PHOTOS: Belgrade Airport construction update


Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport’s expansion project is continuing to advance with the most extensive work currently taking place in front of the terminal buildings. Construction of the new central processor, which stretches over 15.000 square metres and is divided into six segments is taking place, which includes the construction of a viaduct for pedestrians and cars, as well as the expansion of the smaller short-term car park which will be located in front of the terminal. Work on the building’s façade has begun. The new central processor will enable the airport to boast 100 check-in desks, up to 1.200 square metres of additional retail space and an expanded arrivals area. The project will also allow for faster access and more efficient traffic flow.

As recently reported, asphalt is being layered on the final segment of the airport’s new 3.500-metre-long inserted runway. Simultaneously, a new lighting system for the inserted runway, which will replace the existing one during its reconstruction, is currently taking place.

Work is continuing inside the terminal buildings as well, with gates A5 to A10 currently under reconstruction. A new floor is being added above these gates. In addition, work is also taking place at the C5 and C6 gates, which includes the construction of pier that will connect them to the new floor. Furthermore, the stairs which previously connected the departures area with passport control, near gates A1 and A2, have been removed.

A1 - A5 gate reconstruction

C5 - C6 gate reconstruction

Removed stairs between departures area and passport control

Other projects are also ongoing, including the construction of the helicopter hangar and the expansion of the de-icing platform. Furthermore, excavation work is taking place past the C concourse, where it is to be expanded. The airport recently opened a new solar plant that will provide it with electricity obtained from renewable sources. 

Helicopter hangar

Excavation work past gate C14


  1. Anonymous12:00

    do we know when they plan to finish all constructions/reconstruction?

    1. Anonymous12:17

      Most things will be completed next year. Full project should be done by start of 2024.

  2. Anonymous12:13

    Will this new inserted runway have CAT IIIB as well?

    1. Anonymous12:27

      As I read long time ago, No.

  3. Anonymous12:16

    Excavation past C14 means they are preparing the expansion of C pier.

    1. Anonymous12:42

      With a surface area of 13.600 m2 it provides additional 8 contact gates with boarding bridges and 5 gates for remote aircraft stands totaling to 19 gates on terminal C side.

    2. Anonymous12:43

      I recall earlier that it was said that C pier further expansion will happen at a later date.

    3. Anonymous15:13

      How many C gates will be there in total at the end of expansion?

    4. Anonymous17:56

      19 in total on C

    5. Anonymous19:05


    6. Anonymous20:46

      Old six C bridges + 8 new C bridges = 14 current C bridges. Add 5 bus gates = 19 in total.

      What Anon 12:16 and author of this news flash likely wanted to say: those 19 C gates will be FURTHER expanded by adding another 3 bridges for a total of 17 bridges on the C side (C1 to C17). With 5 C bus gates, total gates on the C pier will be 17 bridges + 5 bus C gates = 22 total C gates. Excavation you see past C17 is likely that expansion from C14 to C17, as seen on previously released airport render images.

  4. Anonymous12:56

    The airport will be practically doubled in size after the end of reconstruction, which is great. From the highway, it begins to look like a "real", large European airport. The only problem from my perspective is the low level of quality of materials. I payed additional attention last time - they are using linoleum (vinyl floor) all over the C halls (the brown floor that looks like wood/tiles), which is under any reasonable expectation. Today, tiles are standard. It looks and feel really cheap (which actually is).

    1. Anonymous15:01

      vinyl floors have come a long way

    2. Anonymous18:02

      and it's also easier to replace vinyl floors once it gets tired.

    3. Anonymous18:40

      lets be honest, inside design is nothing special, def not 2022 design ... more like 2000.

  5. Anonymous13:49

    Lepo napreduje aerodrom. Novi izdvojeni deo prolaska dolaznih putnika izgleda sjajno. Odlasci takođe, posebno plafon i signalizacija. Kada se sve završi biće zaista više nego pristojan aerodrom koji je jako funkcionalan. U proteklih 10 dana sam dva puta putovao, 20 stvari bih pohvalio ali jedna ogromna zamerka: PODOVI: beli vinil u dolascima i imitacija drveta, pristojno izgleda ali deluje jako nekvalitetno, kao da će nakon godinu dana upotrebe biiti mnogo oštećenje što od hodanja, što od vode. U dolascima tepisi izgledaju jako lepo ali mislim da ih treba menjati za pličice jer: jako su prljavi i ne odrćavaju se a što je največa zamerka cela C zona SMRDI na ustajalost zbog tepiha a najviše ograđeni deo C3/C4 koji je namenjen letovima za USA. Tamo je slab protok vazduha zbog toga što je deo ograđen i smrad iz neodržavanog tepiha se jako oseti. Pod hitno to treba rešiti dal nekim poboljšanim načinom održavanja, dal zamenom tepiha za nešto drugo. Nadam se da istu grešku neće ponoviti u A čekaonicama koje su na redu za rekonstrukciji. Sve osalo je 10-ka, bravo BEG!

    1. Anonymous20:58

      Nije problem ako se redovno odrzava, ako se radi sa parom i koriste dezodoransi za tepihe.

  6. Anonymous15:07

    Some temporary provisions make no sense at all and are stupid and very cumbersome.

    If you arrive at one of the remote gates, the bus takes you to one of the A gates. You then climb two floors of stairs and walk some distance. Then you take two escalators down towards the passport control.

    Instead, the buses should offload passengers close to the passport control (which is at ground floor anyway) like they do on most other airports!

    Other than that the new construction looks good.

    Napomena za autora teksta: objekti ne mogu da se prevode kao objects nego buildings ili structures

    1. Anonymous15:09

      Bukvalno nigde u tekstu ni ne pise objects...

    2. Anonymous16:10

      Ovo i nije moguce zbog transfer ma, to znaci da bi putnici koji dolaze na bus gate morali da prodji dolaznu passport control pa opet na odlaznu umesto prolaza kroz tranzit

    3. Anonymous00:02

      Moguće je, kada ih bus doveze ispred granice, popnu se gore desno i idu na security na koji bi išli da su došli sa bilo kog drugog izlaza. Isto sistem je u WAW na non-schengen to non-schengen transfers.

  7. Anonymous00:19

    The roof was leaking yesterday close to the lounges

    1. Anonymous02:12

    2. Anonymous12:27

      They have serious issue with quality of used materials and work (and with design, but that's the other story). I think that the Government should look into Concession Agreement, as this will not last for too long. Yesterday, my colleague told me that neither of three escalators worked and people had to go by stair (before passport control). Those elevators are of cheapest quality, made by some Greek firm, Kleeman. Everything is more or less falling apart, and it is not still even finished.

    3. Anonymous00:48

      Da je rekao "par stvari se raspadaju" ili cak "trecina stvari se manje vise raspadaju" pa ajde da pomislim kako se radi o nekom ko ima extremno negativno misljenje o aerodromu. Ali reci da everything: sve, bas sve se manje vise raspada je siguran znak da je neko milion kilometara od realnost i dobrog mentalnog zdravlja.

  8. Anonymous09:41

    Manners and mental health usually goes together. Where you lack one, probably the other is missing as well.

    1. Anonymous17:52

      Pseudo nauka da bi se opravdao komentar. Milioni zdravih ljudi po svetu nikad nisu imali prilike da idu u skolu a kamoli formalno nauce pravila ponasanja i bonton. Ne postoji veza.

  9. Anonymous20:21

    Are they going to change the facade on that old terminal with the pointy roof? Looks out of place with the facade of the terminal C


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