Air Serbia increases Spain operations


Air Serbia will increase frequencies on its newly launched flights from Belgrade to Madrid and Barcelona. The carrier will introduce an additional third weekly flight to the Spanish capital each Monday afternoon starting August 5, while the extra service to Barcelona will run each Wednesday afternoon from August 1. Both destinations were inaugurated earlier this month as part of the airline’s major network expansion this summer. The two routes are operated with a mix of Airbus A319 and A320 aircraft. Air Serbia faces direct competition on the Barcelona service during the summer months from Vueling Airlines, while it is unchallenged on its Madrid operations.


  1. Anonymous10:47

    Not bad, not bad at all.

    Br, 8.

  2. Anonymous11:01

    This is a great news! Congratulations!

    It is just a proof that there is market between Serbia and Spain which was for many years ignored by W6. It was also ignored by Iberia as Vueling was/is flying in the middle of the night and their puncuality is very problematic.

    Does it mean that 3 pw to MAD and BCN will remain also during next 2019/2020 winter schedule?

    1. Anonymous11:04

      No, they go back to 2 per week.

    2. Anonymous11:10

      Assuming that JU will carry a significant portion of transfers to Croatia and Sofia and Bucharest, Iberia would not gain much by offering P2P to MAD.

      Iberia flies to ZAG/ZAD/SPU and DBV year round (the latter up to 3 times a day!). So lets wait and see what happens.

    3. Nemjee11:18

      Both MAD and BCN are mostly filled with local traffic. You know, there are some routes out of Belgrade that can survive without connections to Croatia and the region. ;)

    4. Two frequencies a week is too little. Especially for business travelers. Hopefully they keep at least three flights. However, there are also options to take one leg of the journey with Alitalia through Rome.
      I also expect that LH prices for Spain will now stay low for most of the year so good news.

    5. Anonymous11:44

      @ Nemjee. I really hope so :) So maning more and more Serbs fly JU to Croatia p2P :)

    6. Nemjee12:12

      No, no I was referring to BCN and MAD. Those two are mostly filled with local passengers. Croatia is a mix of everything.

    7. Anonymous12:33

      Barcelona is also filled with a lots of transfers.

    8. Anonymous12:47

      Where from?

    9. Nemjee12:52

      There are transfers, of course, but not many at all since most tour operators switched from Vueling to JU and took most of the available seats. This is why JU needs more flights so as to make room for both. BCN could have easily gone 5/week.

      Nice is doing great as well, the other day there were 160 passengers from Belgrade.

    10. Anonymous14:06

      Nemjee, do you have information for KRR?

    11. Nemjee20:08

      It's doing really well and exceeding expectations, this summer it already performs better than LCA in terms of loads. :'(
      That said, KRR seems incompetent when it comes to JU's turnaroud, they regularly delay the flight and I have no idea why since the airport is dead at that hour.

    12. Anonymous22:04

      Last week I was travelling from BEG to LCA, I decided not to go direct with JU but with 2 flights trough ATH despite the fact that it was more expensive by quite a margin.
      I simple refuse to go on a business trip with arrival at 2am and departure at 4am.

    13. Nemjee09:37

      Well at the moment they have no other option because they need to offer connections in order to make this route work. However maybe in the future they change the schedule and introduce some daytime flights.

  3. Anonymous11:06

    I think Air Serbia will ruin Vueling in Barcelona. Their service is terrible and they are often late and cancel flights randomly.

    1. Anonymous11:20

      Last night they left at 03.44 in stead of 01.30!

  4. Wow. Great news. Seems that decisions are finally made based on profound market reseaech. Good luck.

  5. Good news. Hope JU will work on promotion of Belgrade and Serbia to try to attack Spanish tourists.

  6. There was no reason for Spain not to work for JU. It is one of the most visited countries in the world.
    Even though MAD is not as touristic as BCN, it still has the advantage of being an important hub where JU can take maximum advantage with UX.
    That said, we might even see more frequencies next year given that it is the first year of operations.
    JU are still offering excellent prices from other capitals via BEG to Spain, which is great. JU can compete with W6 + FR because its fares include the hang baggage, which is now usually not included in the prices offered by LCC.

