Flydubai modifies operations across EX-YU

Flydubai will adjust its operations across most markets in the former Yugoslavia this winter season, with the airline returning to Zagreb, reducing operations to Belgrade and Skopje and pulling out of Montenegro until next year.

As previously reported, the hybrid carrier will resume operations between Dubai and Zagreb following a two-year hiatus by temporarily replacing its partner Emirates on the route. It will maintain daily services between the two cities from December 2 until March 30. Flydubai will operate the route with its Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft from Emirates' Terminal 3 at Dubai Airport. Furthermore, the airline has confirmed it will not be extending its seasonal Dubrovnik service, launched earlier this year, into the winter. "Flydubai currently operates Dubrovnik as a seasonal summer route, offering up to four flights a week between April 10 and October 25. We have seen this route grow in popularity, especially in our business class. Dubrovnik will remain a seasonal summer route", the airline told EX-YU Aviation News.

Flydubai will reduce operations to Belgrade this winter from daily to five weekly. Flights will be maintained with the 162-seat B737 MAX 8 jet. Starting December 2, Flydubai will move its Belgrade departures and arrivals in Dubai from its dedicated Terminal 2 to Emirates' Terminal 3. "Following our codeshare partnership with Emirates last July we have seen an increase in demand on our flights to Belgrade", the carrier noted. Similarly, the airline will reduce its Skopje operations from three to two weekly by dropping its Saturday departure. Faced with increased competition from Qatar Airways, the airline handled 26.262 passengers on its services between Dubai and the Macedonian capital last year.

Flydubai to offer lie-flat business class seats to Zagreb and Belgrade

On the other hand, the airline will maintain four weekly flights to Sarajevo as was the case last winter season, however, it will no longer offer services between the capitals of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, with flights to Podgorica to be discontinued. Operations to Sarajevo will run with the B737-800 aircraft and will continue to operate from Terminal 2 for the time being. The Dubai-based airline will not be returning to Podgorica this winter, resulting in its departure from the Montenegrin market until it resumes seasonal operations to Tivat next year. Flights to the Montenegrin capital were maintained twice per week, with the airline securing fifth freedom rights to sell tickets between Sarajevo and Podgorica as well.


  1. Anonymous09:03

    not possible, they are reducing BEG???

    1. Anonymous09:05

      Same frequencies as in W2016/17

    2. Anonymous09:08

      yes, and not same like W2017/18

    3. Anonymous09:09

      True, similar to how they will reduce Skopje compared to last winter and Emirates drop Zagreb compared to last winter.

    4. Anonymous09:13

      EK drop ZAG in overall capacity but increase in frequency. If you ask me, better to have daily 737 than 4-5pw 773. After 1-2 years numbers will be enough to send 773 back year round.

    5. Anonymous09:16

      They didn't fly 4 per week, they flew 5 per week.

    6. Anonymous09:16

      There was some cancelled flights, because of that I wrote 4-5pw.

    7. @anon 09:13

      What makes you think that in two years the numbers will be "enough" for Emirates to send 773 to Zagreb year round?! What is going to happen in those two years??

    8. Anonymous09:25

      Only thing that can happen is passenger number increase, what else?!
      And that is already happening in ZAG, if u compare last 5 years, every year we can see increase, especially passengers from Asia. Or you think that is not true?

    9. Anonymous09:27

      We will have to wait and see I guess. I would rather have five weekly B777 than daily cramped 737 on a six hour flight.

    10. Anonymous09:38

      In long term passenger increase, frequency is more important than sending widebody (not daily)... QR is good example, in connectivity it is better to have 2 daily narrow than 1 daily widebody in ZAG.

    11. Anonymous09:57

      Yes but it's not like QR is overbooked in ZAG. There is a reason they are not sending widebody.

    12. Anonymous13:01

      @Anonymous20 August 2018 at 09:16
      Zagreb was on 4 weekly flights, with 5 weekly in March.

