Air Serbia to launch AI-driven dynamic pricing


Air Serbia will become the launch customer of Sabre’s Air Price IQ tool, which provides technology for airlines to generate relevant offers by analysing the carrier’s own shopping and revenue management data in real time along with relevant marketplace insights. The cloud-native solution utilises artificial intelligence (AI) to optimise price and help airlines drive higher conversion rates and improved yield by delivering more relevant offers across all channels. “Given the challenges the travel industry has faced through the pandemic, creating products that better meet the expectations of travellers and improve profitability for airlines at the same time is more important than ever”, Wade Jones, Sabre’s Chief Product Officer, said. He added, “To match travellers to the right fares at the right times requires intelligent systems that analyse large volumes of data at scale and use advanced machine learning models to deliver actionable insights. We are delighted to have found a forward-thinking, innovative partner in Air Serbia to work with us in preparing for this paradigm shift in travel”. Air Serbia’s CEO, Jiri Marek, noted, “As an industry we are facing a rapid pace of change. After the challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, we are now looking forward to the opportunities of the summer season and exploring new opportunities. We must realise these opportunities in this volatile environment, while delivering an enhanced booking and travel experience to our customers. Sabre’s innovative Air Price IQ is a key driver in our move from static pricing to dynamically created personalised offers”.


  1. Anonymous13:38

    Since they are lacking the human intelligence, let's go for artificial intelligence! Oh, wait! That is on the cloud! Bottom line: common sense is not so common!

    1. Anonymous14:49

      Of course they lack human intelligence. When they rebranded and took the legacy of the former airline they gradually fired a significant portion of knowledgeable people from JAT and replaced them with a smaller number of less experienced and less costly youngsters which had mentors to learn from easily and dare I say were brought in line with their docility and lack of critical stance towards the upper management. But never mind the facts, faux anglophones here will tell you Air Serbia is undoubtably successful and a continental leader.

    2. Anonymous14:55

      Yata yata yata you two.

    3. Anonymous15:14

      Anon 14:49 this is why Jat Airways will always be the best and it was always the best. Those JAT and Air Serbia problems were not present.

    4. Anonymous16:01

      jat brand dissapeared in 2013. when you are retired from jat time stands still but it's time to let it go. from today's perspective jat is ancient history and it should be preserved in museums, not brought up in artificial intelliigence news!

    5. JATBEGMEL16:06


      I also was disappointed with how they treated the former Jat Airways staff. There were some fantastic people working in the company that ended up being replaced with some inexperienced staff. From what I hear, the work environment is terrible in the company, which is unfortunate.

    6. Anonymous16:35

      As fantastic as they might have been, don't forget they didn't have online booking, smartphone app, online check-in and many other things. Times have changed.

    7. Anonymous17:30

      They had ancient fleet that was falling apart (leasing last minute broken Bulgarian B737 with holes in tanks), they did not have hub model but only P2P, they lost code share with LH, they were using old planes for spare parts, they did not even paint their whole B737 fleet when they changed their name to Jat Airways, no bank wanted to give them a loan, they never materialized their intention flying to JFK with B767, they were beaten by weak OU in ex Yu.
      Maybe there were super professional employees, but as a company they were pure disaster.

    8. Anonymous17:38

      Exactly the true. Etihad was more than happy at the time to keep some experienced and hard working people from JAT, but those practically haven’t existed. When your first move is to put a card/board at the entrance of the main office building with messages such as “please dress up nice for the work”, “keep the office doors open”, “don’t throw garbage/cigarettes in front of the building”, then you know what kind of company was Jat Airways.

    9. Anonymous17:49

      Jat Airways did infact have online booking which in its lowest form was still more purposeful for the time than the bare bones smartphone app Air Serbia has today. Air Serbia introduced less comfortable seating, removed complementary sandwiches on short-haul flights, for a while charged for airport check-in which it later supplemented for a semi-functional automated ckeck-in stands, replaced Amadeus with Sabre (which is by account of many employees I had a chance to talk to a far worse option) and a plethora of other things which are downgrades from what Jat had and offered.

