Croatia "key destination" for Air Transat

Air Transat has said the Croatian market will continue to form an integral part of its destination network in the years to come after announcing that the company would be put up for sale. The airline will resume its seasonal services between Toronto and Zagreb in two weeks time. "Croatia remains a key destination for Transat, and in view of the interest shown by Canadian travellers in the summer of 2018 and its potential for tourism development, we will add another connection to Zagreb from Toronto, for a total of three direct flights per week", the company said. It added, "The flights will take place on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at the height of the season. Customers in Montreal and Vancouver may also benefit from a connection via Toronto from this additional third flight to Croatia. The third link will also offer Zagreb to Calgary customers via a roundtrip connection to Toronto".

The new third weekly service will launch on June 20. All flights will be operated by the Airbus A330-200 aircraft. The last rotation of the season from Toronto is scheduled to take place on October 29. Air Transat initially planned to introduce a one weekly service between Toronto and Split this summer as well, however, it cancelled the planned route in February. "For commercial and operational reasons, Air Transat has made the decision to cancel its planned operations in Split", the airline said. As to whether or not the proposed flights could launch in 2020, the carrier noted, "We continually analyse and re-evaluate the market and our roads, based on a variety of factors, to optimize our operations".

Air Transat and Air Canada Rouge, which maintain seasonal services to Zagreb, have contributed to a boom in travel between Canada and Croatia. "Further growth in travel is expected from Canada to Croatia at around 20% per year. Estimates are based on the recovery of the Canadian economy, the strong contribution of nonstop flights linking Toronto with Zagreb, and general growth in interest for travel to Croatia”, Ina Rodin from the Croatian National Tourist Board said. Earlier this week, Transat said it is in preliminary talks regarding the possible sale of the company. It noted that talks were underway with more than one party regarding a potential transaction following expressions of interest it received. Talks are at a preliminary stage and there are no assurances that any transaction will take place.


  1. Anonymous09:02

    Bravo Kanada!

  2. Anonymous09:03

    They should have chosen Dubrovnik over Split in my opinion. They would have had more success.

    1. Anonymous09:05

      It is better known internationally .

    2. Anonymous09:07

      Rather than trying Split and Dubrovnik, I think in 2020 they should attempt flying Montreal - Zagreb.

    3. Anonymous09:32

      Considering the experience they have had with Split, I don't think they will be adding Dubrovnik either.

    4. Anonymous09:33

      The government should give them subsidies for OSI like that they can attract passengers from Bosnia and Serbia as well. Especially Serbia which doesn't have any flights to Canada.

    5. The planes they currently operate can takeoff and land at Dubrovnik but not at Split.

    6. Anonymous09:49

      I hardly doubt they were selling tickets to Split for two months without checking if their planes can land or depart from there.

    7. Anonymous10:03

      OSI would be fantastic idea and it could help bring back the airport to life!

    8. Anonymous12:47

      OSI? Are you on drugs? That airport is dead, not even Wizz could make it work

    9. "I hardly doubt they were selling tickets to Split for two months without checking if their planes can land or depart from there."

      Crazy to think but it looks like they did. Only humans, we all make mistakes.
      But I think they were planning to probably restrict the aircraft weight (fly with less passengers) than realised it wouldn't be profitable.

  3. Anonymous09:03

    Good to hear.

    1. Anonymous09:27

      Good news, and it shows how airlines can slowly develop a market. Better be cautious in the beginning an develop it steadily.

  4. Anonymous09:04

    Can Air Transat's A321LRs reach the Croatia nonstop from Toronto?

    1. Anonymous09:06

      Not without major restrictions in number of pax.

    2. I would say no or almost. They have already launched their S19 European network with the A321LR to Portugal, France, UK and Switzerland:

      It seems that the new Airbus will be a 200 seater, which is just perfect for ZAG, if there are more frequencies for instance.

    3. Anonymous09:20

      Thanks. Yes I agree the aircraft's capacity is perfect for Croatian market, even potential destinations like Split or Dubrovnik.

    4. Anonymous09:30

      According to Airbus the A321LR can reach around 4,000nm. That is insufficient range to cover the Croatian coastal cities.

      However, they are working on the A321xLR which would give it additional 500nm, which would be perfect (for Air Transat.... not so much for passengers and their comfort factor)

    5. Had no clue about the xLR version, thanks! 4500 nautical miles are roughly 8330km which means that it might be possible to see TS operating YYZ-ZAG.

