PHOTOS: Belgrade Airport construction update


Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport’s expansion project is continuing to advance. Following the opening of its extended C pier, the bulk of the work is now cantered around the reconfiguration of the access plateau in front of the terminal buildings and the construction of a central processor, which will enable the airport to boast 100 check-in desks, up to 1.200 square metres of additional retail space and an expanded arrivals area. This project will allow for faster access and more efficient traffic flow, as well as increased short-term parking capacity.

The first part of the new open-air car park in front of the terminal buildings has now been completed and is expected to open in the near future, easing traffic congestion in front of the construction sites.

Construction work inside the terminal buildings is also continuing, with a third floor being added above all the departure gates. Work has been completed at gates C1 and C2, with construction still taking place at gates C3 and C4. Furthermore, work has started on the expansion and overhaul of gates A7 - A10. The remaining A pier gates are now being transformed to match those from the C pier, as well as the airport’s new open floor concept. All arriving and departing passengers are now segregated and no longer mix on the first floor, with the main staircase between the departures and arrivals level, which was previously used, now closed.

Work on the 3.500-metre-long inserted runway, as well the reconstruction of part of the main parallel taxiway, are also gaining pace, while the airport’s new control tower is expected to be opened soon. A number of other projects, including a new de-icing platform, helicopter terminal and new taxiways are also advancing.


  1. Anonymous10:37

    Love the picture with Mahan

  2. Anonymous11:26

    That green interior is very disturbing.

    1. Anonymous13:08

      I love it. More colorful nice it will look and certainly less depressive.

    2. Anonymous17:52

      Well, kitsch is not the only alternative to depressive. You can also make something elegant and harmonious.

    3. Anonymous18:02

      What green interior??? Those are computer renders dude. Actual photos from recently opened C gates show black seats. Retractable belts at new security checks are white. What are you smoking? Something green?

  3. Anonymous11:30

    The open concept will suit the A6-A10 gates which are much smaller than the rest.

    1. Anonymous14:22

      This layout of the airport is a normal thing everywhere in the world. Those gates were not suitable for more than 50 pax, yet they were pushing more people inside, it was. a horrible experience. I'm more than glad this is gaining pace, the airport already looks totally different.

  4. Anonymous11:38

    It is absolutely said to see this poor Vinci's design destroying the legacy of Belgrade's airport. Surcin was always an airy airport with light modern colors and huge open spaces. Now, they are building labyrinths, similar to Lisbon airport, while using this terrible light green color, as wall as depressive, antimodern dark (false) wooden floors. The airport will be probably very functional with a nice capacity, but it will be one of the ugliest in Europe and maybe even in the world. If you don't recall, find some older pictures of Belgrade's airport on the net.

    1. Anonymous11:41

      You obviously haven't been at the airport. The whole airport has become open concept meaning there are less partitions, walls and glass barriers then before. To claim they are building "labyrinths" shows you haven't been at the airport.and really couldn't be further from the truth. It is the exact opposite.

    2. Vlad14:18

      "Surcin was always an airy airport with light modern colors and huge open spaces."

      As exemplified by gates A6-A10. Please.

    3. Anonymous14:24

      This clearly shows that you haven’t seen the airport since reconstruction started.

    4. Anonymous16:10

      Personally I like new design of the airport and porcelain tile (wood looking floors) add touch of luxury and much easy to maintain it clean ( way better option than carpets).

    5. Anonymous17:46

      Actually, I've been several times, last time on Saturday, otherwise, it wouldn't bother to write. If I were on some domestic politics portal I would thought that few of you are BOTs, as you are sending almost the same comments, limited in style and spirit.

      "Luxury" - that is the word that cannot be associated with OUR airport. The new toilets are literally falling apart, as they used the cheapest possible tiles and "sanitarije". I will take a few photos next time for you, wise guys.

      Yes, Surcin was airy - Terminal 2 - you are now going through a snake made of duty free shops. Terminal 1 is still "airy", hope it will stay like that.

    6. Anonymous17:59

      So if someone doesn't agree with you and actually likes the reconstruction they are "bots"?

      I am still uncertain you have been to the airport. You mention "snake" made up of duty free "shops". You actually enter the duty free shop after passport control. One of them, not several. It is one store. As is general practice across the world, most airports make you go through duty free because it forces you to look at things and perhaps buy them. Many airports make the majority of their revenue from shopping, even more than from airline fees.

      As for your "airy" claims, the new reconstruction completely opened up space at the airport. It ended the partition of gate areas so it is all one space and also they made a central square, all of which was divided into shops before. So your comment really is little to do with reality.

    7. Anonymous18:58

      Anon 11:38 and 17:46 what terrible light green colour? Except signage that has to be in highlighter yellow or similar attention-grabbing colour there is none. One of the ugliest airports in the world? You have clearly not seen hundreds of airports around the world, buddy. Snake of duty free shops? It's actually more like U shaped duty free, much easier to navigate than many others, and certainly incomparably easier than navigating IKEA stores everywhere. You were expecting Luxury airport? Go to First class lounges or VIP terminals, not public areas. Except for small number of airports there is really no luxury at public areas of new airports.

