Serbia, Montenegro see record overflights


The Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency handled 764.218 flights through its airspace in 2019, representing an increase of 6.7% on 2018, Eurocontroled announced. It added, "The total Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) delay at the SMATSA was 58.316 minutes, 72.5% less than in 2018. The overall European traffic flow delay in 2019 was 24.2 million minutes, 5.7% less than in 2018". Eurocontrol pocketed 79.1 million euros for overflights on behalf of Serbia, Montenegro and the Kosovo Force (KFOR) in 2019, representing an increase of 2.8% on the year before,


  1. Anonymous10:33

    That's why there are delays more and more.

  2. Anonymous10:35

    So 765k is with Kosovo or without? I didnt really get it reading the text.

    1. Anonymous10:53

      Without. KFOR controls lower airspace (until recently, there was news the other day) so the sentence regarding Kosovo refers only to the money Eurocontrol got.

  3. Skeptičar21:45

    Wait, so the overflights increased with 6.7%, but the money increased with 2.8% ??

    1. notLufthansa21:22

      Eurocontrol is asking from providers to lower costs by 2% each year.

  4. notLufthansa21:21

    exYu - why are you constantly praising only SMATSA? The fact is, that whole SE Axis (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia) see same level of increased traffic...

    1. I don't see the information as praise. It was issued as a joint press release by SMATSA and Eurocontrol. Also, I'm not sure where you see news about SMATSA on a constant basis. The last involved a strike threat by one of its unions in December of last year.


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