Air Serbia's flagship service to New York will enter its fourth year this Sunday with the airline improving its operational results on the route. The carrier handled 79.657 travellers to and from New York in 2018 with an average annual cabin load factor of 80.8%. The figures represent an overall increase of 10.2% in passenger numbers compared to the previous year and a 5.2 point increase in its average cabin load factor. During 2018, August was the busiest month, while April and July saw almost all flights sold out in both directions. However, seasonality remains an issue on the route. The airline addressed these problems last year by decreasing frequencies during the slower winter months down to two flights per week. On the other hand, up to six weekly operations were maintained over the peak summer travel period. There were more passengers originating from Belgrade, a total of 41.278, compared to the 38.379 travellers starting their journey at JFK Airport and either disembarking or transferring through the Serbian capital.
Month | Passengers carried | Change (%) | Load factor (%) |
JAN | 5.086 | ▲ 1.6 | 69.0 |
FEB | 2.660 | ![]() | 52.4 |
MAR | 4.399 | ▲ 7.0 | 86.6 |
APR | 5.089 | ![]() | 96.2 |
MAY | 5.195 | ![]() | 85.4 |
JUN | 9.415 | ▲ 11.7 | 72.0 |
JUL | 11.058 | ▲ 28.0 | 92.5 |
AUG | 11.992 | ▲ 28.1 | 87.4 |
SEP | 9.222 | ▲ 8.3 | 78.9 |
OCT | 6.629 | ▲ 76.8 | 76.8 |
NOV | 3.800 | ![]() | 83.1 |
DEC | 5.112 | ![]() | 83.9 |
Data provided by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics of the United States
Cargo also played an important role on the route. A total of 3.949.689 kilograms of freight was uplifted on the service last year, representing a significant increase of 87.8%. "JFK Airport is important due to long haul capacity and the capability of covering cargo transportation across the Atlantic to the United States, Canada, and countries in South America”, Air Serbia previously said. The airline has transported a wide variety of cargo to the United States, including fruit and vegetables from Serbia, mozzarella cheese and textiles from Italy, garments and machine parts from Turkey and Romania, mail from Russia and Greece and safety glass from Croatia. From the other direction, there are regular shipments of cargo from Ecuador, Argentina and Brazil being sent to Serbia and the region. In addition to its nonstop flights to New York, Air Serbia provides road feeder services to 53 cities across the US and Canada.
Air Serbia has previously said its JFK service is a “long-term investment”. "The introduction of flights to New York is a long-term investment for Air Serbia. Such routes usually take three to five years to achieve optimal results. What you get from the service to New York is an important air bridge between the United States, Belgrade and other destinations”, the company noted. The Serbian government has publicly stated it provides subsidies for the route. "As part of our tourism development strategy until 2025, the Serbian government has decided to extend its support to whatever contributes to tourism growth. In this case, it is flights to North America. Without that support there would be no service to the US. However, Air Serbia's financial performance would remain unchanged", the Serbian Finance Minister, Siniša Mali, said last year. The annual incentive is believed to be some twenty million euros.
Since launching operations from Belgrade to New York on June 23, 2016 until January 1, 2019, Air Serbia handled a total of 197.078 passengers between the two cities. The total number of US visitors entering Serbia last year stood at 39.020, up 14.2% on 2017.
I am shocked with July load factor ... WOW
ReplyDeleteOverall, load factor over 80% is very good, given a strong competition.
I wonder what can they do to get more passengers in winter months?
Nothing until they improve their regional network which gets butchered the first day of winter timetable.
DeleteJoin a formal alliance, preferably SkyTeam.
DeleteWhy? They don't need alliance to improve their JFK flights.
DeleteTheyare one leg already in SkyTeam. Lets say they already fly very frequently to six major SkyTeam hubs (CDG, AMS, FCO, MXP, JFK, SVO) and have great load factors to these, largely thanks too codesharing with AF, KL, SU, and AZ) And its much more than codesharing with Star Alliance members. With Oneworld tehres no agreement in place at all (I still wonder what fills LHR and where from comes so much demand).
DeleteAlliance is valid tool because it bring additional passengers, big portion of people traveling long distance regularly tend to be faithful to some alliances because of status & miles. On the other hand, alliances do come with pluses and minuses...
