Croatia Airlines schedules CRJ1000 in winter


Croatia Airlines has scheduled a wet-leased Bombardier CRJ1000 aircraft on a number of routes for the 2019/2020 winter season. The carrier wet-leases two of the jets during the summer months from Spanish regional carrier Air Nostrum in order to maintain its busy schedule. In a statement to EX-YU Aviation News, Croatia Airlines said, "It is true that the CRJ1000 aircraft is being set up in the reservation systems for some flights during the 2019/2020 season, but at this moment we can't confirm that the company will extend the lease for one of them after the summer timetable". Croatia Airlines has brought forward the lease of the two CRJ1000 aircraft this summer, with the first to join  the fleet next Monday and the second on April 18.


  1. Anonymous10:36

    Hm what could this mean? Are some Q400 leases not being renewed?

    1. Anonymous10:38

      No, lease for Q400 has been renewed for a number of years. A couple of days ago in an article here it was written that OU is considering extending some seasonal flights because of EU presidency next year. So it's probably because of that.

    2. Anonymous10:47

      Interesting though I think EU presidency might be the excuse, reality is that they need this kind of plane.

    3. Anonymous11:04

      any inside which routes will be extended or increased?

  2. Anonymous11:23

    I just checked some random Nov/Dec dates and it indeed shows CRJ on BOTH ZAG-BRU daily flights instead of Q400! Finally! I really hope it stays that way. :)

    1. Anonymous11:39

      but it is daily also now

    2. Anonymous11:46

      So they are reducing it from 11 to 7 weekly?

    3. Anonymous12:52

      It's 12 weekly flights in the system, double daily on all days expect Saturday. Afternoon flights is OU 4456, is that operated by SN or..?

    4. Anonymous12:55

      I did write "on BOTH daily flights" (meaning morning and afternoon departure). From what I can see on Google flights in Nov it shows double daily to BRU on CRJ every day except Saturday, so 12 weekly.

    5. Anonymous12:57

      @anon 12:52 It's OU - morning flights are OU456/OU457 and the afternoon ones are OU4456/OU4457.

  3. Anonymous11:32

    That would be a great development for OU!
    A regional aircraft is something all exYu airlines need, especially in winter.

  4. Anonymous13:46

    Pa kad se sve to zbraja i nabraja zasto se ne ide u DRY lease ovakvih aviona CRJ 900/1000 ili u zamjenu 320 ili slicno ... Sve ce ovo raja platiti a jos ce nasi piloti sjediti i gledati kako drugi rade njihov posao.

    1. Nece samo sjedit i gledat. I to ne samo piloti nego i tehnika i kabina. Otisli su i rade u normalnim zemljama i normalnim kompanijama upravo zato sto nisu vise mogli gledat kako drugi rade cak i onaj minimum trzisnog udjela koji pokrivaju a koji bi trebao biti realno gledano barem tri puta veci. Najveci promasaj i najveci neiskoristeni potencijal u HR : Croatia Airlines

    2. Anonymous17:21

      ZAG-SKP is also CRK.

    3. Anonymous17:37

      SKP is just on MO and FR

    4. Anonymous12:59

      @pozdrav iz rijeke Generalno najveci promasaj u avio prometu u HR je odrzavanje 9 zracnih luka. Trosenje subvencija na zimske letove MUC-RJK, ZAG-ZAD i ZAG-PUY. Te tri zracne luke mogu lagano biti zatvorene min 6 mjeseci, ako ne i 8. Placas sezonski radnike ZL, ne trosis na subvencije letova..... Vidim na gornjim komentarima da svi razumiju zasto Emirtates stavlja Flydubai preko zime zbog demanda na ruti. Ali nitko ne razumije stavljanje Q400 na neke linije preko zime. Hrvatska posla. Pljuvanje po domacem je najdrazi hobi.


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