Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport has begun tender procedures for the upgrade and overhaul of its Terminal 2 ground floor / check-in area. The work will be carried out upon the request of Air Serbia which will install self-check-in kiosks in the middle of the terminal's ground floor. The tender brief outlines the removal of commercial space, primarily ticketing offices, located underneath the escalators and stairs inside the terminal, as well as the construction of new retail areas at both ends of the floor. Furthermore, three Air Serbia ticketing offices and an Air Serbia help desk will also be set up. A total of 420 square metres of space will be renovated as part of the project. Earlier this year, Belgrade Airport completed a multi million euro upgrade of its Terminal 1 building which included the addition of 33 check-in desks, eleven retail desks, commercial areas, oversized baggage check-in, a new baggage sorting facility and an extra 475 square metres of space. This has resulted in an increase in capacity from the previous 5.5 million passengers per year to seven million.
What exactly is a self check-in kiosk?
ReplyDeleteI've seen self check-in screens and self luggage drop off compartments. But I wouldn't call any of those kiosks. Is a kiosk those two functions in one? Any existing examples, anyone?
I think it is just a screen (other airlines already use them at BEG) but BEG calls them kiosks
A self check-in kiosk is a all in one stop where you can check in, with passport, chose seats, print baggage sticker, and manually go place your baggage in drop off area.
DeleteSo more and more the onis is on the passenger to do everything.
Could not this reno have been left to the concessionaire?
ReplyDeleteWhy wait, has it been said when the concessionare takes over? Mayby its 2 years from now!
DeleteIn March 2018
DeleteMy thoughts exactly. The concessionaires are gonna be renovating and expanding the terminals in any event, so why not pass it on to them and save money...especially if the takeover is scheduled for next year.
DeleteBtw...Who won the bid?
Binding bids have to be submitted by 24 november.
DeleteThis is probably the last chance for some government buddies to win a contract at the airport.
DeleteKao nece posle dobijati poslove?
DeleteOne close step to be in line to modern operation
ReplyDeleteOnly left to build up platform to onlookers on C jetway. As promiss few monts ago. When starting construction? Naturaly. After overtaking by concesion terminals will be ade with no 3!
New hope to Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport.
Rodney & Team. ππ·πΈπ
Ne budi naivan Radovane nema niΕ‘ta od tog vidikovca. LaΕΎu kao Ε‘to su lagali za sve ostalo.
DeleteNeznam da li sam naivan ili ne za razliku od Vas postovani Anon 2:15 PM.
DeleteNekada neko ce napraviti platformu za posmatranje kretanja na i sa aerodroma Nikola Tesla. Ja verujem. Do tada cu posmatrati saobracaj pet, sest meseci godisnje sto zivim u novoj Domovini.
Vama mnogo srece i verujte sta zelite.
Rodney. ππ·πΈππ²π