Serbia to build Belgrade Airport rail link


The Serbian Minister for Construction, Transport and Infrastrucutre, Zorana Mihajlović, has announced the construction of a railway line between the city and Nikola Tesla Airport. The project, valued at twenty million euros, will be carried out through a public private partnership. The ministry recently held talks with Russian railway group RZD concerning the project. Ms Mihajlović noted that project documentation for the New Belgrade - Belgrade Airport urban railway line is currently being drafted.


  1. Anonymous13:30

    Great development for BEG!

  2. Nemjee13:41

    This is probably one of the smarter decisions made by the government. Unfortunately it seems we needed to give the airport to the concessionaires for them to move ahead with this project.

    I am sure they will extend Beovoz to the airport and the line will go something like this:

    Aerodrom - Tosin bunar- Buvljak - Prokop - Karadjordjev park - Vukov spomenik - Pancevacki most.

    This will be extremely important as the new Belgrade bus stop will be built next to Buvljak which is also where trains heading to the north (Novi Sad, Subotica, Hungary...) stop.

    With this rail link BEG's catchment area will be considerably improved and extended.

    Now, if only they could get some new trains that would be great. Maybe some trains like those heading to Novi Sad will also stop at the airport.

    1. +1 :) finally. ZAG should follow.

    2. Anonymous14:17

      +1 :) finally. SPU should follow.

    3. Anonymous14:26

      Yeah...and the passenger numbers should follow.

    4. Anonymous14:30

      Ideally some trains coming from Budapest and Novi Sad should stop at the airport on their way to Belgrade.

    5. Aэrologic14:44

      This is the current configuration of Belgrade railway junction.

      "Linija bi išla od ulaska u naselje Surčin pored Aerodroma „Nikola Tesla”, pa bi se povezala na prugu Beograd - Novi Sad i završavala bi se u stanici Novi Beograd. Dužina linije bi bila 16 kilometara i imala bi šest stanica, a vozovi bi saobraćali u razmaku od 15 minuta u vršnom satu, a na 30 minuta van vršnog sata. Na ovaj način bi areodrom bio direktno povezan sa budućom glavnom autobuskom stanicom u Bloku 42 - rekli su u kabinetu gradonačelnika.

      Na ovoj liniji su planirana tri velika parkinga koji bi bili u sistemu javnog prevoza „parkiraj i vozi“: na početnoj stanici u Surčinu, stanici na autoputu kod petlje za aerodrom i stanici Zemun. Takođe, na ovim stajalištima bili bi autobuski terminali."

    6. Anonymous15:12

      Ako ce se nadovezivati na liniku Beograd-Novi Sad, da li to znaci da ce I na ovom delu biti brzine do 200 km/h, ak obi ta brzina mogla da se postigne s obzirom na broj stanica I duzinu cele trase?

    7. Anonymous15:46

      Zar je bitno da li ce vozovi ici 200 ili 100 kmh na pruzi od 16km? Samo da je naprave.

    8. Nemjee15:56

      Another huge advantage of this being operated by Beovoz is that with a BusPlus card you can switch to a bus, tram or trolleybus within the city.

      I wonder if they will build an underground station. They could place it right under the lower parking level which is connected to the arrivals.

    9. Anonymous20:24

      For 20 million Euros, I doubt the station will be underground.

  3. Anonymous13:48

    It's a džouk, bre

    1. I think it's no dzouk, bre, no elections coming, at least no that I know of

  4. Anonymous15:01

    20 million EUR???? Seems very cheap!

    1. Anonymous15:07

      There is existing railway infrastructure all around the place, look at the pic. It's surprising it didn't happen originally.

    2. Anonymous19:04

      Extremely cheap, 15 km least 3 times 20 m.
      Still good investment.

    3. Anonymous12:48

      20M EUR is the cost of thinking about this project. Actual construction will be 5 times the cost, including very expensive expropriation. Serbian tycoons have been buying up land around the airport for years waiting for expansion and expropriation.

  5. Anonymous15:27

    Belgrade is such a black hole as far as urban transport is concerned, so I'm surprised that they have plans for this. Hopefully they're serious

  6. Anonymous15:51

    Odlicna vest! Steta samo sto zbog naselja nije moguce ostvariti da stanica aerodrom bude protocna pa da npr. moze direktno iz Subotice da se dodje do aerodroma a ne da se ide na Novi Beograd pa preseda i vraca... Zamislite brzu prugu Nis-Subotica koja bi povezivala i aerodrome. :)
    Realno, dobro je i ovo :)

    1. Nemjee15:58

      Како се аеродромска пруга повезује са пругом Нови Сад-Београд врло је вероватно да ће сваки воз са севера стајати на аеродрому.

      Ово је посебно добра вест за све из Новог Сада јер су тренутне везе са аеродромом јако лоше. Својевремено је била аутобуска линија али је укинута.

