Air Serbia marks Aeroput flight anniversary


Air Serbia is today marking the 92nd anniversary since Aeroput operated its first flight. The historic service between Belgrade and Zagreb on February 15, 1928 lasted two hours, and was preceded by two years of planning and fundraising an airline company. Journalists and photographers from Belgrade landed at the old Borongaj Airport in Zagreb in a Potez 29 aircraft at noon. That same afternoon, the return service was operated with Zagreb-based journalists on board from publications such as “Riječi”, “Novosti”, “Jutarnji list”, “Morgenblatt” and “Hrvat”. The aircraft was piloted by Aeroput Founder and General Manager Tadija Sondermajer. Air Serbia’s CEO, Duncan Naysmith, said, “We are proud that, 92 years after the historic first flight, planes with the recognisable colours of the Serbian national airline fly to as many as 61 destinations, and we will increase that figure soon. We are grateful to our predecessors who bravely paved the way for Air Serbia to thrive today. By nurturing the same fervour and love for flying, we continue to recognise opportunities and overcome obstacles in the extremely dynamic civil aviation market through further development and expansion".


  1. Anonymous09:06

    Serbian civil aviation has always been a pioneer in itself. Of course it helped that Tadija Sondermajer (Polish father, Serbian mother) had a vision and courage to pursue his dream. Many even today think Aeroput was a national airline but in reality it was a private one, funded by shareholders (mostly from Belgrade/Serbia).

    What many also don't know is that Aeroput planned on offering connections from central Europe, mostly Austria, to the port city of Thessaloniki.

    This is another dream from back then that has survived to this day. It's really nice to see a Serbian airline thrive once again.

    Best of luck to Air Serbia and Serbian aviation as a whole.

  2. Anonymous09:13

    Does that mean ZAG is JU's longest serving destination?

    1. Anonymous09:18

      I think Thessaloniki, Sarajevo and Skopje are ahead because they were served in the 1990s and early 2000s when there were no fligths to ZAG.

    2. Anonymous08:36

      Maybe it is not the longest served, but it's the first one, isn't it ?

      Check the sign at the photo of Zagreb Airport terminal above. Cyrilic alphabet was used in Zagreb in 1928.

  3. Аеро Пут јесте темељ комерцијалног ваздухопловства државе Србије. Ер Србија јесте наследник Аеро Пута са правилним и лепшим именом. Из Србије лети са три аеродрома, са могућношћу и са четвртог. За осам година,
    када се буде прослављала стогодишњица Националног превозиоца Србије ред би био да почну и домаћи редовни летови. У време Аеро Пута домаћи летови су постојали.
    Док постоји Србије, биће и Ер Србије и домаћих летова.
    Тако је било у почетку двадесетих година прошлог века у доба Аеро Пута. На добре родитеље се деца угледају.
    То чини и Ер Србија. Због тога и прославља својег почетног претка. Аеро Пут. Срећна вам годишњица на Сретење, Ер Србијо. ☺✈🌐✈
    Rodney Marinkovic
    Kraljevo ✈ Sydney
    Славећи почетак, славимо и

  4. Anonymous17:11

    Congrats Air Serbia, looking forward to 100th anniversary and special livery to mark that occasion!

  5. Anonymous20:28

    Zagreb na cirilici :-)


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