Air Serbia puts third jet on lease market


Air Serbia has put its third Airbus A319 aircraft up for lease over the 2017/18 winter season. The jet, registered YU-APA, will be available to potential leasers between October of this year until April of next year. The Serbian carrier is offering an ACMI arrangement for the aircraft. As previously reported, the airline has also listed two other A319s, registered YU-APD and YU-API, on the leasing market. According to the German magazine “Focus”, Etihad is in negotiations with Lufthansa over the lease of narrow-body aircraft from its European investments, including Air Berlin, Air Serbia and Alitalia, to Eurowings.


  1. Anonymous11:10

    Lufthansa will hardly be interested in leasing the jets only in slow season. If EW takes the jets, they will be on a 6 year lease, like they did with the 35 AB jets that went to EW and OS. Eventually they will be absorbed entirely anyway.

    1. Anonymous16:46

      Don't worry, air Serbia will soon lease entire fleet to cover its losses. At least they had their little hurrah!!!

    2. JohnnyLee20:56

      I approve comment at 4:46

    3. Anonymous22:03

      Thx Johnny .. in future, we'll be sure to send all of our comments to you first to ensure they meet with your approval before we post them

    4. Anonymous22:17

      Please do. JohnnyLee approves comments he likes, deletes comments he doesn't like.

  2. Anonymous11:16

    They're on the market, sure, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll make any money. Winter is a slow season for everyone in Europe so it's hardly like there's a huge demand for extra capacity. So instead they might end up with an a319 sitting idle when it could be doing winter routes.

    1. Anonymous12:31

      Indeed, they will need to find someone outside of Europe that's interested.

  3. JU is shrinking by the week. There won't be much left at this rate

    1. Anonymous11:39

      Their financial results must be catastrophic, they have to act. Air Serbia has not even published its 2016 financial results, so by the actions you can guess how they are doing.

    2. Anonymous11:41

      How many times do people have to say that they have submitted their results to the business registry in the lawful time by the end od June. The registry now has to audit those results before it publishes them. It takes them 1-2 months, like last year.

    3. Anonymous11:45

      You are right, but still you can guess that the results won't be good. If they were that wouldn't match their current actions.

    4. Anonymous11:47

      I agree Anon 11.39 AM. Something is up. I doubt JUs financials are good and I don't think EY will be hanging around much longer. Imagine when WIZZ ramp up operations from BEG?

    5. Anonymous11:51

      Hope hainan comes instead of etihad

    6. Anonymous11:51

      It's not like APR is the only company that can publish it, the airline can itself

    7. Anonymous12:05

      Mnoge ce razocarati izvestaj, AIrSerbia je poslovala pozitivno u 2016.

    8. Anonymous12:17

      Svi izvestaji mogu da se isfriziraju i papir trpi sve no fakt je to sto se kompanija srozala i transformisala u LCC

    9. Anonymous12:24

      To "srozavanje" je zapravo vođenje računa o finansijama, da se ne ode u crveno.

      Ako imate neku bolju ideju kako da se smanje stravični troškovi sezonalnosti ovdašnjeg tržišta tokom zime, slobodno je iznesite. A, da, otvoriti 10 novih linija i onda ih nekako puniti usred zime kada niko na ovom mučenom tržištu ne želi da leti.

      I kada neko najzad preduzme korake da se prilagodi svim tim faktorima, to se odmah proglasi za srozavanje. A da nisu to uradili slušali bismo guslanja o pijanim milionerima koji se razbacuju novim linijama i zimi lete poluprazni na račun poreskih obvaznika.

      Obrni-okreni, šta god da Air Serbia uradi ili ne uradi dežurna ekipa će uvek naći načina da to predstavi kao kompletnu propast. Bilo da su u pitanju patološki hejteri, politički aktivisti ili objektivni susjedi.

