Flynas schedules Sarajevo service


Low cost Saudi Arabian airline Flynas has scheduled its new seasonal flights between Riyadh and Sarajevo. The service will run three times per week, each Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, with the 164-seat Airbus A320 aircraft. The flights will operate between June 2 and August 30. Tickets can be purchased directly through the airline's website, although the majority of seats will be taken up by tour operator Shiddi Tourism, a subsidiary of the Al Shiddi group which is in the process of launching the Sarajevo-based FlyBosnia. Further flight details can be viewed here.


  1. Anonymous11:34

    Now, I can finally book my dream vacation to Ryadh.

    1. Anonymous12:08

      Buy it via Al Shiddi and get a cookie free!

    2. Anonymous09:23

      I already bought 2 tickets just in the case it sold out :)

  2. Anonymous17:12

    They have 120 A320Neos on order o.O

  3. Anonymous22:35

    You guys are joking but I work in RIyadh so this route is amazing! Also great tourism revenue for BiH. Now lets wait for the racist, obnoxious comments.... come on guys dont disappoint me

    1. Anonymous23:07

      Yes, the route to Ryadh is amazing, and I'll drink to that! oh wait...

    2. Anonymous07:13

      Hahaha really sad that your life revolves around the need to drink alcohol. Pre jadno bajo...

  4. Juce je iz Sarajeva bilo ukupno 11 letova, departure flights, od 11 letova su samo 4 leta bili za neki zapadni grad.

    Ostali za Beograd, Doha, Ljubljana, Istanbul i Zagreb naprimjer. Ja znam da se prica o potraznji i o profitu ali nije valjda tolika ogromna razlika izmedu potraznje sto se tice letova naprimjer Podgorice i Sarajeva?
    Iz Podgorice su samo evropske destinacije i cijela Evropa je uglavnom pokrivena i tu je jos i Tivat.
    Zasto Sarajevo kao aerodrom a ma bas nista ne cini da privuce evropske zapadne aviokompanije i kontaktira neke One World ili Sky Team aviokompanije ili preko stranim ambasadorima u Sarajevu.
    Vidi se da je dugo godina SDA na vlasti u FBiH i u Sarajevu jer je Sarajevo bolje povezano sa srednjim istokom i sa sjevernom Afrikom nego sa zapadnom Evropom.
    Kad je zadnji put Sarajevo povezao sa nekom zapadnom Evropskom destinacijom?
    I jos jedna stvari, svi glavni gradovi u Ex Yu osim mozda Skopje (ali Skopje je kroz Wizz Air odlicno povezano sa zapadnom Evropom.) imaju non stop letove za Frankfurt, kako to moze biti da mozda jedan jedini grad nema dovoljno putnika za Frankfurt? Cak i Chisinau ima non stop letove za Frankfurt i Minsk takoder.
    A pored Frankfurta Sarajevo treba raditi barem to sto oni mogu da neka aviokompanija uvede letove i za Amsterdam.

    Najbolje je da se Sarajevo stavi pod koncesiju i da stranci preuzmu upravu aerodroma jer samo tako ce se aerodrom posteno razvijati i samo tako ce se dovesti zapadne evropske aviokompanije, ovako ce samo biti Air Arabia i Flynas dok u susjedne drzave dolazi Air France i British Airways.

    1. Slazem se. Sarajevo ima dovoljno slotova da primi i ove letove sa istoka a i letove sa zapade. Nije London pa da je guzva.


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