DeleteDepends on the airlines position and outlook. In this location its very good to be a SkyTeam member, especially with RO falling apart and OK not having long haul service. Oneworld would be even better, but Etihad would never allow this because of rivalry with QR.
DeleteLOT Budapest-New York
DeleteJanuár 1.742 passengers 3024 seats available 57,6% (12 flights)
Február 1.749 4032 43,3% (16 járat)
Március 4.196 8820 47,5% (35 járat)
Interesting that JU from BEG had a much stronger performance than LO did from BUD. I guess connecting passengers help.
JU has a regional network.
DeleteIt shows how long-haul flights are difficult to maintain.
Only alliance JU should consider is Star Alliance as bulk of diaspora lives in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It is great shame that Jat was restructured with Etihad and no deal for alliance was made initially. Strong political aid at that moment could have secured much better position vis-a-vis LH, maybe even position similar to Adria i.e. giving Serbian routes to JU.
DeleteYes and in the end JU would have ended up like JP. There are way too many airlines in the region who are members of Star Alliance.
DeleteJU and JP are in quite similar position. The only difference is JP is not subsidised as JU.
DeleteVec smo dokazali da nemas blage veze kad je ta materija u pitanju u jednoj od proslih epizoda MM. Cega se pametan stidi igleda da se time ti ponosis.
Deleteah, da...
DeleteHejteri Er Srbije su vec na losem glasu kao neobrazovani, ti samo dodajes ulje na tu vatru.
DeleteА шта је она акција са картама за Брисел или продаја логоа пре тога? То нису субвенције?
DeleteAnd reduce prices in winter months
ReplyDeleteIs there any other comoanies must be n1? What qatar says?
DeleteWhat are you on about anon 13.27?
DeleteGood performance, nice to see it has developped well. It s an important flight for all the region
ReplyDeleteIt is not important at all for the region but for Serbian politicians´egos.
DeleteOf course but I still think it brings some tourists to Serbia and neighbouring countries, same time it promoting our region in the US. And every step of promotion helps our region, for example Montenegro which is truly a nice piece of land and had media coverage than for instance Croatia
DeleteSo more options, more competition and lower prices are not important for the region? Are you sure?
Delete@Admin. What is important is the number of seats offered in that period. So JU basically kept LF high by cancelling flights compared to the year before (offering less seats).
DeleteIn 2018 there were 98.630 seats on sale on this route.
DeleteIn 2017 there were 96.122 seats on sale on this route.
Well that theory failed @anon15.05
DeleteMaybe so, but it is important to question everything.
DeleteIt is one thing to question, it is another to present your opinion as fact.
DeleteWell so obviously those seats were not distributed the same over the year:
DeleteIn 2018 there were 98.630 seats on sale on this route.
In 2017 there were 96.122 seats on sale on this route.
Whats the use of presenting passengers and LF per month and then a yearly cumulated seat distribution.
Are those available per month as well?
In JAN/Feb 2018 JU had many more flights than in the same period 2017 and still they managed to increase LF.
DeleteAnonymous 18 June 2019 at 16:10, yes they are, but I don't know which month(s) you were referring to, so I provided the annual seat distribution.
DeleteIntroduction of second long haul destination will allow them to improve utilization during winter months. What are they waiting for? Second destination was expected long time ago.
ReplyDeletebecause in this case you will need more widebody aircraft to serve in the hih season. For low season-only utilization we discussed charters to BKK, HAV, PUJ, MLE....but nothing of that would be fruitful.
DeleteOf course they would need second A330 for next summer. Last year there were talks about Toronto starting in 2019 or 2020 but Air Serbia is now completely silent.
DeleteWhich potential destination would have more passengers? Chicago or Toronto?
DeleteGood question, both have great potential. Maybe Toronto because USA pax can easily transfer at JFK. For people from Toronto it is not as convenient to transfer from Canada to JFK, plus it is more expensive than flying to Europe and transferring in AMS, CDG, FRA etc.
DeleteDue to some issue, JU no longer sells domestic connections in the US via its website. Who wants to fly on JU via JFK to another destination in the US has to purchase his ticket via an agency. I think YYZ would make more sense as demand is pretty much the same but the segment length is shorter. JU should work on getting a code-share to LAX or MIA. Both destinations have a lot of demand from BEG.