      @Jakov Fabinger20 August 2018 at 09:19
      The trend for Zagreb indicates Zagreb is becoming more and more popular route, with 200k pax on the route this year very likely.

      Last year, last 6 months EK had 100k on the route, this year it'll be between 175 and 200k, we'll see. I am using Nemjee figures.

      FlyDubia will only cover EK winter flights, it'll still be EK flights, just performed by FlyDubai, the capacity on the route will be reduced to reflect on last year's figures which were around:

      Nemjee16 August 2018 at 09:36
      EK in ZAG:

      06.17 - 12.975
      07.17- 17.479
      08.17 - 17.198
      09.17 - 15.735
      10.17 - 15.448
      11.17 - 8.988
      12.17 - 8.658
      01.18 - 8.175
      02.18 - 6.780
      03.18 - 9.442
      04.18 - 13.023
      05.18 - 12.606

    13. Anonymous13:16

      We will also have to see how numbers perform now as there will be less cheaper fares since it's a small plane.

    14. Anonymous13:22

      Thank you Anon 13.01 for the numbers. I guess FZ could easily fly 10 weekly this winter.

    15. Anonymous14:49

      But some sources demand those numbers. As Nemjee told us those are from "his friend" it is not reliable source.

    16. Anonymous14:51

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. Anonymous14:54

      6/17 was begging of service. This June, July and August numbers are much better. I will check those numbers in article that will be published in 2 weeks.

    18. Anonymous15:17

      @Anonymous20 August 2018 at 14:49

      I know, but these are the numbers we only have, someone posted alternative numbers, no idea how these numbers are accurate, I did call Eurocontrol, and they had no idea what I was talking about when requesting traffic figures and routes out of Zagreb.

    19. Anonymous15:23

      Yeah as if EK will tell you their numbers, get real Purger. You NEVER shared any real numbers with us so why would you do it now?

    20. Anonymous16:30

      +100 last Anon

      Purger I am sorry but you never wrote an article that had numbers such as these ones. Not even from OU with which you are close so I can't believe you will have EK numbers. You are not an investigative journalist.

    21. Anonymous16:46

      Zagreb airport has the numbers, and one of our posters here works at Zagreb airport and another one has very good contacts at Zagreb airport. I am sure Purger might also have some contacts @Zagreb airport.

      problem with Zagreb airport is, they post only basic information as they have very few staff in digital marketing department/web support. Zagreb airport employs only 750-800 staff directly, 743 if you look at Croatian righter of companies, which is updated once a year, April 2017 being last update.

      Getting one or even two more staff that can improve online presence would be nice, but for that Zagreb airport would need to have double the current traffic, or around 7 million pax. Till then, all you can do is call Zagreb airport, invite route manager to a coffee and have numbers for various carriers.

      No idea if Purger is that close to current Management @Zagreb airport, there are people who post on this blog that are close and we can get information from them.

    22. Anonymous20:44

      Coffee is OK, but lunch should make the trick!
      Anyhow I have meeting with Zagreb airport management and Emirates concerning huge article which I want to write. For sure those numbers would be important part of this lunch. They can give me real numbers, confirm those numbers or deny them. All 3 answers are legitimate.

  2. Anonymous09:03

    I can see EK eventually flying seasonally to ZAG, BEG and SJJ.

    1. Anonymous09:08

      You can, but they can't!

    2. Projection person, please give us the figures how the pax nr at ZAG will increase in the next 100 years. (and also from which country these passengers will be coming from).

    3. Anonymous13:49

      @Anonymous20 August 2018 at 09:03

      I guess you're trolling now,

      EK made it clear they have no future plans for the region beyond Zagreb service. Also Zagreb service isn't seasonal, it us year round service with FlyDubai taking over 4 months, however these are still EK flights.

    4. Anonymous13:50

      You just gave a definition of seasonal and said it's not seasonal. Lol.

    5. Anonymous15:22

      @Anonymous20 August 2018 at 13:50

      It is still EK flight, just being flown by FlyDubai, the service is still EK, so it is not seasonal service.