    1. Anonymous12:04

      Yes. Spain is country nr 2 in the world in terms of tourist arrivals, just behind France.

  7. Anonymous12:35

    Helsinki bi preko leta mogao da ide 4X jer su avioni puni ali im je kapacitet ogranicen. Ovih dama imaju poprilicna kasnjenja zbog nategnutog rasporeda,a sta ce tek biti kad jedan A319 ode u Nis?

    1. Anonymous12:46

      Doci ce 2xB733

    2. Sve destinacije odlicno rade od 15 juna do 10 septembra i dve nedelje oko Nove godine. Potrebno je imati putnike, a narocito poslovne putnike, tokom cele godine.

    3. Anonymous13:48

      Politika im je takva da im biznis putnici i nisu tako bitni. Pogledaj u rezervacionom sistemu,cesto je biznis jeftiniji od ekonomi tarife.

    4. Anonymous13:51

      Политика је таква да Србија нема толико потражње за бизнис класом. Да је има не би избацили посебна седишта и заменили их са економским. А што се реда летења тиче, нико није бољи од ЈУ што се летова ка западној Европи тиче. Рано ујутру из Београда и касно увече натраг.

    5. Anonymous14:03

      Slazem se,zato se koncetrises na ono gde mozes da zaradis

    6. Anonymous14:49

      Biznis je možda samo skuplji kada u ekonomskoj ostane samo ful flex tarifa, inače nije.
      To se dešava i kod drugih prevoznika na intra europe linijama, ili bude jako mala razlika. Ja sam par puta to iskoristio kod Alitalie.
      Biznis putnici su nešto što se se stvara i neguje. Naši ljudi možda nemaju preveliku želju da koriste biznis ali stranci koriste i to se vidi na letovima.
      AirSerbia je krenula u promociju biznis klase na razne načine, što je dobro pogotovo sada kada ona ponovo izgleda kako treba. Ponude za upgrade, mogućnost licitiranja itd.

    7. Nije poenta u biznis klasi koliko u poslovnim putnicima. Nemamo ih dovoljno i to je veliko ogranicenje za JU.

    8. Anonymous17:34

      Zato i treba praviti pare tamo gde se moze a kad proradi i biznis klijentela,dobrodosla :)

    9. Anonymous17:34

      W6 leti bez biz klase pa pravi profit.

    10. Anonymous17:57

      Broj poslovnih putnika zavisi od toga koliko je razvijena privreda na lokalnom tržištu, Tu JU (I generalno avio kompanije) mogu da odigraju ulogu "enablera" odnosno onog omogućava stvaranje efikasnih poslovnih veza. I tu ulogu za sada solidno pokriva JU - region, najvažniji poslovni centri u Evropi itd.

  8. Anonymous13:51

    Is YU-ANI the only 737 still flying for JU?

    1. Anonymous14:07

      YU-ANK and YU-AND are returning to the service soon

    2. Anonymous14:57

      Seems late for scheduled maintenance as charters already started. Did they get new engines?

    3. Anonymous15:27

      I heard 727s and DC9ts are also being revivedin Jat Tehnika + they are aso considering to revive the Caravelle. Just joking :)

    4. Anonymous16:36

      Actually, they are really trying to make DC9 with hushkit3 alive and they are going to use it on a route to Tivat from late August.

    5. Good old DC9 :)
      Flew it last time back in 2003 to Malta.

  9. Anonymous14:08

    Very nice photo - is it BCN?

    1. Anonymous14:47

      It's Nice actually :D

    2. Anonymous15:03


    3. Anonymous15:28

      I know it is nice, but where was it taken? :-)

    4. Anonymous15:29

      Taken at Nice Airport NCE.

    5. Anonymous15:31

      It was taken at the nice Nice airport.

  10. Does anyone have info how much is JU paying for AirNostrum wet lease?


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