DeleteNemjee - what makes you think tht they haven't been working on getting a codeshare deal with a US carrier beyond NY ?
DeleteThey have, but all 3 US carriers are in JV's across the Atlantic which doesn't allow JU access to their networks.
Moreover, the prorated value of JU fares for any US carrier for onward carriage on domestic US points is too low for them to get access to their inventory.
The best opportunity for JU to reach/sell US pts beyond NY, is to continue with negotiating better SPAs over their European gateways. THat's why Air Berlin was a good option and partner for JU but their demise has really limited their options to a few unaligned carriers such as Virgin Atlantic and SAS.
I know they have been working on it but maybe it's time to get politics involved. It doesn't have to be on a US carrier within the States, it can also be on another airline, even a European one. Maybe it's time to launch KEF flights and to strike a code-share agreement with FI. :D
DeleteBtw maybe it's time for JU to start working on courting B6 even more. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Don't forget that B6 has (I think) even sued big airlines for their JVs.
DeleteNemjee what are you talking about Air Serbia not selling US domestic connections via its website??? I just tried (selected country of residence: US) and got dozens of US points that connect nicely to JU flight JFK-BEG. For example, with 2:07h and 3:50h stopovers:
DeleteDeparting11:18 am, on 10 July 2019
Duration: 12 hrs 7 mins1 Stop(JFK)
JetBlueB61592 Operated by JetBlue
Air SerbiaJU501 Operated by Air Serbia
Returning7:50 am, on 29 July 2019
Duration: 15 hrs 28 mins1 Stop(JFK)
Air SerbiaJU500 Operated by Air Serbia
JetBlueB62091 Operated by JetBlue
My bad, they must have fixed the issue they had. That's what I was told in their call center, that is that there was some administrative issue so I didn't check after.
DeleteIn terms of A332 utilization, would there be demand for the likes of BKK and HKT during the winter months?
ReplyDeleteJU said a while ago they were studying the possibility of flying winter charters to Bangkok but said that while the loads would be good, the yields wouldn't justify such a long flight.
DeleteЕр Србија се веома труди у сезони. Међутим сви проблеми
ReplyDeleteсе показују у доба "поста", у ван сезонском времену.
Велико оптерећење представља вишак неискоришћених седишта у авионима. Још већи терет представља велики број запошњених у односу на број седишта. А период " на белом хлебу" , ван сезона траје до седам месеци годишње.
Увек сам волео Ер Србију, и још више верујем да ће постати
истински самоодржива. Верујући да ће имати флоту до 30 авиона. За саобраћај у домаћем, регионалном, Европском и интерконтиненталним саобраћајем. Идућих десет година време ради за развој и приватизацију ове, близу стогодишње националне авио компаније.
Rodney & Assoc. ✈☺✈🌐✈🔆🔅✨✈🌍🌎🌏✈
Kraljevo ✈ Sydney✈
Radovane, na osnovu čega verujete da će Er Serbija postati istinski samoodrživa?
DeletePostovani Charlie. Moje uverenje da ce Er Srbija postati samoodrziva u iducoj dekadi, bazira se na promeni odnosa ljudi u upravljanju biznisom i prihvatanju cistih racuna i odnosa poslovanja.
DeleteZatim privatizacije kompanije... Prihvatanja trzista
Bez eksploatisanja poreskih obaveznika. Ne razumem da u Srbiji nemoze opstati privatna kompanija.
Zato je moje verovanje u prome i uspeh Er Srbije.
Verujem da ce Er Srbija proslaviti stogodisnjicu
Bez pomoci poreskih obaveznika. Njen "roditelj"
Aero Put nije se "hranio" novcem poreznika.
Ne kao nastvljaci. Do danasnje Er Srbije.
Unisten je od hitrlerove soldateske, a izbrisano ime rpodonacelnika Srpske komercijalne je izbrisano od
Strane "slosera". Posle 1945 godine...
Vama gospodine Charlie pozdrav.
Er Srbiji napredak i stvarni uspeh i dobru buducnost.
Radovan, Kraljevo. 😀
Dragi Cika Rodney, nazalost ne moze da opstane/postane samoodrziva avio kompanija u Srbiji. Ili da se privatizuje konacno ili da se ugasi, nazalost bez obilnih subvencija nikada nece poslovati.
