Iran Air schedules Belgrade launch


Iran Air has scheduled its planned new service between Tehran and Belgrade, which will commence on January 13. Flights will operate twice per week, each Tuesday and Saturday, with the 156-seat Airbus A320 aircraft. In addition, Iranian carrier Qeshm Air also plans to run two weekly services between the two capitals from February 1. As previously reported, the flights mark the resumption of scheduled commercial services between the two countries after 27 years. JAT Yugoslav Airlines previously maintained operations between Belgrade and Tehran until the break-up of the former Yugoslavia. Flight details for Iran Air's new service can be found here, while additional information for Qeshm Air's operations can be viewed here.


  1. Anonymous10:20

    wow fantastic news

  2. Anonymous10:41

    That will be a nice start to next year :)

  3. Anonymous10:42

    Cool news. I would like to use this flight and go in Persia.

  4. Anonymous10:51

    With that arrival time there will be no link to Air Serbia's New York flights.

    1. Anonymous10:54

      There will be no link with any Air Serbia destination that would make sense to connect to Tehran. Maybe Sarajevo, with a lengthy stopover.

    2. Anonymous10:56

      Obviously the flight is aimed at Iranian tourists. When Serbia is one of just 10 countries in the world and the only in Europe where Iranians can travel without a visa, I'm sure tour operators will be able to fill them.

    3. Anonymous11:12

      Samo u code share sa JU ! Nista drugo. Kad je JU ''imao'' namjeru razmotriti otvaranje linije, druga strana je kazala ''samo u code share sa IR''

    4. Anonymous11:17

      Pa moći će subotom da lete za Njujork-tada je let iz Beograda za USA u 13h, a ovi iz Teherana stižu u 10h..2 sata i nije neka pauza.

    5. Anonymous11:26

      Great news for Belgrade, yet another failure for Air Serbia. We'll have 4 weekly flights to Tehran without - almost - any connecting passengers whereas Air Serbia judged there is no market. Judging by this, they should've been able to pull out at least 5 weekly flights with no problem or at least coordinate their schedules with Iran Air. Btw their master Etihad pulled out of Tehran just recently, in yet another development of their incessant spiralling down.

    6. Anonymous11:32

      Air Serbia wasn't able to expand into Tehran because it was Etihad's rule that everything that goes East must go via Abu Dhabi. They would have been maybe less reluctant now but due to increased insurance costs of flying there - and JU being almost bankrupt - they left Iran Air do it.

    7. Anonymous12:00

      What ever it is , would be good for Serbian Economy to have incoming tourists,
      Also it is a shame that Air Serbia can not decide on its own and must get permission from Etihad, Otherwise with Code shares they could make a lot of money from beyond routes, Timings could be shaped to fit, But thats is the sad fact for Air Serbia.

    8. Anonymous17:38

      Why from IKA to JFK?
      Do you know that no Iraninan pass holder is allowed to enter USA?

    9. Anonymous17:44

      There is a massive Iranian diaspora in the US. Over 1 miĺlion.

    10. Anonymous20:39

      BTW, big Iranian diaspora in Canada as well, although I'm not sure if it's in Ontario or BC.

  5. Anonymous10:56

    2 carriers starting Tehran Belgrade? :O

    1. Anonymous11:35

      Koja je druga?

    2. Anonymous11:37

      Pa procitaj clanak

      In addition, Iranian carrier Qeshm Air also plans to run two weekly services between the two capitals, each Monday and Thursday, arriving in Belgrade at 08.00 and returning at 09.30, from February 1.

    3. hahahahaha cuj koja je druga :S

  6. Anonymous11:07

    Odlicno, I to ni manje ni vise nego dve kompanije. Bravo, ipak je Iran drzava od 78 mil. stanovnika

  7. Anonymous11:13

    Fantastičan uspeh za beogradski aerodrom-2 prevoznika sa celogodišnjim linijama do Teherana. Nadam se da ćemo se 2018. povezati i sa Marokom, Indijom i Šangajem.

