Czech Airlines to end Zagreb service


Czech Airlines is set to discontinue its seasonal flights between Prague and Zagreb. In a statement to EX-YU Aviation News, the carrier said, “At this moment, the route Prague - Zagreb is not planned for the 2020 summer season”. As a result, Croatia Airlines will no longer face competition on its seasonal route to the Czech capital. The Croatian carrier plans to resume the service on April 7, 2020 and run flights four times per week until late October. Czech Airlines introduced year-round operations between the two cities in the summer of 2016. However, the route was downgraded to seasonal flights from 2017 onwards.


  1. Anonymous10:31

    Zagreb keeps on winning eh

    1. Since when Czech Airlines is so important in Croatia & Zagreb to make such propaganda like it's disastrous. I can't see Czech Airlines flying to any other country in EXYu so what's ur point?

    2. Anonymous12:48

      Well they had daily flights so they are not insignificant.

    3. Anonymous13:27

      “At this moment, the route Prague - Zagreb is not planned for the 2020 summer season”-

      At this MO;EMT? Well all the years before flights got cancelled and were then reintroduced in February for the summer.

      @ EXYU? Can you clarifly what it means "at this moment"? I mean a lot of seasonal flights to Dalmatia are not bookable at "this moment", but the come back every year in the first quarter.

    4. Anonymous14:01

      It is just the polite way to say " we have no more interest to fly to ZAG"

    5. Anonymous15:41

      so they are always so polite in saying " we have no more interest to fly to ZAG" but return every year in February :)

    6. Anonymous15:58

      The hope dies last

    7. Anonymous15:59

      Only 14 airlines will maintain uninterrupted year round flights. Depressing.

    8. Anonymous16:17

      OU, LH, OS, TK, QR, IB, LO, JU, BA, AF, SU, KL, SN

      Which one did I miss?

    9. Anonymous16:19


    10. Anonymous16:20

      Yeah even those EW is cutting two major markets (DUS and TXL) and reducing HAM they are still going to be flying to STR and CGN from ZAG.

    11. Anonymous16:36

      I am surprised IB still flies to ZAG

    12. Anonymous16:52

      BEG has 26

    13. Anonymous20:58

      TGD has 5

  2. Anonymous10:32

    Wow this is just bad!

  3. Anonymous10:32

    How many flights did they have?

    1. Anonymous10:33

      Up to daily in peak summer.

    2. Anonymous10:35

      WOW! That is quite a loss then! So in total we have so far:

      1. OK -7
      2. LX -3
      3. EW -6

      That's a loss of 16 weekly flights. If that's not a disaster then I don't know what is.

  4. Anonymous10:37

    Someone wrote the other that that EW cuts were just the beginning and now we get this. Does anyone know if someone else might follow them? Aeroflot maybe? They are sending the SSJ to ZAG which LJU is double daily A320.

    1. Anonymous12:42


      Why don't they cut the routes on all their destinations?

      ZAG seems to be nr. 1 when it comes to routes axing

    2. Anonymous15:31

      Last anon, thank you for your comment but I don't understand what you are trying to say.

  5. Anonymous10:38

    One more carrier that leaves ZAG? This is pure disaster!

    Very soon we shall have ZAG behind SPU and TIA.

    Obviously no demand.

    1. Anonymous10:41

      Actually TIA is booming and they should overtake ZAG this year. LCCs are booming there.

      Austrian Airlines has also trimmed its ZAG timetable with fewer flights in November, first half of December and then after the holidays. Though I think that's most because of their issues than ZAG plus they have OU to milk.

    2. Anonymous12:18

      Anyone know how TIA is performing so far?

    3. Anonymous12:32

      January-September 2019

      January-September 219

    4. Anonymous12:33

      TIA handled 2,562,311 passengers in the first nine months of the year which is an increase of 11,8%. ZAG in the same period handled 2.626.511 passengers.

    5. Anonymous12:35

      BTW in the same period SPU handled 2.967.530 so they are ahead of both airports! Next year they are going to be definitely number 2 in ex-UI.

