Ljubljana eyes growth under resurgent Adria

Ljublja Jože Pučnik Airport ended 2016 as the only major airport in the former Yugoslavia to see its passenger numbers decrease compared to the year before. However, with figures improving in the last quarter of 2016 and Adria's plans to expand its operations in the near future, the airport expects a busier 2017. Over the last year it welcomed a total of 1.404.831 travellers, a decrease of 2.3%. The number of aircraft movements declined by 0.6% to 32.701. Ljubljana Airport was hit by Adria's consolidation measures, which saw the carrier suspend several routes. Furthermore, Swiss International Air Lines ended its short-lived service from Zurich. However, at the start of the 2016/17 winter season, figures began to improve with Slovenia's national carrier introducing additional frequencies on popular routes, while easyJet launched flights from London Gatwick Airport. As a result, Ljubljana's passenger numbers grew 18.7% in December alone.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN73.567 0.6
FEB77.976 7.9
MAR93.923 3.3
APR100.549 10.5
MAY116.499 9.3
JUN135.757 9.2
JUL163.267 5.0
AUG165.137 8.1
SEP151.658 3.7
OCT132.081 2.8
NOV99.082 5.5
DEC95.335 18.7

The General Manager of Ljubljana Airport, Zmago Skobir, is upbeat on future prospects. "I have no reason to be sceptical. Currently, all signs point to a positive trend. Adria's management is attempting to improve the business and we are seeing a change. The number of Adria's transfer passengers (from the Balkans) are growing again. In addition, we see an increasing number of tourists, presenting another opportunity for the airport", Mr Skobir told the "Delo" daily. He added, "In 2015 we were the leaders, but now we have our biggest competitors, Zagreb and Venice, with sharp growth. However, the Slovenian market is strengthening and Ljubljana is becoming a popular tourist destination. If the product is there, then the market is too".

This year, Transavia will launch flights from Amsterdam to the Slovenian capital, while Adria, which holds an over 60% share at Ljubljana Airport, plans to expand its operations, with Ukraine and the Middle East being considered as potential new markets. The carrier is also working on positioning itself as a link between Western and Eastern Europe by shuttling passengers through Ljubljana to their final destination. Slovenian media recently reported that Ljubljana Airport is in the early stages of talks with carriers such as Iberia Express, Vueling and even Ryanair, while Norwegian Air Shuttle told EX-YU Aviation News of its interest in the Slovenian market.




  1. Anonymous09:02

    Hope they can turn it around in 2017.

  2. Anonymous09:23

    They must reduce dependence on Adria.

    1. Anonymous09:35

      Hahahahhahahahah that made my day. Thank you.

    2. 😂😂😂😂

    3. Anonymous19:26

      They should work on bringing new carriers! how are the announcements for this year?

  3. Anonymous09:24

    "The number of Adria's transfer passengers (from the Balkans) are growing again."

    Why? Has Adria done something to its network which has caused this?

    1. Anonymous09:28

      They added a few extra frequencies and moved around some departure times. Not sure if that had an impact. Also, their fee strcture might have changed.

    2. Nemjee09:37

      It's funny how they refer to the Balkans when their transfer passengers come from ex-YU plus Albania.

      Do they serve any other destination besides these:


    3. JU520 BEGLAX11:07

      They cut the transit time in LJU, thats why journeys on JP are in reservation systems timewise within the top offers
      I mentioned that before, especially ex ZRH FRA MUC VIE

    4. JU520 BEGLAX11:16

      For exampe 1025 ETD VIE and MUC gives u 1240 ETA SJJ or 1250 TGD or 1300 PRN
      So MUC to SJJ via LJU in 2h15.

  4. Anonymous09:27

    Good thing they got some momentum going now. I expect 2017 will be much much better for them.

  5. Anonymous09:30

    Finally numbers going up. December was very strong. Let's see how January goes considering it was not bad last year.

  6. Anonymous10:01

    The sad thing is that they had more passengers in 2008, 2007, 2015 and 2009 then today...

  7. Anonymous10:04

    He added, "In 2015 we were the leaders, but now we have our biggest competitors, Zagreb and Venice, with sharp growth.
    Leaders in what sense?

    1. Anonymous10:33

      Passenger growth rate.

    2. Anonymous10:33

      Leaders in growth as a % of the previous year. 2015 was good for Ljubljana. He however forgot to mention that after the peak in 2008 they had 4 years of consecutive decline and that the airport in 2012 fell under 1,2 mil.
      Ljubljana is kinda getting wrecked by its neighbors, the airport increased pax by 41% compared to 2000. And Slovenians are traveling more, their neighbors are traveling more, and Slovenia had over 3 million foreign visitors in 2016. Probably 7-8 times more than in 2000.

  8. Anonymous10:05

    I only care about Norwegian. I want that 1 stop access to all their nordic destinations without having to go to venice to get it and without having to book through 2 different airlines.