      New sections of Belgrade airport may not perfect but they are quite okay, which I can't say for you.

    8. He definitely has never been to BEG and has no idea what that airport use to look like and how much better that airport looks today . Don't understand what is his point of posting such a weird incorrect info ?

  5. Anonymous13:36

    Anon 11:38 - someone is jealous , look like you haven't been at the airport

  6. Anonymous13:56

    What is the point of look good when functionality and know how are lacking. The other day it took 50 min to check in bags for IST flight with TK. There was not that many people but the process is slow like hell and the agents rude and arrogant.

    1. Anonymous14:11

      That's up to the airline not the airport

    2. Anonymous15:16

      The handler is AB staff so it comes back to the airport

    3. Anonymous18:52

      Don't know if you follow the news, but airports across the continent are bursting at their seams since they are understaffed.

  7. Anonymous14:55

    Last couple of times (in May and June) my experience with BEG airport service was quite negative - long queues at both newly centralised security control and passport control on return; toilets not even of third world countries standard; nowhere to eat before 6am; waited full hour (?!) for baggage delivery; approach to airport building in total chaos; VERY long walk from new C gates to the passport control with only a few short moving sidewalks that were out of function... Incompetent management or simply work in progress?

    1. Anonymous16:03

      No, it's just you.

    2. Anonymous16:18

      Anonymous14:55 - I would agree about "approach to airport building in total chaos", but that's expected. In regards of waiting queue.. have you been in Dublin and Amsterdam (those airports are disaster cause they don't have enough staff). Dublin Airport - last few weeks waiting time only to enter in to the Airport Hall was over 3 hours. Waiting time on sec. was over 1 hours.

  8. Anonymous16:15

    That new building in front of the current airport will be huge.

  9. Mnogo je ljudi koji vole Aerodrom Beograd. Verujem da je mnogo vise onih koji imaju pozitivan odnos. Ima i onih koji
    Ga nevole. Manje ili vise. Ipak svi su u pravu kada se zale
    na prilaz i parkiranje ispred i pored terminala. Ipak ljudi najvise prave probleme sebi, drugima i samoj organizaciji
    Aerodroma. Umesto da idu na javni parking od osamsto i vise mesta iza hangara udaljenog deset, dvanaest minuta hodanja. Gde je obezbedjen shatle prevoz na svakih deset minuta. Ljudi dolaze ispred starog parkinga i cekaju po petnaest i vise minuta dolazece putnike. To isto cine oni koji dovoze putnike. Gde se stvara nevidjeni galamatijas.
    Ruzan odnos i jos ruzniji postupci medju ljudima koji hoce da se parkiraju gde nema mesta.Jos i da se priblize Terminalima sto blize...
    Zbog lokalnog mentaliteta i nacina razmisljanja najefikasniji nacin jeste barikade i fizicko pregradjivane. U sadasnjim uslovima koje sam i sam doziveo prije neku sedmicu vracajuci se sa leta. Koriscenje novog Aerodromskog Parkinga, protok putnika i saobracaja bio bi drugaciji.
    Nije lako putujucim ljudima. Sigurno da je teze zaposljenima na Terminalima i oko njih. Nebih se radovao da sam u njihovoj kozi.
    Jos da dodam da sam i sam bio dobrovoljni clan Special Assistant Team member, na Domacim Terminalima u vreme dogradnje spratnih kolovoza. Pred pocetak Olimpijskih igara u Sidneju. Sa kolegama asistirao sam putnike, naravno posle radnog vremena i bez nadoknade. To bih i sada cinio u ovim godinama i ovde na Srpskim aerodromima.
    Svakako sam nepotreban. A zivot tece dalje.
    Jedno je izvesno. Medjunarodni Aerodrom Nikola Tesla Beograd bice pravi primer medjunarodnog Haba do 20 miliona putnika kapaciteta.
    Ostali odnosi u radu i opsluzivanju ce zavisiti od nas koji se zalimo, ili hvalimo Centralnu vazdusnu luku Srbije.
    Mnogo srece u letovima sa Aerodroma Nikola Tesla Beograd.
    Rodney Marinkovic and Aviation Enthusiast Associate Group. 😀🇷🇸✈🌐🛫🇷🇸🛫

    1. Anonymous18:33

      Parkiranje na daljinu i koriscenje javnog prevoza je resenje za kongestiju saobracaja u centru grada i drugim sredinama. Ovo je aerodrom, ljudi ne trebaju da u pola dva po podne parkiraju kola na nekom vasaru kilometar i po od terminala i cekaju svakih 10 minula bus koji uzgred receno ih i ne tera do same zgrade direktno nego staje na robnom terminalu i tehnici i ne sluzi samo putnicima nego i osoblju. Trenutna konstrukcija je uzas, navrat-nanos zbrka bez dobre signalizacije, puno neravnina i peska uz jos busne zgrade kao sto smo videli juce kad nas je strefio monsun. Aerodromski parking se ne nadogradjuje momentalno u piku putovanja nego pre ili posle. Pored toga je alternativa (mislim na garazu) kriminalno skupa. Ko voli da se dici naprednim umotvorinama, neka se dici. Ali ovo do sada je haos i katastrofa i jedino moze da se kritikuje. A nas narod jeste da voli da kritikuje a nista ne preduzima.

