State takes over Niš Airport


The local assembly in Niš has approved the contentious issue of transferring ownership of the airport to the state government. Following weeks of street protests, a total of 44 assembly members voted in favour of the motion, four were against and one abstained. Critics believe the change in management is linked to the recent takeover of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport by France's VINCI and that Niš's passenger growth will be capped as a result. Despite initially denying the claims, the Serbian government has now admitted that figures will be confined to one million passengers for each airport in the country within a 230 kilometre radius of Belgrade until Nikola Tesla Airport reaches twelve million travellers per year. However, the government argues it is unlikely for any secondary airport to get to this figure before the country's busiest achieves its target. Furthermore, it notes that it is taking charge of Niš Airport as additional investments are required, which cannot be financed by the city. The airport was initially managed by the state until rights were transferred to the city in 2010.


  1. Anonymous13:59

    Great news for PRN, SKP, SOF and of course BEG and JU.
    bad news for the south of Serbia...

    1. Anonymous14:36

      none of PRN,SKP,SOf suffered from the 6 INI routes ...

    2. Anonymous15:49

      It is actually 11 routes and any company opening a base there would be felt in vicinity.

  2. Anonymous14:02

    banana drzava

  3. Anonymous14:06

    Република Београд

    1. Anonymous14:07


    2. Anonymous15:54

      Nema ovo veze sa centralizacijom, ionako bi vecina putnika bila iz Beograda i drugih delova Srbije.

    3. Anonymous08:08

      Ne lupetaj, većina putnika je do sada bila iz Niša i juga srbije.

    4. Anonymous13:23

      Da je brojka otisla do 1 mil i preko, u slucaju da Ryan tamo potvri bazu, vecina putnika bi bila iz Beograda i Centralne Srbije.

  4. Anonymous14:35

    as if INI would reach 1mio anytime soon

    1. Anonymous15:45

      "Thankfully" the GoB made sure that INI will never reach it.
      And more importantly it will now make sure that INI's growth will stop in order to keep the French happy.
      Banana-Balkana Republic.

    2. Anonymous15:53

      One million is not that hard to reach!
      One A320 or B737-800 can offer in access of 390.000 seats a year. If Ryan opened a base there with 30+ destinations it could have gone over 1 mil in a year. I am of course basing this on presumption that many people from Belgrade and Central Serbia would than travel and take flights from INI.

    3. Anonymous15:56

      lol 30+ dstinations. dream on

    4. Anonymous16:00

      If you read my post carefully you would not LOL

    5. Anonymous18:02

      now i hope the INI trolls, or to be politically correct, the INI fans will finally get silent with their megalomaniac posts about about this secondary airport.

    6. Anonymous18:09

      @anon 6:02
      Sandwich and coca cola for you :)

    7. Anonymous15:53

      Completely agree with Anon 3:53.
      The number from 11 can reach 30. There are still so many markets to cover.
      Just look at Debrecen, pure example of success.

  5. Anonymous15:53

    Exyuaviation, this should have been the main story of the day!
    Such a shameful move by the Government.

    1. Anonymous22:41

      How is it possible Ex-yu, that an article which just repeats some far-fetched desires of several airports is more important than an article which tackles the very core issues of civil aviation in Serbia at the moment?

    2. Anonymous22:57

      because it was news so many times, just check the Niš hashtag

  6. Anonymous16:36

    This is actually good news. The airport will receive some broad funding that it needs. Only in Serbia is everything politicised. Give it a break. This airport was government's until 7 years ago to start off with. It was then handed over on a silver plate to Nis. Both Uzice and Kraljevo would kill to have such benefits. But here it's the usually regurgitated story of SNS vendetta against the people. Intellectual capacity in Serbia is measured according to the amount anti government spewing. Criticisers who themselves are few and far between when something actually needs to get done. Grow up.

    1. Anonymous18:12

      It would be a good news if government would actually take over the airport, invest heavily in this fast growing company and bring new terminal and services. On the contrary it is being taken over as to prevent its future growth and adhere to completely unconstitutional provision of the concession agreement with VINCI. So sad.

    2. Anonymous08:11

      If this isn't political then why was the CEO who made all these flights happen fired after refusing to toe the party line?

    3. Anonymous13:22

      +1 last anon

  7. Anonymous12:45

    Well there are two main reasons to do this.
    1. the contract with Vinci to restrict all other airports below 1m is now easier to control
    2. after Vinci take over of BEG airport there will be a management shake over, so the brilliant managers will just join the "Aerodromi Srbije" and the "fotelje" are with INI under their umbrella they will claim is pretty much do.

    1. Anonymous13:22

      So you think they are moving there? Maybe we will see three airports developing.

  8. Anonymous15:51

    I think you all guys are afraid of the changes. The GoS will make everything possible to develop the airport and transform it into a regional base. Yes, 30 destinations can be easily opened and the numbers will reach 1 million in no time.
    Remember what FR did with SOF?

    INI is the most important airport in South Serbia.


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