    1. Anonymous10:41

      Norwegian is something I'd like to see at LJU too. But damn they be if they introduce Gatwick service. Hihly unlikely, but still. It's super unlikely they'll fly here anyways

  9. Anonymous10:19

    Je li netko zna da li je prosirena pista u Zracnoj luci Zagreb? Ja sam mislio da je, ali procitao sam negdje kao da nije, sto mi nema smisla jer je ipak sagraden jedan aviomost za prihvat airbusa A380...ima li netko vise informacija o tome?

    1. Anonymous10:32

      Nisu sirili pistu. Mislim da moze da sleti na sadasnju pistu.

    2. Anonymous11:01

      Postojeća pista je dovoljno dugačka 3125 m, problem mogu biti avio mostovi jer nema za sad onih duplih za A380...

    3. Anonymous11:48

      dva-stropne mostove ne treba tako brzo, to rade samo one aerodrome, koje imaju redovne linije sa A380.
      Ali trebalo bi dvojne mostove za boardinga A330/B767, pogotovo za B773.
      Jel ima dosta mjesta na novom terminalu za 773 - dosta je dugacak?

    4. Anonymous11:50

      O boze kao da slece space shuttle. Pa sletao je valjda B777 i B747 ranije u Zagreb pa ce sleteti i ovo. Mnogo je interesantnije kako ce ga ZLZ handlovati posto trenutno ne mogu da obezbede ni obroke za povratni let Qatar Airways-a pa ih pakuju u Dohi.

    5. Anonymous11:58

      Pa nesto je negdje pisalo da ce jedan gate biti posebno dizajniran za prihvat vecih aviona tipa 777 i 380. Sad ne znam koliko je to istina. Valjda se nece do emiratesovog 777-300 dolaziti s autobusom uz postojece avio mostove...to bi bilo bez veze. Ali sjecam se da sam u Melbourneu s Qatar Airwysom putovao u 777-300er i tamo nije bio dvostropni aviomost koji nas je povezivao.

    6. Anonymous12:08

      Yes but it was given up when the plan was revised and reduced.

    7. Anonymous12:15

      You want to say that bridges at new Zagreb terminal cannot accept 777 aircrafts?
      But the other airlines in summer schedule will introduce Zagreb service with wide-body aircraft..like Air Transat, charter from Seoul..and new possible flights to JFK and PEK.

    8. Anonymous12:39

      Naravno da za 773 ne treba dvostropni/dvospratni avio most, jer avion nema dva sprata. Može dupli avio most. ZAG ih nema, ali to nije preterani problem. Ovo je avion sa tri klase, dakle putnika neće biti tako spektakularno mnogo, uz dobru organizaciju boardinga sa zonama to može brzo da se završi. Uostalom, turnaround je oko tri sata, nema tu nikakvih problema.

    9. Anonymous12:57

      Dupli aviomost? Mislis da jedan gate ima vise mostova?
      Ali ni to nije imao aerodrom u Melbourneu...prvo su ulazili ljudi za business i prvu klasu, pa kad su se oni popunili onda smo ulazili mi za ekonomsku...vjerojatno tako bude i u Zagrebu.

    10. Anonymous14:32

      Mislim na jedan most sa dva izlaza, dakle, tek se u hodniku, nakon kontrole boarding passa, most deli na dva "izlaza", uglavnom jedan za prvu i biznis, i drugi za ekonomsku. Na izlazu je drugačije - putnici koji su bliži prvom aisleu izlaze na taj most koji je bio za ekonomsku, a drugom na ovaj za biznis i prvu.

      To se radi jer se često stvara "čep" u samom tunelu, jer se ljudi sporo ukrcavaju (ubacivanje stvari u overhead i slično). Cilj je da putnici u F i J ne čekaju.

      To je samo pitanje komocije za premium putnike i skraćuje vreme boardinga, ali kažem, sa turnaroundom od tri sata, potpuno nepotrebno. Kao i na svim letovima, prvo se zovu putnici u prvoj, biznis i frequent flyeri sa statusom, a potom ostali po zonama (prvo se ukrcavaju putnici ekonomske u repu, pa u sredini, itd., to ide po onim zonama).

    11. Anonymous15:08

      Hvala na iscrpnom odgovoru!

    12. Anonymous21:38

      AnonymousJanuary 15, 2017 at 10:19 AM
      A380 teretski ne može da sleti u Zagreb, krajnji motroi na A380 se približno poklapaju sa krajevima piste i preti opasnost od usisavanja ukoliko se nešto nalzi na travnjaku do piste. U realnosti mogao bi da sleti ali je preveliki rizik i trošak oštetiti takav avion, njegovo isključenje iz redovnog saobraćaja je jako skupo.

    13. Anonymous21:40

      teoretski* izvinjavam se za pravopisne greške

    14. Anonymous22:17

      A380 će moći sletjeti na ZAG, i ima gate za njega na novom terminalu. Emirates će prvi let napraviti sa A380. Jedan od pilota će biti Saša Pavlović, bivši vojni pilot i pilot Croatie, sada pilot Emiratesa.

