Air Serbia plans to lease out two of its Airbus A319 aircraft over the 2017/18 winter season, as the airline continues to implement its new business strategy. The two jets, registered YU-API and YU-APD, have been listed on the leasing market, and will be available to potential customers between October 2017 and April 2018. One of the aircraft (YU-APD) is being offered as part of an operational lease and/or an ACMI (where Air Serbia would provide the aircraft, crews, maintenance, and insurance to the leasee), while the other (YU-API) has been put on the market solely for an ACMI lease. Both leasing types indicate short-term arrangements. Currently, Lufthansa and Air Serbia's part-owner Etihad are holding talks over the possible lease of aircraft from the Emirati carrier's European airline investments to Eurowings.
Since relaunching as Air Serbia, the airline has, on several occasions, provided aircraft on a wet-lease basis to various carriers, including Montenegro Airlines, Air Berlin, Etihad Airways and Etihad Regional. However, this development marks the first time the airline has made plans to remove more than one jet from its fleet for an entire season. Air Serbia previously said it experiences strong seasonality in its operations, similar to other national carriers in the former Yugoslavia, and records less demand during the winter months. Furthermore, it noted that its focus in the coming period will be on internal consolidation and strengthening of its business, as it deals with growing costs and strong competition from low cost carriers.
Air Serbia is due to take delivery of its first of ten Airbus A320neo aircraft in the second half of next year. However, the arrival of the jets has been put into question as a result of the airline's new business model, which places a greater emphasis on doing more with what the carrier currently has available at its disposal. Earlier this year, the company's CEO, Dane Kondić, said the A320neos were "still on the table", without giving further details. Air Serbia has a fleet of 21 operational aircraft, including eight A319s, two A320s, one A330-200, six ATR 72s and four Boeing 737-300s, which are operated by the airline's dedicated charter brand.
ReplyDeleteSigurno. Bolje je da stoje ili lete prazni u zimskoj sezoni.
DeleteWonder what routes will be affected except the AUH route.
ReplyDeleteI doubt any. IST and AUH are not operating this winter.
DeleteTwo years ago 1 A319 was operating Etihad's flights to Abu Dhabi and then between Abu Dhabi and Muscat. Basically it was not operating for JU the entire winter.
DeleteWell if no route is affected then the question remains what they need the aircraft for at all?
DeleteNormal practice, during the winter the demand falls drastically so where is the surprise here? Lease the aircraft in Africa or Asia instead of parking it in the cold hangar.
ReplyDeleteDid president use JU500/501 on his recent visit to the USA?
ReplyDeleteSo much for them deploying the AUH capacity elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteI guess it's time to lease out the CEO. How on earth is he still there if JU's peformance worsen with each passing season?
ReplyDeleteResults do not indicate that.
DeleteWhy? Many European airlines do it. Novemberto February are dead months. You only have the Xmas/NY period and that's it. Deicing is expensive and flying for much lower rates is not worth it. The climate is not JU's fault.
DeleteThen why didn't they lease out planes in the past as well?
DeleteA o kojim tačno rezultatima Anon 09.19 ti pričaš? Možda o onim gde su ukinute mnogobrojne linije poput WAW, BUD, VAR, AUH...
DeleteIli činjenica o kojoj niko ne priča a to je da su otpustili veliki broj ljudi iz prodaje a na jesen nas napušta još sto stw.
Da li se možda priča o tome da su uglavno mladi napustili firmu te su mahom ostali stariji koji su došli kao nasleđe iz Jata? Oni opstaju jer ASL nema dovoljno para da im isplati otpremninu kako bi otišli.
Er Srbija je osnovana pre skoro četiri godine i daleko je od dobre firme. Na kraju bih dodao da je usluga na letovima danas gora nego u doba Jata.
Od proleća se više ne služe topli obroci a od 01.06 na svim Atr letovima izuzev VCE, PRG i VIE nema nikakve usluge, čak ni vode. Biznis klasa je desetkovana i sada su instaliarana ona anoreksična sedišta koje nam je AB dao kao milostinju.
Ovde se priča kao da ASL ima 350 aviona pa mora da parkira određene preko zime. Flota je skromna i da se ozbiljno vodi firma ove dve letelice ne bi bile parkirane...
