Croatia Airlines to announce expansion

Croatia Airlines will announce its expansion plans for the 2017 summer season in the coming days. In a statement to EX-YU Aviation News the carrier said, "By Friday, or the beginning of next week at the latest, we will announce novelties in our summer 2017 timetable". The airline is considering new services to Stockholm, Moscow, Dublin and Oslo. In 2016, the carrier rolled out four new seasonal routes out of Zagreb (Lisbon, Prague, Milan and St Petersburg), which are all to resume this summer and will be extended into the winter months. "The new destinations all proved so successful, that we are going to keep them all", the company said recently. It is also likely that the airline will introduce seasonal flights between Split and Milan.

Croatia Airlines has previously operated flights to both Stockholm and Moscow. The two weekly service to the Swedish capital was maintained during the 1990s with a Boeing 737-200 aircraft but the route was later suspended. Yesterday, Norwegian Air Shuttle announced it would introduce up to two weekly flights between Stockholm and the Croatian capital from June 10. On the other hand, plans to launch flights to Moscow were initially made in 2011, however, the implementation of the restructuring program put an east-bound expansion on hold. Currently, Aeroflot maintains flights between the two cities. Late last year, Croatia Airlines operated charters between Osijek and Dublin to evaluate the route's potential. There is a growing Croatian diaspora in Ireland. It is unclear whether the planned new destinations would run on a seasonal or year-round basis.

The airline has previously said it is looking to add a 100-seat regional aircraft to its fleet, which would be required in order for the carrier to expand its network. The company will lease a Trade Air Fokker 100 jet for a second year in a row, however, it is uncertain whether additional planes will be taken up. Meanwhile, the Croatian carrier will continue to maintain nine weekly flights to London Heathrow Airport this summer despite selling its slots to Delta Air Lines, with the deal to come into effect from April 1. As EX-YU Aviation News learns, Croatia Airlines has leased back the slots until the end of October.


  1. Anonymous09:02

    Is it just me or does it seem like every time Croatia Airlines is about to announce a route a foreign airline beats them to it. Last year CSA announced Prague, this year Norwegian announced Stockholm.

    1. Anonymous09:11

      True. Seems to be becoming a trend.

    2. Anonymous11:02

      Bitno je da oni imaju potencijal. Ko Purgerove prognoze.

    3. Anonymous15:51

      A što se to nije ostvarilo što je Alen predvidio?

    4. Anonymous16:59

      @AnonymousFebruary 23, 2017 at 9:02 AM

      Actually you're on the right track, i won't say much as I was told in confidence but yes, it is bit embarrassing to say the least.

  2. Anonymous09:02

    Great news!

  3. Anonymous09:04

    It would be great if we see some surprise apart from the ones that are already listed.

    1. Anonymous09:14

      It's possible. The text says that these are some of the destinations that they are considering. There could be others.

  4. Anonymous09:04

    Can't wait!

  5. Anonymous09:05

    It was about time OU paid some more attention to the Scandinavian market.

  6. Anonymous09:09

    I don't see the point of flying to LED and Moscow. Pick one. The demand isn't so great. Scandinavia is chronically underserved by OU during the summer so Stockholm and Oslo is a good idea.

    1. Anonymous09:17

      You know demand is not great, have numbers or just need to write something?? The fact is that LED worked good and will be same this year too. 2pw could work year round.

    2. Anonymous09:32

      LED had a LF of around 60%

    3. Anonymous10:37

      True. I would have guessed that they were to drop this route and keep the other three that performed apparently much better. Still I have not seen numbers for LIS, PRG, MXP) - does anyone have them?

    4. Anonymous11:47

      I think the flights to LED have now been rescheduled and offers better connections onto other flights within Croatia. So hopefully this will translate in better results. At the end of the day they can drop LED and keep Moscow during the winter.

  7. Anonymous09:10

    How did the Osijek-Dublin charters perform? Anyone know?

    1. Anonymous09:31

      Horribly. I flew four times (two return flights) and there were maybe 30 passengers. OU didn't lose anything as there were subsidies.

