Air Serbia sees busiest day since start of pandemic


Air Serbia has seen its busiest day since the global coronavirus pandemic Covid-19 began, which has had a devastating impact on the aviation industry. On April 30, Air Serbia carried 5.324 passengers, of which 4.758 were on scheduled flights and the remaining 566 on charters. “This would be an excellent result even before the pandemic”, the airline said. Consequently, Air Serbia saw its busiest 24 hours since March 8, 2020 when it welcomed 4.842 travellers on board its aircraft. April 30 marked Good Friday for Orthodox Christians, with many using the holiday to travel. Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport is also believed to have registered its busiest day in over a year with over fifty flights departing the Serbian capital that day.


  1. Anonymous10:58

    Finally! Congrats

  2. Serbia keeps winning !!!

  3. Anonymous12:11

    Dobro je da polako počinje oporavak,u nedelju čak 4 leta za Tivat.

    1. Anonymous12:35

      Stra 6 čartera za Hurgadu.

    2. Anonymous16:00

      По Београду су осванули билборди са рекламом аеродрома где рекламирају летове за Москву, Минск и Кијев. Испод сваког града стоји авио-компанија која обавља летове. Супер иницијатива, посебно за Кијев.

  4. They could use the A350 for BEG-TIV next weekend and have a LF of 100%.


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