...ali gospodu sa osmog sprata to baš briga.
Nije bas tacno da nema ni vode ali dobro.
DeleteApsolutno je tačno. Na svim letovima gde saobraća Atr izuzev VCE, VIE i PRG ne služi sve više apsolutno ništa. Voda se dobija samo kada se traži.
DeleteTo je mera štednje koju je nametnuo izvršni direktor.
Nije tacno posto sam u poslednje dve nedelje leteo na dva leta sa ATR-om. Izadje stjuardesa sa posluzavnikom na kojima su case sa vodom. To jeste jedini servis ali nije istina tvoja tvrdnja da se ne sluzi ni voda.
DeleteOdlično... jako mi je drago da su ipak održali Etihad standard na regionalnim letovima.
DeleteNisam uzeo da ih hvalim niti govorio da je to Etihad standard, samo sam rekao da ono sto si napisao nije istina.
DeleteDeo onoga što sam napisao, budi konkretan ako već hoćeš da se hvališ.
DeleteCime se ja hvalim tacno?
DeletePa kao kako letiš okolo naokolo avionom i šta god. Mogao si i bez toga.
DeleteLetenje 2 puta ATR-om u skorije vreme ne smatram kao neki razlog za hvaljenje niti to tako dozivaljavam. Spomenuo sam posto sam imao priliku da vidim svojim ocima, da ne bude rekla-kazala ili da izmisljam.
DeleteU svakom slucaju, u potpunosti se slazem da je kvalitet i standard servisa znacajno opao i svakako nije vredan cene karte.
Nije fer prema coveku koji fino i korektno komunicira sa tobom. Priznaj da si pogresio za vodu bez pokusaja da omalovazis onoga ko te je uhvatio u lazi.
DeleteMnogo bi bolje bilo da si napisao malo umereniju i trezveniju kritiku koja bi se potpuno zasnivala na istini. Ovako, kada te uhvate u jednoj lazi, citava tvoja kritika je dovedena u pitanje.
To je "regionalna" boljka. Zbog dramatike se zrtvuje istina i onda ispadnes neozbiljan i neprofesionalan.
A njemu je potreban drveni advokat ili šta? Drugo, koja tačno laž?
DeleteDa su ukinuti topli obroci? Da se ne služe više sendviči na kraćim linijama? Da su čak i vlažne maramice izbacili? Da su optušteni ljudi iz Belvila i da su kao rezultat toga nesposobni fosili iz doba Jata avanzovali? Šta je tu tačno laž ili dramatika? To su činjenice kao što je činjenica da je kljakavi Jat imao bolju uslugu.
Dakle ne skreći sa teme.
Pa za vreme tih "fosila" iz Jata, servis je bio bolji kao sto sam kazes. Rezultat novih priucenih kadrova je ovo sto danas imas.
DeleteNema potrebe da vredjas ljude. Malo se lepse izrazavaj.
Ono što je vredelo je svojevremeno uzelo otpremninu i otišlo ovo je ostao soc i par ljudi koji su ok ali koji su nezainteresovani jer čekaju penziju.
DeleteNema šta tu bolje da se izražavam, to su činjenice.
Bolje da su nastavili sa obrocima/sendvicima na kratkim letovima- te ustede su tako male da mogu bez problema da zadrze. To nama putnicima bi znacilo puno an njih nebi kostalo mnogo!
DeleteAnon 1.26
DeleteA što onda komentarišeš ako te ne zanima? Slobodno nastavi dalje... ajde.
Što se tiče usluge, bolje da su zadržali barem piće i eventualno neku čokoladicu.
Anonymous at 9.07am.
DeleteWith a comment like "Air Serbia is worse than JAT" only shows how delusional you really are. The heat has obviously got to you. Stay indoors and turn the a/c up to its highest.
There is a reason why people like you are no longer at the airline.
Just get on with your life - it is too short to live it with hate
Kume, ja radim u paklu zvanom Belvil te znam nešto više od tebe.
DeleteJa sam rekao da je Jat imao bolju uslugu na letovima od Er Srbije danas, to ne možeš osporiti.
I radi se o Jat, ne JATu, nauči razliku.
DeleteZbog cega ne das otkaz ako ti je pakao?
