Air Serbia updates complimentary meal service


Air Serbia has updated its complimentary meal service in economy class on short haul flights and now provides the same options for all cabin fares. Passengers will now be offered a bottle of water and potato crisps produced in Čačak in central Serbia, while travellers on regional flights will receive water and sweet cookies made in Kikinda, in the country's north. Furthermore, passengers who purchased the highest fare in economy class (Economy Comfort) no longer receive a complimentary sandwich and drink, but are instead provided the same service as all other customers. Passengers can buy additional snacks, sandwiches and beverages on board, while travellers on flights lasting over eighty minutes can pre-order a pre-paid hot meal at the time of booking. Business class passengers, as well as all customers on flights between Belgrade and New York, continue to be offered complimentary food and beverages. Air Serbia introduced its buy-on-board service in March 2018 and reintroduced complimentary snacks in November that same year.

Air Serbia regional economy class snack

Air Serbia short haul economy class snack

Air Serbia short haul business class meal


  1. Anonymous10:38

    Business class meal looks actually great. Also this is an overall improvement. Good job JU!

  2. Anonymous10:44

    Good Job, really?

    1. Anonymous10:48

      Why not? This is great for the economy class fare people are willing to pay. Those who want more can fly business class.

    2. Anonymous10:52

      do they offer that on NIs flights too?

    3. Anonymous11:10

      Ozbiljan posao, nema sta...

  3. Anonymous10:55

    Ovo sa čipsom je katastrofalna ideja. Mnogo se mrvi i maste ruke. Kabina će biti u haosu nakon svakog leta posebno ako ima dosta dece.

    1. Anonymous11:00

      Исто је било са рибицама па кабина није била масна и прљава.

    2. Anonymous11:08

      Ribice nisu ni masne niti se mrve.

    3. Anonymous11:13

      Cips je odlican ali jako nepraktican. Zaista ce biti haos u kabini. Ne razumem zasto ne ponude jedan obican mali sendvic sa sirom, puterom i listom salate. Ukupni troslovi bi bili ispod 2 mil godisnje a ostavili bi dobar utisak. Q

    4. Anonymous11:16

      Можда нису масне као чипс али јесу, знам јео сам их током лета. На крају крајева постоје два тоалета у репу па нека оперу руке. Друго и jetBlue служи чипс током лета па немају проблема. Сигуран сам да ЈУ зна шта ради.

    5. Anonymous11:18

      Ili da sluze lepinje sa kajmakom i prsutom pa da im Vlada odobri novu semu od 10 miliona za promociju tradicionalnih srpskih proizvoda. xD

    6. Anonymous11:30

      Нема потребе јер се домаћи специјалитети већ служе у бизнис класи. Ко хоће да доплати то може учинити, ко неће нека се задовољи са чипсом или чоколадицом.

    7. Anonymous11:58

      Will they provide wet napkins with that?

    8. Anonymous21:18

      Of course they will.

    9. Anonymous21:19

      No they actually don't. I recommend you fly with Air Serbia before you comment on their service.

    10. Anonymous21:20

      You are provided with exactly what you see in the photo - chips and a bottle of water. Nothing more.

    11. Anonymous22:01

      And you get a non-branded package of wet napkin. Trust me, I certainly fly with them more than you.

    12. Anonymous23:00

      Absolutely not true. Flew from Brussels the other night (and many many times) and no wet napkins are given. Not even an ordinary one is given unless you buy something, then you get it.

    13. Anonymous08:46

      That's really bad.

  4. Anonymous11:06

    Bravo Serbia! Bravo Air Serbia!

  5. Anonymous11:09

    Trebali su besplatno da daju svakome po cips i kolacic a ko hoce vise da plati.

  6. Anonymous11:18

    dobar im je izbor čipsa. svakako su bolji od Marbovih

  7. Anonymous11:50

    Last week I flew ARN on the lowest fare. I Got a small pack of Noblice and water. I also ordered a paid meal knowing it Is still cheaper than it would cost me in Swedish fast foods but the choice was rather narrow - just three types of sabdwich and some croissants.

    1. Anonymous11:53

      Meals have to be pre-ordered online.

  8. Anonymous15:01

    As explained to me by flight attendant, they are switching Noblice/Toto on outbound/inbound basis.
    Also, I agree that potato chips is not best solution, actually it should be sold as combo with beer :)
    Anyway, this is improvement for sure...

  9. Actually, the best option would be to offer a choice, sweet or salty, and distribute the products accordingly. Wet branded tissues should be distributed on all flights as they are not expensive or heavy, and can be branded in various ways.

    I had no problems with "fish and water", the only "problem" was the quantity. Should they have distributed 0,3l or 0,5l branded waters, it would actually be worth something... same with cute fish. But hey as FF, as long as I get any water, I am happy.

  10. Anonymous07:38

    It seems that food is now also payable for some meals to JFK!!

    1. Anonymous09:48

      Sampioni Omelette with feta cheese 6.5 EUR
      Omelette with feta cheese, green ratatouille and grilled tomatoes (VEG) Da bas vegetarijanski.

    2. Anonymous12:21

      Pa i jeste vegetarijanski. Vegetarijanci ne jedu meso, a ovde nema mesa. Ti mislis da nije veganski, vegani ne jedu nista zivotinjskog porekla. Molim te informisi se pre nego sto napises tako nesto.

    3. Anonymous16:15

      @Anon at 7:38

      Nije tebi lako, ne snalazis se dobro sa svim slovima i to citanje je pravi napor, zar ne? Da ti citanje ide lako nasao bi tekst o tome da je hrana UKLJUCENA u cenu karte na relaciji BEG-JFK, kako za ekonomsku tako i biznis klasu. Sa malo napora cak bi nasao i jelovnike za te letove:

      Ono sto ti tesko ide je razumevanje da Air Serbia pred tih ukljucenih obroka nudi EKSTRA ponudu obroka koje putnici mogu da unapred naruce i PLATE jer zele da imaju veci izbor i recimo doplate za lososa koji nije deo osnovnog menija. To rade i druge avio kompanije, evo recimo Austrijan, ali treba malo vise leteti po svetu pa znati da je to sto radi Air Serbia normalno:

    4. Anonymous21:06

      Charging on a long-haul is pure LCC.
      ASL for me now is just like Norwegian...nothing more nothing less.

    5. Anonymous21:11

      Yet you still don't get it. You get free hot meals on long haul on Air Serbia. If you want to pre order a different meal then the two hot options being served on board for free you can pay. But something tells me I'm talking to a wall.

    6. Anonymous22:54

      Air Europa started like this and then they started charging 3€ for headphones from Barajas to Salvador. Don't tell me that introducing BoB on long-haul is not LCC.
      Taxpayer was right when he was repeating the same thing. This is a tragic moment in history going from super legacy to lcc.

    7. Anonymous22:56

      Like taking to a wall.

    8. Anonymous23:03

      Yep. Poor guy doesn't even know many legacies including British Airways have BoB. Sad.

  11. Alex23:19

    Air Serbia doesn't allow for a special meal request in it's business class on European flights over 1.5hrs. What a shame.


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