Slovenia renews calls for UAE flights

The Slovenian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economic Development and Technology, Zdravko Počivalšek, has renewed calls for flights between the United Arab Emirates and Ljubljana to be established during his three-day visit to Dubai this week. Slovenia has been seeking connectivity to the Gulf for years and talks have already taken place with all of the major carriers from the UAE. The Slovenian Ministry for Infrastructure previously noted that hybrid carrier Flydubai was negotiating with airport operator Fraport Slovenia over the introduction of flights to Ljubljana. "There are good prospects for the establishment of flights between the UAE and Ljubljana. UAE carriers are interested", the ministry said at the time. However, flights are yet to materialise with Flydubai recently announcing a new service to nearby Salzburg.

Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, in 2019, the General Manager of Ljubljana Airport, Zmago Skobir, said, "We are constantly working on the Gulf area, so we are very active in that respect. It is one of the most important goals not only for Fraport and the Slovenian National Tourism Board, but also for the country and the airport itself. The more direct routes, the more investors there will be, as well as more tourists. So, the Gulf is our priority, but we have very strong competition for these markets in Zagreb, Belgrade, Venice and Vienna".

Both the Slovenian government and Ljubljana Airport have mounted a campaign since 2017 to attract Gulf carriers, although so far without success. In addition to Flydubai, the airport held talks with other leading airlines from the United Arab Emirates, including Emirates, Etihad Airways and Air Arabia. Furthermore, Slovenia and the UAE signed a Civil Aviation Agreement, which enables flexibility on routes, capacity, number of frequencies and types of aircraft between the two countries, for both passenger and cargo flights. In its final year of operations even Slovenia's former national carrier Adria Airways expressed interest in serving Dubai. The Emirate is currently one of the few places welcoming all nationals with just a negative PCR test.


  1. Anonymous09:01

    Here we go again

  2. Anonymous09:02

    Well flydubai could now start flights as MAX are coming

    1. Anonymous09:03

      They could have started flights without the MAX as well.

    2. Anonymous09:26

      FZ flies from Prague with B737-800. So I don't see why it would be an issue for Ljubljana.

    3. Anonymous09:34

      Before covid they also flew to Helsinki, which was quite a long flight on the 737.

  3. Anonymous09:05

    They need to get FZ.

  4. Anonymous09:06

    I don't understand, why is it so important for LJU to have flights to the Middle East?

    1. Anonymous09:07

      Because of connectivity. Just as an example. In December 3.200 Slovenians visited the Maldives, which is the largest number from ex-Yu countries.

    2. Anonymous09:08

      They said it themselves.

      "The more direct routes, the more investors there will be, as well as more tourists."

    3. Anonymous09:17

      Because we saw what happens in LJU when a serious airline steps in. Remember how JP used to send the CRJ to Moscow? SU stepped in an overnight it went to double daily A320. Same thing will happen with Dubai flights. Many are forced to fly from ZAG and FZ/EK even admitted that in an article published here some years ago.

      Slovenian market was held hostage by LJU's incompetence.

    4. Anonymous09:22

      Because flights to a megahub like Dubai significantly increases your connectivity to the world and can bring in more passengers.

    5. Anonymous09:29

      "In December 3.200 Slovenians visited the Maldives, which is the largest number from ex-Yu countries."

      And then people here make excuses for LJU having only 3 airlines by saying Slovenians can't travel anywhere because of restrictions in the country.

    6. Anonymous10:06

      You do know restrictions were lifted in december for a short time?

    7. Anonymous11:35

      Maldives is currently a huge hit for Eastern Europe. There are weekly charters from OTP and SOF throughout the whole winter period as people are looking for more relaxed destinations so no surprise about them Slovenes.
      The other hit destinations are Zanzibar and Punta Cana.

    8. Anonymous21:49

      "In December 3.200 Slovenians visited the Maldives, which is the largest number from ex-Yu countries."

      This is a huge number in the current conditions.
      Can you add the link where we can check this information?

    9. Anonymous21:57

      The figure is completely wrong and I'm guessing the person got confused when looking at the data as the 3.200 is for 2019 (in total for the entire year!)

      In December 72 Slovenians visited Maldives, 213 Serbians, 85 Croatians.


    10. Anonymous22:00

      Real official numbers are here:
      Slovenia 72 only

  5. Anonymous09:08

    The never ending saga.

  6. Anonymous09:22

    Ljubljana has to understand that they've no chance with ME carriers, due to the distance and size of their market. Narrow bodies can hardly reach LJU.

    1. Anonymous09:25

      Yeah and PRG is really close to DXB, thats why flydubai flies there, right?

    2. Anonymous09:25

      True. Route is too expensive for operators.

    3. Anonymous09:26

      Catania as well, it's just a short hop away from Dubai

    4. Anonymous09:32

      And SZG from May

    5. Anonymous10:25

      If FZ/QR can fly to ZAG with B738/A320, there is no reason (range-wise) why they can't fly to LJU.