      YYZ-ZAG is approx. 4400nm.

      The A321LR is definitely going to be a gamechanger. With JetBlue already announcing European flights. This map shows it can easily fly JFK-CPH or IST-DKR!

  5. Anonymous09:05

    Bravo Hrvatska!

    1. Anonymous09:38

      Bravo Air Transat and Canada

    2. Anonymous09:47

      Everybody wins with more flights to Croatia!

  6. Anonymous09:05

    Air Transat se prodaje! Može li to dovesti do obustave letova za Zagreb?

    1. Anonymous09:06

      Pa procitaj tekst, kazu ne.

    2. Anonymous09:08

      Pa kao da će se njih pitati! Novi vlasnici bi moglu preusmjeriti flotu na druge destinacije.

    3. Anonymous09:08

      Svašta se može dogoditi, mogu ukinuti (očito profitabilne letove), mogu možda uvesti YVR i YUL... sada se može samo naklapati.

    4. Anonymous09:10

      Nekako vjerujem da će novi vlasnici temeljito pretresti odredišta i usmjeriti se na veće europske centre.

    5. Anonymous09:11

      Kakva ljubomora haha.

    6. Anonymous09:12

      Baš dobro da imamo i babu Vangu na ovom blogu, koja ne samo da zna tko je budući kupac, već zna i koje će biti odluke.

    7. Anonymous09:12

      The only issue here is that Rouge probably affected their financial performance. Look at OS, additional 180.000 passengers in Q1 but their loss grew by 35%.

    8. Anonymous09:13

      Nije ljubomora nego razumno razmišljanje. Letjeti rijetko u mali europski grad iz Kanade nema puno smisla.

    9. Anonymous09:15

      Aha zato lete dve kompanije iz Toronta za Zagreb... posto nema puno smisla. Daj ne lupaj molim te. Ja sam iz Beograda ali stvarno ovi komentari "da komsiji crkne krava" su vise nego smesni.

    10. Anonymous09:16

      Čitaj s razumijevanjem druže!

    11. Anonymous09:17

      Citam, izgleda da je tebe napustio razum.

    12. Anonymous09:34

      How much is 18.000 passengers a month per flight? Anyone know?

    13. Anonymous09:44

      Anon 09.15
      Ljudi kao ti su iste te stvari pisali kada je EK najavio letove za ZAG i kada su odredjeni ljudi ovde pisali trezne komentare. Eto nakon odredjenog vremena tu smo gde smo. Mozda je vreme i ti ostali da se otreznite. Nema poente graditi kucu od krova vec od temelja a letovi kao sto su ovi nisu temelj zdravog vazduhoplovnog razvitka.

    14. Anonymous09:47

      A sto tebi nije zdrav temelj? Meni na primer pokazuje da jeste. Ova linija je pocela sa jednim nedeljnim letom, pa je povecan na dva nedeljno, pa se ove godine povecava na tri nedeljeno, pa je prosle godine uletela nova kompanija sa 4 nedeljna leta tako da ce ove godine biti dnevni letovi. Kada pogledas relanost, dosta je drugacija od tvojih zelja da se linija ukine.

    15. Anonymous09:55

      Далеко од тога да тврдим да се линија треба укинути али када аеродром није повезан са већим европским градовима током целе године и када је једина европска престоница без нискобуџетне везе са Лондоном онда је време да се питамо да ли управа аеродрома добро ради свој посао. Ако Кроацијан није у стању да обезбеди летове зими за Букурешт, Стокхолм... можда је тренутак да се тај посао препусти неком ко може и ко зна.
      Не живим у Загребу али верујем да за већину целогодишњи летови за Праг, Стокхолм или Осло би много више значили него сезонски летови за Канаду.
      Погледајте шта је Скопље урадило када се освестило и када се озбиљно посветило свом тржишту. Сви би ми желели да имамо аеродром као што је Франкфурт али ни он то није постао преко ноћи.

    16. Anonymous10:01

      ^ A sta se to tice Air Transata i njihove linije iz Toronta? Lete vec 4 godine na ovoj liniji i od prosle godine leti i druga kompanija. Sta njih briga da li Zagreb ima celogodisnju liniju za Prag? Ociegledno je da lete za Zagreb jer im uspesno ide linija. Da nije tako, ne bi iz godine u godinu povecavali letove.

