Ljubljana Airport figures decline 93%


Ljublajna Jože Pučnik Airport handled 5.534 passengers in February, representing a decrease of 93.1%. However, in a positive sign, the airport welcomed more travellers than in January, when figures were below 5.000. During the month, aircraft movements were down 40% to 957. Lufthansa had the largest share of traffic, standing at 40%, followed by Air Serbia and Turkish Airlines. Capacity-wise, Lufthansa was also the largest, followed by Turkish Airlines and Air Serbia. Over the first two months of the year, Ljubljana Airport handled 10.457 travellers, down 93.3%.

Month PAX Change (%)
JAN 4.923 93.5
FEB 5.534  93.1

Ljubljana Airport flight share in February

Ljubljana Airport capacity share in February


  1. Anonymous10:40

    Four airlines, rediculous. Just shut it down.

  2. Anonymous10:54

    So, this means LJU had roughly 200 passengers daily in FEB, which is like a FR or W6 jet on both directions. MAR should be much better and especially APR when the government incentives kick in.

  3. Anonymous10:57

    “Congratulations” to Mr. Skobir & Co. for the “excellent management” of the airport for the last 20 years. I’m just wondering how Fraport can support such a poor and incompetent administration? With no results ... For reminder: where are the Emirates, Qatar, Air India, etc.? There were so many nice words and absolutely no results ... Congratulations to Fraport

    1. Anonymous11:07

      Don't be mad, please. Most of the airports in the Fraports world had a decline especially in Greece:


      SKG stood at -89%!!

      The Brazilian airports showed the best performance.

    2. Anonymous11:40

      so SKP had more passengers then SKG for Jan+Feb. EPIC! haha

    3. Anonymous12:18

      @Anonymous 11:07 …. I'm being mad??? …. Please tell me what are the results of Mr. Skobir and co. in last 20 years (included all “nice words”) ???

    4. Anonymous12:45

      @Anon 12:18: The airport made profit for most of the years. Not enough?

    5. Anonymous12:58

      @12:18 - LJU will be fine starting April. Calm down. Also don't forget about the new terminal. I am pretty sure it won't be left empty or just like that.
      Again, look at the figures in the graph and compare the situation with the Greek airports for instance.

    6. Anonymous13:24

      @ 12.45 and 12.58 ... so many beautiful words and promises in last 20 years and the result is bizarre. When Adrila Airways was still active, the airport was quite connected and alive. The point of an airport is connections and new companies, not just in profit, right? Airport is for people and traveling, not just to have bulding and miserable profit ….. now, without Adria you can see how bad is Skobir administration without any strategy in last 20 years. And to make the misery even greater, the virus showed all the bizarre reality of LJU. Hallelujah for the new terminal, finally! But having a shiny new building with no connections is also bizarre. I a good day without virus, about 15 planes per day, compare to Adrias 30+ and other per day … unserious!! … it is obviously Fraport's interest not to have any traffic

    7. Anonymous13:41

      @anon 12:45

      I am quite sure that this profit came from prestige airlines which flew to LJU in the past (LH group, SU, Gulf airlines,...). #sarcasmOFF

    8. Anonymous14:01

      @13:24 - I recommend you change your glasses and have a different vision of the situation. We are facing a worldwide pandemic and most airports are having catastrophic figures, then why should LJU be an exception? Besides SEA will soon be born and the story will not be the same:


      We are not sure if we could blame Fraport because they have done a good job in many airports especially LIM, AYT & VAR for example.
      Lets wait until summer and discuss.

    9. Anonymous14:08

      We don't expect to have +20% increase, but at least we can expect to be in same line with airports in our region, or is this to much?
      Regarding SEA, they will focus on charter/ACMI business and for that reason address of the company does not have any connections with where they will operate. They already told that their focus won't be only in Slovenia but where demand will be. So if they will take few charters instead of Trade Air that won't change LJU figures, passengers are the same, only carrier will change change.

