FlyBosnia plans to re-establish operations with an Airbus A320 aircraft, which is being prepared for delivery in Istanbul. The jet in question, registered TC-OBU, is 25 years old and was previously operated by Onur Air. The 180-seat aircraft is undergoing final checks and has received the carrier’s revised livery with larger FlyBosnia titles on the fuselage and more colour on the tail. The airline last operated scheduled flights in March 2020, before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, and has since run cargo flights and summer charters. It retired its sole aircraft, an A319, in late August of last year. The carrier played an important role during the height of the global lockdowns, when it operated a number of charters from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Slovenia to China, transporting medical supplies and equipment.
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Latest addition to FlyBosnia's fleet |
Speaking to EX-YU Aviation News last month, FlyBosnia’s CEO, Haris Čoloman, said, “FlyBosnia plans to acquire four Airbus A320 aircraft by the end of 2021. The first two are planned for delivery by April, and the remaining two during the fourth quarter of 2021. The majority of flights will be scheduled. As we saw last year, Bosnia and Herzegovina also requires a large volume of charters, so we will also focus on that segment of business. FlyBosnia plans to have an aircraft stationed at Sarajevo Airport, Mostar and Tuzla”. The airline has already concluded contracts to operate summer charters from Sarajevo to Turkey and Egypt this summer.
Commenting on the country’s aviation sector, FlyBosnia’s CEO said, “The aviation industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina is almost non-existent, both as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as a lack of understanding about the environment we are trying to operate in. We have seen a significant decline in passenger numbers globally, while Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is still considered a developing country, could have catastrophic consequences due to the decrease in foreign tourist arrivals, as well as investors, which again depends in large part to the development of the airline industry. FlyBosnia has managed to survive and I am certain that the airline will generate growth in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s aviation sector”.
The livery looks nicer
ReplyDeleteYes! Much much better
One word. WOW!
DeleteModern, not boring and representing BiH with the blue and yellow colours.
The airline name is also easy to remember.
I like it too
DeleteI'm liking the big titles
DeleteBut what are their chances now that Wizz Air is opening a base?
ReplyDeleteWell it seems they are focusing on charters.
DeleteNe moraju raditi iz Sarajeva. Veliki potencijal imaju čarter letove iz Italije za Mostar, kao i letove sa Bliskog Istoka u Tuzlu. Prije par dana, direktor banjalučkog aerodroma, najavio je pokretanje nove rute koja će povezati Banja Luku sa Bliskim istokom. Može biti da je to Istanbul, a da novinari nisu dobro prenjeli..
DeleteЈедина дестинација која има смисла из Бања Луке ка Блиском истоку је Анталија. Сећам се да су прошле године причали да је БЛ тражила чартере за Хургаду али да ЈУ није имао ваздухоплова. Ето прилике за Флајбосну да им преузме парче колача.
DeleteЈА је својевремно летела за Тиват, сигуран сам да има потенцијала за барем један лет недељно.
Е сада... када би Флајбосна била озбиљна и када би лепо уложила у маркетинг, могли би пробати и BNX-BEG. ЈУ нема довољно авиона да се озбиљно посвети овој линији а тржиште је огромно.
Mozda je i bilo tako 2019g, ali verujem da ako bi BL tražila čartere za tursku obalu, JU ne bi imao nikakvih problema da izadje u susret.
DeleteСве зависи како се развија чартер сезона у Србији. Иако је корона и мања је генерално потражња, ЈУ има много мање авиона у флоти. Отишли су 3 В733 и 1 А320. Прича се да ће бити јака сезона ка Турској и Египту, живи били па видели.
DeleteНе заборавимо да и Осијек доста одлучује где ће ЈУ летети тј где њихове агенције продају аранжмане. Цела источна Хрватска лети из Београда на летовање.
Ер Србија у овој ситуацији има вишак авиона а не мањак, каква Флајбосна за Бањалуку-Београд? У чланку је Флајбосна рекла да ће летети из СЈЈ, ТЗЛ и ОМО значи не из Бањалуке! Из Ер Србије јесу отишли сви 737 али њихова искоришћеност је била јако мала, све заједно мање него један 100% заузет авион. Осим тога дошла су два А319 из Адрије. Ово да Осијек одлучује, па то је смешно. Колико чартер путника има Београд, Нови Сад и све остало на сат-два око Београда у односу на Осијек? Макар мало разума пре коментарисања молим.