    17. Anonymous10:08

      Можда повећавају јер имају додатну конкуренцију сада? Јел ти је то пало на памет? Са мање летове постају мање конкурентни. Није све баш тако црно бело а са 18.000 путника годишње то ти изађе на око 300 путника по дану што и није тако бајковито као што се овде представља. Ако се добро сећам, а сада не могу да претражујем портал, у јуну су имали 15.000 што је још горе.

    18. Anonymous10:12

      ^ A druga kompanija je pocela da leti 4 puta nedeljno jer nema putnika? Ajde molim te. Da se to desilo na liniji Beograd-Njujork tvrdio bi to kao najveci dokaz uspesnosti i profitabilnost. A tih 18,000 za koje ste se svi uhvatili uopste nije zvanicna cifra nego nesto sto je jedan clan ovde napisao, koji je vise puta iznosio potpuno pogresne cifre o popunjenosti letova Wizz Air-a iz Beograda .

    19. Anonymous10:49

      Emirates jest uspjeh. Nakon tri godine oni i dalje lete SVAKI DAN sa 777-300ER i 360 putnika 7 mjeseci sezone. Izvan sezone smanje na 4-5 puta sa 737-800. Još uvijek bitno manje smanjenje nego Air Serbijinih 5-6 tjedno za New York na samo 2-3 tjedno izvan sezone.

      Air Transat je povećao sa 1 na 3 leta, pa je još i krenuo ranije letjeti, dakle linija je u 4 godine povećana 3,5 puta. I još je Air Canada krenula sa 4 leta tjedno i također kreće ranije letjeti nego prošle godine. Sve to nije pokazatelj da nisu uspješni. To je u sezoni više frekvnecija samo za Toronto nego za što Air Serbia ima za New York.

    20. Nemjee11:21

      Anon 10.12

      I presented those numbers the other day so I hope you are not referring to me. Furthermore, why are you, as a non-Croat, getting so worked up about this topic. Chill, relax. It's not like it affects you.

    21. Anonymous11:26

      It affects me because I come here to read about aviation. Not to read comments from adults acting like 10 year old jealous children. Also I reacted to a person claiming out of nowhere that flights will be discontinued despite all evidence pointing that the route is performing well. And no, honestly I don't trust your numbers because on numerous occasions when you presented some Wizz Air loads they were not correct, as I know the loads myself and can check.

    22. Anonymous11:29

      Also I certainly don't need your permission on what I can comment on based on my DNA.

    23. Nemjee11:30

      Well, you are more than welcome to share their numbers with us if you wish. No one is stopping you. Would be nice if you at least had a nickname so that we can track your comments on here. ;)

      What I find funny is that you are complaining how the quality of discussion is going down yet you contribute (quite a lot) in making it so especially by pointlessly bringing BEG, JU and JFK into this discussion. Don't complain about a problem if you are part of it.

    24. Nemjee11:31

      Yes, you are right, keep those high quality comments rolling in.

    25. Anonymous11:39

      Certainly not going to share their numbers as it is against company policy. But I can tell you that your W6 loads were way off on many occasions when they were in fact much higher.

      And yes I have a problem against jealous nationalists who can't wait for a route to be suspended on the other side. Especially since I entered the news at 9.00 and the guy already wrote 5 comments of the same type like "hahaha linija se ukida" itd. which were deleted. Same behavior is from others with JFK/BG. And this clown concluded on an article called "Croatia key destination for Air Transat" (which he didn't read since I remember his first comment was at 9:00 that route will be suspended because the company is getting sold, even if every evidence showing that route is performing well. You are the same, telling me I shouldn't comment on something because I'm from Serbia. I should probably join the gang in praying that route is suspended. That's the rationale I guess.

    26. Nemjee11:45

      Yeah, sure you do.

      And I said that I don't understand why someone who is non-Croat (so I didn't say Serb) is getting worked up about this. I never said you shouldn't comment but rather that you should constructively contribute to the discussion without letting your emotions get in the way and not to stoop to their level which you did in every post so far. This is my last comment on this topic and I hope you will have more decency in the future as you seem to be extremely angry and aggressive in your posts, especially by constantly bringing Serbia into the discussion.

      Take care.

    27. Anonymous11:52

      No dear Nemanja, it's just you that can't comprehend that someone from Serbia doesn't have to hate and be jealous about something from Croatia.