DeleteTi si neka losa verzija M Brkica, MM?
DeleteПоштовани ММ 20:35.
DeleteПоштујем Ваш одговор. На крају песимизам не гради, не подиже и не радује свет. Србија се напушта и због тога. Сведочим са мојих 50 година живљења у земљи
далекој од Србије 15650 километара. Још неколико милиона је у неким новим домовинама. Опростите,
ја верујем да ће се Србија опоравити. Ер Србија трансформисати. Са негативизмом живот се не подиже. Нити авиони лете. Аеродроми се не граде.
Ево у петак, на Видовдан се отвара трећи међународни аеродром Морава - Краљево.
Бог да благослови Србију и народ њен.
Ер Србију и Аеродроме Србије.
Топле поздрави. Опрости те ми.
That is life! ✈
Rodney, Kraljevo ✈ Sydney
Dragi Rodni,
DeleteNe treba Vi da se izvinjavate, dobri čoveče!
Bravo za širenje optimizma i dobre vere!
It would be fantastic to travel to New York in February, such a comfortable trip, four seats for yourself it would be magical. Personally I love traveling long houl with low load factor! Good morning to everybody!
ReplyDeleteThen you might want to fly from BUD on LO since their flights are even emptier. :D
DeleteHaters in full swing, trying to find an absolute negative in positive news A 10:06
DeleteI remember some years ago, the now ex-Delta CEO (I think his surname was Anderson) said that the point of winter flying was not to make money but rather not to burn what you made in summer. As long as JU is working towards reducing losses in winter then they are on the right track.
Delete"the point of winter flying was not to make money" - never laughed so much :D
DeleteWell he successfully ran Delta so I suppose he knew what he was talking about. :)
DeleteIf JU had 30 passengers in business paying 2000 EUR for return trip and 15 paying 1000 for premium economy on average February JFK flight than it would make sense. Unfortunately, only they could hope for is to try to sell for 150 eur blocked 4 seats for some extra space. Unfortunately.
DeleteThat's not how it works, JU doesn't even have premium eco. You already showed your lack of knowledge on subsidies, now this.
DeleteLack of premium economy is huge problem for JU on that route.
DeleteLack of your knowledge and lack of restraint is even bigger problem for you.
DeleteGood results. Hope their numbers keep improving.
ReplyDeleteWow at the load factor in July. Shows that both business and economy were full.
ReplyDeleteNow I realize why when I was looking at tickets to New York in July 2 weeks ago with Air Serbia they were so expensive haha.
DeleteAny idea when they might expand their long haul flights?
ReplyDeleteObviously JU much improved its route to JFK. Air Serbia was attacked it is political route and was attacked it flies empty and much, much more.
ReplyDeleteNow we see it was good move and it will open the door second and third long haul route to be introduced.
Well done Air Serbia!
By attacked you mean criticized, questioned, scrutinized; right? And you are not implying that you are against criticism, or are you?
DeleteNothing wrong with scrutinizing a project of the government, these are after all, money of the people. So it should be open to full review.
Valid criticism is certainly welcome but unfortunately there was also a lot of pure hatred because some people could not stand to see anything positive come from Air Serbia.
DeleteAll criticism about JFK route was valid. Good loads in July and August does not mean that the route is making money. On the contrary both company and government are admitting it is not. It is just questionable whether 15 million "tourism development scheme" subsidise only this or many other unsuccessful JU operations?!
DeleteActually route is making money not only in July and August, but you wouldn't know that.
DeleteI still think this route came way too early and they should have strengthened the short haul network first before going into any long haul flights.
ReplyDeleteIf they did not start it in 2016. they would probably never start it, given Etihad fell apart in the last 2 years. I think it was a good decision.
DeleteI think the JFK route was introduced too soon but nevertheless, if the company persists, it will become established and an option for more people in SE Europe who might otherwise use TK, LH or OS. To an extent it already has.
DeleteGood to hear. Those figures are definitely interesting, especially the cargo part. Just proves how important JU is for the country.
ReplyDeleteExactly. Important for the country and for the economy
DeleteWhat is impressive is that there have been no major delays or cancellations for 4 years now and they have managed to keep these flights with just 1 aircraft. I remember the comments and hysteria when they launched and how flights would be delayed and cancelled.