  6. Anonymous10:42

    Where is "Bravo Hrvatska" guy these days? As I said before, ZAG will long term have similar network to LJU (with some additional seasonal flights) and about 50% more pax, since CRO is twice the size of SLO. Forget about LCCs in ZAG, that's not gonna happen anytime soon. Maybe London, for other destinations, there is just not enough demand in ZAG or LJU, not to mention not enough prosperity.

    1. Anonymous10:45

      Croats are not that rich so if an LCC launched London flights most would flock to fly with them probably killing off OU on the market.

    2. Anonymous10:45

      ZAG will be lucky to have 0% growth next year with all these cuts and with no new additions by OU.

    3. Anonymous10:47

      ZAG will be in red

    4. Anonymous10:49

      @10.45 (1)

      Several LCCs tried London-Zagreb and none survived. OU has.

    5. Anonymous10:52

      LCC's do not receive money from Croatian Government

    6. Anonymous10:55

      Look at today's topic and you will know why OU survived. Also since that time hundreds of thousands of Croats have left Croatia and a lot of them settled in the United Kingdom. Now they are forced to pay high fares on OU and BA.

    7. Anonymous14:08

      All the Croats thin inZagreb and in the UK are very wealthy, they can afford OU and BA fares very easily.

    8. Anonymous14:14

      Of course they can afford, that is why OU's LHR flights were so profitable that they sold their slots.

    9. Anonymous14:14


  7. Anonymous10:47

    Biggest mistake ZAG did was to allow easyJet to leave the airport.

  8. Anonymous10:55

    ADP built a shiny, beautiful terminal but unfortunately empty.
    I am shocked about ZAG, not that OK is the best company ever but PRG is an important destination.

  9. Anonymous10:59

    Shall we hear here again that OK stops flying to ZAG because of their iinternal problems?

    1. Anonymous11:02

      Well they are struggling.

    2. Anonymous11:21

      Of course, it is not ZAG's fault at all

  10. Anonymous11:02

    It would be interesting to see again Purger's connectivity list of ex-yu airports starting from next summer...

    1. Anonymous13:12

      Oh you will see it, and it will not be good one for ZAG.

    2. Anonymous14:01

      For winter as well?

  11. Anonymous11:16

    They need to lower fees ASAP, the situation as it is now is unsustainable.

  12. Anonymous11:16

    I wonder, everybody was thinking how LJU is doomed and losing connectivity while there were some predictions that ZAG will overtake some passengers.
    Now it seems that LJU will actually slowly get back in to the game - is it possible that it will become more open to new airlines and proactive in negotiations that at the end LJU will take passengers from ZAG...

    1. Anonymous11:22

      Yes, LJU is really proactive!

    2. Anonymous11:44

      Now that JP is out of the picture LJU can be more aggressive in its attraction of airlines. Look at SU which went from 0 to 14 in less than a year!

  13. Anonymous11:17

    As somebody already mentioned, their new terminal is really empty. Those of us who flew through it know what I am talking about. It's new, big, I like the ambition, but you need substance if you want to show off your achievement.Right now it doesn't seem so successful.

    1. Anonymous18:38

      Well, but that shiny new terminal brought them Emirates and Korean Air .

    2. Anonymous07:26

      Udruzeno oglasavanje brought them

  14. Anonymous11:21

    Shame on ZAG management!

  15. Anonymous12:05

    Maybe they will start LJU?

    1. Anonymous12:14

      "Mr Skobir noted that ČSA Czech Airlines will likely introduce flights from Prague"

    2. Anonymous12:35

      It actually means the the effect of JP dissapearing actually caused airlines to open LJU instead of ZAG.

      And many thought that it would mean more passengers for ZAG. Maybe just in first month or two but if any LCC opens a base in LJU ot air carriers move to LJU it will be even bigger disaster for ZAG

    3. Anonymous13:24

      LJU will ovrtake ZAG easily. BEG has long ago. Being Croatia´s capital and ZAg being the only aiport ist bad so many are leaving. How big will the minus be this year? And next year? Can LJU reach 3,5 million soon?

    4. Anonymous14:19

      Hehe I don't know if ZAG had EVER more passengers than BEG

    5. Anonymous14:23

      I think they were really close with some 200.000 difference, like in 2002.