    10. Anonymous15:16

      @ Anonymous 14:01 .. I'm talking about last 20 years and NOT for period after The end of Adria Airways or for this pandemic fail !!! Can't you read??? ... NO power STRATEGY at all !!!! Idiotic !!!

  4. Anonymous11:14

    And be aware that this figures are compared to FEB20 when Fraport already had huge (more than 30 %) due to JP demise. So actual drop is even higher (I would say more than 95% compared to FEB19). This is disaster!

  5. Anonymous11:22

    The real blow will hit in a month. Wait for it!

  6. Anonymous12:03

    I was flying from Ljubljana - they still have ads for Berlin with Easyjet (and its not even printed banner, its video wall) #face palm ...

  7. Anonymous12:23

    I dont think LJU will even hit 100k this year

  8. Anonymous12:57

    Much better than expected .

    Congratulations LJU !

  9. Anonymous13:19

    I think they can easily close the airport.

  10. Anonymous13:30

    I bet Pula can outperform LJU this year :)

    1. Anonymous14:16

      Every city can outperform LJU, since Slivenia is the only country in the world with anti-covid measures in place.

  11. Anonymous14:56

    Something MUST be done with LJU when the terminal opens. W6 have just announced a HUGE expansion in TIA and this is crazy!!

    1. Anonymous15:31

      For TIA not that crazy :)... but for LJU it shows that the situation isn't that dire everywhere else

    2. Anonymous15:40

      W6 will base 4 aircraft in TIA and LJU can at least get 2!

    3. Anonymous17:14

      For your information Albania is perfect place for LCC due to few reasons: 1) Huge amount of diaspora around the EU; 2) Country of extraordinary potential for mass tourism; 3) Road connections are disaster.

      You have everything vice versa in Slovenia, no diaspora around EU, very limited tourism and perfect road connections.

    4. Anonymous17:19

      ˝very limited tourism˝ oh please..

    5. Anonymous17:38

      please enlighten how we could even be in position to have mass tourism in Slovenia. Because of 2 hotels in Bled and Portoroz? Just compare how many night average tourist spend in Slovenia and compare that to Croatia/Montenegro/Albania.

      So yes, it is very limited!

    6. Anonymous17:52

      I didnt know only 2 hotels had all 4,7m tourists.

    7. Anonymous17:56

      Do we know how much of those tourists have used the plane?

    8. Anonymous19:04

      4.7m tourists or nights?

      And what was the average visit of a tourist in Slovenia? 2 or 3 days?

    9. Anonymous19:23

      slovenia is the second most visited ex-yu country ...

    10. Anonymous19:41

      Average is 2,5 days which is another parameter which talks against LCC business model. So those who seriously believe that LJU can become a base for LCC are not from airline business or they are simply crazy.

    11. Anonymous19:45

      Easyjet could easily base two or three a320s at LJU

    12. Anonymous19:59

      you are a bit pesimistic, at least 5 to 10 they could base at LJU. Of course same apply for Wizz and Ryan...Slovenia is new Mecca for LCC.

    13. Anonymous21:07

      hillarious. is somebody comparing an EU country like SLo with ALB?

      the new announced routes are all gasto (4 of 6 are italian routes which says it all)

    14. Anonymous21:14

      Lol... the audacity. Enjoy your new deserted terminal.

    15. Anonymous22:58

      TIA has both very good advantages for its growing traffic because of both its diaspora but also tourism. The Albanian coast is getting more popular every year.
      LJU can apply the Albanian model aka Airline Incentive Policy introduced last July 2020 and already proven how successful it is for a short period in the middle of the pandemic:


      Nothing much to add really, if a model is successful elsewhere just apply it.

    16. Anonymous08:04

      Of course it would, we saw huge interest when government published tender for incentives. If something works in TIA, it does not mean that it will work in LJU as well.
      Why is that you can read in previous posts..

    17. Anonymous08:52


      Don't worry. People come here all the time, either to express their frustrations (or insult someone they don't even know) or their desires.

      Those of us who actually work in the airline business are well aware that LJU will never be anything. Especially not an LCC base. But that doesn't keep people from posting ridiculous comments.


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