DeletePa planiram, samo čekam pravi trenutak. Malo ko hoće da trpi ovo ovde, zato su toliki i dali otkaz, pogledaj samo HR koji je desetkovan. Drugarica mi je radila tamo i oni su skoro svi bukvalno pobegli.
DeleteDrugarica mi radi kao stjuardesa i ona kaze da se kod njih nesto suska da ce biti otpustanja. Da li neko zna vise?
DeleteNaravno da mogu osporiti, Air Serbia ima bolju uslugu. Leteo sam kao putnik na stotinama letova od sedamdesetih. Usluga nije samo hrana i pice, koja je naravno bila obilnija per par decenija kao i kod svih drugih kompanja. Usluga je nazalost bila u proseku bila losa: uglavnom kiseli osmeh ako i toliko, jako mnogo kasnjenja, smrad duvana tokom boardinga, a jednom sam prosle decenije, i to se tacno secam u Amsterdamu, ulazio u avion kad me bukvalno preskoci oznojeni stjuard koji je imao pune ruke kesa punih cigara i alkohola iz duty free-ja. Otrcao je pored mene pravo do kraja aviona da skloni kese, kad je vec poceo boarding. Uzas. Mogu da pricam satima o ovakvim "uslugama". Air Serbia je za klasu ili dve iznad.
DeleteTo je mozda bilo 90-ih, vec 2000-ih je situatcija bila bolja. Er Srbija je mozda bila za klasu iznad Jata do skoro ali od kada su uveli mere stednje sve se promenilo. Jat je nudio pravu biznis klasu, davali su one trouglaste sendvice mesto ovih miniaturnih sada ili onog suvog i otuznog cetvrtastog sa nekom kao telecom pastetom. Jat nije naplacivao cekin na aerodromu i tako dalje...
DeleteDakle ako se uzmu okolnosti pod kojim je poslovao Jat i pod kojim danas Er Srbija posluje onda je nedopustivo da se ovakve stvari desavaju. Inace, ja sam leteo sa Er Srbijom dosta puta i dva ili tri puta ili nije radio wc ili nije bilo vode u njemu. To se u Jatu nije desavalo. Mozda su ipak trebali ostati pri Jat Tehnici radi Erbaseva ;)
Slozicete se da i dalje lete bivsi Jatovi stjuardi/-dese seniori, koje pominjete. Vise nemaju vremena za shopping u tranzitu, jer ciste kabinu izmedju letova. Mukice, a u 'Violetama 737 su Air Nostalgie. Oldtimere godista 1957-'60 u zasluzenu penziju, a 737 iz '85 u Muzej, pored Jatove Karavele.
DeletePoredimo stvari u isto vreme. Jat nije naplacivao cekin jer niko 90-ih nije napalcivao cekin niti je postojala onlajn varijanta.
DeleteKad je postojala Adriatik biznis klasa ja sam leteo sa AF preko okeana u biznis klasi i bilo je bolje nego u Jatu. Generalno je Jat vise kasnio (Joke About Time) od svih sa kojima sam putovao.
Pre par decenija okolnosti pod kojima je poslovao Jat su bile neuporedivo bolje jer je bio potpuno drzavna firma nezavisna od trzisnih uslova, medjunarodno trziste je bilo drugacije regulisano, istocni deo Evrope nije bio konkurencija, nisu postojali LCC, nije EU odredjivala samo kako njima odgovara.
1. Jat nije postojao 90-ih
Delete2. Jat nikada nije leteo preko okeana
3. Jat nikada nije imao Adriatic klasu
4. Jat je mogao da naplacuje cekin na aerodromu posto je firma prestala da postoji 2013. godine
Mozda prvo nauci razliku izmedju Jata i JATa pa onda pisi ovde
Mislis Jugoslovenski Aerotransport and JAT Airways? Drugo ime prakticno sve ostalo isto. U stvari nije isto, menadzment ovog drugog je bio sve gori i gori. Mozes da besnis do sutra, bice samo gore po tebe i tvoj jat airways.
DeleteJat je bio nas a ovo sad je sarena laza kakva nacionalna kompanija u kojoj arapi odlucuju o svemu.
Deleteeasy money earned over the winter.
ReplyDeleteIt´s no money earned as they do not own the plane but have to pay leasing on it.
