Aviogenex premises demolished


The premises of former charter airline operator Aviogenex have been demolished at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, some four years after the company went into liquidation. The airline's employees said, "One of the icons of EX-YU aviation now, physically, no longer exists. Thank you to the Serbian government for its false assurances that it would salvage our Aviogenex, in which we were naive to believe in until the very end". Prior to the break-up of Yugoslavia, Aviogenex was the busiest charter airline in the country, handling over half a million passengers per year in the late 1980s. However, the carrier fell on hard times following the break-up of the former state, with its single remaining Boeing 737-200 jet grounded at Belgrade Airport, along with 39 employees, which include pilots, cabin crew, ground engineers and flight dispatchers. The company says its privatisation process had been mishandled by the government so as to protect the Etihad-backed Air Serbia. Its employees claim that the state did not want to create additional competition for its national airline. JetVision Balkan from Serbia, GLT Overseas (Middle East) from the United Arab Emirates, Euroswiss Investment Holding from Switzerland and Arctica Airlines from Russia all submitted letters of intent for the purchase of Aviogenex in August 2014, however, the privatisation process never moved ahead.

Aviogenex was set up by one of Yugoslavia’s leading foreign trade giants, Genex, in April 1968. It operated its first commercial flight between Belgrade and Dusseldorf on March 30, 1969 with a Tupolev Tu-134 aircraft. Aviogenex clocked up 2.166 hours of flying time and carried 51.178 passengers during its first year. The company grew at a moderate pace, solely as a charter airline, catering for the needs of Yugoslavia’s largest tour operator, Yugotours. In 1983, Aviogenex began modernising its fleet by purchasing three Boeing 727s and later two B737-200s. The airline saw its busiest year on record in 1990 when it carried 633.932 passengers with a fleet of ten aircraft.


  1. Anonymous10:43

    Where exactly were their offices located at the airport?

      Join us (Y)

  2. Anonymous11:28


  3. Anonymous12:25

    Farewell JJ :(

  4. Anonymous12:46

    What happened to the planes? Have they been sold to cover some expenses or how did they disappear?

    1. Anonymous13:23

      Some were sold off and others retired. The last B737-200 is still sitting in BEG. It was auctioned off 5 years ago to some African airline for peanuts but the courts blocked the sale. That B737-200 is one of the last ones ever produced. Its actually a year or so younger than Air Serbia's B737-300s.

    2. Hvala na ovaj informaciji. Nisam znao.

    3. Sve o AGX u

  5. Sve u svoje vreme. U ovo vreme u Evropi nema mesta za TU 134, B 732, B 727, DC 9... Ostala je istorija i ako nesto je ostalo za muzej na aerodromu. Doslo je vreme da se demoliraju i ociste svi mali objekti sa Nikole Tesle. Vreme provizornosti i privremenih objekata je proslo. Vreme je preporoda Beogradske vazdusne luke. Dobar pocetak Aerodroma Srbije. Niski, Kraljevacki i kasnije Uzicki aerodromi su put buducnosti za LCC i carter prevozioce. Avioni NG su sadasnjos i buducnost Srbije.
    Vreme bivse drzave i starih aviona je istorija. Aviogenex, takodje. Sve u svoje vreme.
    Rodney Marinkovic.
    Kraljevo - Sydney

    1. Au brate,pametan si za celo selo,sto bi reko Radasin.Nije ti palo na pamet da je AGX namerno unisten da Air Serbia ne bi slucajno imala konkurenciju.Na tender za kupovinu,javile se 4 firme sa dobrim ponudama i planom za nove avione,ali vlada to nije smela da dozvoli.To ti je prava istina.

    2. Anonymous22:51

      Čika Radovanu smeta svaka pomisao na bivšu državu, i on kroz tu prizmu gleda sve.

      Aviogenex je trebalo biti spojen sa JAT-om još devedesetih. Tada se moglo spasiti šta se moglo. Čak i do pre desetak godine se moglo barem taj jedan Boeing 737-200 sačuvati i spojiti sa 'novim krilima Srbije,' što ih Radovan naziva.

      Svakako tužan kraj.

    3. Поштовани Анон 22:51. Ви сте у праву. Требало је много шта урадити за опстанак а није. Реалност живота јесте садашњост. И труд за будућност. Оплакивање и емоције су део битисања. Ево у суботу су Задушнице па се може поменути они који су постојали у прошлости. Кроз моју "призму" да остану у миру и сећању. Вама напредак и пристојан живот.
      Искрени поздрав, Радован. ✈☺🌎✈🌏✈🌍✈🔅💒☺✨✈

  6. AGX intentionally dreamed that Air Serbia would not have had the chance to compete.On the tender for purchase, there were 4 companies with good offers and plans for new aircraft, but the government did not have to allow it. That's the real truth.

    1. Anonymous22:53

      What do you mean by this: "AGX intentionally dreamed that Air Serbia would not have had the chance to compete."

    2. Very simple. AGX must die,so Air Serbian can live...performed by Serbian govermant

  7. Total BS reminiscing over old companies that no longer exist. Had there been a chance for this old company to continue functioning, something would have happened by now. All everyone does is talk and talk. No actual moves are being made.
    I say, tare down the old and degraded, build new and functional.
    Sadly, what ever anyone ever does in this sad country, there are 10 others to complain about it.

    1. Anonymous02:19

      What if someone wanted to do something but was prevented because they were the wrong political stripe?

    2. Anonymous07:39

      Yes but that wasn't the case, there were no credible investors to take over Aviogenex and to make it a thriving business. There was no room for them in this brand new world of Serbian aviation.

  8. Anonymous20:14

    Good riddance to this Yugoslav relic. Had the misfortune to meet their management towards the end and it was beyond pathetic.

  9. Neki fenomenalni ljudi su radili tamo. Sve ostalo je samo san....poslednja šansa za preživljavanje kompanije je bila Nigerija ali nije bilo mentalnog kapaciteta da se shvati da je to i jedina šansa...sve ostalo je samo sanjarenje.
    Početak kraja je bio kad je u Nigeriji uništen avion nemarom bahatošću i neznanjem jednog čoveka


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