    10. Anonymous17:52

      Neki izgleda žale za vremenima JAT-a.Sleti avion na kome je utovareno npr. 3 kartona piva,jedan se proda preostala dva se samo razduže u magacinu kao da su takođe prodata i idemo dalje....Epa prpšla su ta vremena .

    11. Anonymous18:14

      Jao ma ne žali bre niko za vremenima i Jat-om, šta je vama ljudi, umete li da razumete pročitano? Poenta je u kritici neprofesionalnog odnosa prema kadrovima iz Jata koje su kasnije šutnuli kao mator krš i zaposlili su podobne i neiskusne. Ali hajde, kritikovati razne besposlene tipove u komentarima je uzaludno.

    12. Anonymous18:42

      Air Serbia introduced less comfortable seating, removed complementary sandwiches on short-haul flights, for a while charged for airport check-in which it later supplemented for a semi-functional automated ckeck-in stands"

      Sounds like any random covid time airliner except those like QR, TK.

    13. Anonymous18:44

      ^ quoted anon@17:49

    14. Anonymous19:16

      Sa razduživanjem piva ili bez, ta kompanija i ekonomija uopšte nisu bili neuspešniji od ovoga što sada imamo gde se pravilno zavodi svaki karton piva. Gde su onda pare?

    15. Anonymous19:26

      Anon @ 18:42 JU did that long before corona.

    16. Anonymous19:30

      Zar nisu prilikom formiranja AS poslati mladi ljudi na školovanje u Abu Dabi i da su nakon obuke vraćeni u Beograd na rukovodeće pozicije?Zar nisu smanjili broj zaposlenih za gotovo 1000? Kako to zamišljate da u vazduhoplovstvu rade partijski kadrovi,učlanim se u SNS i pravac kokpit?Ako su 2-3 sekretarice u direkciji i zapošljene preko partijske knjižice u to mogu da poverujem. Voleo bih da neko iznese činjenice pa da o njima raspravljamo.Koliko ukupno ima zaposlenih u AS,koliko je od toga u administraciji a koliko na opsluživanju aviona? Pa da se iznesu podaci iz vremena JAT-a pa da podvučemo crtu.

    17. Anonymous19:35

      Pare su kod velikih igrača u koje je prvo spucano milione evra a onda se setili da vlasti ne smeju da finansiraju avio idustriju.

    18. Anonymous19:52

      How can we even compare Jat Airways in 2013 and Air Serbia in 2022? Jat had 5.75 operational aircraft (of 9 in total) for a summer timetable in 2013. Air Serbia has a decent regional fleet with a mix of A320 family and ATR aircraft, they are getting the second widebody, they are flying to New York for 5 years, soon to Chicago, China, c’mon guys, let’s be realistic.

    19. Anonymous19:59

      I learned so much about chemtrails from former Jat experts. Just imagine their fact-based and expert consensus thinking applied to solve modern airline challenges. LOL!

      Some of those former leaders are so unaware how wrong or at least archaic their views are, they are still seeking public spotlight and then making themselves look like a joke. Imagine being left by a lover a decade ago but still unable to let go. So sad and immature.

      JAT/Jat has a well deserved place in aviation history. Those awesome Vintage photos section and great historical facts from the past.

    20. @An.17.52
      Postovani, zaista ne znam za Jat Airways, ali u onom JAT-u na koji smo svi mi koji smo bili njegov makar mali dio neizmjerno ponosni, i koji je bio jedna od najvecih europskih i svjetskih kompanija, pivo se nije prodavalo, bilo je besplatno, tako da ne znam o cemu pricate. Ali kad bolje promislim , sjetim se da neki tvrde da je onda u Jugoslaviji bilo moguce kupiti samo jednu vrstu jogurta, pa mi onda odmah sve postane malo jasnije...☺

    21. Anonymous10:49

      Hahahaha. Pozdrav za Rijeku.