    6. Anonymous15:24

      Buddy by that logic EK is flying to Belgrade, Skopje and Sarajevo just being flown by FlyDubai since EK also has codeshare on all of those routes. Please...

    7. Anonymous16:59

      @Anonymous20 August 2018 at 15:24

      No, the FlyDubai service is actually Emirates service, out of Terminal 2, you buy tickets at emirates only, not sure you can buy tickets from flyDubai for Zagreb or from Zagreb to Dubai.

      Only reason FlyDubai is flying, cause EK would fly empty with massive B777,

      If these numbers are to be trusted:

      11.17 - 8.988
      12.17 - 8.658
      01.18 - 8.175
      02.18 - 6.780
      03.18 - 9.442

      Emirates flew 42000 passengers on the route to Zagreb, on total of 90 return flights in given period.

      42043/90 = 467/2 = 233/360 = 64.66% load factor on the route.
      The capacity of the route was 64800 seats over given period.

      FlyDubai service will do a daily flights out of Dubai, with B738max, 162 seats.
      162x7 = 1134 x x20x2 = 45360 seats
      42042/45360 = 92.8 Load Factor.

      If there's increased demand for certain days, double daily can be sent or EK can send one of its B777s if demand is in particularly high.

    8. Anonymous17:03

      You are talking absolute nonsense and presenting it as fact. Of course you can buy flights to Zagreb on the Flydubai website as it is a Flydubai operated flight. Yes, you can buy it also via Emirates website because it is an Emirates codeshare flight. Same way you can buy flights to Belgrade, Sarajevo and Skopje on the Emirates website. Also Belgrade flights depart the Emirates terminal as will the Zagreb flights. So please stop this nonsense anf accept it for what it is.

    9. Anonymous18:20

      Congratulations anon@17:03. They simply can't accept ZAG is the only EK seasonal destination and then they try to find some excuses...and one is funnier than the other!

    10. Anonymous20:11

      @Anonymous20 August 2018 at 18:20

      Its only seasonal in your head, Emirates doesn't call it seasonal, why should we?
      Also it seems you're more pissed with the fact that Emirates chose Zagreb and not Belgrade.
      Neighbors cow thing eh???

  3. Anonymous09:03

    Skopje is getting some reductions for the winter season with Qatar dropping one flight weekly and now FlyDubai dropping one as well, not good...

    1. Anonymous09:10

      surely makes you happy

    2. Anonymous09:28

      Also no more BCN nor VXO...I'm guessing ZRH will be reduced too...

    3. Anonymous09:32

      i heard they will shut down the airport during winter

    4. Anonymous09:35

      Not a surprise at all, the market is simply not there. SKP should just be happy to have flights to DOH and DXB

    5. Anonymous09:53

      I'm surprised about Flydubai and Qatar, especially since Qatar flew a mix of A320 and A321 this summer to SKP.

    6. Anonymous09:54

      oversupply at a generally very poor market

    7. Anonymous09:56

      People should keep in mind that both FZ and QR started Thessaloniki this summer and I would not be surprised if this impacted their SKP numbers.

    8. Anonymous10:00

      When FZ started flying to SKP it was 3 weekly, then they reduced it to 2 weekly and last winter they increased it to 3 weekly again (probably as a response to QR introducing flights to SKP) and now its gonna be 2 weekly again.

    9. Anonymous10:26

      I think SKP is a mainly gasto airport, sadly.
      I mean it doesn't have direct flights to at least basic primary airports such as PRG let alone CDG or AMS.
      SKP has its traffic thanks to Germany, Switzerland and Sweden...

    10. Anonymous10:47

      yeah because both mkd and kosovo gastos go to the very same countries...would have been better if it was a bit more diversified

  4. Anonymous09:05

    Good to see Sarajevo staying the same even without the Podgorica flights.

    1. Anonymous09:30

      But quite a reduction from summer when they fly 3 times per day (21 per week).

  5. Anonymous09:06

    Not surprised about Podgorica at all, but at least they tried.