DeleteWell, they are not going to make big profit from that but at least they are not making more looses.
DeleteInteresting how it's no problem for Adria to lease out planes during the summer but it's the end of the world when Air Serbia leases them out during the winter.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with your statement. Too much negativity towards Air Serbia
DeleteIf I remember correctly, last winter 1 A319 was parked for most of the winter season.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering is that possible? To sublease planes since they don't own it.
ReplyDeleteIt's a standard practice in the industry.
DeleteSo no plans to retire those B737s this winter obviously.
ReplyDeleteThey could start charging premium fee for flying in vintage aircraft :)
DeleteThey are already starting to use A319s on charter flights so that would indicate that they do plan to retire them this winter.
Deletethis is strange. neos were supose to start arriving in the later part of 2018. neos are not happening, but regardless of that, this part of the article is not true.
ReplyDelete"Air Serbia is due to take delivery of its first of ten Airbus A320neo aircraft in the second half of next year"
Have you read the rest of the article?
DeleteHowever, the arrival of the jets has been put into question as a result of the airline's new business model, which places a greater emphasis on doing more with what the carrier currently has available at its disposal. Earlier this year, the company's CEO, Dane Kondić, said the A320neos were "still on the table", without giving further details.
the arrival of the jets under the contract was planned for the second part of 2018, as it was many times said on this blog. not 2017.
Deletethe part you are citing is referring to whether they will postpone/cancel the orders, or in other words, how will they deviate from the original plan of 2018 H2 deliveries
I still don't get what's the problem? It says in the article that they are supposed to come in the seond half of next year (2018)
Deleteyou are completely right, my appologies.i missed the word "next". better get my coffee and restart the day.
DeleteIt's a big question whether they will be able to find anyone. One of those A319s has been listed for lease for months and no one has made a deal yet.
ReplyDeleteYou would have to look far away in the world to find somewhere where anyone might like more capacity over the winter season. Maybe somewhere in the southern hemisphere?
DeleteThere are a lot of planes available for lease at the moment so I do agree that it will be interesting to see whether they find anyone to lease the planes and if they do, will it be for the entire winter. But definitely better to find someone then keep them stored for 6 months.
DeleteGiven JUs big reduction in their summer 2017 schedule I expected they would lease 2 A319s during the winter.
ReplyDeleteBlagovremeno prilagodjavanje uslovima trzista, pogotovo pariranju Low Cost prevoziocima, jessu krucijalni potezi daljeg smera i adaptacije Er Srbije. Odabir fleksebilne flote sa odgovarajucim destinacijama uz niz buducih biznis aranzmana na novim srednjim linijama su osiguranje buducnosti Srpskog avio prevoznika.
ReplyDeleteUz solidne rezultate i upornost, krila Er Srbije ce ploviti i na novim destinacijama okolnih kontinenata.
Rodney Marinkovic
Vidi se da si na drugoj strani sveta
DeleteTačno tako, nije u toku
DeleteIsn't one of those named Goran Bregovic? Thank god that one will be out of the fleet for a few months. The worst "living legend" they picked so far.
ReplyDeleteThe whole living legends saga was embarrassing and tacky
Delete+1 last anon. The problem is it still goes on.
DeleteYesterday for the first time an A319 was operating on a charter flight.
ReplyDeleteDespite all your doom and gloom prediction, Air Serbia is doing quite well this year result wise.
ReplyDeleteThis move does not indicate a healthy business.
DeleteAnd also indicates we won't see any fleet renewal any time soon.
DeleteAnon @ 9.49am - this move shows the exact opposite to your supposition. They are focusing their efforts on reducing their costs. In that way, they are building a healthier business and their results are showing exactly that.
DeleteThey have not lost any of the pax base they have built up over the past 3 years and their revenue continues to grow - which means they are driving better yield outcomes, on top of LF improvement.
Now they are aggressively tackling the costs in order to further reduce them.
Retrofitting their aircraft with slim seats giving more capacity, helps to further reduce their CASK. The fact that they are holding and improving their LF, against ASK increases, provides further proof that they are addressing the key fundamentals of their business.
JFK is a huge burden on all of this. It adds a huge ASK count and they need to drive cost and revenue improvements from their short haul business in order to carry those flights.
If not for JFK, they would be flying even higher than they are.