      And I suggest you change your source re Wizz Air numbers.

    28. Anonymous12:00

      What a pointless discussion.

    29. Anonymous12:09

      Didn't Rouge initially plan five weekly flights this summer but later decided against it?

    30. Anonymous12:39

      Another example: Air Canada Rouge has announced to reduce the frequency on the seasonal connection between Toronto and Berlin. Thus, the low-cost carrier sweeps a weekly round and four single flights.

    31. Anonymous13:09

      Third flight ends on 09.09, maybe they could try to extend it to the end of the summer season? It would make a lot of sense.

    32. @Anonymous 11:39 Lol, get used to this, or better yet just skip the obvious troll comments. I get it in a way because when someone from Croatia writes this type of thing, I cringe and feel shame. It's indicative and sad tho that you felt you needed to declare your nationality, and I get that too, because if you hadn't someone would've accused you of being a Serb-hating Croat for sure.

  7. Anonymous09:06

    Air Transat is in banana. They are soon going to be put on sale. But let's hope that everything will go smooth.

  8. Anonymous09:07

    It amazing how successful the Canada-Croatia flights have been. Both for Transat and Rouge.

    1. Anonymous09:09

      I would say the flights to Croatia might have resulted in them having to sell the company.

    2. Anonymous09:11

      lol yeah sure. The two weekly seasonal flights to Zagreb, which are increasing to 3 weekly, are so unprofitable that they are selling the company. The jealousy of some here is unbearable.

    3. Anonymous09:12

      Flying infrequently to some destination does not support some coherent strategy. So I say those flights are misplaced.

    4. Anonymous09:13

      Nemjee posted other day that there are from 15.000 to 18.000 passenger per month. That's ok number, nothing too great either.

    5. Anonymous09:16

      @09:12 they have been flying for 3 years already. And not only that but another airline has started flying the route as well so I don't know what's infrequent for you.

    6. Anonymous09:27

      In high season, there is enough pax for both Transat and Rouge. In year-round case, winter could work maybe 2-3pw ACA Rouge.

    7. Anonymous09:54

      Air Transat has only a few all year round routes to Europe:
      London LGW

      But they have a very big European network in summer.

    8. Anonymous09:58

      That's because they use those planes in winter for Caribbean destinations.

    9. Anonymous10:42

      True. Unlike most European Carriers they fly their equipment in Summer to Europe and in winter to the Caribbean, where there is a lot of demand.

  9. Anonymous09:16

    According to Airbus the A321LR can reach around 4,000nm. That is insufficient range to cover the Croatian coastal cities.

    However, they are working on the A321xLR which would give it additional 500nm, which would be perfect (for Air Transat.... not so much for passengers and their comfort factor)

    1. Anonymous14:13

      No, the LR can't reach economically YYZ- Adriatic coast.
      Tell me the longest regular operated TATL route, please.

  10. Anonymous09:16

    Yet another remarkable legacy achievement by ZAG>> EK, KE, TS, AC.

    The management must try linking other Canandian routes, too: YYC and YEG.
    Additionally, Scoot and/or CX will be a perfect addition from/to ZAG, too.

    1. Anonymous09:20

      Next perfect addition to ZAG will be easyJet or Ryanair - any of them. And more important than any other link you wrote.

    2. Anonymous09:29

      I think they should get AC from YVR and with OU's growing regional network they can make it.

  11. Anonymous09:23

    I wonder if their flights to Zagreb are more filled with tourists or diaspora.

    1. Anonymous09:25

      My guess is Rouge gets more diaspora traffic and Transat gets leisure. Transat is a travel company. They sell holiday packages to Croatia.

  12. Anonymous09:29

    I think they should have left ZAG two weekly and introduced one weekly to Dubrovnik as well.

    1. Anonymous09:32

      That was the plan with Split but when that didn't work out they went for three weekly to Zagreb.

    2. As long as you thought what a company should've done.

  13. Anonymous09:34

    Shame they don't want to try year-round.

    1. Anonymous09:36

      Maybe they could fly it via another one of their European cities during the winter. Via Prague or as a stop to Budapest.

    2. Anonymous09:41

      They should at least start few days before Easter till end of SUTT

    3. Anonymous10:01

      ^They have been extending the season (starting it earlier than the year before).

  14. Anonymous09:37

    Love it or hate it, in the end Croatia always thrives.