    2. Anonymous16:10

      Split apt is already doing on a railway all the way to the airport. Guess spu will have 1st railway to the airport in exyu. Admin never mentioned this in a topic

    3. Anonymous16:48

      Well truth be told BEG's line will have a greater impact as the catchment area is much larger. Split is dead most of the year.

    4. @nemjeee how? BG-NS railtrack is not close to the airport. someone from NS would need to make stopover @tošin bunar and then catch a ride to airport

    5. Nemjee20:20

      Petar, even if they have to I don't think it would be a huge problem as a ride from BEG to Novi Beograd would be max 15 minutes.

      Many European airports force you to go to the city before switching to another train.

    6. Anonymous20:36

      What about the plans to build the Belgrade metro??? Almost all bigger European capitals have one.

    7. Anonymous20:36

      @Petar Čelik
      There is a railway Batajnica - Surčin - Makiš (parallel to Belgrade bypass) which is located 3,5 km from the airport. It is now used for freight trains only and maximum speed is 50 km/h. Trains from Novi Sad could use this railway, call at Nikola Tesla and continue to Belgrade. Other possibility (if they don't plan to build this extra 3,5 km of railway) is direct line Novi Sad - Nikola Tesla Aiport. According to the plans, rail link will be connected to the existing network between Zemun and Zemun Polje (near depot in Zemun). They just need to design tracks to and fro north and we can have direct trains to Novi Sad, Subotica, Sremska Mitrovica etc.

    8. Anonymous22:11

      Wouldn't trains from Hungary, Croatia and Bosnia also pass through this area by the airport?

  7. Anonymous16:18

    This announcement doesn't have any committed date for project to be operational. It makes a big difference if this rail link becomes functional in 2030 vs 2020.

    1. Anonymous16:46

      I think it will be completed relatively soon because the Russians are already upgrading our railway. On top of that the Chinese are currently working on the railway to Stara Pazova which is also part of this line.

    2. Anonymous18:24

      If it's soon why not commit to a date? For example: railway will be completed by 2020. If if doesn't get completed by 2021 I will resign.

      Maybe because all her highway and other projects are very late, sometimes many years late?

  8. I think it would be better, cheaper, and simpler to simply extend tram line 9, 13, or 7 to the airport.

    1. Anonymous19:22

      One does not exclude the other.

    2. Anonymous20:35

      Having a tram to an airport isn't really a good idea. Most, if not all, airports have a proper train or underground system.
      Examples of train: CGN, VKO, BCN, LGW.

    3. Anonymous23:46

      And Zurich has both. A tram line to Banovo brdo would connect the airport with the large part of the city.

    4. Anonymous00:23

      In how much time?

      The whole tramway project was a huge failure to begin with.

    5. anon 8:35.

      Belgrade compared to those cities is a village and BEG airport compared to those airports is a regional airstrip. You can't compare them whatsoever. Beovoz itself doesn't have very good ridership and if it got extended to BEG it would be very empty.

    6. Anonymous01:07

      Belgrade is hardly a village compared to Barcelona or Cologne, towards which one is bigger actually, or any city for that matter.

      Airport has lots place left for development, obviously, and many things left to be desired. This project could only help.

    7. Nemjee08:27

      Beovoz is quite popular, especially for those coming from Pancevo, Batajnica or Pazova. Most of the times trains are quite full. By the way, you can reach Vukov spomenik from Buvljak in just 11 minutes. I think you can't even make it this fast in a car.

      That said, extending Beovoz would be the cheapest and most economical solution. The tram line from Novi Beograd would be complicated as you would have to extend the road that goes up the hill towards Ledine. On top of that there would be a lot of overlap with bus line 72 that goes through there. A tram would be slower and it would actually have to share the road with other vehicles. We all remember how well that went in Bulevar before it was reconstructed.

      Furthermore, Beovoz stops at Prokop where more and more trains are being moved from the Central Railway station. In such a way you could offer connections to most parts of Serbia. A tram line would go over Stari most into old Belgrade and it would pass next to both the bus and train stops that are currently being moved out.

  9. Anonymous19:56

    Maybe cheaper, but way slower

  10. Anonymous20:09

    Unfortunately nobody mentioned any time frame for this project. I hope Vinci will apply pressure to hurry with this!

  11. Anonymous20:32

    SOF already has a airport-downtown metro since 2016, while OTP still doesn't have. BUD neither.
    I think BEG has all the chances.

    1. Anonymous22:09

      I think BUD has a metro link.

    2. No, I travelled from BUD few months ago. You take the metro from the center to some suburban railway station which is the last for the metro, forgot the name, and than have to change for a bus to Ferihegy airport

    3. Anonymous23:26

      That's horrible!

    4. Aэrologic00:24

      Kobanya Kispest. Disgusting place.

  12. Anonymous10:21

    Finally something smart coming from Belgrade.

    1. Definitly Belgrade will be in line to world class airports. Big invesment approching to this small airport.
      Bright days ahead...


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