I wouldn't worry too much about them - they will continue to do ok
They need to further cut costs beyond slim seats. Revenue sources must expand. JFK is a burden now but they are beyond a point of no return. One more year and they will be happy they did it.
DeleteBetter than to sit on the ground.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know any scheduling changes JU will be making this winter?
ReplyDeleteExcept for the two routes that will be suspended - IST and AUH, I don't think there are any major changes for the winter. Venice will continue to operate during the winter. They will have a lot more capacity with the additional seats in the Airbuses.
DeleteLJU will operate 11 times per week instead of 12.
DeleteJFK will apparently increase from 3 to 4 p/w.
DeleteParis seems to be going to 12 per week instead of 13.
DeleteRyan used to park 80-90 planes in the past, but no more. Airlines are increasing capacity, even breaking even in the winter with the low oil price.
ReplyDeleteAs long as they can cover variable costs it's worth flying.
Thia is slightly worrying that they can't do that, at $50 oil and comparatively lower crew cost.
Even now Ryan park some planes. Even one is change to business plane for rent to companies during winter.
DeleteRyanair tries to rent them during winter to other companies too.
When was the last time you've seen Ryanair flying for some other company in the winter?
DeleteI did not. But they try to, they loudly announce that. But have no success. So, that shows you how will Air Serbia be successful in that task concerning competition and hundreds of planes try to be leased during winter.
DeleteAir Serbia needs to change something radically.
ReplyDeleteTo dissappear.
DeleteEveryone is expanding their fleet except for JU.
ReplyDeleteDifferent things work for different airlines. JU expanded its fleet by 6 planes 3 years ago which other ex-yu airlines haven't done all together in the last 3 years.
DeleteAlso, the only ex-Yu airline that has actually increased its fleet is Adria. Croatia Airlines adds 2 planes for 5 months only, Montenegro Airlines has reduced its fleet.
Dobra napomena Purgera na Tango 6:
ReplyDeleteIndikativno je da je kompanija rekla da kani jedan (a možda i dva) A319 dati u kratki lizing tijekom zime. OK, to se trude i druge kompanije, ima nekoliko tisuća aviona koji bi zimi htjeli pronaći koricu kruha na suprotnoj polutci planete. No, ova najava pokazuje da kompanija ne kani širiti broj linija zimi, već kani svoje slobodne kapacitete komercijalizirati na druge načine. Stoga najava kako će ukidanje Abu Dhabia otvoriti dodatne kapacitete ne znači i povećanje letova i linija ove zime. Bez obzira na želju kompanije iznajmljivanje aviona zimi će se teško ostvariti po komercijalnim osnovama (možda tu pomogne Etihad obzirom da na južnoj polutki ima dvije kompanije u alijansi).
I agree with what Purger said but I doubt Etihad will help. If they wanted to give these planes to Virgin Australia or Jet Airways for the winter they would not have even put it on the market. One has been on the market for 3 months and there are no takers.
DeletePa da, evo ga APD već nekoliko meseci stoji listiran za iznajmljivanje i na kraju neće biti ništa od toga... te će šteta biti još veća
DeleteASL needs regional jets ASAP.
ReplyDeleteThe biggest problem with ASL is having a completly incorrect fleet. There is almost no need for A319s/A320s. 70-100 seat regional jets is good for this market.
DeleteWhen LO, which is based in a much larger and wealthier market, barely had any need for narrowbody jets until recently, then surely ASL cant pretent to be bigger than them.
Everything less than 14 weekly is a joke for legacy carriers. There is simply too much competition in the european market. People demand fast connections and a convenient choice of departure/arrival times.
Instead of getting the 10 A319/A320s, they should have gotten 15 regional jets and made a fleet of 8 ATRs.
Also they should have done the whole hybrid airline thing from the very start.
And what do you do in summer when on most routes the demand is >120 seats per flight?
DeleteYou simply sell more expensive tickets and make more money ;)
DeleteOpet tesko iritirajuce lupetanje. Cemu to? Ne postoji samo ASL na BEG. ASL ma sta mislili o njima nisu monopolisti. Imaju ozbiljnu konkurenciju na radost mnogi putnika. Jasno je covek postavio pitanje i ako ne znas odgovor nemoj lupetati. Konkurencija ima avione od 180 sedista.
