Serbia launches Kraljevo flight tender


The Serbian government has initiated tender procedures for selecting an operating carrier for services declared to be of public interest from Kraljevo’s Morava Airport. The bidder must have at least one aircraft based in Serbia with the capacity to seat at least seventy passengers and another back-up aircraft also stationed in the country. The carrier is required to have at least 29 staff members working in Serbia including four ground personnel, ten pilots and fifteen cabin crew members. In addition, the company must have fifteen call center agents fluent in Serbian. Under the tender conditions, a group of carriers may submit a joint bid. The three-year contract is valued at 5.7 million euros, with the state to provide 297.800 euros in 2019 and 2.7 million euros in both 2020 and 2021. Routes which have been declared to be of public interest from Kraljevo include Vienna and Thessaloniki, with the former to operate on a year-round basis starting December 1, 2019 and the latter, seasonally, from mid-March 2020. The government reserves the right to add new routes without initiating a new tender, however, the value of the contract for additional services must not exceed 5% of the total value of the initial agreement. The deadline for the submission of bids has been set for November 21, 2019 at 10.00 CET.


  1. Anonymous10:37

    Just give it to Air Serbia. No need for this silly farce.

    1. Anonymous10:45

      The silly farce is required by law.

    2. Anonymous10:54

      this "tender" made me laugh a little

    3. It's weird to see that the Serbs wasting money in Air business which is unprofitable in that kind of country.The govt has to spend a lot of money to attract the passengers ,it's like having a bus riding throughout the Europe & hoping someone will pop in a go to Serbia,but who's really intrested to go to Serbia?. Serbia will never have such demand to travel to , why wasting so much money for something that doesn't work? When I read news about Air Serbia"s new routes I got impression that they are attractive G20 country .They got direct flights to JFK but they're losing crazy money nine out of 12 months yearly, how on the earth they can afford to lose that amount of money " without tax payers money"

    4. Поштовани петоструки Х, четворострука јединицо.
      Анон 12:43.
      Ваше виђење будућности Србије јесте Ваша "експертиза", виђење земље Србије. Постоје умни
      Људи и злоумни. Са добрим делом вашег суда о Србији и Српској комерцијалној авијацији односи се на злоумност. Злоумност према држави Србији.
      Шта мислите о самом себи и о другом, са тиме живите.
      Моје искуство је нешто другачије. Србија је веома дивна и разнолика земља. Потребно јој је још, верујем двадесет милијарди евра да бих се потпуно
      и трајно трансформисала. У високо развијену нацију.
      Управо то је и започела. Кроз земаљске, ваздушне,
      и водене коридоре. Могу рећи да на основу путовања
      и обиласка и проласка кроз више од деведесет земаља. И сто седамдесет шест Аеродрома. Нови
      Краљевачки аеродром Морава ће ми бити сто седамдесет и седми. У задњих педесет година.
      То није тако много. Верујем да је довољно да сведочим да је Србија контрасна, предивна,
      Богом дана земља и природа.
      Вама свако добро и мир.
      Србија ће се изборити за мир и бољитак.
      За раст комерцијалне авијације и Аеродрома Србије.
      Са Београдским на првом месту.
      Искрено, Rodney Marinkovic. Kings Park 2148 NSW.
      AUSTRALIA. ✈🌐✈☺💒😇✈✈🔆✈✨✈🔅✈🌍✈🌏✈🌎✈👑✈☺✈

  2. Anonymous11:05

    "The bidder must have at least one aircraft based in Serbia with the capacity to seat at least seventy passengers..."

    Posto ATR72-200 ima 66 mesta a ATR72-500 to znaci da ce Air Serbia ili iznajmiti jos jedan ATR72-500 ili da ce jedan od trenutno 3 ova aviona leteti iz Kraljeva. Lakse bi im bilo da su ogranicili na 66 mesta - imali bi vise aviona na raspologanju koji ovo mogu da odrade.

    1. Anonymous11:17

      Would be funny if Wizz Air applies and limits sales to 70 passengers per flight XD

    2. Anonymous11:20

      Letece bilo koji ATR, broj sedista nece biti problem, bitno je da imaju takav avion zbog tendera. Svakako ce taj avion leteti samo dva puta sa Morave i pitanje je kako ce se praviti te rotacije, da li ce uopte iz Beograda biti poterbe za letom do Morave. Rotirace avione u Becu ili Solunu, kao sto to rade u Rimu za letove iz Nisa.

    3. Anonymous11:27

      2,7 million EUR for just 3 all year and 3 seasonal flights per week? Are they normal?