    1. Anonymous09:30

      To be honest I'm surprised TIV is working.

  6. All these reductions are hardly a surprise. The ex-Yu market is completely oversaturated. The daily Emirates flight to Zagreb in the winter was never going to survive.

    1. Anonymous09:29

      yes, and the daily FZ to BEG obviously also not.

    2. Anonymous09:40

      Naravno BEG ima druge rute za daleki istok.

    3. Anonymous09:42

      Tako je, i ZAG i BEG ih imaju na zadovoljavajućoj razini.

    4. Anonymous11:07

      Qatar is also reducing flights to Doha to Belgrade from 11 in summer to 7 in winter. Qatar will not reduce Zagreb flights, which route will stay 14 per week in winter too. So Belgrade will have to MEB3 19 flights per week, and Zagreb 21 flights per week in winter. On top of that Belgrad will have 2 flights to Beijing by Hainan and Zagreb 3 to Seoul by Korean.

    5. Anonymous11:10

      Haha such a lame attempt at trying to assert your superiority. Honey, QR flies to Belgrade 7 times per week this summer, not 11, so no it is not reducing BEG despite your utmost wish. On top of that Belgrade will have daily flights to Tehran with all airlines flying wide bodies,

    6. Anonymous11:11

      Cemu inace tri puta dnevno za Moskvu sa SU. Zive tamo Srbi ali i po Kini i ostalim dalekoistocnim destinacijama.

    7. Anonymous11:12

      Add to that, that BEG is connected to more continents, compared to ZAG.
      And of course, prestigious, year round JFK...

    8. Anonymous11:25

      Let's also not forget that BEG will have way more flights to IST, BEY, TLV, LCA, IKA, HRG, TUN ...

    9. Anonymous11:32

      Will TK finally increase ZAG to double daily in winter?

    10. Anonymous12:09

      By Belgrade Airport Qatar is flying 7 pw QR231 at 11:00 and 4 pw QR371 at 20:10 (12-4-6-).

    11. Anonymous12:13

      You should look at the airline, not airport. Duh.

    12. Anonymous12:14

      It's the wrong information. I suggest in future when you want to assert your superiority you do a bit more research.

    13. Anonymous14:57

      How comes that airport published such a wrong information. Can we believe all other information on their site than?

    14. Anonymous15:00

      They publish filings by every airline. Qatar Airways applied to operate an additional 4 weekly flights in June but did not go ahead with it, so the information is from then (Qatar never sold tickets or announced the increase they just applied for a permit). So again, I suggest you do more research before trying to act superior.

    15. Anonymous15:12

      "@Anonymous20 August 2018 at 11:32
      Will TK finally increase ZAG to double daily in winter?"

      I don't think so, Although Turkish has some major plans for Zagreb from what I heard, however Zagreb awaits major annulments, major carrier (not EU/European based) plans to start service to Zagreb. We'll find in coming weeks.

      Korean Air service starts on September 1st, which should prove successful, the booking numbers are good so far.

    16. Anonymous15:14

      *announcement, not annulment, lol,

    17. Anonymous16:31

      Why would they have major plans for an airport that has mediocre performance for them?

    18. Anonymous20:47

      Airport official web should be a safe source not to be checked. Not to change information after 2 months is dilettantism. Nothing less.

  7. Anonymous09:11

    Funny how they are praising their performance to both BEG and DBV yet both are being reduced. Hilarious. I guess BEG has too much seats to the East. I wonder who is next to reduce flights? QR maybe?

    1. Anonymous09:12

      QR has is increasing its capacity to Belgrade this winter from A320 to A321.

    2. Anonymous09:13

      DBV reduced?

    3. Anonymous09:28

      Yes DBV is being reduced from seasonal to seasonal with the same frequency next year. It is being reduced.

    4. Anonymous09:29

      They increased BEG FOR NOW. There are some months until then. Remember they changed their mind about increasing BEG in summer, loads are just not there. Sorry. I think it will be A320 this winter.