Deletetesko iritirajuce lupetanje! Imaju ozbiljnu konkurenciju na radost mnogi putnika- i zato leasaju dva aviona - a konkurencija ne :D
DeleteКомшија се опет меша где не зна и где му није место.
Wonder what Vucic thinks about all of this.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I heard he is on good terms with Kondic so he will just keep on writing chèques.
DeleteWho did you hear that from ?
DeleteBased on spelling (chèques) could be from anti-ASL troll from Quebec City.
DeleteWhat will be much more interesting is what next summer will look like. Will they get new planes or not, any new routes, will there be even more competition, what will happen with Etihad's involvement. Next year is the big one for JU and its future.
ReplyDeleteAir Serbia needs to drive costs down heavily. I still don't got the point, how the can have a higher cost-structure vs. EasyJet or Wizz Air - comparing the salary standards in SRB vs. the others. They still have to many people employed and are inefficient. Efficiency could be increase in, i.e. taking CS100/CS300 aircrafts instead of A320 NEOs - LF increase and with that GPM increase. Just an input from a hobby-airliner.
ReplyDeletePrimecujemo da lupetas. Prosto nekako izvire iz vas pa nas zasipate svojim mudrolijama. Razne su tehnike kako Wizz prikazuje profit kupuje avione pa ih prodaje svom lizoru i slicno.
DeleteThe cost is not depending on the salaries. It is mostly driven by the business model itself, i.e more complicated system, lounges, frequent flyer programmes, distribution via GDS and lots more. The personnel costs in the equation are actually the least.
DeletePrekini da lupetas bez svog novca u igri. Mozemo do sutra da lupetamo bez jura ulozenog u igru. Ima previse kompanija u igri i opstace kompanija sa najvise kapitala ne sa najboljim biznis planom. Prepun je Internet kvazistrucnjaka.
DeleteDa, internet je pun kvazistručnjaka, ali gde baš najkompetentniji kvazi stručnjaci dobiše posao u JU
Deletegood question. reportedly wizz CASK ~50% less than JU's
Deletehere is an interesting article, really interesting stuff and good analytics (except in the financial section where the author missed the subsidies as a source of profit)
there are LF for JFK route. it goes from 90+% in august to ~55% in October. crazy seasonality
Petar - thx for the reference - a good pick up indeed.
DeleteDespite the fact that there are many differing opinions expressed on this website, we can all probably agree on this - that CAPA is a professional group of airline analysts, who as professionals, know much more about aviation than us enthusiasts who contribute our comments and engage in debate here on ex-yu.
If we can accept that, then the last word on JU, should belong to the analysts at CAPA, who conclude:-
"Air Serbia's progress since its relaunch in 2013 remains respectable".
If it helps them with liquidity during the winter then I see why not.
ReplyDeleteThose 2 jets could go to Eurowings:
ReplyDeletefrom german media: Lufthansa is in talks of leasing more aircrafts from Etihad-Partners (Air Serbia is mentioned too) for their Eurowings low cost branch
Da samo sto Eurowings ne trazi avione za zimu nego za celu sezonu...
DeleteMozemo mi celu Er Srbiju u Jurovings.
DeleteAdria now seems to be in a much better position. They are leasing planes, expandibg their network and acquiring regional competition.
ReplyDeleteThis is hardcore delusional. When 4k finds a buyer for Adria and the airline approaches 3 mil pax per year, then you can speculate about better or worse positions. For the moment, however, it's not even the same league we're discussing.
DeleteAs German newspaper Focus reports in its current issue, Lufthansa is negotiating the lease of further jets from Air Berlin with Etihad. It is mentioned that the deal could possibly include Air Serbia as well. Could we see Air Serbia flying for Eurowings in the future?
ReplyDeleteAs Etihad is getting rid of all its investments we actually might see Eurowings ops by JU.
DeleteThat will be a sight: Air Serbia A330 operating for (LH Jump/Eurowings/Adria Swiss or whatever name) from Fort Myers, USA to Aftershave, Germany (sorry: Cologne, Germany). Dream on.
DeleteInteresting times ahead for Air Serbia. Hope they pull through.