  10. Anonymous17:05

    How do you get from the arrivals to departures level in this layout without going outside?

    1. Anonymous17:12

      There is a transfer zone on level 1 from which you can enter the departures area. You have to pass next to the transfer zone upon arrival in any case

    2. Anonymous17:14

      You can see it in this trip report in the last photo

      From there you go througj a door into departures.

    3. Anonymous17:44

      It looks like that's for airside transfers. What I meant is once arriving passengers collect their baggage and go past customs, how can they get to departures level above without making a large outside trip? Is there a new staircase or elevator going one level up? Something like that exists on most airports.

    4. Anonymous17:48

      No you have to go outside until they finish reconstruction of the stairs. It existed in Belgrade too until they had to close it for contruction. The trip takes 5 minutes walk. Then again at airports like Amsterdam you are currently not allowed to enter the terminal if your flight isn't within 3 hours and it is likely you will miss your flight as current line fotlr terminal entry is over 4 hours.

    5. Anonymous18:12

      Not just Amsterdam. I had to help older relatives check in at YYZ after dropping them off at the curbside. Airport security stopped me from entering passenger bridge connecting parking to the terminal. Luckily I had tickets with wheelchair assistance printed on it so they let me in.

    6. Anonymous18:57

      I think the reason he is asking is because of the bus no. 72 which is a standard Belgrade public transport line and hence you are charged the standard public transport fare. 72's terminus was on the departures level, so if you were arriving to Belgrade you had to take the stairs/elevator to save a few bucks (because only taxis and the A1 express bus stopped at the arrivals).

    7. Anonymous19:11

      Hoću taksijem do Novih Banovaca a vaučer ne pokriva tu zonu. Umesto da se svađam sa bahatim taksistima koji traže i po 5-6 hiljada hteo sam da odem gore i uhvatim taksije koji ostavljaju putnike na okretnici.

    8. Anonymous19:13

      Pa mozes da odes do gore. Prosetaj 5 minuta.

    9. Anonymous20:15

      People seem to be commenting as if the airport is finished. It's still a construction site for god sake. From my experience in April it looks quite OK, except the current arrival hall that was a mess, but still because of the construction site limitations. It's not how it will work once finished. It's actually amazing that it works at all in the midst of such a huge revamp.

    10. Anonymous20:54

      @Anon at 19:13
      Pitanje je bilo without going outside.

  11. Anonymous21:36

    I picked up cab voucher in the arrivals area but cab drivers outside at the interim parking space refused to drive me for fixed price. Someone mentined another cab station in “a tunnel” but I couldn’t find that. Imho the lower deck / old cab station which could be considered а “tunnel” doesn’t exist anymore.

  12. Anonymous21:52

    Recently travelled ;it took me days to recover from the return trip and battle to get out of the airport and to be picked up in what looked like Hiroshima. Yes one day it will be finished and probably all will be forgotten but I have never experienced such a dangerous building sight and total lack of organisatio and safety The well known Serbian way. I wonder what people coming to Belgrade for the first time think. I know that I will not be going anywhere until it is all finished. And that will take a while for sure.

    1. Anonymous21:54

      You pass through the tunnel which is in the photo here. I don't know how you find it dangerous. Drama queen. Btw it will be finished next year. So far everythong has been on time.

    2. Anonymous23:14

      Anon 21:52 Same style as earlier Anon hater comments. For example, frequent use of hyperboles to bellitle Belgrade airport. Earlier it was used in the context of BEG being one of the ugliest airports in Europe if not the whole world. Now, he never experienced such a dangerous building sight and total lack of safety! Earlier comment said new toilets are literally (!) falling apart, now it took him days to recover from the battle to get out of the airport!

      Far removed from being objective observer with unhealthy obsession to say at least.

    3. Anonymous10:05

      anon 21:52 ''the well know Serbian way''? Airport is being built by French & Greek companies, what are you on about? I am not even sure if there are Serbian workers there.

    4. Anonymous10:05

      Well, I must say, regarding toilets they are certanly right :) flew few days ago to Zurich and had to use toilet. I went to men toilet on "Tesla square" just to realize that there is NO WATER which means no flushing options for urinals and toilet can imagine what that means ;))) in the middle of morning, men toilet on main pax square in the airport was flowing with urine and feces...stalls covered in feces, urinals overflowing with urine...i am not kidding. 3 JUN in the morning...
      Had to go to new toilets on new C pier. Man that was close call haha

  13. Anonymous22:00

    They need to get rid of the taxi mafia guys at arrivals.

  14. Anonymous14:23

    Gledam sve ove sto slepo veruju u prosperitet mehura od ekonomije i divote jeftinog linoleuma praveci se vrhunski englezi. Divota gospodo.

  15. Anonymous19:35

    Moja supruga je sletela i nakon dva dana poletela (nedavno, pocetak oktobra), i navodno su WC prostorije vrlo prljave. Bilo bi bruka da se to ne popravi.


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