  3. Anonymous11:33

    so, one new ATR 72-500 is coming to fleet. maybe even -600, who knows.

    my guess, we will have BEG-VIE-LYKV-VIE-BEG and BEG-SKG-LYKV-SKG-BEG rotations, since the plane will not be based in LYKV

  4. Anonymous11:34

    These flights are actually happening, wow. Will they be able to fill planes from Kraljevo? I know it does not matter as the flights will be completely subsidized, but still ...

    1. Anonymous11:41

      well, unlike in Niš, where there was highly negative campaign against JU from local media, there is no such thing in any of the cities surrounding LYKV. so, yes, I guess that he flights will be fairly full

    2. Ah so media are guilty why JU is flew half empty from Nis in September!

    3. Anonymous13:14

      Were the Nis flights that bad in September?

  5. Anonymous11:39

    This JU monopoly in Serbia is getting critical. 70% market share...

    1. Anonymous11:49

      70% loooooool

    2. Anonymous11:57

      Really critical...prices from INI have never been lower, from BEG JU always has some special prices and KVO won't be much epensive.

      Really critical.

    3. I guess JU prices from INI won't be that cheap..

    4. Anonymous12:21

      Critical indeed. JU in Serbia today is like QR in DOH. When you land, you see only the same airline around. Same in INI and soon KVO.

    5. Anonymous12:23

      Maybe you see it around because they have 20 planes. They have just a 50% share in Belgrade. Get informed.

    6. Anonymous12:26

      JU actually has the smallest share of all national ex-Yu airlines at home base. So please stop spreading false claims.

    7. Anonymous12:28

      What a surprise...When you land in BEG you see JU planes.

      This world is full of miracles!

    8. Anonymous12:31

      JU has a surprisingly low share at Belgrade airport ... much lower than other major European airlines and lower than all EX-YU airline, so please cut this false spreading madness.

  6. Anonymous12:00

    This market is best served by FR or W6 and they need flights to Germany.

  7. Anonymous12:07

    What a joke, Balkan style...

    So, company with 2 aircraft needs 15 call center agents (only for Serbian market) - 7.5 per aircraft. Who wants to bet easyJet with 332 doesn't have 2500 people in call centers?

    The point of public tenders is to select the best company for the job. But in the Balkans, you select the company, then make such a tender that no-one else can apply.

    Good job, Serbia.

    1. Anonymous12:30

      Of course.All these tenders were made for domestic airlines. Nothing new.

      The same situation was in Hungary with Wizz, OU in Croatia etc.

    2. Anonymous13:57

      JU call center agents also make bookings. A lot of bookings, because our people often like to book flights by phone. On contrary with easyJet whose sales are almost entirely online.

    3. Anonymous15:03

      Airport had contacts with airlines before they opened based on earlier reports. No airline decided to start commercial service as runway is not suitable for A320/B738 type of equipment. For that reason initial service with limited equipment like ATR has to be subsidized. Once capable runway is available, commercial carriers will come to Morava. Nothing Balkan style about it.

  8. Anonymous12:28

    This tender is a joke, they juat needed to say have Air SERBIA painted on aircraft. Wizz air can't fly because Kraljevo airport doesnt support A320. So basicly only Air Serbia meets the demands.

  9. Really hope JU gets it. INI routes, mostly, turned success and changed lives of people from the south of Serbia.

    1. Anonymous12:39

      Are all routes going well or only some?

    2. Anonymous14:48

      All besides BUD

    3. Anonymous19:56

      Is there some data behind the claim or should we be satisfied with your qualitative observation?

    4. I am flied BLQ with LF 33%. The last thursdayf
      All flight departed earlier is clearly up to 50% LF! So, most of INI flights.

    5. Anonymous07:04

      Flights also departed earlier in summer because they have a 45 minute rotation and no transfer passengers.

    6. Anonymous08:08

      I think at some airports AirSerbia is just not known enough, maybe it need some time. If someone wanna fly east they look for WizzAir flights.

    7. It's not about rotation time, as other LCC in Nis. Did you flied with any?

  10. Anonymous17:35

    These routes are more than welcome! As 'batejac' I'll definitely use it. While Austrian would be ideal for VIE flights, JU is fine. It would be great if there was a code-share with Austrian on this one route in order to open up the OS network. Everyone wins, JU gets subsidies, OS transit pax, people get options).


    1. Anonymous23:38

      I don't think it is in JUs interest to code with with OS to fill their network.

  11. Wonder if we could see INI-KVO-VIE-KVO-INI?

  12. Danko Dašic23:58

    This sounds very funny and childish, this is probably some kind of tycoon internal agreement and money �� laundry!


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