Gulf Air to appoint Krešimir Kučko as CEO


The national carrier of Bahrain, Gulf Air, plans to appoint Croatia Airlines' outgoing CEO, Krešimir Kučko, as its new chief. Ahmad Qarata, a member of the Bahraini National Assembly, confirmed the news, but warned that parliament will attempt to block the appointment. Mr Qarata said that a Bahraini national should lead the airline instead. Gulf Air's former CEO, Maher Salman Al Musallam, resigned in June. Gulf Air is said to have courted Mr Kučko after he managed to turn around Croatia Airlines from a loss making business into a profitable company during his tenure. Mr Kučko will step down from his current post on November 4. The unprofitable Bahraini carrier, once the Middle East's largest, has been in steady decline since 2002 after Qatar withdrew from the airline, followed by the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in 2005 and Oman in 2007. The airline has since been battling with debt and massive losses. Gulf Air currently boasts a fleet of 28 aircraft, with 55 on order, including sixteen Boeing 787 Dreamliners.


  1. Anonymous10:07

    Good Luck Gulf Air with Kučko..

  2. Anonymous10:13


  3. Anonymous10:21

    So, we can expect next year Manama-Zagreb flights.

    1. Anonymous10:23

      Yeah I'm sure opening flights to Zagreb will be his top priority.

    2. Anonymous10:25

      I to to 2 p/w
      Polazal iz Maname cetvrtkom u 20:00 a povratak iz Zag za Bah subotom u 15:00
      To bi mi sjelo kao budali samar

  4. Anonymous10:23

    A matere ti Jokine,
    Necem vise s Bahreincima

  5. Anonymous10:25

    He sold those London slots just so he can put in his CV that he turned Air Croatia into a profitable airline, brilliant :D

  6. Anonymous10:28

    Now it makes sense why he quit.

  7. Danijel10:40


  8. Anonymous10:43

    1.aprila uranio?

  9. Anonymous10:50

    Good for him- at least 3 Million Euros in wages :)

  10. Anonymous10:56

    Well if James Hogan can be credited for anything it's certainly introducing beautiful liveries. This one and Etihad's are beauties.

  11. Anonymous11:04

    Couldn’t agree more Anon 10.56.
    That’s all Hoges is good at; new liveries, uniforms etc. Good at spending money but not really that intellectual to run a complex business like an airline. Definitely not the sharpest tool in the box.

  12. Alen Šćuric Purger11:12

    I onda mi netko kaže da je Zemlja globalno selo. Jest PM. Čovijek je lijepo u CV stavio da je
    - kompaniju koja je gubila desetke milijuna EUR pretvorio u profitabilnu i to zadnjih 4 godine za redom
    - povećao promet,
    - povećao broj linija za 20-tak posto,
    - uspješno proveo restrukturaciju
    - naručio 4 A320neo

    Pritom je zaboravio napisati da je zbog toga:
    - prodao slotove na LHR koje je naslijedio
    - prodao motore koje mu je kupila vlada u restrukturacij
    - prodao avione koje mu je isto kupila vlada
    - prodao Pleso prijevoz
    - uze nove kredite kod poslovnih banaka i na njih stavio hipoteke
    - uništio Tehniku (1/3 radnika otišla)
    - nema novaca za servis motora
    - nema novaca za isporuku tih 4 A320neo čiju je isporuku akrobacijom zapravo prolongirao
    - odnos managementa i radništva na daleko najnižem nivou ikada

    A Bahrainci nemaju pojma hrvatski i ne čitaju brojne domaće vijesti. Financijski izvještaji su i na engleskom, a oni izgledaju dobro. Za njih je Kučko uspješan EU businessmen, koji je godinama vodio Croatijinu poslovnicu u Nizozemskoj, a potom kompaniju u Hrvatskoj koja je dio Europske unije.

    E naivnih ljudi...

    U stvari kada pogledaš, Kučko je odigrao opaku igru. Za sebe osobno, na račun i poreznih obveznika i nacionalne firme. Čestitke! Tipiča Hrvat. Ubi kravu za kilo govedine.

    1. Anonymous11:17

      Great! And now your solution please.....

    2. Anonymous12:05

      Da da, oni će plaćati Kučka a sigurno o njemu pojma nemaju, kako da ne. Purgeru skocentriraj se.

    3. Alen Šćuric Purger13:56

      E da imaju moš si mislit da bi ga plačali.

      A inače je Gulf strašno dobro vođena kompanija. Iako su na prebogatom Bliskom istoku:

      - dugi niz godina imaju višemilijunske gubitke,

      - u pet godina su napravili 1,3 milijardi USD gubitka (a govorimo o kompaniji koja ima 28 aviona i samo 41 liniju)

      - ukinuli su 70% linija koje su imali prije,

      - imaju nardužbe za 200% više aviona od trenutne flote, sa kojima ne znaju što bi jer ukidaju linije konstantno

      Jedna od najneuspješnijih kompanija u svijetu. Čista suprotnosti ostalim bliskoistočnim kompanijama. Za njih je Croatia Airlines mala beba

      Prema ovome se stvarno može zaključiti da su do sada odabirali pametno, razumno i dobro. I da su znali koga plaćaju. I bili skoncentrirani!