  2. Anonymous15:34

    They better start by fixing their online platform (i.e. timetable is a mess; booking a flight is cumbersome and not straightforward took me 3 attempts to buy a ticket). Overall much to be desired!

    1. Anonymous15:55

      Perhaps you need some AI to supplement your intelligence? Most people need just one attempt.

      As for the messy timetable, have you been living on Mars until today? Check out utter chaos at large airports and thousands of cancelled flights across Europe.

    2. JATBEGMEL15:55

      I had some issues booking a flight on their app recently. However, a call to their call centre had it sorted really quickly, extremely happy with how they solved the issue. They even honored the price from the app, although booking the ticket on their website or via their call centre is slightly higher. Ticket was in my email inbox while still on the phone to them. Hopefully this new technology will be a step in the right direction. Hopefully the lower prices we have had recently is a more common thing with JU.

    3. Anonymous16:09

      Rijeka is 49, Trieste 54 eur one way for the next two months. Not too bad.

    4. Anonymous09:34

      @15:55 perhaps since you have improved intelligence you should first learn what is the difference between "timetable" and "punctuality". Timetable is online and if you try to check their schedule(s) you get all kind of connecting flights before you find the PTP flights. Timetable as is sucks and by the way punctuality also is not very good. No excuse for the morning wave out of Beg to be delayed 30-40-60 minutes almost every day...and you being a bit nicer and tolerable would not hurt!

  3. Anonymous17:03

    This comment is not about JU specifically... but this whole concept is just a nightmare. It means that you could get one price from one browser and another price from another browser. Your price can jump (or go down) if you search three times for the same itinerary or if you click back or if they find some other search in your cache or whatever. It becomes a whole different game of hyper-vigilance and trying to figure out what the computer wants in order to give you the actual lowest fare. The practice should, in all honesty, be outlawed.

    1. Anonymous17:10

      +100 agree completely

    2. Anonymous18:48

      well said.

    3. Anonymous19:31

      From Amazon to Ryan everybody is doing it. Get on with the program.

    4. Anonymous21:46

      "Everybody" is also getting Covid but this does not mean you should get out and quickly get it yourself.

    5. Anonymous22:34

      Poredjenje za smeh do suza. Ajde fokusiraj se na prodaju i zaradu, moze to bolje.

  4. Anonymous17:40

    300 eur for a return ticket to Split in August (without bagagge)… I would say they are not so stupid after all.

  5. Anonymous19:22

    I hope they'll comply with the law which doesn't allow two different prices on two different platforms for the same product (unless it's % discount which has to be marked as such). There are many other issues with this system which will remind us all not to accept all the cookies.

    1. Anonymous19:34

      What "law about different platforms" and in what country?

      Slap a big "Online special" label on the price and you are good to go.

    2. Anonymous08:07

      Trade Law (Rep. of Serbia). Online promo is not enough cause both app and site are online and with dynamic pricing you could get two different prices, both online.

    3. Anonymous12:45

      This is simply not true. There is a legal way to sell same products with different pricing depending of sales channel, special category of customers, etc.
      different sales channel - classic online promo, special prices for food ordered through courier services etc.
      different customer category - special discounts for elderly people

    4. Anonymous13:41

      Yes but it has to be labeled as such and given in specific time-frame. You can't have 119 eur price at app and 129 eur at website without "odluka" (literally the paper that specifies type and, very important, duration of the promotion). The point of different prices is to promote the offer/product, not to enable different prices just because you catched my cookies at app - it's not allowed, at least not in Serbia.

  6. Anonymous00:41

    So from now on Slavica will not have to manually change the prices when she checks the google analytics, but the AI will do it. Great!

    1. Anonymous09:41

      It's not like that :) Slavica will still have to set up and then adjust 1000 rules/settings in AI system and then it will "work". As far as I had experience with those AI systems it never worked like it was presented. In modern aviation there are simply to many changes on daily bases for AI to work it correctly. But anyway good luck to AS!

  7. It's amazing how many MBA buzzwords they managed to fit. "AI, Cloud, Machine Learning, etc".


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