ReplyDeleteTrue. Let's hope they keep it up.
DeleteThank you for the loads!
ReplyDeleteWould be interesting to compare to this year.
DeleteYep, especially since for around a month flights were operated with lower capacity A330 from Etihad.
DeleteSome of the new routes they launched this year should provide good feed for JFK.
ReplyDeleteKiev and Krasnodar definitely. Who knows maybe even Cairo. Not sure if the flights connect though.
DeleteKRR doesn't though, KBP does.
DeleteWhich route provides most feed for New York?
DeletePodgorica without doubt.
DeleteTGD and TIA.
DeleteThe only thing that matters is profitability.
ReplyDeleteIt can't start with the first flight to JFK. They estimated JFK will become profitable after 5 years and they are surely on the good way to achieve that
DeleteTickets are no longer cheap for this route, unless you book for February. Return tickets in July are 900 euros.
ReplyDeleteMeans the sales is good
DeleteAny idea on what percentage of pax are O&D, and transfer?
ReplyDeleteI think in summer its around 50/50. In winter more than 50% are transfer for sure. At least that was the experience on all my flights so far.
DeleteI find it interesting that there are more people from Serbia traveling to the US then the other way around.
ReplyDeleteThe difference is barely 3,000 passengers.
DeletePeople are leaving the region and never coming back :D
DeleteThe cargo growth is amazing. Well done.
DeleteIf you JU had PRN flights, they would be able to fill these planes to the US even more.
ReplyDeleteAnd when I remember all the comments on here how these flights will all be empty, cancelled in less then a year, that with one plane their flights will always be delayed and cancelled and all the other BS.
ReplyDeleteAnd when I see now that all of them become so silent...Priceless!
DeleteYU-ARA has proven itself to be one hell of a plane... In three full years it never had any serious incident, major delay, malfunction or anything of a kind... Obviously a right plane was picked!
DeleteOnly complaint I have is that the interior needs much more attention. I flew with it twice this year and a number of tray tables were broken, plastic on the bottom of the seat was torn, etc etc... They need to take much more care of the cabin.
Lets keep our fingers crossed for Shanghai, Toronto or any other long haul destination
As a superfan of BEG-JFK route I am still concerned about single aircraft service. Padded flight schedule allowed for normal delays but major exceptions did hurt. They were sent to EWR, PHL, YYZ and I think SNN on some diversions and it wasn't fun for passengers. Egyptair incident on BEG runway did throw a monkey wrench into their schedule for days due to ripple effect. Overall it did perform than expected but with tight 6pw peak service they are still vulnerable to major weather, medical or mechanical issues. Second A330 would help.
DeleteLuckily they are not wasting money on the second one!
DeleteWho r u 2 make that call?
DeleteSomeone familiar with the project :)
DeleteConsider them bad source of info :)
DeleteGood to see Air Serbia improving on New York route
ReplyDeleteAre there any plans what they are going to do with the A330 next winter?
ReplyDeleteThe same they did up to now
DeleteIt's going to sit on the ground five days per week.
DeleteThey do fkly this route 4 times per week from mid December to mid January.
DeleteHello gentlemen!
Delete08.09 from 6 to 5 weekly.
29.09 from 5 to 4 weekly.
06.10 from 4 to 3 weekly.
01.11 from 3 to 2 weekly.
15.12 from 2 to 4 weekly.
So we see that they are always reducing flights outside he busy season so maybe this year they don't fly them at all in February.
Reducing flights during weak season - it is very normal and all the companies are doing it.
DeleteI don't know why you are so surprised about it.
And do not think that your wish will be fulfilled. JU flies to JFK year round.
I'm glad they stuck to it and that the route stayed part of the network. Good luck JU.
ReplyDeleteAny detail on the profitability for this route?
ReplyDeleteYes an airline usually discloses the financial performance of each route to the public and press.
DeleteWell, I remember that one of the first things they've said when they announced the JFK flights that it was supposed to take at least three years for these flights to go into black.
DeleteIf you readthe article they actually say 3-5 years. "Such routes usually take three to five years to achieve optimal results".