  8. Nemjee11:38

    This is beyond phenomenal. Congratulations to both BEG, Iran Air and Qeshm.

    2018 will be an epic year for BEG!

  9. Anonymous11:45

    Anyone knows who is going to sell those tickets in Serbia?

  10. Anonymous11:54

    Interesting development. Could we see more destinations in the region like ZAG or SJJ?

  11. Anonymous12:00

    Ticket price?

    1. Anonymous19:00

      How can I buy a round ticket ex Belgrade online? What is the price?

  12. Anonymous12:31

    Given that the Iranian banking system is almost entirely cut off from the rest of the world, I'm not even sure we'll be able to buy tickets for those flights.

    1. Anonymous13:11

      More and more European countries are establishing banking links so it's a matter of time before Serbia does it as well.

    2. Iran Air has either its own office at destination point or an agent.
      For example, if you wish to buy ticket for any IR destination in Moscow, you need to call their Moscow office, they calculate the price and you have to pay them a visit by the end of the day to pay for the ticket(s) in cash. Rubles only.

  13. Anonymous18:56

    Another "BUUU" for ASL! Time to tailor, personalize and merchandise...what a joke of airline!

    1. Anonymous19:43

      What a joke of a comment. Where do you see a relationship between Iran Air route decisions and Air Serbia decision to offer custom choices similar to what BA, LH, AF and many others are offering? There is absolutely no link between the two!

    2. Anonymous20:30

      Bravo for Iran Air by all means. Major blow for airserbia which is incapable to realize any strategic move.

    3. Anonymous20:36

      Epic fail on behalf of JU.

      It just proves that the alliance is in shambles.

      1. JU deemed that there is no potential
      2. Etihad could have given JU a notice of Teheran termination and 'free hand' to start the service.


    4. Anonymous21:08

      Koje nebuloze. EY nema veze sa ovim. A za Er Srbiju je strateski cilj bio da lete za JFK i to su uspeli za razliku od luzerskih aviokompanija u regionu.

    5. Anonymous21:44

      Znaci Aegean je luzerska kompanija zato sto ne leti za JFK? Aha... kako da ne.

    6. Anonymous22:05

      Tebra u kom regionu ti zivis kad ukljucujes Ejdzijan?

    7. Anonymous22:09

      A sto ti nisi prvo definisao o kom regionu pricas? ;)

      ASL treba da ima samo jedan strateski cilj a to je profitabilnost. Svi znamo da je JFK samo udaljava od tog istog.

    8. Anonymous00:07

      Nisi ti sam u glavi. Na sajtu ex yu pitas o kom se regionu radi? A to sto ti se pricinjava da je profitabilnost jedini cilj pokazuje da si jos mali. Sta je sa udelom na trzistu? Sta je sa cenom na berzi, za firme koje su tamo? Ko je normalan jos video da je profit jedini stateski cilj?

    9. Anonymous04:16

      Well, JFK being a strategic (read: his) goal says a lot about the company. Parked A330 is a 'small' price for such strategic goal.

      Are you saying that Etihad did not influence JU's decision making on Teheran route.

      Uzgred, ja sam Anon 8:36 PM, i ja sam iz Srbije.

    10. Anonymous05:36

      Pitao zato sto sam namerno hteo da se ispolji onaj fenomen: daj da budem prvi u selu, koga briga za grad.

      To me podseca na one ljude koji nemaju para ali ipak kupe BMW da bi sebi prividno uzdigli status.

      Neka ASL radi sta hoce i nek pusta linije koje hoce ali neka to radi o svom trosku. Ja sam lokalni privrednik i ne zelim da placam liniju od koje jednostavno nemam koristi. Ako ASL dobija subvencije zasto to isto ne dobijaju i ostali lokalni preduzetnici?Dvostruki arsini.

