Novi Sad outlines airport development plans

The Department for Urban Planning and Construction of the City of Novi Sad in Northern Serbia has published a draft plan for the development of the local Čenej Airport, which is to be used for commercial purposes. The plan calls for the construction of a paved runway and terminal building. "Čenej Airport is to be utilised for commercial flights, leisure charters, worker flights and air taxi operations. In addition, it will continue to be used for agricultural and sporting purposes. Regional operations envisage linking Northern Serbia with business centres in the former Yugoslav republics and other neighbouring countries". The Urban Planning Department added, "The length of the runway during the first phase of the development of Čenej Airport should be at least 1.500 metres long and thirty metres wide. It will be lengthened to 2.500 metres and widened to 45 metres in the second phase. The runway will stretch from the north-west to the south-east, avoiding residential areas". There are no issues over land rights and ownership, which have delayed numerous planned airport projects across the former Yugoslavia. The plan was put up for public review on July 22 and will be on show until August 5.

Čenej Airport

Exactly a year ago Novi Sad's assembly voted in favour of the Urban Planning Office to draft the airport's development plans, calling for the construction of a "modern airport that would fulfil necessary requirements for the conduct of commercial air traffic". The current sports and agriculture field in the village of Čenej boasts only a grass runway. Novi Sad hopes to develop the airport by 2021 when it is to become the European Capital of Culture. "The airport should be in the C category, catering for aircraft up to 100 seats. Its development should be carried out in several phases, which should include supporting infrastructure, such as hotel accommodation", the head of the Urban Planning Office, Dušan Miladinović, said. The value of the project is estimated at twenty million euros.

The Čenej airfield is located fifteen kilometres north of Novi Sad. The city itself is just over ninety kilometres north of Belgrade, with travel by car taking less than an hour to Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport. A high-speed rail link is currently under construction between the two cities and scheduled for completion in 2022. The development of Novi Sad's airport has been discussed since 1988. In 1994, work on the airport's control tower began, however, it was never completed. In 1999, a project was drafted for the airport's development, while an environmental impact study, geological study, and feasibility study were also undertaken. In 2004, the private charter airline Di Air, from Montenegro, operated a promotional service from Tivat to Novi Sad with some twenty passengers on board the L-410 Turbolet aircraft. In 2012, the city's former administration commissioned the design of the airport's passenger terminal (pictured above). Čenej Airport carries the IATA code QND and ICAO code LYNS.

Novi Sad Airport location and other nearby airports


  1. Anonymous09:05

    Somehow I feel that it would be better to have an airport somewhere around Subotica, so it can be basically halfway between Belgrade and Budapest, and so that it wouldn't collect passengers that would otherwise be using Belgrade airport..

    1. Anonymous09:11


    2. Anonymous09:36

      And it would also take some passengers from Hungary.

  2. Anonymous09:06

    This is hilarious and like all of their previous attempts it will end up dying. With BEG less than an hour away I don't see any airline launching flights there. Not to mention that northern Serbia isn't that densely populated. Srem is better linked with Belgrade so forget about them. Banat has generally bad road infrastructure and it's a hassle to reach Belgrade even less so Novi Sad.

    But sure, let them play with their airport plans.

  3. Anonymous09:08

    If they want an airport in the area why not just turn Vrsac into a commercial airport? It already has a runway, all it needs is a small terminal.

    1. Anonymous09:10

      True and it even has a maintenance centre too.

    2. Anonymous10:20

  4. Anonymous09:10

    Waste of money.

    1. Anonymous09:37

      Someone is just filling their pockets.

  5. Anonymous09:12

    It is a meadow.
    Get real

    1. Anonymous09:27

      Imagine those people who flew with Di Air on the promo flight and how they boarded the plane :D

    2. We should not be touching.s meadow.
      But Novi Sad or Subotica project is In my opinion late át least 50yrs.I favour Subotica my friends from UK hsvehvery long way zontrabeltzo my home from Budapest or BELGRADE So its SUBOTICA.

  6. Anonymous09:14

    And their plan is to link it with ex-Yu cities... don't see a rational reason why you would do that.

  7. Anonymous09:17

    But maybe it could work if Belgrade would want an LCC airport. 90km is less than Charles de Gaule-Beauvais for example or Arlanda-Skavsta. Plus a fast train is under construction sip that will cut travel time to half an hour.

