnim brojem fingera. Sami fingeri nisu transparentni i narusavaju opsti utisak. U svakom slucaju veliki napredak jer aktuelni terminal izgleda kao prigradska autobuska stanica u provinciji zemlje u tranziciji. Problem danasnjeg terminala predstavlja i ljudski faktor, vecinom nekompetentni ljudi sa politickim i rodjackim vezama.
    Puno srece

    1. Anonymous23:12

      postovani prijatelju,
      aerodrom napravljen pre 50 godina za dvostruko manji broj putnika koji u vrsnim opterecenjima puca po savovima ali mu 99% aviona odlazi NA VREME sa velikom vecinom ZADOVOLJNIH putnika, nikako ne moze biti opsluzivan od strane "vecinom nekompetentnih ljudi sa politickim i rodjackim vezama". "Fingera" ce biti jos, vrlo brzo, ovo je tek prva faza, a fingeri nenarusavaju osti utisak modernog aerodorma, nego ga upotpunjuju. A koliko god sadasnji terminal bio mali i nedovoljan za glavni grad zemlje punopravne clanice EU sa postojecim ili od sledece godine uspostav ljenim redovnim linijama za Sjedinjene Drzave, Kanadu, Kinu i Juznu Koreju, reci za njega da izgleda "kao prigradska autobuska stanica u provinciji zemlje u tranziciji" ipak je malo prekriticno, pa cak i neukusno i nepristojno. S postovanjem, kolega koji se zanima za civilnu avijaciju i jos ponesto iz sociopolitike

  21. Anonymous18:56

    Volotea: Marseille – Split eff 09APR17 1 weekly (Day 7; 2 weekly Day 37 from 28JUN17)
    Strasbourg – Dubrovnik eff 27MAY17 1 weekly (Day 6)


    1. Dalmatia is booming

    2. Anonymous22:34

      Nothing compared to the booming market in ZAG. :)

  22. Anonymous23:17

    OT: Vucic najavio letove za Kinu.
    Premijer Srbije Aleksandar Vučić najavio je danas da će Srbija ukinuti vize Kinezima, a Kina Srbima, i ocenio da to značiti brzo otvaranje direktnih letova između Beograda i Pekinga kao i više poslovnih prilika.

    "Dogovorio sam se sa kineskim ambasadorom Lijem Mančangom da Srbija ukine vize Kinezima, Kina Srbima, što će značiti i brzo otvaranje direktnih linija do Pekinga, a verujem i do Šangaja", rekao je premijer za TV Prva.

    Prema njegovim rečima, to što više neće biti viza, otvoriće nove poslovne prilike i nove poslove.

    1. Anonymous08:21

      zar ukidanje viza ne spada pod kompetenciju MSP-a a sto se tice PEK letova tu valjda odlucije upravni odbor Er Srbije. ;)

      No dobro, sta ce nama sve to kada imam premijera kao sto je on.

    2. Anonymous08:55

      @8:21 ko je spomenuo da ce AirSerbija obavljati letove?

    3. @8:21 ko si ti i zašto hoćeš da rusiš vladu? :D

    4. Anonymous23:16

      1. ne znam ko je ali se slazem sa njim
      2. nigde nije napisao da hoce da rusi vladu
      3. cinjenica je da se premijer ne bavi svojim poslom a bavi se poslovima kojima se premijer ne bi trebao i ne bi smeo baviti
      4- jesu li sendvici ukusni danas?

  23. Anonymous23:41

    Ja bih pre rekao da je spomenuo potencijalne letove za Kinu.


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