DeleteHey boys, how 'bout a little English?
DeleteYes please!
DeleteИсточна Хрватска даје солидан број путника Ер Србији. Не одлучују где се лети али имају удела јер њихове агенције исто тако закупљују авионе и места на летовима. Иначе Црногорци долећу редовним летовима па преседају даље на чартере.
DeleteGood luck
ReplyDeleteLet's see if it works out this time.
DeleteI'm not convinced
DeleteHere we go again
ReplyDeleteIt is good if Fly Bosnia venture works. No taxpayer money is involved into it. There is no harm to any of us if Fly Bosnia does not make it.
Delete+1 last anon
DeleteGood news for Sarajevo
ReplyDeleteAnd Tuzla and Mostar
DeleteTZL i OMO nece vidjet ni jedan avion,Fly Bosnia tako obecava godinama te avione
DeleteVery happy for SJJ this year, mainly positive stuff and news. It seems the airport management have woken up. Good luck to FlyBosnia. New livery definitely looks better.
ReplyDeleteYes, finally. Who would have thought we would see such positive developments in the corona era.
DeleteGreat development for aviation in Bosnia lately.
ReplyDeleteWithout an important element of commercial aviation: passengers.
DeleteYou are saying Wizz Air will fly empty ??
DeleteI wonder will they stick to mostly the Saudi market or will they launch more European routes.
ReplyDeleteMore charters to Turkey and Egypt.
DeleteIf this airline failed during the best time of aviation I see little opportunities in 2021.
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine how profitable their entire business is.
DeleteDid they pay off debt to Sarajevo Airport?
ReplyDeleteWhat is the amount they owe to SJJ?
DeleteSve dugove su isplatili aerodromu Sarajevo, a aerodrom je ukinuo takse, što će olakšati poslovanje FlyBosnia-e
DeleteIt seems they have paid all their debts.
DeleteAny good news is welcome in these times.
ReplyDeleteGood to see they are still in business.
ReplyDeleteSo it seems Saudi investor is willing to keep investing.
ReplyDeleteThey should stick to charters. Something like Trade Air. It could actually work.
ReplyDeleteWon't work for them because they are registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They would be limited to very few markets. Trade Air is EU airline so it can fly anywhere.
DeleteSretno FlyBosnia
ReplyDeleteHairli i od mene :)
DeleteHajde da vidimo nesto pozitivno iz Bosne posle mnogo godina.
ReplyDeletelets see what happens next..
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing they are hopeful Saudi Arabia will reopen its borders soon.
ReplyDeleteNot gonna happen any time soon.
DeleteWatch out Wizz :D
ReplyDeleteI had high hopes for this airline.
ReplyDeleteIt's a pity because they have the planes and they could actually create a small but profitable network from SJJ.
Delete"FlyBosnia plans to acquire four Airbus A320 aircraft by the end of 2021... The majority of flights will be scheduled."
ReplyDeleteI stopped reading after that.
They are going all in, that's for sure.
DeleteThey seem to do well with charters .
ReplyDeleteIt's good to see that they plan to expand.
ReplyDeleteFrom where will the other 3 A320s come from?
ReplyDeleteThey could get them all from Onur Air considering they have them all stored.
DeleteWasn't there information that some would come from United?
DeleteLogo looks much better on this blue background. Nice.
ReplyDeleteFly Bosnia nece letjeti s BNX nikad. Jer, nemaju profesionalni menadzment, strategiju i ne placaju, sto se vidjelo svojevremeno sa SSJ. I tamo su nakon dugo pregovora platili 500k evra duga. Predstavljaju se kao nacionalna kompanija a nisu, oni su privatni projekat. Oni nisu partner za ozbiljan posao. Za BG da lete, a ko ce im dati dozvolu? Da, u BG samo njih cekaju da im dođu. Mogu samo da rade čartere za Tursku i to ako sklope posao s turistickom agencijom i ponovo da pokusaju letjeti za Saudijsku arabiju zbog vjernika, a i tu imaju direktne protivnike koji favorizuju druge kompanije. B&H aviokompanija, ma dajte, budimo ozbiljni. Pozdrav
ReplyDeleteIt's just Onur's livery with new logo and titles...
DeleteGood they didn't get the aircraft from some other coloured airline. Phew.
Pink wouldn't match and be too similar to the upcoming 'national carrier'! :D