    2. Anonymous09:53

      anonymous 9.31 u laži su kratko noge i sam si se uvalio u laž. Avion je dva puta otisao i vratio se, a ti se oba puta odvezao u Dublin i ostao u avionu i vratio za Osijek? hahahahaha

    3. Anonymous10:19

      That is actually not so bad! Hardly anyone knew of that route,
      I assume that with proper marketing both(!) in Croatia and in Ireland when launching a scheduled route, and launching it from larger ZAG area, plus with the connecting passengers in ZAG they can do an average of 90 pax per flight. Ideal for the 100-seater jet that they are looking for.

    4. Anonymous14:51

      Da, jesam zato sto sam stw. :)

  8. Anonymous09:11

    Zasto pobogu Moskva? Pa odnosi s Rusijom su i vise nego losi proteklih godina + viza. Cak nije niti Star Alliance hub, a Aeroflot je i vise nego dovoljan na liniji za Zagreb buduci da ima svoju bazu u Sheremetyevu. Pretpostavljam da ce OU letjeti za Domodedovo?

    Sto ce im pobogu St Petersburg year round? Pa jedva su punili avion tijekom sezone, a kamoli tek preko zime. Sto im je u glavi da toliko forsiraju Rusiju?
    A gdje je preusmjeravanje letova za London Gatwick kako su obecali da ce napraviti u slucaju prodaje slotova na Heathrowu? Pa tko njima radi analize trzista da otvaraju nepotrebne destinacije, umjesto gradova koje nam hitno trebaju poput npr Sofije.

    1. No Gatwick announcements as they are leasing back the Heathrow slots through the end of the summer schedule.

    2. Anonymous09:30

      Yeah but they can start Gatwick from NOV 1.

    3. Anonymous10:21


      If I was OU I would now slowly prepare to move to LGW completely by Oct 29th.

  9. Anonymous09:14

    Another announcement made of pure jatovanje.

    1. Anonymous11:45

      Well if you read the text it says they will reveal the new routes by Friday or next week. How is that Jatovanje?

    2. Anonymous11:56

      You will see on Friday or next week how/why it is typical jatovanje.

    3. Anonymous12:03


  10. Anonymous09:18

    But how are they going to do this? They will have to lease another plane. My money is on a second F100 from Trade Air or the A320 from Trade Air.

    1. Anonymous09:26

      Yeah it seems the likeliest scenario.

    2. Anonymous10:40

      I would be surprised if they went for another F100.
      Why not lease a SSJ, EMB190, CRJ900 to check out these birds as they plan to acquire one of these types anyway.

    3. Anonymous11:45

      But why introduce an Embraer and operate four different aircraft Airbus, Fokker, Embraer, Bombardier...

    4. Anonymous11:54

      I would not be surprised if its a CRJ from Adria.

    5. Anonymous18:53

      @11:45 No, they would still only operate 2 types in any case.
      They will LEASE a F100 opb Trade Air and I am saying they should LEASE a different type (if they need a second additional plane for summer which is quite certain) opb whoever in order to get to know more types of aircraft which will support them in making a sound decision when it comes to buying a 100-seater.
      Leases in this case mean wet leases with crew and maintenance through third parties.

  11. Anonymous09:26

    If any of these plans materialize I will be happy. At least they are focusing on development.

  12. Anonymous09:28

    What about setting the base in SJJ, PRN etc.?

    1. Anonymous09:44

      Ahahaha you still believe it? c'mon, be serious.

  13. Anonymous09:29

    Good selection of route which would work well for Croatia Airlines.

  14. Anonymous09:36

    Does anyone know why OU has cancelled a few flights this week? Is it because aircraft are out of service or what?

  15. Alen Šćuric Purger09:39

    E pa situacija je opaka:

    1. U petak (sutra) je sjednica Nadzornog odbora Croatie. Jedna točka dnevnog reda: Uprava

    2. U pozivu se predlaže da se trenutnoj upravi produži ugovor do provedbe natječaja, do 6 mjeseci.

    3. No, trenutna uprava to ne prihvača i traži produženje na 4 godine "ili ništa"

    4. Ako se to desi CTN bi mogla izgubiti post holdera (navodno se sprema takav scenarij) i CCAA bi morala oduzeti AOC firmi.