    10. Anonymous12:33

      Budite srecni ako se ovi avioni ikada vrate da lete za JU

    11. Anonymous13:32

      posebno sa JFK linijom,sjajno je poslovala

    12. Anonymous15:09

      Ukinuto nekoliko linija, catering usluga pala, ukinuta prava biz klaza, ubaceno 1000 dodatnih sedista, 30e Beg checkin, avioni u iznajmljivanje to sve zajedno mora da je sinonim za ogroman uspeh! Sta je onda sinonim za neuspeh? zasto ne probati makar nesto novo poput neke nove linije, agresivnijeg nastupa, boljih cena?

    13. Anonymous17:52

      @3:09 Ukinute su ne profitabilne linije, pa neće valjda da generišu gubitke kao Jat nekada?! Kada ista sedista koristi Lufthansa onda to nije srozavanje i LCC. Cekiranje je BESPLATNO on line, postoje i sluzbenici ASL na aerodromu koji pomazu ljudima koji nisu obavesteni na nekom od kioska za samoprijavljivanje na aerodromu. Sezonalnost je problem celog regiona ne samo ASL. Naravno da je bolje uposliti avione nego da zuje poluprazni.

    14. Anonymous18:11

      @AnonymousJuly 27, 2017 at 3:09 PM

      Uveli su novu liniju za Veneciju i to je pravi pogodak. Imaju agresivnije prisustvo ovog leta kad su u pitanju carteri i rad sa "etnickim" turistickim agencijama u Americi. Sva mesta u ekonomskoj klasi prema JFK za ceo avgust su vec prodata. U spicu sezone ne treba da bude boljih cena, bice ih u februaru kao sto je normalno.

      "Sta je onda sinonim za neuspeh?"

      To su horde trolova koje vec 4 godine ne mogu da se pomire sa cinjenicom da Air Serbia radi prave stvari.

    15. Anonymous19:37

      They sure are shrinking ... that's why their pax numbers and LF continue to grow. You must have missed their H1 results from 3 days ago.

      They are the only airline in ex-yu who are proactively adapting their business in order to streamline it and make it a healthier business.

    16. Anonymous18:24

      Ako imate neku bolju ideju kako da se smanje stravični troškovi sezonalnosti ovdašnjeg tržišta tokom zime, slobodno je iznesite. A, da, otvoriti 10 novih linija i onda ih nekako puniti usred zime kada niko na ovom mučenom tržištu ne želi da leti.
      Are you for real?
      Ne znas ti sto je sezonalost i konkurencija. Imate par LCC kao konkurenciju. Na svih 7 apt u HR slijece LH grupa 20 x dnevno. BA, AF, KL, SK i svi LCC. Tek kad to uzes u obzir shvatiti ces sto je sezonalnost i kakva je konkurencija sa kojom se nosi OU. Drzava je upumpavala vise para u Air Serbia-u od Etihada. Kad toga vise ne bude (a pritisak ce biti sve veci zbog EU), onda mozes pricati o sredjivanju financija i razumnom poslovanju. Protekle 3 god su bile sve samo ne dobro poslovanje.

    17. Anonymous21:16

      Nije nas briga za OU. Protekle 3 godine su bile sjajne za Er Srbiju i rezultati bole komsije, njihov problem.

    18. Anonymous07:53

      Onaj tko ima dobre rezultate ne ukida linije i daje avione u wet lease. Ne boli nas nista, niti ikome zelim zlo. Mozemo pricati kada drzava vise nece upumpavati lovu u Air Serbia. Do tada usporedba ove kompanije sa nekim kompanijama iz EU je smijesna.

  4. Anonymous11:51

    The Arab fairy-tale and it's sad end...

    1. Anonymous12:25

      The only sad thing around here is your mindset.

    2. Anonymous12:34

      Darwin sold, Alitalia lost (they are actually bidding for it again- how crazy can you be?), AB significantly downsized and integrated into EW and OS. Whats up for JU? Prosperity of course (proven by the fact that you lease out jets although you allegedly made money with- as some here claim)

    3. Anonymous12:49

      The New-York affair is killing Air Serbia the same it did with Bulgaria's BH Air. BH Air even without launching these flights is now facing bankruptcy, imagine what they did to ASL for one year. This route was the biggest mistake!

