Tivat Airport committed to night flights


Airports of Montenegro, the company which manages the country's two international airports - Podgorica and Tivat - has said it is committed to enabling Tivat Airport to handle traffic during night time hours. The General Manager of Airports of Montenegro, Goran Jandreoski, said, “We are diligently working on completing procedures which began some time ago to finally enable night time arrivals into Tivat Airport. We have continued cooperation with Navblue, owned by Airbus [which is studying the advantages of night time flights at Tivat Airport], while SMATSA [Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency] has joined as a new partner in this project”. Mr Janderoski added, “That is necessary, because in aviation, when a procedure is completed, a third body must verify it. We expect that, when we complete these steps, the Civil Aviation Agency will recognise this process”. The operator aims to keep the airport operational from early morning until 23.00.


  1. Anonymous14:05

    Montenegro keeps winning!

    1. Anonymous16:03

      It's a win that should have happened decades ago. Even the team at the bottom of the table wins sometimes.

  2. Anonymous15:03

    They have been talking about this for ages (from Yugoslavia times). Does anyone know if the lighting system was installed so far?

  3. Anonymous20:17

    Kad ce TZL zavrsit svoju famoznu rasvjetu,da avioni kad je magla mogu sigurno da slete....

    1. Anonymous10:22

      Tuzla je davno jos 2016 god zavrsila to sto je mogla..samo sto neupuceni nisu u toku. Izaslo se na 720m sa pristupnom rasvjetom i postigao cilj jer je sa ugradjenim FALS (Full...) mimina za slijetanje od tada RVR 550m. Izlazak na 900m ce biti onda kad se iskrci suma koju opcina rjesava vjecnost..ali i kad se desi nece promijeniti minimume. Daljnja unapredjenja jedino moguca ako Tuzla odluci da krene u pravcu CAT II ili III pa se minimumi spuste na 300m...150m itd ali to je neka druga prica.

    2. Anonymous20:05

      Ako je ovako kao sto pises,zasto TZL jos salje avione u BEG kad je magla i smanjena vidljivost.

      TZL koliko ja znam ima problem sa vlasnicima zemlje gdje se postavlja rasvjeta,ljudi nece da prodaju ...

    3. Anonymous21:50

      Nece ljudi da prodaju da, ali vjerujem da ce Tuzla docekati svoje vrijeme jer je aerodrom od javnog interesa. Glede slijetanja u BEG umjesto u TZL pogledaj svaki put kada se to desi kolika je vidljivost na Tuzli i malo proguglajte uslove za CATI, II, III itd.
      Svaki put kad je preusmjerenje u BEG magla na TZL je uz vidljivost od oko 100 do 200m a na sve aerodrome u BiH mozes sletjeti samo uz vidljivost od 550m ili vise (svi su CAT I). Znaci da na Tuzli u takvim slucajevima magle ne bi mozda pomogao ni CAT III (0-150m) daga ima a kamoli CAT II (300-350m) a posebno ne postojeci CAT I od 720m. BEG kapa dole ima CATIII sa auto land. Nema na cemu. J

  4. Anonymous12:52

    Dear General manager, approach lights first than dream of night flights.


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