    1. Anonymous09:28

      That would at least make sense but they plan to build a runway for planes up to 100 seats. I don't think there are too many LCCs operating with such capacity.

    2. Anonymous09:48

      At this point it is really unnecessary.

    3. Noone has built or is building an airport to dedicate it to LCC. Skavsta, Memmingen, Beauvais etc. are all former or current Air Force bases.

    4. Anonymous12:54

      That's why should redevelop Batajnica. I think that plan was made some 10 years ago. It already has a control tower and 3 runways! It also has a rail link.

    5. Anonymous15:02

      This is silly, both Batajnica and Novi Sad. For the love of God BEG is only about to handle 6 million this year. The airport is not at full capacity and LCCs are not restrained. Do we really need another commercial airport that's losing money? Get real people.

    6. Anonymous18:21

      Well that and the fact that you have to gave money to keep the airport open. They just pumped money into Nis, then into Kraljevo. They need to breathe a bit before they do the same with Uzice ;)

  8. Anonymous09:29

    First find customers for Kraljevo Airport, then talk about other projects.

  9. Anonymous09:36

    I don't see the point to this project at all. BEG is so close.

  10. Anonymous09:38

    jao svasta

  11. Anonymous09:42

    This is complete nonsense. Even Uzice and Kraljevo airports are of highly questionable purpose..

  12. Anonymous09:56

    I can see it for private jets and business travelers.

  13. Anonymous10:04

    Novi Sad is the fastest growing city in Serbia when it comes to the population. If there is a city in the Balkans that could sustain one small airport, it is Novi Sad. Still, I am against this decision.

  14. Anonymous10:12

    Ryanair could finally launch "Belgrade North" flights!

    1. Anonymous10:16

      Ryanair will open Novi Sad - Trebinje flight...

    2. Anonymous11:10

      It would make more sense for them to do that in Batajnica and not Novi Sad.

    3. Anonymous21:16

      @10:16 and market it as "Belgrade-Dubrovnik" :)

  15. Anonymous10:23

    What a waste of money. How long does it take to drive from Novi Sad to Batajnica? 40 minutes or so? Come on.

    1. Anonymous10:35

      You mean the airport in Surcin? About 45 minutes since the highway to Belgrade passes by the airport and the airport is 5 minutes from the Belgrade ring. Then you have the other branch of the highway to Srem where it literally takes you 40 minutes to Ruma, 30 to Indjija while Stara Pazova exit is even before the highway toll.

      This is just Novi Sad thinking it can compete with Belgrade like they always do.

  16. Anonymous10:25

    I would rather see the money invested in rail infrastructure.

  17. Anonymous10:34

    OMG. Airport in every village. Are there enough companies to cover all those airports? Railway an BUS service unnecessary any more ;-)

  18. Anonymous10:43

    GO QND GO!

  19. Супротно мишљењу противника изградње Новосадског аеродрома код Ченеја, видим да је тај пројекат реалан.
    Због потенцијала развоја Новог Сада, Зрењанина и Суботице,
    и инвестиција у северну Српску Покраину. Настојање у развој
    Туризма, градњом ауто путева и градњом будућег ауто пута од Темишвсра кроз јужни Банат и градњом брзе пруге, изградња новог секундарног аеродрома јесте реалан.
    Повећањем свих облика саобраћаја, ствара се избор.
    Избор у свету је основ, због кога су давно изграђени ауто путеви, брзе железница. Мреже аеродрома... А саобраћај и туризам су постали нсчин живљења. Такав избор и опредељење су извесни и за Србију. Сада Ниш има толико путника да она зграда коју зову терминал је заиста неприхватљива... У сваком случају, Београдски аеродром
    неће бити оштећен смањењем броја путника. Напротив.
    Београд има и имаће неупоредиво већи број туриста, пословних људи. Како и пројекти говоре, имаће више од
    15.000.000 путника годишње. Што се тиче Аеродроми Србије
    Ниш, и Морава, у будуће и Поникве и Нови Сад ће ниско буџетним, чартер и карго саобраћајем бити самоодрживи.
    Још код Сјенице да се активира оштећени аеродром, првенствено за карго и чартер саобраћај.
    Стварно овако видим комерцијалну авијацију Србије у идућој декади.
    До скорог јављања са Western Sydney Airport,
    Rodney & Aviation Motivator Society.
    Kraljevo ✈ Sydney 🌞✈🌎✈🌏✈🌍✈☺✈😇✈⛪✈🌕✈🌐✈

    1. Anonymous11:21

      Зрењанин? Каква глупост. Зашто не отворите мапу Србије и не погледате где се заправо Зрењанин налази и каква је његова повезаност са Београдом и Новим Садом. Банат је генерално везан за Београд, не Нови Сад и то искључиво због географије. Као што је неко написао горе, чак ни Срем неће гравитирати Новом Саду.

    2. Anonymous14:15

      Još jedna krava muzara..

    3. Поштовани Анон. Зрењанин знам где је. Био сам давно у њему. Што се тиче летења људи, са којег аеродрома? То је до људи да одаберу. Одакле желе и где желе. Основно јесте да градњом будућег аеродрома омогућава се могућност и Избор.
      Дали ће Сремци са Николе Тесле, Бачвани са будућег Новосадског... То путници и услови одлучују.
      За даљу полемику сам немоћан.
      Мого Вам среће и успеха. Опростите на одговору.
      Радован. ✈🔆✈🔅✈✨✈☺✈🌐✈

    4. Anonymous21:39

      Ако сте немоћни да даље полемишете или ако сте били давно у Зрењанину онда је можда најбоље да не објављујете бесмислене коментаре посебно ако нисте упућени у стање путева у том крају Србије.
      Пут од Зрењанина до Новог Сада је ужасан а пруга још гора. Заправо, брже се стигне бициклом него возом. Дакле Зрењанинцима је Београд много ближи и практичнији као и за остале веће градове у Банату попут Кикинде, Панчева, Ковина, Вршца... Исто се односи и на Срем. Ваљда је лакше доћи до аеродрома аутопутем из Руме него ићи регионалним путем преко Фрушке Горе.

    5. Anonymous12:41

      Put od Zrenjanina do Novog Sada užasan?

    6. Anonymous18:38

      Апсолутно, не само што је у лошем стању већ је и пун кривина и пролази кроз милион села.

    7. Put od Zrenjanina do Novog Sada ne prolazi ni kroz jedno naseljeno mesto, nedavno je obnovljen put u blizini Žablja, nema puno krivina i jedan je od najboljih i najbržih magistralnih puteva u Srbiji.

  20. Anonymous11:08

    I like the rendering actually.

  21. Anonymous11:08

    Maybe Ryan wants an airport near BEG where they could open a base.

  22. слажем се са задњим коментаром. Зашто БГ не би имао свој ЛЦЦ аеродром. Нови Сад није село и људи требају имати више опција. Нажалост многи мисле да све треба да буде у БГ. Аеродром Никола Тесла је много бољи задњих година али је љубазност особља нешто на чему треба доста радити као и ер србија на летећем особљу. План о аеродрому код НС је супер план. Што прије га треба остварити. Што се тиче сталних шала на рачун Требиња, влада РС би требала заиста да коначно заврши тај аеродром и да се ваздушно повеже са БЛ и БГ.

    1. Anonymous15:49

      Ja mislim da je problem što se u početku razmišlja o avionima od 100 sjedišta gdje treba velika infrastruktura i onda taj aerodrom proizvodi troškove a niko neće da leti sa njih. LCC još gore, tj avioni su veći (cca 180 sjedišta), veći troškovi. Ja bih tu priču obrnuo. Priču bih gradio oko Let410 koji ne traži veliku infrastrukturu. Koristiti postojeće aerodrome i gradio nove, tipa malo jači sportski aerodrom (livade ili manje asfaltne piste, sa "kafanom" kao čekaonicom). Kad već trebaš nešto da subvencioniraš, bolje da je to avion od 1.5 mil eur (polovan), i aerodrom (koji već postoji) ili novi (al za 1 milion ili manje), nego 50 miliona u nešto što ne možeš nikome prodati (avion možeš). Koji aerodrom uspije, razvijati ga dalje ako treba. A u svakom slučaju ostaje razvoj vazduhoplovstva na terenu gdje se napravi. Mislim da bi linija NS-Trebinje sa Let410 dobro radila. Isto tako sa BL (sad treba 6 sati autom). Isto tako mislim da Trebinje i NS nikad neće vidjeti 100 seater, imamo primjer Nikšića. A moglo bi vidjeti mnogo malih aviona, pa jedan turista koji ima svoj mali avion će biti bolji gost nego pun Ryan low cost turista. A za mjesta gdje postoji malo veći potencijal 19-seater u formi linije i čartera. Trebinje treba i hangar za koji policijski helikopter, turistički je interesantno.
      Svi smo mi prvo puzali pa hodali pa trčali, samo bi aerodromi odmah htjeli da "trče"...

    2. Anonymous22:40

      Bravo, to je to.

  23. Anonymous11:34

    A few years ago the government adopted an airport development plan. This is just following it.

  24. Anonymous11:41

    With VINCI now operating BEG, the government will be able to focus on other airport developments.

    1. Anonymous11:56

      It's a great way to control airports so they don't pose a threat to BEG.

  25. Anonymous11:55

    They plan to build an airport from scratch within 2 years but can't finish the fast rail (which they have already started) for another 3 years. Logic.

  26. Anonymous12:49

    This project will never get off the ground.

    1. Anonymous12:52

      Exactly. Another Trebinje or Bihac.

    2. Anonymous12:54

      The project in Bihać is actually moving ahead.

  27. Anonymous13:20

    Ljudi, ne zanosite se

  28. Anonymous13:32

    As someone from Novi Sad, I think we really don't need a local airport. This is not western Europe and the economic development does not justify an airport at the moment. We just need decent public transport to Belgrade Airport, that's all.

  29. Anonymous13:38

    I can only see subsidised flights Novi Sad - Niš on workdays, and Novi Sad - Banja Luka possibly for Dragan Torbica's family. Maybe Novi Sad - Užice, up to twice a week. And all that with a 20 seater.

    Anything else does not make sense and could not survive the vicinity of BEG - neither flights to Montenegro, nor LCC.

    On the other hand, I do see the point of an airport halfway BEG and BUD, and I'm sure that if Serbia does nothing, Hungary will eventualy reactivate Szeged, as it did with Debrecen. Serbia's options are Subotica or Sombor, where there's a deserted military airport. Or why not building a common,E like facility for both SU and SZ?

  30. Anonymous14:17

    They should first complete Uzice.

    1. Anonymous16:34

      What do they have to do at UZC? The terminal is completed. Do they have to extend the runway? Though I remember Jat used to land there in the 90s.

    2. Anonymous16:56

      Nope, no lengthening required. Uzice runway is 3.000 metres (much bigger than in Kraljevo). 2,000 metres have been overhauled, which is enough for larger planes to land. They just need a perimeter fence.

    3. Anonymous17:04

      And that's it?? That's the whole reason the airport is sitting empty collecting dust??

  31. Anonymous14:37

    This airport madness is getting out of control.

    1. Anonymous16:33

      Vucic announced Bor Airport last month :)

    2. Anonymous16:35

      Yes he mentioned Uzice and Bor at the Morava opening. No mention of Novi Sad though.

    3. Anonymous16:54

      It's members of his own party in Novi Sad who are pushing for the airport.

    4. Anonymous18:05

      I wouldn't be surprised if state decides to take over the airport if local people continue to push for this crazy airport project. State took over INI from the city, it could happen in Novi Sad.

    5. Ah, now when I have info about Vucic and Bor, things becomes clearer and easier to understand because Vucic cannot allow HR to have more airports than SRB, and in addition to existing Belgrade, Pristina (for general public , not in reality), Nis and Kraljevo, now Bor, Novi Sad, Uzice and probably another one or two soon to be announced, must be built, or at least declared to be built, so that he gets at least even with HR, LOL! !!!

    6. Anonymous21:41

      Bor actually has a tiny airport so I think investment could be minimal. I think seasonal Belgrade-Bor could work simply because eastern Serbia has a massive diaspora and horrible road network. Just look at Nikolic prevoz and how many daily departures they have from Negotin to Austria, Germany, Swiss....

  32. Anonymous15:24


  33. Anonymous16:17

    Many large metropolitan areas are served by airports far away from distant suburbs that require more than one hour to reach. Novi Sad has better road connectivity to Surcin than Vinca or Grocka! Novi Sad needs decent GA airport but commercial airport is insanity.

  34. Anonymous16:38

    Tourism is sharply rising this year in Serbia and Novi Sad is not disadvantaged by not having an airport since BEG is like so, so close to them. Central and southern Serbia on the other hand could have used another one and INI's success is best proof of that.

