Air Serbia to resume four Niš routes


Air Serbia plans to restore another four routes from Niš from March to complement its existing service to Hahn. The airline has resumed ticket sales for flights from Constantine the Great Airport to Nuremberg, Salzburg and Hannover, which are due to return to the network from late March, while seasonal services to Tivat will begin mid-June. At this point, the airline has not restored ticket sales for flights to Ljubljana, Bologna, Friedrichshafen, Gothenburg, Baden Baden and Rome.


  1. Anonymous11:08

    Bravo JU!

  2. Anonymous11:08

    Well done Air Serbia.

  3. Anonymous11:24

    I hope so Baden Baden is coming

  4. Anonymous11:26

    Ništa ne prepuštaju slučaju i bore se za svakog putnika. Brzo reaguju na splet okolnosti. Polako se navikavamo na činjenicu da imamo uspešnog nacionalnog avio prevoznika.

    1. Anonymous11:33

      :D :D :D

    2. Anonymous11:36

      Посебно ме радује јер нису одустали од Салцбурга. Велика прилика сада када се Визер повукао из Скопља и Београда. Остала је велика рупа.

    3. Anonymous12:12

      Anon 11:26
      Kakva borba? Zar ovo nije PSO koji su svejedno obavezni operirati i gdje je konkurenciji zabranjeno otvoriti iste linije?

    4. Anonymous12:15

      Anon 11:26
      What are you talking about? This ix PSO.

    5. Anonymous13:00

      Anon 12.12
      Ako niste upoznati sa trenutnom epidemiološkim situacijom u toku je pandemija covid 19. Niko ninašta nije obavezan pa tako ni JU da obnovi PSO rute.

    6. Anonymous13:04

      Naravno no pitao sam o kakvoj se "borbi" priča ako su ovo svejedno njihove linije na kojima imaju zastičeni monopol. Čim dođe potreba ove linije se svejedno trebaju operirati jer su plaćeni.

    7. Anonymous13:11

      you are mostly correct @13.04 except that part "Čim dođe potreba" which is contradictoring with the following "svejedno operirati". There wasnt a potreba for most of these routes (and the LF is indicating that). They just wanted to copy what Wizz was doing elsewhere

    8. Anonymous14:50

      Не постоји потреба да се лети по сваку цену, Будимпешта је одличан доказ тога. Неке линије као Франкфурт, Гетеборг и Салцбург су се јако добро пуниле пре короне.

    9. Anonymous15:06

      That's all great, but they're violating the tender which they won. As far as I remember, they were not supposed to pick the routes they want to operate, it was "take it or leave it", the whole pack of routes.

    10. Anonymous15:44

      Mr. "svejedno operirati" gets trigerred easily.

    11. Anonymous16:51

      Hahn numbers which is considered the best route are publicly visible and i would be very careful of using "јако добро"

    12. Anonymous17:17

      Where can i find those numbers?

    13. Anonymous18:25

      Last available data are for September 2020 (flights originating from Germany):
      Hahn: 22,2% LF
      Hannover: 14,7% LF
      Nuremberg: 14% LF

  5. Anonymous11:38

    About bloody time. Serbia makes more money from INI flights than BEG, as the airport is owned by the State.

    1. Anonymous12:07

      Not just that but INI started making a profit even with €3 charge because its costs are so low. Unfortunately now you can't see their financial performance because it's all together with Airports of Serbia. So one loss making company was turned profitable.

    2. Anonymous12:14

      i need to dissapoint you here but youre wrong

    3. Anonymous14:51

      APR says otherwise, they had a profit before they were merged with other airports. I guess cargo helped as well.

  6. Anonymous11:59

    How will this affect neighbouring SKP? Most importantly the suspended W6 SZG route. Does that mean they will never resume?

    1. Anonymous12:01

      It's not suspended, it's cancelled

    2. Anonymous12:13

      it will affect them with nothing

    3. Anonymous12:49

      ironically it will affect them positively, passengers to Friedrichshafen, Gothenburg, Baden Baden and Rome will move there

    4. Anonymous13:01

      Why would this efect anybody except Nis' economy positively?

    5. Anonymous13:27

      Ironically by the time W6 will have resumed Baden Baden and Rome, JU will have already started selling tickets for those routes

    6. Dude13:41

      am afraid JU in INI is zero threat to anybody except tax payers pockets maybe

    7. Anonymous13:54

      Having JU resuming the INI-SZG route, it will be difficult for W6 to restart SKP-SZG because in the region, there is no other direct route to SZG.
      The interesting thing is that INI has almost 100% same routes as in SKP especially those to Germany with the exception of BLQ and TIV.

