Split Airport welcomed its three-millionth passenger of the year last Friday, October 4, marking only the second time the milestone has been reached in its 53-year history. The three-millionth traveller arrived on a Croatia Airlines flight from Frankfurt, 21 days ahead of last year. During the first three quarters of 2019, Split Airport handled 2.967.530 passengers, representing an increase of 6%. It added an extra 167.774 travellers on last year. It anticipates welcoming over 3.3 million passengers by year’s end. Split Airport opened its new passenger terminal this July. The project, valued at 59.4 million euros, has enabled it to handle an additional one million travellers per year and ease summer congestion.
Split Airport's three-millionth passenger |
Split Airport, January - September passenger figures
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 36.360 | ▲ 6.9 |
FEB | 34.825 | ▲ 13.7 |
MAR | 50.037 | ▼ 5.9 |
APR | 151.381 | ▲ 25.8 |
MAY | 310.809 | ▲ 2.2 |
JUN | 513.706 | ▲ 8.2 |
JUL | 723.048 | ▲ 4.0 |
AUG | 672.261 | ▲ 7.0 |
SEP | 470.102 | ▲ 3.2 |
Bravo Hrvatska!
ReplyDeleteThat's some 120.000 more passengers than ZAG and this is September we are talking about, it's no longer the high season.
ReplyDeleteSplit-470K pax in Sept
DeleteDubrovnik- 405K
Zagreb - 350K
Crazy ,Zagteb airport runs by thugs and thieves.
I would just extend "Zagreb airport" to "entire Croatia (country)" run by thugs and thieves, with very few honourable exceptions
DeleteExactly. The fact that there is much more traffic on the coast is not because of great airports directors. It just happens due to rise of tourism. Put those directors in OSI or ZAG and they wouldn't be able to improve anything.
DeleteIs OSI left with only flights to ZAG?
DeleteSo the great international demand for Dalmatia is the fault of Croatian politicians who are not managing somehow to force foreign tourists to spent their Summer holidays in Zagreb instead of the coast?
DeleteOf course because politicians can push the Croatian tourist board to promote other parts of Croatia as well. They are lazy so they promote the coast which is easy.
DeleteWell, to be fair, the whole EX-YU is run by thugs and thieves, with a very very few honorable exceptions.
DeleteFully agree
DeleteBy the end of this year, Croatian coast will be very close to 8 million passengers.
ReplyDeleteJust back from there. New terminal very disappointing. Enormous amount of wasted space. Very bad signeage. Very bad traffic nanagement on approach to terminal. No provision for disabled drop off.
ReplyDeleteLarge number of floor tiles already cracking. A lot of other signs of poor construction.
Above all no feeling of management. A lot of inexperienced young people with no adult supervision.
+1.000.000 to that. Čisti fušeraj!
DeleteJealousy ...
DeleteSo when someone who has clearly been to the airport doesn't comment to your liking, i.e shouting "Bravo Croatia" it must be jelousy.
DeleteThey were probably rushing to open it. Hopefully they fix those problems in winter when there isn't as much traffic.
DeleteNisu oni nista zurili.
DeleteTerminal nije zavrsen.
Ovo cemu svijedocite je tek 1.faza.
As soon as i saw the title i was expecting "...the passenger from Frankfurt."
ReplyDeleteWhenever ZAG, DBV or SPU handle a second or third millionth passenger it's from Frankfurt.
DeleteSve ove investicije na sadasnjoj lokaciji samo privremeno krpanje i kratkovidno bacanje novaca. Izgradnja novog velikog aerodroma na Dicmu bila bi daleko bolja opcija.
ReplyDeletePostojeca povrsina od oko 1,2 milijuna m2 na ovoj lokaciji kao gradjevinsko zemljiste uz more vrijedi preko €300 milijuna i sama razlika u odnosu na vrijednost poljoprivrednog zemljista na Dicmu (dio polja zapadno od ceste Split -Sinj potpuno je neobradjen) bi mogla otplaticivati veliki dio investicije.
Novi aerodrom bi bio odmah do cvora Dugopolje autoceste A1 (samo 4 km). Danas je do autoceste (cvor Prgomet) potrebno minimum 45 minuta, ljeti i vise. Sa Splitom bi bio spojem izvrsnom brzom cestom preko Dugopolja te bi se izbjegao uzasan promet kroz Kastela i Solin.
Slazem se za novi aerodrom u Dicmu jer je ocigledno da su potrebe Splita takve da ce i sa novim terminalom vrlo brzo trebati jos kapaciteta. Ne slazem se za promet kroz Kastela i Solin jer je prosle godine napokon zavrsena sesterotracna obilaznica/autocesta i samo u spicama prometa ujutro i popodne je guzva na ulazu u Split, ne ceka se vise od 10-15 minuta, a ja od aerodroma do Prgometa idem 25-30 minuta, nikada mi nije trebalo 45, ni na vrhuncu sezone.
DeleteMislim da je to nepotrebno jer će ZAD preuzimati sve više i više putnika. Rast broja putnika na SPU je skoro dosegao svoj limit dok ZAD raste dvoznamenkastim stopama i to na račun SPU. Još kad se izgradi nova zgrada terminala to će biti bombon. Ne zaboravite da ZAD jedini ima dvije piste na obali.
DeleteNe pricajte gluposti.
DeleteIzgradnjom rulnica, kapacitet SPU je i vise nego dostatan za sljedecih 15 sljedecih 15 godina
For a moment I thought that 3 millionth passenger looks like climate activist Greta Thunberg.
ReplyDeleteZadar in september: 116.394 +25,10%
ReplyDeleteZAD will soon start to eat the sizeable chunk of traffic at SPU.
DeleteI noticed there was “cracked tiles” on the floor LMAO! now that is an aviation expert at work. Pure jealousy and please go and get help and deal with the fact that Croatia is the air passenger POWERHOUSE of ex-yu with 12 million pax, Bravo Hrvatska, samo naprijed!
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous. Calling POWERHOUSE robbed and sold out country, majority of whose inhabitants cannot afford to travel by air not once per year, whose main airport don't have LCC's and cannot sustain one single year-round long-haul service, whose flag carrier has 15 % of the market in air traffic, and that with subsidies provided by that same poor people who cannot afford to fly, and which will highly likely follow the path of late Adria, meanwhile humiliatingly serving as a feeder to masters, is not only shallow but offensive as well, for all those who are aware of unutilized potentials of Croatia, not only in air traffic, but in general
DeleteFrom one extreme to another - "no one can't touch blessed Croatia".
DeleteCalm down, Nancy.
Haha...perfectly put! These last two are parody par excellance - one with; Croatia the POWERHOUSE, and the other with; everything is a disaster, Croatia has been sold out (Jesus, do people still use that meme unironically??), poor Croats can't afford to fly even once a year, everything was so much better during communism, boohoo! 😂