      Er Srbija je daleko od te vrste strateskog interesa. Imaju mnogo precih stvari kao sredjivanje Atr-ova koji su u fazi raspada, matori B733 koje treba da zamene, nedeljne ucestalosti ka zapadnoj evropi se samo smanjuju...

      No dobro, ti si veliki, ja sam mali pa verovatno ne znam kako stvari funkcionisu i verovatno je JFK ono sto je apsolutno neophodno da bi nase civilno vazduhoplovstvo procvetalo.

      p.s. ne zivimo vise u socijalizmu. Nema vise muzenja drzavnog budzeta radi megalomanskih projekata lokalnih politicara. Tito je mrtav kao i sam JAT.

    11. Anonymous16:11

      Pošto si kako sam kažeš mali zašto daješ sebi pravo da određuješ strateške ciljeve države ili avio kompanije? Tvoje je da ideš na izbore a ne da odlučuješ kako će izabrani trošiti pare. Tako je svuda u svetu. Ti ne odlučuješ da li trebaju pare za biblioteke ili vatrogasce a možda nikad nisi imao koristi od njih, pa ti to ne daje pravo da odlučuješ koliko para ide za nih. Da imaš firmu koja ima direktne ili indirektne koristi od ovih letova, recimo tvoja pića se služe na tom letu, ili rentiraš kola sa automatskim menjačem na aerodromu itd, rekao bi da je ovo fenomenalna investicija i tražio bi još. Prestani da dramiš i ako si pametan, prebaci se na turizam jer će od toga biti mnogo više para u narednim godinama.

    12. Anonymous07:26

      Ocito nisi preduzetnik niti placas poreze za svoje zaposlene cim tako pricas.
      Ja zaradjujem i placam da bi posle te pare trosio neki polu-pismeni sendvicar koji se zaposlio samo zato sto je lepio plakate pred izbore. Kako da ne... bas oni znaju sta je dobro za Srbiju.

    13. Anonymous18:55

      Upravo tako, da si glasao za demokrate u Americi sad bi lepo placao porez nekome ko je Trampu lepio plakate i niko te ne bi pitao da li se slazes kako se trose pare. Ili da si levicar u Austriji sad bi tvoj porez isao ekstremnoj desnici na vlasti. Ceo svet tako radi samo ti mislis da treba tebe sve da pitaju.

  14. Anonymous20:43

    Any chance of salvaging the situation by establishing codeshare/interline and coordinating schedule.

    1. Anonymous21:38

      Salvaging the situation? What makes you think a code-share is needed to make this work?

    2. Anonymous04:09

      Salvaging this embarassing situation from JU's point of view, since you asked.

    3. Anonymous04:46

      Anon 4:09, to be honest the only person that should feel embarrased right now is you.

  15. Anonymous23:03

    Odlična vest, imaćemo 4 nedeljna leta za Teheran, ali je komšijama krivo, pa u komentarima moraju da nadju načina da izleče frustracije tako što će napadati Er Srbiju i pričati kako je propast što nije prva krenula da leti i nema mogućnosti za konekcije. Kako god-ovi letovi će se uklapati i u letove za Njujork-utorkom avion iz USA sleće u zoru i za Teheran mogu da nastave u 11h, a subotom iz Teherana stižu na let za USA u 13h. Beogradski i srpski turizam polako rastu, kao i broj putnika na srpskim aerodromima. Sledeća godina če biti još bolja i sledi aktiviranje kraljevačkog aerodroma!

    1. Anonymous05:29

      Кога брига да ли ће моћи да преседају на ЈУ. Није као да без кодшера ова линија нема шансе да успе. Иранер и Кешм су одрадили своје и видели су да је тржиште ту.

      На крају крајева и Аркиа опстаје без кодшера.

  16. Anonymous07:18

    It's hilarious how BEG can sustain IKA flights but AUH can't.

    1. Anonymous07:30

      It may have something to do with political relations between UAE and Iran.

    2. Anonymous12:03

      Nothing to do. Etihad is in shambles, Emirates still flying there.


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