    1. Danijel09:44

      I sta je onda veca steta? Da ovi nesposobnjakovici ostanu jos 4 godine ili ovaj drugi scenarij? Ja bi potjerao ovu upravu pod svaku cijenu. Upropastavaju vec puno predugo, i sad jos ucjenjuju. Nek se gone! Puno gore ne moze biti.

    2. Anonymous10:08

      A jesu li ove najave linija samo način da se obavi pritisak na vlast prije sutrašnjeg Nadzornog odbora?

    3. Anonymous10:12

      O boze oni hoce jos 4 godine -.-

    4. Alen Šćuric Purger13:14

      Zadnja (privatna) informacija je da je uprava pristala ostati do javnog natječaja na kom će se birati direktor.

  16. Anonymous09:50

    Selling London slots just to lease them? OK.

    1. Anonymous10:58

      It is not uncommon approach, other airlines did the same (e.g. Jet Airways with Etihad or Kenya Airways with KLM).

    2. Anonymous11:50

      I consider this action of Croatia as a complete prove that Purger was telling the truth and that Kučko was lieing. Why would they (sa hardly) wnat to sell the slots for a route that brings minus in revenue (as Kučko was telling all of the time during selling process). If it really brings minus, than no way you would lease it back. So you have minus from operation and also from leasing.

      But... there is a huge plus from operation on the route and even Kučko knows it.


    3. I was going to say the same thing and thought I can't be the first to think it.

      Whether it's 'common practice' or not, it seems ridiculous. They should have held onto the slots, used them up, and then leased to another airline instead when they move to LGW. This way they will waste the capital they received and have nothing to show for it.

  17. Anonymous10:30

    I still think they need to be more active in the region. They could fly to Tirana, Sofia, Bucharest, resume Pristina and Podgorica too.

    1. Anonymous10:34

      Dont underestimate the domestic feeding potential that they make good use of within Croatia - in contrast to lets say Serbia. They feed their ZAG routes also from OSI, ZAD, PUY, SPU, DBV (and even BWK during summer).

    2. Anonymous10:37

      Aren't they resuming Pristina in the summer?

    3. Anonymous14:24

      Who travels to Sofia? lol

    4. Anonymous14:50

      Lol... like no one. The airport barely serves any passengers, like only double of ZAG.

    5. Anonymous15:11

      Last year, about 35 000 Buglarians have visited Zagreb. I'm not so sure how many Croatins have visited Bulgaria, but there is a big potential! ZAG-SOF could work on year round basis with DH4 - during summer season daily, during winter 2-3 pw.

    6. Anonymous17:51

      and 10 went from ZAG to SOF

    7. Anonymous01:59

      In 2015 (no data for 2016 yet), 24 000 Croatians visited Bulgaria. Don't know how many to Sofia. But there is some traffic both ways.

  18. Anonymous10:31

    How much diaspora and tourism is there from HR to Norway Oslo-area and Northern Norway? From my own experience, I know how extremely touristic Central and Northern Norway is (really for good reasons!). Anyone coming from a virtual line below UK-Denmark-Baltic must change in OSL as only option and there is great potential with Star Alliance partner SAS in OSL. Downside is that OSL is smaller than STO but I still guess it could have larger overall potential. Also, incoming tourism potential from all over Norway. OU is already doing charters every year in summer even to small airports like EVE or also some in Northern Sweden. However there - I doubt OU can keep up with DY competition at ARN, so OSL seems to be a more logic choice.

  19. Anonymous10:51

    Split-Milan sounds like a good idea by Croatia Airlines.

  20. Alen Šćuric Purger11:18


    Alitalia je otkazala 60% letova za danas zbog štrajka nekoliko sindikata koji će trajati 24 sata.