    6. Anonymous14:28




      It was 418.000 passengers difference but at that time it was 25% of BEG traffic

  16. Anonymous12:36

    I remember how angry people became when someone would dare say how SPU will overtake ZAG. Well next year it will happen with ZAG going from bad to worse while SPU grows and breaks new records.

    1. Anonymous13:34

      So? What´s your point?

    2. Anonymous14:15

      The point is that back then people were attacked as haters while now we see they were just mere realists.

  17. Anonymous13:50

    I remember seeing that CSA departures were st 450 in the morning. I know they were aiming at transfer passengers but personally I feel the time was bad. If they had better departure/arrival times, they may ha e continued servi g Zagreb.

    1. Anonymous14:16

      JU has an even worse departure time in SKP, TIA, SKG, OTP ... yet they do just fine. It's not the airline, it's the market my friend.

    2. Anonymous14:18


  18. Anonymous16:02

    Has ZAG issued a statement explaining why they are having such catastrophic and disastrous results?

  19. Anonymous16:07

    Articles like this make me sad.

  20. Anonymous16:28

    OU must be celebrating these days! First LX and now OK, man things are really looking up for them!

    1. Anonymous16:35

      Do you really think they are going to make any kind of positive result because LX and OK are leaving ZAG?

      It will be "too early to react".

    2. Anonymous06:31

      Their yields might improve.

  21. Anonymous19:19

    No Swiss from S20, no Korean during the winter, reducing Fly Dubai this winter, EW cuting routes for S20, no CSA in S20... How is it possible that no one give any explanation from the airport? Where is Ministry of Transportation to explain this? Horrible.


  22. Dobro ne valja biti ni preeuforičan i za svaku sitnicu pisati bravo Hrvatska ali ni katastrofičar. OK i PRG nisu ni strateški partner ni strateška destinacija za ZAG. OK nudi dobru mrežu letova prema Rusiji, djelomice Ukrajini, lete za ICN i to je to. Ne nude ništa što drugi prisutni ne nude. Za Hrvatsku kao takvu bilo bi važnije kad bi privukli Smart Wings da lete npr. DBV.
    Dalje, treba uzeti u obzir situaciju u aviokompaniji. OK (neračunajući Smart Wings kao majčinsku kompaniju) trenutačno ima samo 14 aviona. Kad oduzmete 4 A319 koji lete za EW dođete na 10 aviona što i nije neka cifra, pa treba razmisliti koje se linije isplate više. Uz to slijedeće godine započinje zamjena ATR72 za A220 (ne znam kojim tempom) a ti imaju 40 sjedala više, previše za ZAG da se mene pita.
    Da bi LJU prešla ZAG momentalno po meni nije vjerojatno, ne zbog JP nego tehničkih mogućnosti terminala.
    Da trend nije najbolje je točno, ja osobno se pitam kakav je ugovor u koncesiji, da li koncesionaru uopće isplati zarađivati puno ili pak mu je država obećala kriti gubitke, ali to nema veze s OK. To je kao da imaš SIDU pa još lupiš čekićem po prstu.

    1. Anonymous20:07

      LJU nikada nece prestici ZAG, to svi znamo. Ali ovde se isto radi i sa Pragom kao finalnom destinacijom te ja ne mogu verovatni da nema dovoljno lokalnih putnika da popune avione. Mozda bi bilo pametnike da su imali red letenja kao JU za PRG (jutro/vece) tako da budu konkurentni sa lokalcima.

      Da LX i EW isto tako nisu otkazali letove onda bi mogli da kazemo da je sve ovo zbog stanja u OK. Ali ovde izgleda da se ZAG zaneo sa nametima te su onemogucili kompanijama da imaju dovoljno veliku marzu. Kako vreme prolazi kompanije gube strpljenje i salju avione na drugu, profitabilniju stranu.

      Ovo vec prerasta u veliki problem za ZAG. Nesto se sustinski mora promeniti. Kontinentalna Hrvatska se raspada. Prvo se OSI ugasio a sada i ZAG pocinje da naglo pada.


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