Delete*read the
DeleteFlights to NY are not profitable, at least not directly. But indirectly, it generates cargo, flow of business and capital that comes into Serbia from tourists or just Serbian people from US visiting (airport fee, taxi, accommodation, cash spent in Serbia), It does more good than harm.
Delete"airport fee, taxi, accommodation, cash spent in Serbia" - you have it all even when people transfer in Munich or Frankfurt :)
DeleteNot if fares go up because of less competition on the market. JU forced LH and others to be more competitive from BEG to JFK at least. ;)
DeleteVery nice that JU is improving it's position with regards to this flight. Only sceptical about 2/3 flights a week during winter and lack of engagement for the aircraft.
ReplyDeleteNow is the perfect time for JU to order the A330neo, which is apparently gaining popularity, especially in Asia. Options can be to buy 2 or 3 A330neo and upgrade current jet.
ReplyDeleteAnother option is to consider the A321XLR and deploy it to busier and long-haul routes such as AUH, BEY, etc.
With waht money exactly? They can barely replace their stone age 737 or the ATRs and you are dreaming about A330neos?
DeleteThey are expanding, just added one more A319 and one CRJ lease in recent weeks, with that same money. Regional expansion was more important this year and A330 might come next year.
DeleteApril must have performed so well because of Easter.
DeleteSolid results and even more important, trending looks good.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand Sinisa Mali but I agree with him on this. I think this was a smart investment overall. You only have to look at how much visits from the US to Serbia increased 2016 vs 2018.
ReplyDeleteZa bolje rezultate na JFK ruti potrebno je pojacati regionalne letove u cetvrtom talasu kada je jutarnji polazak za JFK.
ReplyDeleteWhat are the departure times from BEG to JFK? And do the times change throughout the year? I'm wondering how the JFK departure times line up with morning arrival waves from the region.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you check it online?
DeleteYou're right, I just checked, the departure times do vary. Does anyone know why?
Delete7:50 a.m. → 11:50 a.m. M - W - - - BEG-JFK
1:15 p.m. → 5:15 p.m. - - - - T F S BEG-JFK
The arrival time today at BEG is also really early: 5:25 AM JU501.
Now, how does this fit in with ASs various waves?
Well 5.25 arrival fits perfectly as it connects onto Air Serbia's regional flights. Within an hour and a half passengers can connect to flights to Banja Luka, Kiev, Podgorica, Ljubljana, Zagreb, TIvat...
DeleteSome of these cities have double+ daily flights, but it would be nice for AS to cover all of their regional cities with double and triple daily flights. This would give AS great connectivity.
DeleteActually the morning JFK is interesting because it arrives with the midnight wave (05.15 to 06.00) and departs with the first wave in the morning (06.35 to 07.30). In the future if JU ever adds more flights to JFK, they could have a 17.00 departure that would be connected to the entire region just in the other direction.
DeleteNice idea Nemjee, but it isn't necessarily about what fits with JU's banks, but what slots they can get at JFK - given that it is a slot constrained airport, as is the the terminal into which they currently operate
DeleteAs far as I know they are not able to get good slots on each day at JFK. Most companies want to depart from Europe between 11-15 and return from US between 19-23.
DeleteLittle do you know, MM. Stick to explaining how LH sandwich is superior to package of goldfish.
DeleteI prefer JU sandwiches more, shame you have to pay 5 eur for them.
DeleteJU BEG-FRA + paid sandwich & beer is cheaper than LH FRA-BEG with included mini sandwich. On the next trip ask to be flown by Air Serbia.
DeleteEasy boys.
DeleteI didn't realize that JFK is slot restrictive. How difficult is it to get desired slots?
Should AS consider EWR?
Anon 21:13, ¿ Since when does JU charge 5€ for the JFK-BEG sandwich? Did I miss something ¿
DeleteAir Serbia is not a member of StarAlliance unlike United Airlines. EWR is a hub for UA and is a better choice for StarAlliance members like LH and LO. At JFK, Air Serbia has interline agreement with JetBlue offering 1-stop connection to many US destinations.
DeleteAir Serbia does not charge for food on BEG-JFK service, it is included. Similar to some Euro legacy airlines, Air Serbia provides basic water and snack for free on Euro destinations, and offers additional food inlcuding sandwiches for a fee. More details: