FlyBosnia schedules Rome service


FlyBosnia will commence two weekly flights between Sarajevo and Rome starting November 4. Services will operate twice per week, each Monday and Thursday, with the airline’s Airbus A319 aircraft. The company noted last week it was considering closing down its Sarajevo base and moving operations to Tuzla and Mostar instead. In such a case, the airline said it would maintain flights to Italy from Mostar. Further details for the new Sarajevo - Rome service can be found here.


  1. Anonymous10:32

    Why start ticket sales so early? You should have put them on sale on 3rd of November. Sales would be even better.

    1. Anonymous14:32

      They got the advice from the profitable airlines in the business, who always announce the route after a ferry flight to the airport and sell tickets for cash to people in front of the airport building.

    2. Otherwise they wouldn't have room for all of the local politicians and celebrities for their promotional initial flight...

  2. Anonymous10:43

    Hopefully this doesn't end up like the JP winter expansion. lol

  3. Anonymous11:00

    I Sarajevo dobi direktan Rim u odnosu na Zagreb i Ljubljanu. Pljuc.

  4. Ma i u ZAG je, vele u OU, direktan samo nije non-stop, vec s tehnickim stopom zbog carinskih formalnosti u SPU ili DBV.

    1. Anonymous11:21

      What customs formalities? Those can be done in ZAG. They are stopping along the way because there aren't enough passengers from ZAG, same with ATH which stops in DBV

    2. First, there is no customs between Croatia and Italy, as both are EU. Second, there are, or better to say there would be enough passengers from ZAG to FCO if the flight would be shorter/nonstop and leaving ZAG morning to catch connections in FCO, of course with some codesharings. But Croatia Airlines like it is for 30 last years, copy-pasted not only EX-JAT FCO service which ran via SPU/DBV, is totally inert, and uninterested to increase the traffic and the income, simply because they got tax payers money whenever needed, and Party aparatchiks, relatives and mistresses working there have more important things to do in life than network improvement, fleet management, and revenue control. Greetings from "hater who failed in life" LOL LOL LOL

    3. @pozdrav iz rijeke: jako cijenim tvoje znanje, ali ovdje se ne slažem s dvijema točkama.
      Viješaš se na riječi. Človek umjesto granične formalnosti napisao carinske formalnosti. A te granična kontrola se stvarno provodi u DBV odn. SPU.
      Možda bi ZAG-FCO imao više putnika, ako bi bio direktan, ali bi SPU i DBV ostali i bez tih malo međunarodnih letova što ih imaju zimi.

    4. @Athos_cro
      Zahvaljujem na komplimentima. Poanta nije bila prigovor na covjeka koji ne razlikuje granicne i carinske formalnosti, nego na ljude iz OU koje je covjek citirao, sto je samo potvrda mojeg stava da tamo rade indolentni i za svoj posao potpuno nezaintrresirani poslusnici. Sto se leta FCO tice, ni na kraj pameti mi nije ukidanje SPU/DBV-FCO v.v. Let bi trebao ici ujutro iz ZAG sa transfernim putnicima, jednodnevnim poslovnjacima, turistickim grupama, onda iz FCO za SPU/DBV sa turistima i dijasporom koji su dosli iz Amerika i Australija, pa iz SPU/DBV za ZAG (podnevni let koji i ovako radi Q400. I onda istim putem nazad, otprilike u isto vrijeme iz SPU/DBV (dakle isti oni putnici kao i prije), i direktan povratak za ZAG sa transfernim pax, poslovnjacima koji su obavili sastanke za taj dan i turistima koji su ovakvim redom letenja dobili dan vise za iste novce. Sa 4 leta kao i do sada (ili 6 ako racunamo i domaci segment) istim potrosenim resursima, istim tipom aviona, cak mogucim manjim troskovima ako bi van spice sezone cijelu rotaciju radio Q400 umjesto Airbusa.

  5. Just checked.. around 200 EUR for return

  6. Anonymous16:00

    Rome flight would work only from Mostar

    1. Anonymous19:36

      Rome flight will work never.

  7. They hit the stairs on the return...


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