    Novi business plan Alitalije, koji je podržan od Etihada, je da otpusti 2.000 radnika, smanji broj aviona u floti, linija i frekvencija na pojedinim linijama. Sindikati naglašavaju da će sa štrajkom nastaviti ako uprava ne smanji broj planiranih otpuštanja.

    Baš me interesira jel itko na forumu misli da će Croatia danas poslati A320 za Rim i tako preuzeti neke putnike Alitalije sa konekcijama preko Splita i Zagreba?

    1. Alen Šćuric Purger11:22

      Zna li netko je li Air Serbia možda:
      - poslala A320 na svoj let da privuče što više putnika + konekcije via BEG?

      - posudila neki od prizemljenih aviona Alitaliji?

    2. Anonymous11:56


      BEG-FCO YU-APB A319

      AZ let nije na sajtu aerodroma Beograd tako da je ranije bio otkazan.

    3. Alen Šćuric Purger13:27

      Eto ga, upravo o tome sam pisao u prošlom članku na Tango 6. Sve kompanije cendraju kako imaju problema sa sezonalnošću i ne mogu zaposliti kapacitete, a onda kad se desi bogomdana prilika ne reagiraju. Što je Air Serbia trebala napraviti:

      1. Poslati A320 (kad je već A330 u JFK, inaće poslati njega) i pokupiti sve svoje putnike + putnike AZ sa leta koji je otkazan + pokojeg konektiranog putnika koji očajno želi doći na svoju destinaciju i voljan je presjedati i 3 puta samo da stigne. I sutradan staviti A320 da se pokupe "zaostali" putnici koji su morali prespavati.

      2. Ponuditi Alitaliji sve svoje slobodne kapacitete, čak štoviše ponuditi Alitaliji i više od toga, a svoje linije pokriti jednodnevnim najmom aviona Montenegrad, Trade Aira, Adrie.

      3. Ponuditi Alitaliji da umjesto njih odlete FCO-BEG-FCO. Polazak BEG-FCO bi bio po redu letenja, a povratk bio bio sa kašnjenjem od cca 4 sata. Nije smak svijeta. Ljudi su očajni, bili bi sretni da mogu odleteti samo sa 4 sata zakašnjenja. Ali zato preuzeti što više konektiranih putnika preko BEG.

      I svjestan sam da točka 2. i 3. nisu "samo tako" za napraviti. Vjerojatno ni Alitalija ne želi trošiti ekstra novac za rentanje tuđih aviona (posebno što su u financijskoj banani), i jeftinije im je ljudima platiti smještaj i hranu, te ih sutradan prebaciti angažiranje većih aviona i uz LF od 100%. No, Air Serbia nije čak poslala ni A320 na vlastitu liniju, pa da se preuzmu Alitalijini putnici otkazanog leta od danas i zaradi koja ekstra pinka. A avioni stoje prizemljeni i nezaposleni.

      Da se razumijemo ništa nije napravila ni Croatia na liniji ZAG-SPU-FCO-SPU-ZAG.

    4. Anonymous14:09

      Alene nije bas sve tako kako vi pisete. Da li ste sigurni da je to tako lako organizovati ako imate tri aviona u hangaru? Druga stvar otkud znate koliko je ljudi bilo na letu JU i koliko vise kapaciteta imaju? Mozda su imali pola aviona prazno. Mozda je jedini A320 koji je leteo na drugu destinaciju morao da leti tamo zbog broja putnika?
      Mi to ne znamo i cinjenica je da je najlakse kritikovati i sjedeti u fotelji, ne osvrcuci se na okolnosti.

    5. Anonymous14:49

      Alene, jedan A320 je otisao pun za AMS a drugi je trenutno u hangaru. Nije bilo mogucnosti da se poveca kapacitet. Isto tako, siguran sam da su SkyTeam partneri preuzeli visak putnika.

    6. Alen Šćuric Purger16:18

      Naravno, možda im je LF ispod 50%, i onaj Alitalije ispod 50%. Pa oba ta leta stanu u jedan. Ali jel to stvarno vjerojatno? Konačno, za očekivati je preuzimanje konektiranih putnika. Što nije moguće ako se ne pošalje veći avion. Ako se pošalje i u sustav ubaci više mjesta, ljudi na šalterima koji pokušavaju rerutirati tisuće putnika to će popuniti iste sekunde. Poglavito jer je JU partner u alijansi.