    15. Anonymous00:42

      Pista u zg je 3252m, sasvim dovoljno duga i široka (45) za 380, koji vjerovatno neće još dugo doći u ZAG. Na kraju krajeva je došao i AN225, pa nije bio problem, a on je i veći od 380. Problem bi bio prihvat i otprema toliko velikog broja putnika, cateringa, goriva. Kad dođe 747 ili 777 ili čak i 330, napravi kaos jer uzme sve cisterne da puni gorivo. Onda drugi avioni moraju čekati. Ne znam kako će to smisliti za 777 od Emirata.

    16. Anonymous08:40

      ako već pokušavate pisati hrvatski, onda bi bilo dobro naučiti:

      vjerovatno = vjerojatno
      pa nije bio problem = pa nije bilo problema
      da puni gorivo = za punjenje goriva

      Kao što rekoh Emirates će svoj inauguracijski let obaviti sa A380 i pilotom Sašom Pavlovićem.

    17. Anonymous09:21

      nema nikakvih problema sa sletanjem/poletanjem A380 s Plesa.....nije to najveci zrakoplov koji je koristio tu pistu.....vec su na Pleso sletali, a i s njega poletali, kud i kamo veci zrakoplovi od njega kao sto su C5, AN124/225.
      dakle, nema nikakvih zapreka s aspekta ogranicavajucih faktora PSS.
      s druge strane, nisam bas siguran da li je novi terminal adekvatno opremljen za prihvat putnika na terminal. mislim kako su postojeci aviomostovi izvedeni tako da ce se zrakoplov dockirat na samo 1 tocki sto bi moglo prouzrokovat sporiji iskrcaj/ukrcaj putnika.

  10. Anonymous10:43

    Great news. Go Ljubljana!

  11. OT TUIfly Belgium will inaugurate first regular flights from Brussels to Brac. From 23.5. once a week. It seems there will be a second destination from Brac, because it will be a W-pattern. BRU-BWK-XXX-BWK-BRU

    1. Anonymous11:49

      +1, Emb 190?

    2. Anonymous11:51

      This was already announced a while ago.


      "A recent deal with tour operator TUI will see new flights to the airport next year, which will bring an additional 30.000 passengers to Brač who had previously used Split Airport".

    3. Anonymous11:54

      It was mentioned in an interview that Brač expects TUI this year and is negotiating with Eurowings for 2018.

    4. Brac is extending its runway to over 1700 meters. Should be ready for the summer season.

    5. Anonymous13:05

      Actually they will extend the runway to just a little bit over 2.100 meters. They recently bought land on the other (north) side of the runway and are planning an extension there as well.

    6. Alen Šćuric Purger22:20

      1760 meters. And it is already done. Finished.

    7. Anonymous22:36

      And then an extension will happen on the north side as well. The owners already bought the land

  12. Anonymous11:24

    Ljubljana should really try and capitalize on the fact that Zagreb is increasing its fees and try to get some LCCs. Especially since many of them are avoiding Zagreb at the moment. Instead of people from Ljubljana going to Zagreb they could really reverse this trend.

    1. Anonymous11:27

      They need to attract more airlines. If nothing they should give some incentives.

    2. Perhaps, but mind if LCC enter LJU aggressively, Adria will be hurt even more...I would say more legacy carriers plus some LCC not too many.

  13. Anonymous12:04

    I was expecting better results under Fraport.

  14. Anonymous13:17

    Adria plans to expand with flights to Ukraine and Middle East(?!). Is it for real?

    1. Anonymous13:22

      Yep their CCO announced they were in talks with Kiev and another city in Ukraine (starts with V can't remember its name but was reported in an earlier article here). There is a rumour going around that they will start Tehran in summer 2017 and extend seasonal Tel aviv flights to yearly.

  15. Anonymous16:10

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous16:11

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Anonymous16:11

      Svakako ima jos destinacija gde bi JP da leti i tako da doprinos LJU sa porastom putnika.
      Jel ima U2 jos planova sa novim Destinacijama iz LJU.
      I bice zaninimljivo videti hoce biti nesto od novih linija iz BNX sto pisu pijedine novine.

    3. Anonymous21:45


  16. Anonymous16:28

    OT Montenegro Airlines doesn't have but two functional airplanes today. As a result they were forced to cancel flights from Podgorica to Belgrade (YM100) and to Ljubljana (YM180). Moreover, flights TGD-FRA, TGD-FCO and TIV-BEG are late couple of hours, while BEG-TIV will be diverted to Podgorica because of the dark.

    1. Anonymous17:39

      YM will not survive 2017, Rip

    2. Nemjee18:00

      Didn't they experience similar issues about a week ago? YM is a joke, time to shut them down.

    3. Anonymous18:07

      One of their planes was hit and demaged by lightning.

    4. Anonymous20:42

      Yeah like 20 days ago.

  17. Anonymous22:21

    Few PRN flights are diverted to SKP, and OS is returning to VIE, any info?

    1. Anonymous22:48

      Weather again ?

  18. Skurbir09:28

    you can't have growth with airport still set in the mid 70' (by mentality and infrastructure)

    1. Anonymous09:43

      espacially the landside


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