Saudi Arabian Airlines hiring in Serbia


Saudi Arabian Airlines is hiring new cabin crew members from Serbia willing to relocate to the Kingdom. Requirements include arm reach of 212 cm on tip toes, as well as high school education and an intermediate knowledge of English. Some of the benefits being offered are a tax-free salary, medical treatment and insurance, as well as discount or free of charge tickets. The application deadline has been set for December 5. Each eligible applicant will be invited for a preliminary screening in Belgrade at the Metropol Palace Hotel (Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 69). Further terms and requirements, as well as the application details, can be found here.


  1. Anonymous11:22

    Sloavio might tell us a bit more about Saudi Arabia or KSA like they call it.
    He regularly goes there .
    I am not sure how life over there is, maybe good money but personal life..pfff...

    1. Ne zovemo je KSA, to joj je skracenica od Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.....

    2. Anonymous17:21

      As a flight attendant you dont have much of a personal life so its not much a problem.
      And nearly all of your collegues,supervisors and even the leading positions are foreigners .
      I would recommend it especially if you are young.

  2. SA je super mjesto za žene. Jel se radna viza šalje poštom ili se mora osobno pokupit na konzulatu?

    1. Sve ide preko agencija.
      Vizu izdaje ambasada u Sarajevu, a papirologiju rijesavaju agencije.

  3. Anonymous00:46

    Дају ли да се виде очи?

    1. Daju daju.....i oci i zglobovi

  4. Jedini problem Saudije je sto je uzasno dosadno.
    Pa ako ne zivis u Istocnoj Provinciji, na potezu Khobar-Dammam-Jubail, broz ces otkriti kako Saudija ima sta za ponuditi.
    Mi, koji imamo (ne)srecu da zivimo na tom potezu, God bless Kingdom of Bahrain 😉

    1. O Bahrainu sam već nešto čuo. I Marokankama tamo...

    2. Hoces reci Tajlandjankama?


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