    6. Anonymous16:42

      Flydubai could easily fly daily in summer and 3 p/w in winter to LJU

  7. Anonymous09:23

    I hope that FZ starts Ljubljana. I don't understand why Gulf carriers are avoiding LJU (could it be higher costs than neighbouring airports?) I know Ljubljana is close to bigger hubs but it can also attract passengers from smaller cities like Graz and Slovenians would travel from LJU if there were options.

    1. Anonymous09:42

      In normal times OS connects GRZ pretty well with VIE and furthermore LH and LX (and KLM if i'm not mistaken) also have/had direct flights to GRZ, so the connectivity of Steyria is pretty good. On the other hand, the region is not as price sensitive, so I think it would hardly attract anybody from this region.
      Perhaps from southern Carinthia/the ones that would normally fly from KLU.

    2. Anonymous10:29

      Small catchment area.

      EK already flies to VCE and VIE, so forget about people from Italy or Austria going to LJU. GRZ is closer to VIE than LJU, not to mention the tolls, etc.

    3. Anonymous11:34

      Can you tell me again the number of inhabitants at LJU?

      There you have the answer.

  8. Anonymous09:23

    Sorry Ljubljana but the ship for flights to the Gulf has sailed with Covid.

    1. Anonymous09:24

      Actually I think there is more of a chance now during/after Covid. Emirates no longer flies to Zagreb and it is highly questionable if FZ will return.

    2. Anonymous09:27

      Agree with last anon.

    3. I don't agree with all of 3 posts above. Covid will not last forever. Once covid is over, and tourism gets back to normal, I am sure EK will be back to ZAG and FZ can switch to LJU in the summer, when EK flies to ZAG, like before, and in the winter FZ can operate both ZAG and LJU. The passenger numbers from the Far East and Australia /NZ are impressive, and that's why EK started ZAG and QR operated twice daily. Also Japanese and Korean come to Slovenia in huge numbers so I don't see why people are so sceptical about flights to UAE from both ZAG and LJU, of course once the life gets back to normal

  9. Anonymous09:24

    Slovenia is the only one in ex-Yu without flights to the Gulf :/

    1. Anonymous09:27

      There are no flights from Pristina either.

    2. Anonymous09:29

      If I remember correctly Air Arabia used to fly to PRN.

    3. Anonymous11:03

      Yes and they failed miserably. They gave up after less than a month.

  10. Anonymous09:28

    Good luck Ljubljana. I hope they manage to find someone to operate these flights but I fear that with the current crisis it will be difficult.

  11. Anonymous09:39

    Slovenian government lowered air taxes for 20% ... this might help.

    1. Anonymous11:05

      Do you have a source for that?

    2. Anonymous11:28

      It should be part of "anti covid law - PKP 7 or 8"; they said they will lower costs from 255€ to 207€. it was in the media.

    3. Anonymous13:31

      Ok thanks, I'm quite interested but can't find it :(

    4. Anonymous13:40

      What are "Air taxes"? And 207€ for what? Airplane, passenger, landing, for every breath you take? Please explain.

    5. Anonymous13:53

      I found this:


      73. člen
      (znižanje pristojbine za navigacijske službe zračnega prometa na terminalih za leto 2021)

      (1) Za izboljšanje poslovnega okolja in letalske povezljivosti Slovenije Republika Slovenija z javnimi sredstvi posega v skupno stroškovno bazo za Republiko Slovenijo za oblikovanje pristojbin za navigacijske službe zračnega prometa na terminalih za leto 2021, kot se določa v skladu z Zakonom o zagotavljanju navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa (Uradni list RS, št. 30/06 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 109/09, 62/10 – ZLet-C in 18/11 – ZUKN-A; v nadaljnjem besedilu: ZZNSZP).

      (2) S posegom z javnimi sredstvi iz prejšnjega odstavka v višini 750.000 eurov se sofinancira del ugotovljenih stroškov storitev navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa na terminalih za obdobje od 1. januarja 2021 do vključno 31. decembra 2021. Sredstva se zagotovijo iz proračuna Republike Slovenije, po podpisu pogodbe iz četrtega odstavka tega člena.

      (3) Sredstva iz prejšnjega odstavka se razdelijo v skladu z 9. členom ZZNSZP.

      (4) Ministrstvo, pristojno za promet, z javnim podjetjem Kontrola zračnega prometa Slovenije, d. o. o., ki v skladu z 12. členom ZZNSZP vodi skupno stroškovno bazo za Republiko Slovenijo za oblikovanje pristojbin za navigacijske službe zračnega prometa na terminalih, sklene pogodbo, s katero se podrobneje določijo pravice in obveznosti pogodbenih strank glede izvedbe posega iz tega člena.