    8. Anonymous14:02

      W6 flies to every German village from SKP, not much of a surprise

    9. Anonymous14:55

      "Having JU resuming the INI-SZG route, it will be difficult for W6 to restart SKP-SZG because in the region, there is no other direct route to SZG."


    10. Anonymous15:33

      14:02, yes. I just counted them actually:
      SKP - 11, I think this is the highest number of connections in ex-Yu.

      INI counts with 2 but is also and BER with FR but also 2 Austrian connections.

    11. Anonymous16:44

      well BER is likely gone

  7. Selling tickets is not guarantee that flights will be operated. There is possibility to cancel all at the start of summer season...

    1. Anonymous14:21

      Of course but they weren't selling tickets at all and just started now.

    2. Anonymous16:52

      @14.21 they were selling these 4 since Nov/Dec.

  8. As far as I remember they got around 5 mil EUR for 2.5 years to deliver 22/25 flights a week.
    I don't see why they are not performing all scheduled flights as there is no loss. All expenses are covered anyway. (Except were they are forbidden to fly of course)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Anonymous21:33

      MM: you don't see why Wizz is not performing all scheduled flights as there is no loss? Wizz gets subsidies at places like SKP and BUD but you only question Air Serbia? Double standard.

    3. Anonymous22:47

      OU was getting also money for all domestic PSO routes. Did they fly them all during last whole year?

      Of course not.

  9. Anonymous21:49

    Nis keeps on winning!

    1. Anonymous22:54

      INI registered almost half a million of passengers in 2019, this airport used to have 20 thousand per year. You can clearly see that ASL has cemented its position in the airport and may base a second aircraft in the future. INI may reach the 1 million level after the pandemic is over.

    2. 1 million is not possible in the next 30 years. Contract with Vinci is limiting domestic airports in the circle of 200km to do not reach that number (INI, KVO)

    3. Anonymous00:26

      BEG - INI is over 200 km.

    4. Anonymous01:58

      So how will there by any domestic Serbian routes? You mean BEG-KVO? KVO is more focused on cargo compared to passengers.

    5. Anonymous02:05

      I don't think the contract with Vinci has any restrictions on domestic routes.

    6. It's about domestic airports, not routes. Sorry for 200km.
      Distance is 200,6km by air, by the highway is 237km.

      "Nakon više suprotstavljenih izjava, predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić, ministarska Mihajlović i njen pomoćnik Zoran Ilić
      direktno ili indirektno „priznali“ su da je u koncesionom ugovoru predviđeno da niški i drugi aerodromi u Srbiji, u radijusu
      od 230 kilometara od beogradskog, ne smeju imati više od po milion putnika godišnje sve dok beogradski aerodrom ne
      dostigne 12 miliona putnika"

    7. Anonymous08:25

      Директно или индиректно? Шта то уопште значи?
      У уговору, а овде је већ пренето, стоји да нишки аеродром не може расти на уштрб београдског. Другим речима не прихватају да компаније напуштају BEG да би летеле са INI-a.
      Не разумем зашто се вештачки диже прашина око ове теме када смо видели на основу чињеница и искуства пре короне да се оба аеродрома неометано развијају. Рајанер је увео Малту из Ниша, дакле отворено су изабрали тај аеродром као главни у Србији, а Ванси ништа није рекао.

      То нас доводи до закључка да Французи праве озбиљне паре у Београду.

    8. Anonymous17:30

      @Mihajlo 23:14
      From Belgrade airport. Concession length. 25 years. End of contract (year). 2043

      Concession contract ends 21 years from now. Your statement that 1 million is not possible in the next 30 years due to secret concession clause is therefore completely false.

    9. @Anon
      Sorry, that is 5 years less. It's not a big difference to declare for completely false like anonymous.
      Ending contract is for almost 22 years (dec 2043)

    10. Anonymous02:58

      First, you said 1 million is not possible in the next 30 years. Contract expires in 22 years. That's EIGHT years off, not 5! Second, where does it say INI is limited to 1 mil? Not some indirect "admisssion", show us the contract. Third, even if true, who can say that BEG won't reach 12 million passengers in 8-10 years? That would be TWENTY years before your statement! Fourth, who can guarantee INI can reach 1 million before BEG gets to 12 million? You have 4 items to work on and none of them you can win.


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