    1. Anonymous09:53


      With 9 operational airports, all of which having positive numbers all in green, is indeed an outstanding achievement (OSI included). Not to mention the total of 11 million passengers served in 2018!
      Lets also congratulate DBV for bringing AA and definitely more US flights to come.

      Bravo Hrvatska!

    2. Anonymous10:01

      Croatia keeps winning!

    3. Anonymous10:12

      I think OSI and PUY will be in the red this year.

    4. OSI yes, absolutely, but PUY is approaching one million pax, and has 4 new airlines and 5 new destinations, so no way to be in red. RJK possibly but PUY not for sure

  15. Anonymous09:42

    I'm glad it's a key destination for them but they have one of the most dense seating on earth. They managed to fit 345 seats on the A330-200 in 2 class config -.-

    1. Anonymous09:48

      Transat's business class is not bad actually.

    2. Anonymous11:09

      Wow 345 seats on an A330-200!!! That's a squeeze, especially on a 8+ hr flight. What are the ticket prices like?

    3. Anonymous11:14

      Yeah, packed like sardines. Most leisure airlines are like that, pack them in.

  16. Anonymous09:51

    Great to hear that the loads are healthy. They could easily do a few rotations to Belgrade and Skopje during the summer too.

  17. Anonymous10:43

    I'm not surprised. I'm sure Air Transat is more than get their moneys worth out of these flights.

  18. Anonymous10:44

    This makes me even more surprised that US flights haven't started year. Canada is a much smaller market for Croatia than the US.

    1. Anonymous10:44

      They are starting in June from Dubrovnik :)

    2. Anonymous10:48

      I meant from Zagreb.

    3. Anonymous11:00

      It will happen.

    4. If Air Serbia started flying to JFK via Zagreb as old JAT used to, they could probably have a daily flight year-round, easy.

    5. Anonymous15:42

      Michael that setup will happen never and not even then. You forget where Croatia and Serbia are. Whoever would approve that in Croatia would be put to cross with his head down.

    6. Anonymous07:55

      Great, Ljubljana then... like in the old days :)

    7. Anon from 5/2 2019. @ 15:42 Yeah, I'm under no illusions that that's currently an option...just saying if it were done, it would work.
      At the same time: never say never. Business and money eventually wins over stupid nationalism.

  19. Anonymous10:59

    Congrats, Zagreb!

  20. Anonymous11:01

    Has Air Transat been using airbridges at ZAG or they park remotely?

    1. Anonymous11:06

      Yes it has. All the airlines flying wide bodies have- Air Transat, Rouge, Emirates and Korean Air.

    2. Anonymous11:08

      Thanks. Would be great to see some pictures :)

    3. Anonymous11:13

      There were some. I remember someone posted. If they could again.

  21. Anonymous11:17

    Anybody know their average loads?

    1. Anonymous11:19

      TS Flights to ZAG were full last year even though AC started 4 weekly flights.

    2. Anonymous11:21

      Last year they had very good loads, 85-90%.

    3. Anonymous13:02

      Anon 11.19

      Any source to back that?

  22. Anonymous11:30

    Air Transat has the perfect strategy for this route. Seasonal for diaspora and tourists. They sell packages, they allow your inbound to be to another city and outbound from Zagreb and vicersa. They are flexible.

  23. Anonymous11:56

    I like their new livery

  24. Anonymous11:57

    Both ACR and AT have good business models so it works.

  25. To the subject of AT's possible sale... Canada has a limit to foreign ownership like EU (i.e. 49%). So, this most likely limits the suitors to AC, WS and maybe SW (itself 49% owned by TUI). Between AC and WS, I would bet on WS as there is not a lot of route overlap and would make regulatory portion of the acquisition much easier, they seem to be more active innovator of the two majors in Canada etc. On the other hand their fleets are very much different...

    How would this affect ZAG flights? Most likely it wouldn't. If these flights make more money then alternatives (and htey obviously still do so far), there is nothing to worry about.

    1. Anonymous18:06

      Is Transat loss-making?

  26. I know that they posted some 30-40 million loss in Q1. I'm not sure how they performed before but I haven't heard anything out of ordinary with them. They did make significant investment in hotels as well which makes it hard to know for sure for the airline itself

    1. Their share price went up 43% after they announced talks which probably means that they are note making loads of money on their own


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