    4. Anonymous14:12

      Once Etihad exits Air Serbia JFK will be cancelled.

    5. Anonymous14:16

      I don't think that JFK will be cancelled. The ego of some people is too big to allow that...

    6. AirCEO14:39

      I have a feeling that Air Serbia will also launch Chicago, and possibly both Chicago and Toronto, quicker than most people think. I am about 87% positive about it.

    7. i am cca 0.3% sure of that

    8. Anonymous16:31

      This time next year.....we will be stečajonaires :)

    9. Anonymous16:51

      You will indeed. But not Air Serbia.

    10. Anonymous19:40

      I don't get these comments about Etihad exiting JU. They have said many times that they are committed to JU and will be extending their mgt agreement.

      In this case, telling a lie a 1000 times will never make it a fact - get over it

  5. Anonymous12:36

    Mislim da bi prava stvar bila kada bi Air Serbia letela jednim avionom iz Nisa tj. napraviti bazu u Nisu.Mogli bi da lete do Londona, Pariza, Amsterdama ili nekih drugih destinacija.Naravno tu bi bilo dosta cartera do Grcke ili ne znam ni ja gde.Tako ne bi dosli u situaciju da daju avione na lizing, bar ne 3 kao sada.Stvarno sam amater ali bih voleo da mi neki ekspert kaze da li je to moguce i naravno da li je to isplativo.Pozdrav

    1. Anonymous12:38

      Da li imas predstavu koliko bi kostalo to?

    2. Anonymous12:41

      Zaista nemam zato i pitam.Mozda bi bilo isplativije nego da stoji celu zimu.

    3. Anonymous12:43

      Air Serbia je imala priliku da zauzme Niš od 2013-15 i na volšeban način ju je propustila u svojim lutanjima. Uz Ryanair, Wizz, Swiss i Germaniu, kao i uz moguce letove easyJeta, Eurowingsa i norwegiana ni mrve im ne bi ostale.

    4. pa nije baš bahato propustila u lutanjima, nego je uvek imala čvrst stav da to ne želi.

      da JU hoće niš onda bi trebali da tamo unajme ljude za checkin, održavanje, obezbede ketering... teže bi im bilo da održe kvalitet usluge...
      JU je iz beograda već neprofitabilan, zamisli na šta bito tek ličilo iz niša

    5. Anonymous14:45

      Petar Celik smesan si.

      Elem, Air Serbia vise ne treba Nišu. Bila bi veća šteta nego korist. To Nišu nije potrebno.

  6. Anonymous12:51

    More bad news, EY just posted a record 1.87 billion USD loss.

    1. Anonymous12:58

      I can only imagine how massive Emirates' loss was. Probably about 7-8 billion.

    2. koji su ovo majstori, bogte :lol:

      stara fora avionskog računovodstva je da u lošoj godini uradiš reprogram načina na koji obračunavaš amortizaciju letelice. znači smanjiš period amortizacije. onda ti trenutna godina postane još lošija, ali si na dalje ok, jer ti profit ne kolje amortizacija.

      od velikih ovo je poslednji uradio quantas pre koju godinu

    3. još jedan članak o qantasu i onome što je etihad upravo sada uradio

      irci u avijaciji, you gotta love them!

  7. Anonymous13:11

    How log is Etihad contractually obliged to Air Serbia?

    1. 5y starting from second half of 2013, as i understand

    2. Anonymous13:36

      so next year the can opt out?

    3. Anonymous13:49

      @Anonymous July 27, 2017 at 1:36 PM

    4. Why would they opt out?
      ASL is their most successful and profitable investment.

    5. Anonymous15:51

      no that was actually Darwin!

