Trending in April

The following are the ten most read articles on EX-YU Aviation News throughout April according to accumulated statistics: 

The three most read trip reports in April:

The most popular vintage photo published in April:

JAT delegation visiting the first DC-10 in production, Long Beach, 1978

The most visitors by country:

1. Serbia
2. Slovenia
3. Croatia
4. United States
5. United Kingdom
6. Germany
7. Macedonia
8. Bosnia and Herzegovina
9. Canada
10. Switzerland
11. Australia
12. Austria
13. Netherlands
14. Sweden
15. Montenegro


  1. Anonymous09:52

    What a great vintage pic. Love it

    1. I am not sure the people on the photo are JAT delegation visiting production. As much as I managed to recognize, at least five or six people on the photo are ex-JAT higher ranked cabin crew, pursers /instructors/flight directors, probably on training for the new type with the manufacturer. However, pic is great, I got sentimental again 😃

  2. Anonymous12:08

    Once more, respect to EX YU Aviation for this article about the history of BEG airport. keep posting stuff like this.

  3. Anonymous16:14

    Jel može kad već objavljujete iz koje zemlje je najviše posetilaca da napišete i broj posetilaca po zemljama. Bio bih vam baš zahvalan. Hvala

  4. Anonymous19:29

    Koji je parametar da neka slika postane most popular? drugim recima kako se vrsi odbir i rangiranje slika? Bas me intetesuje

    1. Based on social media engagement and likes


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