    1. Anonymous19:15

      The success of INI came because of the HARD work. The South is now more united than ever and thanks to the efforts the airport today is genuine regional airport on its way to acheive a new milestone.
      Do you even remember the days when there was only YM flying to INI?
      The airport itself has been working very hardly to bring Rajan, Viz and now Ер Србија! Swiss also came and the airport now is growing and growing.
      The airport will no doubt hit half a million very soon and continue the boom.
      Today, INI is connected to international hubs > FCO, VIE, ZRH, Berlin......
      Today more tourists can come to visit South Serbia and its beautiful nature, taste the authentic Serbian food and experience south hospitality. More Serbs visit Europe and explore new places with no need to go to capital but use direct line from city.
      Novi Sad must try the same successful model of INI. Lower airport taxes, negotiate a new base with a big airline and slowly develop.

    2. Anonymous21:43

      The only difference is that Nis didn't have a nearby airport, Novi Sad has it. That's like saying Krusevac or Vranje should get an airport. Why when there is INI nearby. Makes no sense.

      Wizz Air, Ryanair and Swiss were thanks to the southern efforts to revitalize the airport. Air Serbia was thanks to the central government which spent 5.000.000 Euros on Nis flights. That said, I think this was one of the smarter investments made by Belgrade.

    3. Anonymous22:51

      Vranje could have an airport. Belgrade is served from that town by a number of high priced buses, the demand for the travel to the capital is huge. And the air distance is like between Belgrade and Podgorica, only there's the motorway.

      That being said, noone would consider driving to Niš to catch a plane to Belgrade, if there was one. But an airport of its own would bring the traffic, that's for sure (for instance, I would be among frequent travellers - no need to drive every time).

    4. Anonymous23:01

      Yeah but don't forget that many of those Vranje-Belgrade buses don't operate exclusively between the two cities. A lot of them start in Bujanovac or Skopje and then stop in Nis, Aleksinac, Jagodina... and so on.

    5. Anonymous08:29

      Yes, but - many of them stop only in Vladičin Han. These are so-called ekspresni and poslovni buses. The latter even featured a stewardess (one of them, unfortunatelly, died in a crash), last time I used it. They are pricey, too.

    6. Anonymous09:27

      Yeah but how many of those there are? I have never been to Vranje so I don't know. I remember that express bus from Nis to Belgrade was also quite pricey, I think close to 2.000 or maybe more, can't remember now.

    7. Anonymous09:35

      I think now there are maybe 5 express buses a day. That would be some 250 seats between Belgrade and the south directly, one way, which is like a lot.

      Israelis were not stupid to buy Jedinstvo Vranje bus company.

    8. Anonymous09:41

      Yeah that could make sense then plus they could also attract people from Bujanovac, Presevo... and other parts of the country from where it takes five hours to reach Belgrade. Government could also subsidize those flights.

    9. Anonymous09:43

      To correct myself, I just checked the Jedinstvo-Kavim timetable, and there are 4 fast buses tomorrow, which is, still, a lot.

      And it should be noted that railways, even if invested into, would not be in a favorable position in Vranje, since the station is away from the town as if it were an airport.

  35. Well, if we are talking about few yaer perspective it is insane. But, if we are looking on a ten-fifteen term distance, I believe that every infrastructure investment will give dividend. I like idea with l410, this is real pso job.

  36. Anonymous22:47

    And what is big difference in Novi Sad and Morava? Novi Sad 45 minutes driving from Belgrade, Morava 90 minutes when highway will be finished in one year. But Novi Sad as city is much bigger then Kraljevo, Novi Sad area much bigger than Kraljevo area, much better economical background in Novi Sad. So, why now you are writing against Novi Sad and was so much about Kraljevo?

    1. Anonymous23:03

      Because Kraljevo has a much larger diaspora than Novi Sad especially as you go more and more to the south of Raska to places like Novi Pazar.

  37. Anonymous23:37

    haha, this is funny...absolutely unfeasible, good luck a new Maribor

  38. This is getting ridiculous.

    We need a proper railroad system and decent public transport in Belgrade both well connected to Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport.

    I live in Novi Sad, work in Belgrade, commute daily, travelling out of BEG frequently and I must say we don't need an airport in Novi Sad.

    As a taxpayer I want to have proper, well maintained, public transport system, not isolated white elephants around the countryside.

    1. Anonymous09:28

      This is Serbia so nothing is done to the full extent, the new railroad they are building now will be fantastic but why not immediately extend it to the airport?!


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