    5. Anonymous09:32

      Well let's wait and see. If it's an A320 it will be the same as last winter. Keep in mind there are 3 airlines flying to Iran now, surely taking some transfer passengers away.

    6. Anonymous12:10

      Non of those Iran companies will fly during winter.

    7. Anonymous12:12

      Oh yes they will. Sorry to tell you Mahan Air was issued a permit last week for winter flights. Iran and Qeshm have also applied. Again, sorry about that.

    8. Anonymous12:27

      Looks like Mahan will be flying in the morning. I like it because the airport is quiet.

    9. Anonymous20:48

      For now there is no flights in system for winter. They should sell ticket 2 months in advance.

  8. Anonymous09:22

    Seasonality is so clear in our region

    1. Anonymous09:26

      Seasonality is so clear in every region... but it is more visible in region with tiny airports, like ours.

  9. Anonymous09:24

    SOF was also initially filed as daily during winter but finally reduced to 5 weekly. QR agressively filed daily A321 similar to BEG while the 4 weekly evening flights with A320.
    Like someone said here, supply is definitely beating demand. Our markets are small and poor compared to the western ones.

    1. Anonymous09:55

      well obviously the Balkans cannot sustain that many flights to "exotic" destinations, no matter the country. I guess only OTP is the clear exception with the huge rates of salary increase there and the increasing purchasing power...

    2. Anonymous10:06

      lol sure romanija is med i mleko

    3. Anonymous10:09

      Its more being small than poor.
      Even if you have money to waste, it's not like your gonna fly to an exotic destination once a week or once a month.
      And poor is not necessarily a bad thing for gulf carriers- many economic migrants either live and work in Dubai and Doha or even further (e.g. US bases in Afghanistan) thus filling FZ' flights.

    4. Anonymous10:49

      What saves RO is its size. Even though salaries are increasing it remains a poor country. Many Romanians are leaving the country each year. Almost 1 million only in Italy!

    5. Anonymous12:15

      It's incredible how people around here see all other countries in the region as poor, except their own. Instead of a healthy competition on how to move the region forward altogether with an benchmark being at least countries like Austria, the only ambition is not to be the last one by bringing down any random country from the region based on arbitrary criteria, which is a very sad ambition. Example would be the % of gasto destinations, which ironically is a huge asset we have in the region in terms of air traffic, without them the traffic numbers of the airports which don't have a substantial number of tourist traffic (Croatian coast and Montenegro) would easily have their numbers halved which will also affect negatively the number of available destinations and the options local people who can fly enjoy at this moment.

    6. Anonymous15:41

      Reality is, markets are small and relatively poor, as a Croat, I am not afraid to admit, we're nowhere near the potential. Croats don't travel abroad a lot, they prefer ljepa nasa for their holidays, and pays aren't that great for major trips to Dubai, New York or Seoul, just yet.

      Average pay in Croatia is still relatively low, only 6400 kuna or around €865, way bellow when you compare what Austrians or the French are paying, around 15000 kuna or €2100. Once pays hit around €1400 or 10000 kuna, we might see more demand for more exotic destinations, at present rate of pay growth, don't expect this to happen before 2030.

      Average NET pays across the region in €:

      Slovenia: 1083
      Croatia: 865
      Bosnia: 440
      Montenegro: 512
      Serbia: 430
      Macedonia: 400
      Kosovo: 374
      Romania: 590
      Hungary: 701
      Bulgaria: 451
      Greece: 890
      Austria: 2323
      Italy: 1758

      Pays in much of the region would need to double for more ppl to travel, in Croatian case, at least 50% increase in pays. what saves Croatian airports is tourism, which has skyrocketed in recent years with above average growth rates. Pays are also going up rather fast, @5% yoy, before 2% was considered good and pays were frozen for 6 years between 2009 and 2015, an average pay in 2009 was 5500 kuna, in 2015 that average went up slightly to 5650kuna.

  10. Anonymous09:30

    any chance to see BEG EY 10pw in winter ???