ReplyDeleteAll depends on the size of the coffins that Serbia actually has. I think as long as Vucic is in charge they will be kept alive...we all know that "king" Vucic can never fail!
DeleteCoffins? Pretty sure you meant coffers :)
DeleteI was flying recently Bangkok to Samui, operated by Bulgaria Air on behalf of Bangkok Airways. So, nothing strange to see such a shifts.
ReplyDeleteThe difference is that Bulgaria Air was smashed in it's home by Wizz and Ryan, something that didn't happen to Air Serbia.
DeleteWe don't know how big of an impact Wizz Air's new routes had on JU. I heard that they took a big hit on the Malta route after Wizz started flying there.
DeleteActually, JU's loads to Malta are great. They will suffer next year because they will keep it as a seasonal route while W6 won't.
DeleteMost of the facts we can only speculate from a distance. Until someone come out with a firm data, we could talk tandara-mandara stories forever.
DeleteWell, note sure how JU will react if Wizz place 7 aircraft and FR 3, which brings a total of aircraft 10 suddenly. FB has struggled a lot but still managed to make it through.
DeleteFuture LYBE operator could raise fees and change incentive policy to prevent this scenario. FR and W6 will find it easier to bully smaller airports than to spend a lot of money fighting each other at BEG.
DeleteIncreasing taxes only hurts. With the same logic, JU will end up paying higher taxes too and not to mention smaller airlines like YM. Your logic does not make too much sense.
DeleteOffer discounts to airlines with 2,5 mil or more passengers.
DeleteIs JU's 'sweet deal' on airport charges still in place ?
DeleteNew incentive plan removes the incentive for airlines with 500k+ departing passengers but says 'To Airport Users who concluded contracts on implementation of discounts from the Price List of
Airport Services No.4702 dated 13.08.2014, will apply contracted discounts until expiry of the contract term. '
No4702 is outdated, we moved to No4711. Smells better.
Delete'Until expiry of contract term'
DeleteDoesn't necessarily mean it's the same date that 4702 expired.
This clause wouldn't have been explicitly inserted if 4711 applied to JU. It seems that JU still has the benefit of the old 'sweet deal' .
@Anonymous July 22, 2017 at 12:25 PM
DeleteYou fell for No4711 thinking that contract exists? OMG we knew anti-ASL trolls are not capable of reasonable conversation, now we know they have no sense of humor. This is No4711 that smells better:
Disappointing news showing that the company is shrinking on all fronts and has no intention in growing its network. Why those two AC could not be used to open for example 2 new destinations and secure more transfer passengers especially for JFK. Having an extra aircraft to jump in when something happens is not a bad thing especially if two B733 are to be retired soon. We see now in the summer season that scheduled operations are suffering big time with punctuality. Yesterday JFK had a tech issue, today is one of the worst days during morning wave departures. Looks like no one cares and doesn’t make any try to improve the situation. Sad ….
ReplyDeleteNew york flights did not have a tech issue in over a year. It was bound to happen once. Today's flight operated normally.
DeleteIt was mentioned only as an unpleasant situation still affecting the level of service. Ok if we skip that one event there were many others unpleasant ETA yesterday...LCA, BEY, SVO, TGL, CPH, LED. TIA, ATH, LHR, TIV, FRA,ZAG, BRU,MXP. I didn't go after the charters and the 30 min late flights. Reason to claim that they are good or better than JAT? And today chaos continues!
DeleteYou have to realize that Air Serbia is a transfer airline with a large number of people connecting on other flights. Sometimes a flight has to be delayed so 10-20 passengers from another flight can make it. Because of the large utilization of aircraft, that throws their entire schedule off. Also I would hardly call it "chaos" and you are being overdramatic.
DeleteWhat chaos? Fr24 reported only 3 departures in red today, one being EasyJet and one Pegasus. Only JU in red was to DBV, how is that a chaos? Get your head checked.
DeleteIf it continues to significantly grow its revenue, how then is it "shrinking on all fronts" ??
DeleteBecause citing facts or sources are not required to post comments. Trolls find it tempting.
DeleteAnon 6:01 where have you seen the revenue figures? Did you mean profit is up because they stoped serving water on most ATR flights?
DeleteAnon @ 11.32pm... look at the CAPA analysis of Air Serbia which shows revenue and a bunch of other things.
