Mahan Air schedules Banja Luka service


Iran's Mahan Air will introduce flights between Tehran and Banja Luka this summer, linking the two cities for the first time. According to "Aviation Iran", services will be maintained twice per week, each Friday and Sunday, with an Airbus A310 aircraft starting July 21. Further flight details can be found here. Tickets are on sale through Mahan Air's website.


  1. Anonymous12:39

    Ovo mora da je Dodik urgirao, uvijek je pozitivno govorio za Teheran.

    1. Anonymous13:36

      BEG flights were a bad idea but this is nuts! Why would they approve it, this is insane!

    2. Anonymous15:32

      Belgrade flights were the best thing Serbia ever got -
      but the amount of stupidity you find here on this blog is overwhelming !

      And the sad thing is that you all neded visas to leave your country nearly ten years ago.
      You were treated as criminals like today the Iranians.

    3. Anonymous16:28

      Hope it gets cancelled before the first flight.

    4. Anonymous13:25

      It is a med house in Croatian cities near Bosnian border with refuges illegally passing Croatian border and than walking throw area, entering in houses... and now it will be even worst. There will be 100% LF to Banja Luka, and not more than 10% back.

  2. Anonymous12:41

    Fly Bosnia: We will launch Riyadh, Jeddah and Kuwait
    Banja Luka Airport: Hold my beer

    1. Your comment takes the prize! LOL

      I so wish I could see the market studies that led to this route.

  3. Anonymous12:43

    Do Iranians need visa for BiH?

  4. Anonymous12:44

    The funny thing is it's a scheduled route not charter. It's available for public booking.

  5. Anonymous12:48

    I didn't see this coming.
    Very interesting

  6. Anonymous12:53


  7. Anonymous13:52

    haha bizarre

  8. Anonymous14:07

    Is this just for fuel stop?

    1. Anonymous14:14

      No. It's a scheduled terminator flight.

  9. Anonymous14:29

    I am shook.

    If they didn't need Visas I would understand ... fake tourists trying to get to Europe and then cross the border illegally have been seen in Belgrade, that's why Serbia was pressured to re-establish Visas for Iranian nationals.

    1. Anonymous14:48

      Well the EU border is very very close from Banja Luka. I mean BNX does not have flight to major EU cities but to Teheran???

  10. Anonymous14:56

    Are they on some blacklist? This route needs to be cancel due to safety issue

    1. Mahan is second biggest and second most important Iranian airline. They have around 40 planes flying to some 50 destinations in Asia, Africa and Europe. They fly or flew A340, A300, B747,, A320...Being partly privately owned, they are in some segments even better than Iran Air. In Europe they fly to Istanbul, Moscow, Barcelona and Rome. They flew to Athens, Paris Belgrade, Frankfurt, Munich, London as well. As far as I know, they are not on EU "Black list", and frankly speaking I am really surprised about the decision to start BNX.

  11. Anonymous16:38

    Joke or?

  12. great news. First intercontinental flight from bnx

    1. Anonymous18:44

      Banja Luka had flights from Kuwait for a while a couple of years ago. It continued on to Sarajevo. Forgot the name of the company.

  13. Anonymous19:06

    Some kind of scam or something. Definately not the demand.

  14. Bilo kako bilo, ovo mi je sad prilika: vidjeti Iran+letiti na A310. Hmmmmmmmm

  15. I heard one good proposal a few months ago, for JU to base aircrafts in Banja Luka and Podgorica and launch flights from there.
    That would be a good political move and I wouldnt mind for GoS to sponsor that until it kicks in. Any thoughts?

  16. Anonymous22:55

    Would love to have them in Belgrade ...

  17. Migrants incoming, arrival 250 departure 50 with crew

  18. Večiti putnik10:49

    Bio sam u Iranu i leteo Mahanom na domaćoj liniji upravo A310 od Kisha do Teherana. Impresivan avion posada perfektna. Iako je domaći let (trajanje 1,25)a oni pod sankcijama dve decenije, hrana i usluga (economy class) je bolja od bilo koje kompanije na nekom evropskom letu. Kao i ostale iranske kompanije. Imaju dobre avione, posebno je impresivan A340. USA ih je stavila na crnu listu kao kompaniju koja "podržava"terorizam , zbog navodnih prevoza boraca Islamske revolucionarne garde letovima izmedju za Siriju i zbog navodno bliskih veza sa Gardom. Iran air je inače najavio ovog leta direktne letove za Beograd, dva puta nedeljno. Za Irance nije lako a ni jeftino doputovati u Evropu. Ekonomija je u potpunom haosu, inflacija izuzetno visoka. U Bgd su ih uglavnom dovodile agencije, bili su i moji prijatelji, koji su se vratili u Iran.

    1. Anonymous17:08

      Bravo Veciti Putnik za tvoj pametni komentar !

  19. Anonymous21:05

    Flights have been cancelled:

    Inadvertently they also hinted at Air Serbia (what other regional airline has capable aircraft?) starting tourist charter flights from couple of destinations in China to Serbia, Montenegro and B&H. During winter season when BEG-JFK goes down to couple of weekly flights, 2-3 weekly tourist charters (lower risk than regular service) could improve absymal winter utilization of YU-ARA. Then next summer second A330 could arrive for long delayed Toronto service. Kinda makes sense?

    1. Anonymous23:13

      Well someone should tell Mahan Air that "flights are cancelled" since you can buy tickets to Banja Luka on their website.

      As for China charters... what a fairytale.

  20. evo novog obrata
    ispade da su dobili dozvolu....


    1. This is a big surprise - I would understand the flights would be to Sarajevo but Banja luka....

  21. заправо летови Техеран Бањалука су првенствено намјењени за кинеске туристе којима не треба виза, не за иранце.


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