    1. Anonymous10:21

      Not really. BEG is not making them that much money. They are already having serious financial problems.....Maybe they can upgrade to B787

    2. Anonymous10:27

      How on earth do you know how much money is BEG making them? I guess because it makes them no money they are flying 12 weekly at the moment.

    3. Anonymous10:42

      For a very determined period only. Peak season, nothing new.
      JU stopped AUH anyway because it was a loss making destination.

    4. Anonymous10:47

      JU was completely uncompetative with its timing and in he end the hybrid product it offered on these flights

    5. Nemjee11:03

      BEG is a top 10 destination for EY when it comes to profits.

    6. Anonymous11:14

      Yes, that's why once upon a time there were 2 daily flights to AUH. Just saying...

    7. Anonymous11:25

      @ Nemjee: Is Eurocontrol also providing Route Profitability by airlines? :D

    8. Nemjee11:32

      Naaah this is straight from an EY presentation.

    9. Anonymous11:33

      Anon 11:25 That was a good one!

    10. Anonymous11:38

      lol thats says alot about EY profibility

    11. Anonymous12:13

      Profitability is so good that they had 3,4 billion EUR minus in last two years

    12. Anonymous14:04

      Negative company results does not mean no routes are making money. Some are.

    13. Anonymous14:59

      With 3,4 billion EUR minus not many of them!

    14. Anonymous16:21

      @Nemjee20 August 2018 at 11:32

      What presentation, do you have a link to that presentation, would like to see it. cheers.

    15. Nemjee16:47

      It was last year, I wasn't there but was told about it. It should not be surprising since their flights are chronically packed, in both cabins.
      One of the reasons why they are reluctant to increase flights is because they are afraid it might dilute their profits.

    16. Anonymous20:55

      Again "friend of yours information". From now on I will call that Nemjee friend source.

      So, what about those number for Dubai, Doha and Beijing flights from Belgrade Nemjee? Or is it just exclusively friend source for Zagreb airport?

  11. Anonymous09:30

    I am sorry to see BEG being reduced but it's not surprising with all the non-stop connections we are getting. The first major blow was Hainan followed by Iranian airlines. With Indian tourist numbers growing they will be even more affected when BEG-DEL happens in a year or two.

    1. Anonymous09:35

      Lets face reality, Hainan capacity in overall connection to Asia is a joke.

  12. Anonymous09:35

    If EK and QR were completely private companies we would see even less flights to the Gulf. But they have money to throw away ...

    1. Anonymous10:03

      I totally don't mind this - as a passenger, I love it when i can get to more or less every village on the planet with just 1 transfer in DXB or DOH).

  13. Anonymous09:51

    So Podgorica didn't work out for them. Surprise surprise.

    1. Anonymous09:55

      They obviously weren't expecting much of the route since they linked it with Sarajevo.

  14. Anonymous10:53

    Good to hear premium demand is doing well to DBV. That is very important for airlines, especially new routes.

    1. Anonymous10:57

      Shame they won't go year round to DBV.

  15. Anonymous10:53

    Will they add the MAX on more ex-Yu routes?

  16. Anonymous10:59

    They will eventually merge with Emirates completely.

  17. Anonymous11:05

    It will be interestting to see Nemjee BEG numbers with Flydubai.

    1. Anonymous11:19

      Nemjee was attacked by some lunatic the other day and was criticised that he was "creating wars" for sharing the figures. The patriotic ones defending their airports were mad because of the poor performance...

    2. Anonymous11:26

      Don't forget the guy who called the EU to ask them to give him Nemjee's data. :D :D

    3. Anonymous12:15

      But still we are provided just with numbers for Zagreb.

      So, can we ask Nemjee to give us numbers for
      - flydubai to Belgrade
      - Qatar to Belgrade
      - Hainan to Belgrade

      Thank you.

