Belgrade Airport poised for record July


Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport anticipates handling over 600.000 passengers in July, marking the first time it would surpass the figure in a single month. It comes after the airport broke its 24-hour passenger record last Friday, July 21, for the third time this month. During the day, it welcomed 21.439 travellers. Belgrade Airport has estimated it will register 5.5 million passengers by the end of the year.


  1. Anonymous10:54

    SPU je imao isto preko 600.000 u 7

    1. Anonymous10:58


    2. Anonymous11:22

      Ovde bre ljudi niti znaju da citaju niti znaju da pricaju...
      Kad je to Split isto imao 600.000 u 7?
      Ovde kaze da ce Beogradski aerodrom imati na kraju ovog meseca preko 600.000. To znaci buducnost, 7 mesec jos nije zavrsen...
      E a sada mozes li molim te da mi prosledis link ka tom podatku kada je Split imao 600.000 ne znam cega u 7 ne znam sta?

    3. Anonymous11:41

      What the commentator probably wanted to say is that the same counts for Split. It will probably also handle more than 600.000 Pax in July. We will know in three two weeks for both :)

    4. Anonymous12:26

      Tih 600.000 u u Splitu je totalno drugi profil putnika u odnosu na putnike BEG. Zato Split van sezone po mesecu ima svega 20.000 - 30.000 putnika dok Beograd ima 300.000-400.000 putnika po mesecu. Ne podcenjujem Split nego samo kazem da tih 600.000 u Splitu dolaze uglavnom sezonskim carter linijama dok u BEG vecina dolazi redovnim linijama.

    5. Anonymous13:27

      Whats the point of your comparison? If you argue with the structure of passengers and airlines you should keep in mind that at BEG many pax are transfer, that is they are counted twice or if they fly return, even four times. In Split it is all P2P Pax. Its good for both BEG and SPU to be having great results.

  2. Anonymous12:47

    Pa SPU je i najperspektivniji aerodrom u HR, pokriva najatraktivniji deo jadranske obale i može se očekivati samo napredak iz godine u godinu!

  3. JU520 BEGLAX13:06

    Wow 600K in SPU unbelievable !!

    Not less impressive the 600K in BEG.

    Bravo to both!

  4. Anonymous13:27

    I heard rumors SPU might even break 700,000 pax for July.

    Back on topic, good progressive numbers for BEG.

  5. Anonymous13:34

    Ex-yu, are you sure about the 21.431 figure ? By the way, BEG will handle nearly 630.000 passengers in July.

    1. It is the official figure published by the airport.

  6. Anonymous18:57

    News about BEG but most comments mention SPU. Okay, next time there are news about SPU expect many comments to mention BEG. Well deserved.

    1. Anonymous20:14

      Is SPU being mentioned out of the blue, or for sake of comparison?

    2. Anonymous23:50

      Next time Split news come up Belgrade comments will be there for the sake of comparison.

    3. Anonymous02:29

      Agreed completely, what some patriots are doing here is really getting sad


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