Croatia Airlines Dash aircraft damaged


Croatia Airlines’ Dash 8 Q400 turboprop aircraft, registered, 9A-CQA, which was operating between Zagreb and Sarajevo last night, has sustained damage to its fuselage. Although initially believed to have been caused by bullets, the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has said no traces of gunpowder were found. The damage was identified during a regular check of the aircraft upon its arrival in Sarajevo. "The safety of passengers and crew was not at risk", the carrier said, however, this morning’s return flight from Sarajevo to Zagreb, which was to be performed by the same aircraft, was cancelled. The Croatian Minister for Sea, Transport and Infrastructure,  Oleg Butković, said a hole measuring two by two centimetres was found on the aircraft's fuselage. "I don't know whether it was shot at or what happened but it is a fact that the aircraft is damaged", Mr Butković said. The plane will now undergo a full inspection to determine the exact cause and scope of the damage. It remains grounded in Sarajevo.


  1. Anonymous10:31

    Wedding or what??

    1. Anonymous17:30

      The aircraft has NOT been shot at....

  2. Anonymous10:32

    Bad look for SSJ
    "The safety of passengers and crew was not at risk", im not sure about that

    1. Anonymous11:06

      Presumably the incident happened overnight as the plane flew to Sarajevo last night and was due to fly back this morning, so it would have been empty of crew and passengers when it happened.

    2. Anonymous11:18

      It's regular night flight, so people were on board

  3. Anonymous10:53

    Aegean suspended flights to Beirut a few months ago after its plane was hit by bullets.

    1. Anonymous12:19

      That's not true and Aegean is regularly flying to BEY. The aircraft at the time was damaged at the ground collision incident.

    2. Anonymous15:47

      I like the way these two posts are totally contradictory.

    3. Anonymous15:48

      They did suspend flights. It's well documented's%20dominant%20Aegean,after%20it%20landed%20in%20Beirut.

    4. Anonymous18:34

      Just checked the Aegean site and they do indeed fly to Beirut.

    5. Anonymous22:55

      The resumed flights, but they were suspended.

  4. Anonymous11:21

    Naive observation, but this damage could have been sustained anywhere between the climb out from ZAG and landing in SJJ. Unfortunately not the first nor the last such incident globally.

  5. Anonymous15:22


    Postoje dva scenarija. Prvi je da je pucano namjerno kao neka vrsta političke poruke, a drugi scenarij, koji je po meni vjerojatniji, jest da je netko naprosto pucao, a Croatia Airlines pritom nastradala kao kolateralna žrtva. Kad slijeće na sarajevski aerodrom, avion slijeće preko Pala, a znate da tamo ima svega, često i pucnjave, kazao je Šćuric dodavši kako dosad nije zabilježen sličan slučaj s nekim avionom Croatia Airlinesa te da se takve stvari obično događaju u ratom zahvaćenim područjima. - Gledajte, da je taj metak pogodio rezervoar ili negdje blizu hidraulike, bilo bi svega, kazao je Šćuric.

    At the end we see that no shooting was done. Shame.

    1. Anonymous16:06

      OMG. Šćuric and his "expertise" again. How is it still possible to take him seriously and even so called serious media called him "zrakoplovni analitičar"?

    2. Anonymous16:22

      This airlpane was not even close to Pale. It landed from totally opposite side of Sarajevo.

    3. Anonymous17:42

      Sjedi Šćuriću, kec iz geografije.

    4. Kakav flag carrier, takav i analiticar i ekspert. Zna se! Vjerodostojno!

    5. Anonymous18:42

      Same, big expert like Dr. Omer Kulich; rare globally expert.

  6. Anonymous17:31

    The most terrifying fact here is that person like Ščuric is considered as an aviation expert!!!!!!!!!
    For how long will those journalists take him for granted??
    All that BS that he writes on forums (especially considerations regarding airline future) never came to reality...and I don'tknow if you have noticed, but he is always wrong.
    I would like to see his credentials for calling himself " aviation expert".
    OMG, in what country are we living.
    That last Cessna crash with fatalities, the plane wasn'teven found and he stated that it was a pilot error. If I was related to that poor pilot, I would get him to the Court!!!

    1. Anonymous17:46

      I'm reading his blogs for shi** and giggles... His ego is unbeliavable

    2. Anonymous19:30

      He deleted actually all the comments on his site talking about his interview for "Jutarnji" where he made epic mistakes.

    3. Anonymous20:46

      You mean his 'elite' site.

    4. On his Mazoretkinje site, he claimed JAT Yugoslav Airlines, the one from best Yugoslav times, went bankrupt because of missmanagement. All my facts and data about the war, sanctions, market of 22 million reduced to 7, loss of tourist markets of Croatia and Montenegro, feeding network drastically reduced, all was erased. Not once but several times. He wrote one member of his "redaction" to be from Dubrovnik. The guy is from Rijeka, currently living in Split. Guess what : my post about it was erased. Whenever I dared to write anything about Adeze ruining civil aviation in Croatia and the country in general, erased within seconds. I don't go to Mazoretkinje site anymore as a result and never again will. First because of his 'knowledge", and second because of his ego.

    5. Anonymous21:24

      I can't agree more with you Pozdrav

    6. Anonymous10:38

      Ako itko pljuje više po OU od pozdrava iz Rijeke to je Šćuric.

      Pozdrave, je li ti pričaš o onome JATu zahvaljujući čijoj je propasti nastao OS i TK?

    7. 1.Gospodin se do skora hvalio da je savjetnik u OU. Poceo je pljuvati po njima otkada su mu zahvalili na savjetnickim uslugama. 2. Laz ne sluzi nikome i nicemu. Laz je da sam rekao da su OS i TK nastali kada je nestao JAT. Cinjenica je da su ove dvije kompanije imale najbrzi rast u Europi nakon raspada Jugoslavije. 3. Tikati mozete one stranacke kolege s kojima ste do jucer cuvali ovce. Ja Vam ne dozvoljavam da mi se obracate sa Ti.

  7. Anonymous20:00

    Ne znam što ste se na Šćurica navalili. Čovjek možda ne zna sve o samom letenju, no bolje od bilo koga razumije aviation business.

    1. Anonymous20:00

      *od bilo koga ovdje u komentarima

    2. Anonymous20:20

      Zaista ste duhoviti.

    3. Anonymous20:42

      Interview Jutarnjem govori sve o njemu. Nije ga dao pod prinudbom.


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