Revenue has hugely grown and based on their earlier Q1 update, revenues continue to grow.
As for water not being served on ATR flights - not true at all. Actually go and fly yourself and you will see - no need to spend unnecessary energy on trolling.
But, you are probably too cheap to do so and i reckon that a bus fare is a stretch for you anyway.
Anon 7:07 it is amazing how RUDE AND IMMATURE you are in order to judge and openly discuss if one has sufficient funds for this or that. You better spend some time on improving your social skills and learn to be more tolerable of others.
DeleteAs they started it would be best to lease out the entire fleet and shut the door! At least thew would be financially Zero (no loss).
ReplyDeleteMuch more likely to happen to the airline you are rooting for. Air Serbia haters are such idiots.
DeleteThe ambitions for the new A320neo's are just getting lower and lower each time. I think JU will defer this option for the time being.
ReplyDeleteI think that the biggest problem ist that ASL is a political project, not an economic one. As the former government had FIAT Serbia which now turns into absolute nightmare the new one has it's two "babies" ASL and Beograd na vodi. There are similarities, between the two. For both projects visibility and recognition is most important. And both have turned into unimaginable sinkholes of several hundred millions of euros. That the Vucic administration is driven by megalomania, you could witness by two inaugural ceremonies. Purger has very well calculated the direct and indirect cost of ASL for Serbia. I personally think, that on a balance sheet, taking into consideration even indirect benefits, like taxes, employment, extra tourism- Serbia is loosing gigantic portions of money with ASL. Thanks god, due to the change of Etihad strategy the nightmare will come to an end. Why do you think they are looking now for concession of BEG airport? It's not because of expansion- rather the opposite, because they want to make cash before the ASL bubble bursts. Since LH is not going to tolerate a mini-hub in what the consider their back yard, the hub concept of ASL will be history soon. I really hope that ASL will be turned into a decent, reliable and profitable niche-carrier that well serves the main markets out of BEG. With 400 million euros +x, that ASL already burned Serbia could have build much more important and needed projects!
ReplyDeleteYour life must have been hell in the past four years, watching Air Serbia succeed. It will continue as you refuse to face reality. JU is already decent, reliable and profitable airline by global expert opinion and your lone dissenting opinion will not change it, not one iota. You personally think Serbia is overall losing money on JU: soundly defeated by many examples in the past four years, shows your failure to research it and accept reality. Purger is thinly veiled anti-ASL and anti-BEG influencer. If you had any knowledge you would know BEG talks (first sale, then concession) were initiated during Tadic times, and were planned to complete in 2013/2014 with UAE, and are influenced by IMF so your concession explanation is plain wrong, just like the rest of your post. I don't know of any other place on the web that gives so much space to anti-ASL comments.
DeleteWhat do you personally have against anti-ASL comments? Anon @1:26 does make some valid points. You cannot deny that ASL is in decline, or at least stagnating. And that hundreds of millions of Serbian taxpayers money was sunk into this vanity project.
DeleteAnyway I do hope ASL survives current 'reconstruction' period. Kondić has made a few costly mistakes. His time over.
Most anti-ASL comments are stupendously dumb and lacking both facts and constructive criticism. Your comment is good example. First of all, facts: most key parameters for an airline show that ASL is not in decline. They have steadily improved annual passenger numbers, LF%, revenue, codeshare destinations and will reportedly continue the trend in 2017. They have some facts on the minus side like the number of destinations, but overall they are clearly not in decline. Recent improvements like added seat capacity will clearly help them. All of those facts have been reported here or similar places in the past. If you are not aware of those positive facts why make a fool of yourself by arriving at a wrong conclusion? Same for you claim that Air Serbia is a “vanity” project. Any hard facts to back that up? Since there are none you deserve some nastiness in the response. “Hundreds of millions” have been sunk into old jat debt first and foremost, and to get airline up and running again. This has been reported literally hundreds of times here and elsewhere. How come you are ignoring those facts? Is it safe to assume because your goal is just to provoke and troll? You also had ZERO positive and constructive ideas for Air Serbia improvement, something independent experts and plain onlookers always have, but trolls never do as their effort is NOT to make Air Serbia stronger and better. That’s why you deserve to be blasted each and every time.
Delete+1000 last anon