Adria Tehnika to get new part-owner


The Czech Republic's Hartenberg Holding will acquire a 50% stake in Avia Prime, the sole owner of Poland's Linetech and Slovenia's Adria Airways Tehnika. The transaction will be completed after necessary approvals are granted from respective competition watchdogs. Adria Airways Tehnika specialises in narrow-body passenger Airbus and Bombardier aircraft and is the Canadian manufacturer's only certified service centre for Europe. It was acquired in 2015 by Avia Prime and has served as a sister company to Linetech since then. Hartenberg founder and co-owner, Jozef Janov, said, “We see great potential with this investment. The aviation industry is growing dynamically and a new generation of aircraft is just coming into service. Both Linetech and Adria are very well prepared for this growth and modernisation with a highly skilled team and modern facilities. We also believe in good cooperation with the existing management and founders, who will remain in the company with a significant shareholding stake. Our intention is to support new investment initiatives of both companies and we hope to maintain the impressive growth from recent years”. The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Andrej Babiš, owns shares in Hartenberg.


  1. at the same time they are abusing the workers with idiotic things, like if they come 2 minutes TOO EARLY to work, they are severely punished. I think they want to create a situation, where there would be a workers revolt and then they would move the operations to CZ or Poland. There is already serious lack of trained staff in Ljubljana.

    1. Blaz12:00

      If you are posting information from the press, at least have the decency to copy-paste the entire information and not just a fragment of it. For example, you could add the company's explanation to your "shocking" news ... But hey, I guess the "shock" effect would be gone in that case.

    2. Anonymous20:21

      Go and work there for a week without ass kissing and you'll experience the "shock" effect you muppet

  2. Anonymous12:26

    Here you go Blaz ...the whole Article from newspaper Dnevnik
    Zaposleni v Adria Airways Tehnika direktorja pozivajo k odstopu

    Letalski tehniki, zaposleni v podjetju Adria Airways Tehnika, s peticijo k odstopu pozivajo direktorja družbe Maksimilijana Peleta. Za potezo so se odločili po tem, ko jim je vodstvo prekinilo kolektivno pogodbo, prav tako so deležni groženj z odpovedjo in drugih oblik pritiskov, poroča portal MMC.

    Že lansko leto so v podjetju Adria Airways Tehnika odpustili dva sindikalna predstavnika. Eden izmed njih Roman Repnik je moral družbo zapustiti, saj naj bi parkiral na parkirišču za stranke in brez registracije zapustil delovno mesto. Podobni pritiski pa se po besedah zaposlenih letalskih tehnikov nadaljujejo. Zaposleni navajajo, da so prejeli pisne opomine zaradi prezgodnjega prihoda na delovno mesto za pet ali dve minuti, eden izmed delavcev pa je bil deležen tudi opomina zaradi pritiska napačne tipke ob registraciji v kadilnico.

    Iz družbe pritiske na zaposlene zanikajo. Dobre razmere utemeljujejo z visokimi plačami zaposlenih - povprečna plača zaposlenih v podjetju naj bi bila namreč 2400 evrov, opomine za prezgodnji prihod na delovno mesto pa komentirajo kot »nesorazmeren ukrep, ki ni imel posledic«, poroča MMC.

    Letalski tehniki ob prestrogih opominih navajajo še druge ukrepe, zaradi katerih je družbo od privatizacije leta 2013 zapustilo že 19 od 90 letalskih tehnikov. Pravijo, da so jim na delovna mesta namestili tudi video nadzor in umaknili kavče za počitek in avtomat za kavo. Po besedah predsednika sindikata letalskotehničnega osebja v Adrii Airways Tehnika Mateja Jemca, ki ga je direktor družbe v letošnjem letu tudi tožil zaradi obrekovanja, je vsak letalski tehnik, ki družbo zapusti, velika izguba, saj gre za strokovne kadre, ki jih je v povprečju izobražujejo deset let.

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    1. Anonymous13:17

      Fantin. Kuko bi blo, k bi vi tola žehto doma opral.


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