      A ovo oko promjene aviona bi morala biti sustavna stvar, stvar organizacije i definitivno stvar koja se na dnevnoj bazi može opertivno ostvariti. U prošloj godini Air France je imao planiran A318 na relaciji CDG-ZAG. I na dnevnoj bazi je taj avion mijenjao sa A319, A320 i A321. Jednako tako često dolaze veći avioni Turkisha, Lufthanse, KLM-a, Qatara... Ako to može jedna velika kompanija kao što je Air France, Qatar, Lufthansa, Turkish, onda to mora moći mala kompanija poput Air Serbie ili Croatie. Poglavito što je takvim kompanijicama to i te kako bitnije i moraju nastojati privući svakog, ali baš svakog putnika.

      OK, jedan A320 je u hangaru, drugi je pun u AMS. Bog te pitaj što je sa 737 koji su isto bitno veći, a bogami ih ima stacioniranih. Dobro, neka bude da nisu imali sreće. Zato i jesam pitao zna li netko.

      Ali da su kompanije iz regije inertne po tom pitanju, jesu. I uvijek, ali uvijek imaju "nesreću".

    7. Anonymous16:33

      Jel to taj ISKORAK kojeg treba napraviti? lol

    8. Anonymous19:32

      Alene, ipak je kraj februara... pitanje koliko je bilo potrebe za dodatnim kapacitetom. JU ima solidnu popunjenost na letu za FCO, izmedju 80 i 110 putnika po letu.

      AZ je pre nekoliko dana povukla let iz sistema tako da sam siguran da su putnike rerutirali.

    9. Anonymous20:40

      Džabe pričate, ekspert se opet uhvatio za nešto o čemu nema nikakve podatke ili saznanja, pa pošto nema podatke onda je zamislio neko objašnjenje koje njemu lepo zvuči, i sad će da insistira na njemu pa kakve god činjenice da mu budu prezentovane. Tako funkcioniše ekspertiza na brdovitom Balkanu.

    10. Alen Šćuric Purger22:08

      Da stoji i to da je popunjenost sada slaba. Ali ipak je jedan let otkazan, a uz to i niz putnika bi se rerutralo

      Anonymous 8:40
      Ja sam pitao, zar ne? Činjenica je da takvu praksu kompanije u regiji nemaju. Što je nonsens u mjesecima kada bi trebali loviti svaku priliku za dodanim putnicima.

      A Vas ja jako smetam u životu? Opsesija, nedostatak druge zanimacije u životu, tipična balkansak kritičnost svih koji nešto rade? Što god bilo, samo tako dalje naprijed, to je demokracija i vaše elementarno pravo. Iskreno čudno, ali bože mili, ima nas svakakvih.

      No, ljubazno vas molim da ne ljepite riječ "ekspert" uz moje ime. Niti se takvim predstavljam, niti to smatram. Pa kako ja to ne činim, ljubazno molim da mi ne ljepite epitete koji nisu umjesni.

    11. Anonymous05:01

      Tako se ponasas i takav stav imas. Precesto bez pokrica.

    12. Alen Šćuric Purger08:49

      No, to je vaša subjektivni stav. Eto, ja po milijuniti put javno kažem da to o sebi ne smatram, a na vaš stav niti mogu, niti želim utjecati.

      Al bez obzira na to, ako to nije moj deklarirani stav onda vam elementarni bonton priječi da me tako etiketirate, a sa ciljem da strukovnu raspravu prebacite na egocentrično etiketiranje. Drugi razlog biti ne može.

  21. Anonymous11:21

    it does not seem Kresimir Kucko is going anywhere.

  22. Anonymous11:27

    Looking forward to the announcement.

  23. Anonymous11:30

    All of the new destinations are quite good. Why not spread a bit further though? Middle East maybe, Lebanon?