      K 73. členu

      Uporabniki zračnega prostora morajo za storitve, ki se jim nudijo, plačevati pristojbine in druge dajatve v skladu s slovensko zakonodajo, predpisi EU in mednarodnimi pogodbami. Uporabniki treh slovenskih javnih letališč, na katerih se odvija mednarodni zračni promet, morajo tako plačevati tudi pristojbino za navigacijske službe zračnega prometa na terminalih. Višina te pristojbine, tako kot druge dajatve v civilnem letalstvu, je okoliščina, ki vpliva na dojemanje poslovnega okolja, v katerem mora prevoznik delovati, in lahko vpliva na njegovo poslovno odločitev za izvajanje letalskih prevozov v državo in iz nje. Obseg ponudbe na trgu zračnih prevozov oz. število povezav iz države v druge države ustvarja povezljivost, ki pa je v Sloveniji v času drugega vala epidemije izredno nizka.
      Sodi se, da je višina pristojbine, ki je nižja od izračunane v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi (za leto 2021 bi bila izračunana pristojbina 255 EUR), eden od mehanizmov ustvarjanja ugodnejšega poslovnega okolja in s tem možnosti za izboljšanje letalske povezljivosti Slovenije.
      Z ukrepom, ko bo Republika Slovenija zagotovila javna sredstva v višini 750.000 EUR v skupno stroškovno bazo za Republiko Slovenijo za oblikovanje pristojbin za navigacijske službe zračnega prometa na terminalih za leto 2021, se bo znižala pristojbina za navigacijske službe zračnega prometa na terminalih na 207 EUR. Letalski prevozniki bodo tako plačevali nižjo pristojbino za navigacijske službe zračnega prometa na terminalih in bodo ekonomski beneficiar tega ukrepa.

    6. Anonymous14:34

      Thank you. Didnt know about the subsidy. And we are talking about Air Navigation Services Terminal Charges here, not taxes of any kind.

    7. Anonymous14:38

      1.3.2 Terminal Charges General

      A charge is levied from Slovenia Control, Ltd for covering the costs incurred for the use of services and facilities of Terminal Air Navigation Services at arrival and departure at international airports.

      Counting unit is the take off. Approach and departure as well as repeated touch and go, go-around approaches are rated as single use.

      The party liable for the charges is the operator of the aircraft or the owner of the aircraft in case that operator can not be recognised.

      The charge per flight will be calculated in accordance with the following formula:

      R = P × T

      where R is the charge, P is the service unit rate of charge and T is the weight factor of the aircraft Weight factor

      The weight factor T is defined with the following formula:

      T = ( MTOW / 50 )0.7 Service unit rate

      The value of the Terminal air navigation charge including the administrative unit rate established for Slovenia amounts to:
      •222.90 EUR (excluding VAT) per service unit from 01 JAN 2020 until 31 DEC 2020

    8. What is the purpose of formula:
      T=(MTOW/50)*0.7 ?

      T=MTOW*35 gives you same result...

      First one looks closer to "rocket science"... :)
      As long as they calculate this way no hope for aviation...

      Weight factor:
      The square root of the result obtained by dividing the MTOW (metric tons) of the aircraft by 50.

    9. Anonymous14:24

      T = (MTOW/50)⁰ˈ⁷

  12. Anonymous10:56

    Maybe this year’s Expo is an opportunity. Slovenia has invested a lot in its presentation. Their pavilion is already open and is right next to one of the entrances to the exhibition, in fact Minister Počivašek opened the Slovenian pavilion a few days ago. It looks really nice: I hope that this time they also succeed with the air connection.

    1. Anonymous11:03

      Looks very nice

    2. Anonymous11:06

      Anyone know how Pocivalsek went to Dubai?

    3. Anonymous11:49


    4. Anonymous11:56

      That would be interesting to know. Slovenian pavilion really looks great now that it is opened:

    5. Anonymous13:31

      Maybe they flew TK :D

    6. Anonymous15:11

      they probably flew government plane - Falcon 200EX as usually

  13. Anonymous12:34

    Now if we get Dubai flights with FlyDubai, only the bravest fly with them �� I dont fly with 737 MAX for one year for sure. I think many peapol will do the same.

    1. Anonymous13:05

      It won't necessarily be a MAX

  14. Anonymous14:39

    Fraport Ljubljana Airport kill Catering unit. Who will make airline catering for them? For any airline carrier?

    1. Anonymous15:11

      Very few airlines, if any at all, upload catering on short haul flights at outstations. It's normally done in the base, as it's much cheaper and easier.

  15. Anonymous21:05

    I think the Slovenian market can be served with TK for the East.

    1. Anonymous21:17

      Flydubai or qatar would easily fill daily b737/a320 in summer

    2. Anonymous21:18

      +1 last anon

  16. Anonymous21:06

    What about Wizzair LJU-AUH?

    1. SLO, AUH and WAZ...

      My opinion:
      -LJCE should start to operate mix: pax-military
      -implementation of schengen: CRO-SLO

      this combination may attract pax from ZAG and LJU.

    2. Anonymous21:57

      Why would you need LJCE if you already have MBX which has no flights. Better turn MBX into LCC airport, try to attract ryanair or wizz and start flights to UK, france, germany and maybe netherlands and scandinavia

  17. Anonymous21:06

    The Ljubljana Gulf saga. Hope they finally get the flights, they have been talking about it for years.

    1. Anonymous21:18

      Flights to the Middle East are way overdue. They have been holding talks for years. Time to put their money where their mouth is.

    2. Anonymous21:25

      Time to stop talking and do something this time


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