  8. Anonymous13:20

    Why do people think negative towards Airserbia? I don't understand if they want to lease the jet, it doesn't mean they have ban financial situation. It's means that it a slow month and one thing. Why don't we all see you run a airline in the ex-yu countries and let me know how it goes. as a business owner i have bad season and it totally normal no company can have monopoly or success everyday.

    1. Anonymous13:54

      I don´t think that people think about AirSerbia in a bad way as a product. I think they have a good product.
      What people think about however is the way in which the company is run which makes you wonder if that can be financially successful and sustainable. Part of the answer is provided by the company itself. They made up a business model which they are changing so soon after it was launched, implying that they did not understand the market and its challenges to come. And from this point there is a lot to wonder, especially in the light of the constant changes in the business model and the huge political influence the company is exposed to beginning from ownership to route management. Knowing that a major shareholder is engaged in businesses that have no perspective, you just might wonder why it all should work at Air Serbia. Time will tell.

    2. Anonymous14:23

      Replacing seats is not a change in business model. LH and others did the same. What "constant" changes in business model, as if there were 30 changes since 2013? Business that have no perspective? Serbia is singled out for expected high growth of air traffic, you ignorant ****!

    3. Changes are the sign that something is going on. I would be much more worried to see that the business environment is changing and that the airline is doing absolutely nothing. Their business environment is changing rapidly, and has been for a while now. What may have worked three years ago, could be a killer today.

    4. Anonymous17:53

      Eight, your comment would fit right here:

    5. Anonymous17:55

      what you see here is not regular adaptation of business to market changes.

      this is a mix between essentially changing your strategy because you original was dead wrong and rigorous cuts at any cost because you are bleeding money.

      i couldn't care less for slashing routes, but i do care about people getting fired because of incompetent management.

    6. Anonymous18:20

      "i do care about people getting fired because of incompetent management"

      Then you are not made for this industry. Or any industry, for that matter:

    7. Anonymous19:32

      2 years ago, Qantas let go 5,000 positions.

      Etihad and Emirates - 2 "rich airlines" - are in the middle of cost restructuring and eliminating positions.

      The airline industry is changing rapidly and cost containment and control is the order of the day. Competition is forcing traditional airlines to think outside the box and to reinvent their businesses in order for them to remain competitive.

      What do you expect airline mgt to do - continue to keep their heads in the sand or to react and try to ensure that they still have businesses that survive ?

      What a dumb comment....

    8. Anonymous22:58

      The difference is that Dane had his head in the sand when he was coming up with the original strategy.

      Again, this is not a reaction to the market but to your own lousy, money-bleeding strategy

    9. Anonymous23:57

      Where did Wizz CEO had his head at when he approved despised carryon fee? Reversing it now can't be a reaction to the market, market never followed and passengers were always against that monstruous fee.

      Anyway, your "opinion" of Air Serbia is in stark contrast to CAPA and other experts. We'll continue to laugh at you.

  9. Anonymous15:15

    1 700 000 000

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Anonymous16:21

    They will aoon turn Air Serbia into a lessor with no own flights

    1. Anonymous19:43

      If it makes money, then good for them !

    2. Anonymous14:09

      As long as taxpayers cover for their expenses, everything is good for them

    3. Anonymous21:18

      Air Serbia is making money without taxpayers money.

  12. Anonymous16:53

    I love all the doom and gloom comments, especially when made by people whose national airlines are in a much more precarious position.

    1. Anonymous17:32

      Three Airbus 319s will be surplus, which means fifteen to twenty crews, including up to 100 stewardesses. They can all spend a nice winter recreation holiday in "JAT apartments" on Mt.Kopaonik.

    2. where do you people come with this nationalistic BS?

      reading Informer, wathich Pink, getting paid in sandwiches? what is it?

    3. Anonymous18:07

      to anon at 5.32pm
      As far as I can see it says that the plane is being given on an ACMI lease (ACMI lease means that both Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance and Insurance are in a bundle deal)
      Only one of the planes is being leased out without the crew.


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