    4. Anonymous14:42

      haha, yeah, Kurcko will probably get a decent paycheck, but it is a mystery why would any airline actually hire him on commercial basis!

    5. Imenovanje direktora Croatie Airlines vruće je pitanje koje bi vrlo lako moglo skupo stajati premijera. Naime, kako saznaje portal, u ponedjeljak je sazvan nadzorni odbor CA s jednom točkom dnevnog reda, a ta je navodno osiguravanje mandata Jasminu Bajiću na još šest mjeseci.

      “Dobri prijatelji”, Ivan Mišetić i Jamin Bajić, izveli su vodu, čini se, na svoj mlin, a navodno će već u ponedjeljak Oleg Butković provesti Plenkovićevu naredbu i postaviti Bajića koji, kako se već pisalo, i nije najadekvatniji kandidat za tu poziciju.

      Pomalo je apsurdno kako se zbog nečijih očitih interesa natječaj za direktora CA odugovlači. Je li zaista cijela vladajuća garnitura Plenkovića, počevši s ministrom Goranom Marićem, nesposobna u 6. mjeseci izabrati kandidata? U bilo kojoj civiliziranoj zemlji, ministar, ali i svi drugi koji su zakazali dobili bi otkaz – ali ne i kod nas.

      Podsjetimo, izbor za direktora uprave Croatie Airlines već je trebao biti gotov, no čini se kako se planovi vodećim ljudima države nisu baš najbolje posložili.

      Premijer Andrej Plenković, ministar državne imovine Goran Marić i ministar mora, prometa i infrastrukture – Oleg Butković u velikom su, kako se čini, problemu. Kako drukčije objasniti još uvijek neobjavljeno ime budućeg direktora Croatie Airlinesa? Priča, naime, ima pomalo nevjerojatnu pozadinu, a sve kako bi se na čelo ove tvrtke dovelo podobnu osobu, a ne sposobnu. Pa počnimo od početka…

      Ovih dana moglo se čuti kako Goran Marić, ministar državne imovine i premijer Andrej Plenković na čelu Croatie Airlines žele dosadašnjeg direktora kontrolinga, Jasmina Bajića, i to pod navodnim pritiskom – Ivana Mišetića.

  13. Anonymous11:14

    Is he that good?
    Can't they find someone better?
    Cam't get it.

    1. Anonymous11:19

      Is he good? What would you have done, it is not so easy to define good in that business. What would you do with JP, JU or OU if you were CEO?

  14. Looks like we have found OU's buyer! Lol

  15. Anonymous12:31

    Actually Gulf Air would be a great strategic entry into Croatia for people who need to travel to Qatar, and the blockading countries because they are neutral. Brilliant, on top of that Gulf Air are looking at purchasing more airframes.

    Which other regional airline CEO can land a job like this abroad. Heck he could work for Gulf Air a few years, turn the airline around, and then land another CEO job for Etihad next door.

    1. Anonymous12:35

      LOL you think someone from Bahrain will fly to Croatia in order to go to Qatar and this will all happen just because Kucko is the CEO of Gulf Air. Get real.

    2. Anonymous12:38

      Kuwait and Oman are neutral, Bahrain is not. There goes your idea :)

    3. Anonymous12:53

      Shooot your right, my bad I was thinking of Oman, and Kuwait.

    4. Anonymous13:21

      Anon 12:35, I think the poster had logical idea of DOH-BAH-ZAG, not sre why LOL here..okay, he missed that BAH is no neutral, but overall why mock him before actually reading what the guy had to say?

    5. Anonymous13:33

      The airline is bleeding money and you think launching flights to Zagreb will be their number 1 priority just because Kucko is from Zagreb. Seriously...

    6. Anonymous13:46

      Well, the guy is on a forum and throwing around his thoughts (and I also agree BAH any ex YU will not happen)...then again, he never said that would be their top priority, where have you read that?

    7. Anonymous13:47

      No I was thinking ZAG to the middle east, who in their right mind would fly from the ME-ZAG-ME.

      Basically if you fly from ZAG with Qatar they can't fly you to UAE, KDA, and Bahrain.

      If you fly from the Balkans with FZ, EY, and EK they also can't get you to DOH.

  16. Anonymous12:55

    Ouch, Gulf Air will be dead company within few months

    1. Anonymous13:59

      They are already dead with several hundred million debt each year.

  17. Anonymous13:25

    Are they nuts?!!

  18. Anonymous13:30

    Well, who would figure that Kucko would be an export product? :) You never know, either they are complete idots (GF), or this guy has some substance! Time will tell I guess!

  19. Anonymous13:31

    People should read the text. The parliament plans to block him.

    1. Anonymous14:51

      haha ja that´s a formal step. Why would he have resigned then from OU already?

    2. Anonymous15:28

      Probably because he can't be appointed (considered for the appointment too) if he do not resign first.

  20. Anonymous19:21

    Congrats, Kucko, even though I don't like you!

  21. Anonymous09:06

    Hahahhaha Kucko CEO???? The man can only sell slots. He is a complete moron! Good luck Gulf Air!!

  22. this is just totaly surreal

  23. funniest thing i read all week


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