    4. Anonymous12:18

      Actuaply he posted various numvers for BEG, SKP, LJU, TGD, DBV... it's just that you got offended about Emirates

    5. Some people could not simply accept the truth.
      Nemjee has posted truthful numbers here and downgrading of EK flights to ZAG just confirmed it.
      Therefore I invite here Nemjee to continue posting passenger's numbers on certian routes according to the availability of these information.
      There are many people, including myself, who enjoyed reading his information and wish to do it the future as well.
      Thank you Nemjee!

    6. Anonymous13:20

      Nebojsa Popovic +10000

      I also hope JATBEGMEL keeps on posting them as well. He was also viciously attacked when he posted some. It's really a shame we came to this. :(

    7. Anonymous14:06

      So what are the numbers for all DUBAI flights? From BEG, SJJ and SKP? Nemjee pls state them so we entusiasts can enjoy the numbers and see how the markets perform and what the LF is. The most importat in aviation.

    8. Anonymous14:08

      The Skopje number is in the text.

    9. Anonymous16:33

      I feel sorry for him, he was kind to bother with it and in the end he was attacked by people on here. Luckily now we have Purger who will check his numbers. LOL

    10. Anonymous16:33

      @Anonymous20 August 2018 at 11:26

      Can you show me the link where this guy said he called the EU to confirm disputed numbers? Would like to see that.

      @Anonymous20 August 2018 at 12:18
      Can you post me the link where said person was offended ? Thank you.

      @Nebojsa Popovic20 August 2018 at 13:09
      What truth are you referring to? All we have is hear say, if Neejee numbers numbers are accurate, he would provide link to a website where he got it from, asking for a website was too much to ask? Or in your neck of the wood, hear say is way to go.

      He said, he got his information from Eurocontrol, than it was a friend @Eurocontrol, and than when asked to provide printscreen, he failed to do so. I never questioned his numbers, i have no idea if his figures are accurate or not. I hope his figures are ok, but some guy also posted his figures, to which i also asked can he provide the link to a website.

      Yes his figures were more optimistic, but I didn't believe the figures unless he can provide a website link or a print screen.

      Critical thinking is something you're taught at university, questioning something, deducing stuff for yourself based on evidence, facts and research. when presented with data that had none of these qualities, you are obligated to ask.

    11. Nemjee17:03

      Anon 16.33

      I am sorry but why should I share my sources with you? Who are you for me to do it? What credibility do you have as an Anonymous poster on this portal? All we see is you repeatedly writing the same thing on every post where someone mentions the numbers I shared.

      Back in university I used to write my own blog (Aviation Overview) where I shared a lot of information similar to these ones. For those who are longer on here might remember it. All of my analyses and predictions were backed by actual numbers and they weren't just theories and pure speculation. Once I graduated I stopped doing it as I didn't have the time or the will to do it.

      I remember back then there weren't as many comments on here as there are today but the discussion was definitely more civil and enjoyable.

      Like I wrote the other time, there is simply no point in me sharing these info with the community here. After all you have Purger now who can check and verify all the numbers I post on here. Luckily a lof people who are present on here know me personally so they can still know the actual situation out there.

      Take care and best of luck to you.

    12. Anonymous17:34

      Come on guys, no one wins from these fights.

    13. Anonymous18:29

      I was about to reply you but then I saw Nemjee's reply and realized there is nothing else I would add.
      Would you believe Purger's number if he published them? I don't think you would doubt them...and then ask yourself those questions you asked me...

    14. Anonymous18:32

      I was only asking for more BEG numbers. I believe you, but why don't you post Qatar, Flydubai numbers from BEG? I am sure you have them.

    15. Anonymous18:39

      Zalosna istina koja vrijedi aa Purgera i za Nemjee je ta da ako ne navedu izvore svojih podataka, sve ostaje na rekla kazala. Za jednog ce navijati jedni, za drugog drugi.

    16. Anonymous19:32

      Anon 18.32

      I think he does because he write RO numbers from 2009 in his trip report some months ago.

    17. Anonymous20:25

      @Anonymous20 August 2018 at 18:29

      You seem to have this predilection and amnesia at the same time, every time Purger says something nice about Belgrade, you jump and attack anyone questioning the logic of Purger, and when he says something bad about Belgrade, he's the worst person alive. Hypocrisy alert !!!

