Jasmin Bajić has been named as Croatia Airlines' new CEO. Mr Bajić, who has been serving as the Director of Controlling and Internal Audit at the carrier, will take over the reins at company from November 4. However, the post will be temporary for a period of six months as the Croatian Ministry for Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, as well as the Croatian Centre for Restructuring and Sales (CERP), plan to void the recent open call aimed at selecting the airline's new CEO and repeat the process. The former controversial CEO of Croatia Airlines, Ivan Mišetić, is believed to have strongly lobbied on Mr Bajić's behalf and influenced the government's decision. Mr Mišetić led the airline between 1997 and 2010. At the same time he served as a member of the Lufthansa CityLine's supervisory board in an apparent conflict of interest, and led the company into multi million euro losses. Over the weekend, Croatia Airlines' trade union warned the ministry against endorsing Mr Mišetić's choice.
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Jasmin Bajić (centre) |
Jasmin Bajić graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Sarajevo. He joined Croatia Airlines in 1995 where he held positions as a Senior investment analyst (1995 - 1997), Head of Investment Economics (1997 - 1998), Corporate Planning Manager (1998 - 2004), Network Management Director (2004 - 2008), Network Controlling Manager (2008 - 2011), Finance Director (2011 - 2013) and Director of Controlling and Internal Audit.
Croatia Airlines' outgoing CEO, Krešimir Kučko, resigned on October 4 to take on a new role at another company. It has since emerged that he will become the CEO of Gulf Air if his appointment is approved by the Bahraini National Assembly.
Ah same old same old. Political interference, lobbying from a murky guy, of course let's not forget Misetic's daughter is the member of government. All is well in the EU.
ReplyDeletehello Eurowings Croatia!
ReplyDeleteMore like just Eurowings
Deleteyup, but one day there will be Eurowings Serbia, but no Eurowings Croatia ;)
DeleteDoubt it there will be Eurowings Serbia. We never submitted ourselves to the Germans unlike some.
DeleteThank you God if we finally have Croatia Airlines becoming an integral part of Lufthansa.
ReplyDeleteOkay now wee see how it's going to end. OU will given (not sold, given) to the LH group. The other option for LH and EW is to stand still and wait till OU goes bankrupt (probably early 2019) and just take over the market, which again exists only from Apr to Oct, so that during the winter months Croatia's air traffic market will be completely dead. But that's how it works... Let several governments invest dozens of millions of dollars into equipment, use the airline as a milking cow for friend and relatives of the ruling guys and then let it go bust. Result: stolen money from the Croatian people worth dozens of millions (since somebody had and still has to pay for the party). Even hundreds since you have to consider that all the planes were bought with public money.
ReplyDeleteduring the winter months Croatian air traffic market will be dead without OU? What? Even without OU you have twice daily to Munich, daily to Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Belgrade, Paris, Doha, Moscow, Dubai, Warsaw, Istanbul, London, Vienna... One day, without OU on market, other companies will just increase their flights to/from Zagreb, and yeah, I'm talking about winter timetable.
DeleteOnly problem would be domestic and regional flights which are currently served by OU - Split, Zadar - Pula, Dubrovnik, Sarajevo, Skopje, etc. Even for this, I believe someone will jump in on ZAG-DBV-ZAG, Trade Air would be perfect.
Da li ti shvatas Kucka kada je rekao da sve linije OU prave gubitke zimi? Da nece biti novih letova vec povecanje cena na postojecim. Nemate LCC kompanije.
DeleteI meant it figuratively. Concourse it will not be completely dead. But if you look at OUs share during winter, especially at the coastal airports it will around 70 percent less traffic. And given that the numbers in absolute terms are quite low in winter anyway, so yes, I think it will be almost dead. OUs flights in winter won't get replaced if it goes bust.
DeleteDa li ti shvaćaš da Zagreb opslužuju drugi avioprijevoznici na dnevnoj bazi i povezuju ju sa europskim (i middle east) destinacijama i da bi bez postojanja OU na tržištu i direktne konkurencije na brojnim linijama poslovali još bolje?
DeleteDa li shvaćaš da ja pričam o HRVATSKOM tržištu kao cjelini,a ne o Zagrebu samo, koji je računajući na cijeli godinu otprilike samo trećina tržišta. I neovisno o tome, ce promet i u Zagrebu znatno pasti (jer sigurno nitko neće nadomjestiti Croatijin udio od preko 50% zimi u potpunosti). A na obali da i ne govorim. Možda će se nakon 5 ili 6 godina tržište popravit, da, ali će bankrot Croatijin više nego sigurno dovesti do pada broja i frekvencija i putnika, i to značajnog.
Deleteako potencijal za određene linije postoji, onda će na njih doći drugi prijevoznik. Lufthansa ima hrpu aviona zimi, bez beda odradi DVB-FRA-DBV, ako sadašnja linije OU ne ide dobro, onda na nju neće doći ni LH.
DeleteIsta stvar SPU - FCO, Vueling uleti bez beda.
To jest načelno točno, zato sam i rekao da će se s vremenom popraviti. Ali nisu to "naše" kompanije tako da te linije neće nužno letjeti iz razloga što imaju i drugih možda još profitabilnijih linija negdje po Europi, nedostatak flote da bi odmah uveli te linije, a dijelom mogu ostvariti u hrvatskoj i veći profit podizanjem cijena, jer sr ponuda smanjila tako da ne moraju nužno uvoditi nove linije. Ali putnika će bit manje mada njima isti profit. I tako još dosta čimbenika. S toga se ne može očekivati nadomjestanje linija 1 prema 1. Bar ne odmah. Tako da će doći do pada, svakako, a pogotovo na obali. Mi smo još uvijek premali i beznačajni, a pogotovo zimi, da bi se sve moglo prepustiti tržištu.
DeleteAli ne mislim time naravno da se OU treba očuvati pod svaku cijenu. I u jednoj stvari s tobom slažem, a to je naravno da neće bit smak svijeta ako OU propadne. Ljeti zasigurno ne, dok zimi hoće, ali će se valjda s vremenom popraviti.
A Croatia je gubitaš od osnutka, to sve je netko platio (čitaj: mi) i vrijeme je da odu u povijest ako ne mogu poslovati s dobiti.
There are going to be routes like ZAG-SKP, ZAG-SJJ or even ZAG-MXP where no carrier would step in to fill the void.
DeleteThank God, someone decent to run OU. Under Misetic, OU greatly expanded and he did an excellent job. It will be good if Lufthansa takes over, OU are too small to exist on their own!
ReplyDeleteDamn man, give me some of those mushrooms you're taking...
DeleteMisetic nearly brankrupted OU and as a grand finale he wrote book about Airline Managament... I have blood in my eyes when I see that guy.
Bravo, Bosnia!
ReplyDeleteAhahahahahahahaha +10000000000
DeleteCestitke novom CEO. Jest Miseticev covjek 100% ali je i strucan kadar.Uglavnom , kad mu pogledate profesionalni put u CTN vidite da je covjek prosao sve, dok je Kucko imao 10% od toga svega. Sretno dalje i njemu i CTN !