Niš Airport registers record results


Niš Constantine the Great Airport has recorded its busiest first three quarters on record. The airport handled 242.337 travellers during the first nine months of the year, representing an increase of 271.6% on the same period in 2016, when it welcomed 65.216 passengers. In September alone, the airport saw 29.122 travellers pass through its doors, up 98.6%. Furthermore, it processed 2.047 tonnes of cargo during the Q1 - Q3 period. Niš Airport anticipates handling some 330.000 passengers this year, with figures expected to almost double by 2021. The airport has already surpassed its 2016 end-of-year- result when it saw 124.917 travellers.


  1. Anonymous10:53

    Nice to see the airport growing. I am really curious to see how the upcoming Stockholm route performs.

  2. Anonymous10:54

    INI-LAX :)

    1. Anonymous12:44

      BEG will get nervous ��

  3. Anonymous10:58

    Congratulations Nis. Amazing although coming off a virtual zero base

    1. Anonymous11:03

      Coming off whatever base, they have managed to overtake several Croatian coastal airports.

    2. Anonymous11:35

      Yes, airports like Losinj, Brac, Vrsar and Rijeka.
      That's a big achievement

      INI has a long way to go before playing with a big boyZ

    3. Anonymous11:38

      It's not bad in my oppinion. I don't see Nis as playing with the "big boys" because it is not that class of airport.

    4. Anonymous11:56

      Pobeda has still not launched its flights and LX not added its 3rd weekly flight so we will see in 2 years time if it can catch up with the big boys.

    5. Anonymous12:43

      The thing is that some on here belittle INI while they keep on growing. What's important is that they have organic growth and not one based on tourism which is extremely volatile and unpredictable.

    6. Anonymous12:58

      Organic growth? :D

    7. Anonymous13:09

      Everyone is underestimating INI but they will very soon realise that it is an important airport served to serve the south. We cannot just rely on BEG.

    8. Anonymous14:06

      Anon 12.58

      Yes, organic growth refers to the growth at an airport that's naturally happening as a result of local demand.

    9. Anonymous15:10

      A sta bi bio onda onaj drugi?

    10. Anonymous17:44

      Било би супротно од тога, тј када се ствара вештачка потражња кроз масивне субвенције. Овај модел је посебно очигледан код Рајанера и мањих европских аеродрома.

    11. Anonymous04:15

      3 евра по путнику = масивна субвенција

    12. Anonymous09:46

      Не, субвенција значи да неком дајеш паре. Аеродром то никоме не ради већ јефтино наплаћује своје услуге. Уз све то, 3 евра по путнику се сваком додељује тако да нико није фаворизован, ни Рајанер ни Свис.

  4. Nice. I worried that Skopje will suffer but it does not happen, Skopje has positive growth. Ohrid is booming too and Prishtina has positive growth too. Nice development for the region.

    1. Anonymous11:14

      SKP, INI & SOF are the big trio.

  5. Anonymous11:13

    A big bravo to Niš! Whoever thought that in less than 3 years the airport will manage to serve over half a million passengers. Good luck with the 1 million mark INI, so proud of you.

  6. Anonymous11:37

    Samo jedan avion da ima bazu u nišu, to bi značilo još 100k putnika sigurno ako ne i više.

    1. Anonymous12:28

      jedan avion A320 ima ovaj prosecni godisnji kapacitet:
      180sedista x 7leta/dnevno x 365dana = 460'000 max
      ako uzmem load-factor 70% to je preko 300'000 putnika (za da bude profitabilan).

  7. Anonymous13:31

    Super INI, the South is reborn!

    1. Anonymous15:10

      The South has always needed this and it's just thanks to the regional leaders that put their act together to revive it. Regional development is very important and connecting INI to the rest of Europe was a wise thing to do. All the best of luck!

    2. Anonymous15:41


  8. Anonymous15:55

    Pre par dana sam putovao sa niskog aerodroma, i jako sam zadovoljan. Ima jos mnogo toga da se radi, pocevsi od uredjenja ispred i oko aerodroma, promocije samog aerodroma, sadrzaja u okviru terminala...ali ide na bolje :) Ja se iskreno nadam da ce Wizz , Ryan pa i Easy jet otvoriti jos destinacija, jer zaista vlada veliko interesovanje.
    PS: LF na letu iz Bratislave do Nisa pre par dana oko 95%.

  9. Anonymous18:36

    After the current terminal refurbs and continuous growth of INI there is no way the project will fail. I have also read that Bulgaria will finally construct the highway from Sofia to the Serbian border in March 2018 which means INI will even benefit more from this. Nice airport, close to bigger airports = region booming!

  10. Definitivno Niski aerodrom je primer razvoja vazdusnog saobracaja nisko budzetnog avio prevoza putnika u Srbiji. Tek aktiviranjem Morave i Ponikvi, formirana zajednica Aerodromi Srbije imace pun smisao. Za sada osnovani prosle godine, Aerodromi Srbije sa cime se bave? Daljim razvojem manjih aerodroma i razvojem sekundarnih ili? U javnosti se onjima nezna...

    1. Anonymous10:57

      Kako se ne zna, znaju svi zašto je otvoreno to preduzeće. Za pranje para.

  11. Anonymous19:49

    Nis Airport anticipates 320k pax this year? So admin you actually gave yourself time to analyse Nis' statistics, while you wrote that TZL anticipates 480k this year even tho the airport already had 405k by now and the growth momentum is from 70%++ every month. That airport is going well over 500k this year.

    1. These are estimates that have been provided by each airport. You can conclude for yourself wheather they will manage to surpass their target based on the number of passengers they have already handled so far this year.


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