      As to Purger posting data, from what I can see, he always backs his claims with the source, so I am sure he'll do the same this time, if he doesn't than I won't take his claims at merit.
      Hope that answers your question.

      @Anonymous20 August 2018 at 18:39
      exactly, what I am saying. I want Neemjee to post his figures, what I am arguing to post the source material, i.e print screen with official logo on it, not photoshop stuff, but every pdf from eurocontrol comes with their logo, and normally 3-4 individuals who are department heads sign the document. Every pdf document from eurocontrol I looked at, had the same format. All I am asking him to provide print screen so we know it is accurate data.

      Instead of providing evidence, he takes it as an attack on his person. I genuinely hope numbers he posted are real, as they're really really good numbers, 100 000 in first 6 months for EK is really really great, cause projection was 80000.

      I questioned the numbers for other carriers, as i couldn't believe how well most of them were doing. From Turkish, Qatar and some other figures he posted. Aeroflot for example, nearly 60 000 pax on the route, 60 000!!! Who flies to Moscow from Croatia?

      That is extremely good result. Croatian exports to Russia are only $650 million and imports around $450 million, the economic interests between the two countries is worth less than €1.5 billion, yet somehow Aeroflot managed 60 000pax on Moscow Zagreb route.


    18. Anonymous20:35

      Unbeliavable. Do you realize that Purger's sources are articles from Wikipedia?

    19. Anonymous21:04

      Especially about VLM, Maribor Airport, Harm Paris and those strange persons from Netherlands documents. For sure he found those data in Wikipedia. And about Zagreb airports, Vinci data for concession of Belgrade Airport, Pula, Podgorica, bankrupt air companies, old time-tables, Niš airport research, financial reports...

  18. Anonymous11:17

    Middle eastern carriers are avoiding LJU like a plauge

    1. Anonymous11:23

      I think FZ was interested in LJU but was told by EK to go to ZAG.

    2. Anonymous11:37

      Maybe because Ljubljana is a small city with a population of 300,000 and it doesn't commercially make sense to operate flights from middle east?

    3. Anonymous11:42

      I think LJU needs to be connected to QR, no wonder why they are not doing well in SKP.
      The same applies for INI: another underserved QR destination.

    4. Anonymous12:16

      If Ljubljana was such a weak market then how come it's numbers are booming especially to IST.

    5. Anonymous12:17

      Unlike huge cities like Sarajevo, Skopje, Priština, Dubrovnik, Tivat...

    6. Anonymous12:33

      Pending destinations for INI:

      INI-DOH 3 weekly
      INI-DXB 2 weekly
      INI-VKO 4 weekly
      I see those 3 routes by 2025 after it reaches 1 million.

      Or possible scenario is triangle with SKP..

      SKP-INI-DOH with SKP having 3 direct and 3 triangle bringing total to 6 weekly.

    7. Anonymous14:15

      Naravno slovenacki sheici su se odmah uznemirili. Pristina je dva puta naseljenija od Sarajeva ili Ljubljane.

  19. Anonymous13:07

    I am Croat from Australia and have booked my flights to Zagreb on Emirates in December. I got informed that our flight got switched to fly dubai. I am very disappointed. I am asking for a refund.

    1. Anonymous13:21

      I understand why you did it. It's just not the same experience starting with the freaking legroom!

    2. Anonymous17:05

      @Anonymous20 August 2018 at 13:07

      Somehow I really doubt that, however, you do have alternatives, with Qatar Airways, Turkish Airways and Singapore airlines via London. If all fails you can try Korean air they fly directly to Zagreb as well. However, Flydubai is sending their latest B738 MAX to Zagreb, that is best fitted aircraft in their fleet, with 32inch pitch in economy and 60 inch pitch in business class. And you fly out of Terminal 2, which is where EK flights are as well.

    3. Anonymous17:31

      Are you really proposing him to fly to London then back to Zagrab?

    4. Anonymous18:31