    1. Anonymous11:44

      They have missed that boat. Competition is too big. Best they can do now is codeshare and provide feed for their domestic flights.

  24. Anonymous11:43

    Finally some positive news from Croatia Airlines :)

  25. Nemjee11:47


    Aegean will launch a two weekly flights from ATH to TGD operated by the Q400.

    Flights will be operated from 21.06 to 10.09.

    1. Nemjee11:52


      ATH-TGD 08.55-09.30
      TGD-ATH 10.00-12.25

    2. Anonymous12:23


      Where did you source this information? From Amadeus? Thank you!

    3. Anonymous12:24

      It's in the system.

    4. Nemjee12:36

      Yup, it's in the system already.

    5. Anonymous15:12

      we are waiting for SKP

    6. Anonymous19:33

      Is there demand for SKP- ATH? Two weekly I would imagine..

  26. Anonymous11:53

    8 new routes in two years is fantastic but it is funny if they manage to pull it off without actually expanding their fleet.

    1. Anonymous11:54

      It's impossible especially since they say they will keep 4 new routes during the winter. It means they will have to do a long term lease of a plane.

    2. Alen Šćuric Purger13:33

      No, Croatia has more then enough capacity during winter. In this moment one A319 is all the time parked during winter, and others they use them on just 60-65%. Q400 is used 100% during winter.

      My proposal in 2010 elaborate was to have summer leasing of Trade Airs 3 planes (F100) with no lease during winter. That would make 90-95% usage of OU capacity during winter (and 100% during summer of course).

  27. Anonymous11:53

    announces expansion... Of course they are. I mean it's been almost a week without a new "plan" or announcement.
    C'mon guys... The government put several hundred million of euros on the company overall since 1991. And what's left? That's what I call taxpayer money burning...

  28. Next week in Ex Yu aviation: Croatia Airlines selling Q400s for pennies on the dollar to pay for A320 maintenance, company outlook unclear.

    1. Croatia Q400's are leased.

  29. Anonymous13:23

    Bravo Hrvatska!

  30. Anonymous16:43

    Bulgaria Air announced seasonal flights to Rijeka and Tivat
    Sofia – Rijeka 18MAY17 – 12OCT17 (Except 07JUL17 – 30AUG17)
    FB8797 SOF0600 – 0625RJK E90 4
    FB8798 RJK0715 – 0935SOF E90 4

    Sofia – Tivat 17MAY17 – 11OCT17 (Except 06JUL17 – 29AUG17)
    FB8795 SOF0820 – 0820TIV E90 3
    FB8796 TIV0910 – 1110SOF E90 3 (17MAY17 – 05JUL17)
    FB8796 TIV1355 – 1555SOF E90 3 (30AUG17 – 11OCT17)

    1. Anonymous17:00

      Won't this harm JU's loads? Any idea how many pax are transferring from SOF to TIV and RJK?

    2. Anonymous17:36

      JU ne leti za RJK

    3. And these flights are "only" charter flights

  31. Anonymous20:02


    Za admina da stavi desno

    Birmingham – Split 25JUN17 – 01OCT17 2 weekly A321 (Day 27)

    1. Anonymous08:02

      A321... another sign of SPU having issues with space.

  32. Anonymous00:12

    Ima dosta Destinacija gde bi CTN mogla profitabilno da leti ali ne znam sto se to ne iskoristi .
    Bilo bi zanimljivo znati dalije CTN u mogucnosti leteti do daljih destinacija mislim da li bi moglo stati u plan letenje ili je on leti maksimalno iskoricenj.
    Hvala unapred :)

    1. Uskoro će se sve saznati... :)

    2. Danijel09:06

      A jel se ima uopće šta saznati? Ima nade?

  33. Trade Air Fokker 100, good grief! Instead of getting new Airbus 320 Neo or 737-800 and gambling with future in a real way, tje greater the risk the higher the reward, Croatia Airlines is just steadily falling into the abyss of parochial nothingness and putting to shame a country that is one of the #1 resort detinations in the world...another company needs to pop up in Croatia replacing this failed project...just so sad and with no strategy, vision and management...


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