PHOTOS: Niš Airport terminal construction advances


The construction of Niš Constantine the Great Airport's new terminal building is advancing. The new 7.160-square-metre facility will boast ten check-in desks, self-check-in stations, eight passport control booths, four passenger gates and one VIP gate. Furthermore, it will feature one air bridge and a luggage sorting facility. New food and beverage outlets, as well as duty free shops, will also be added. The project, scheduled for completion by 2024, will increase the airport’s annual capacity to 1.5 million passengers and will enable it to simultaneously handle six aircraft. The development is valued at eleven million euros. In addition, work on the construction of a new control tower is scheduled to begin in November. During the January - July period, Niš Airport handled 201.175 passengers, representing an decrease of 0.1% on the same period in 2019. However, July 2022 was the airport's second busiest month on record after August 2019.


  1. Anonymous14:13

    Looks good. Hope Banja Luka will get similar expansion in the near future.

    1. Anonymous15:36

      BNX needs new terminal urgent.

    2. Anonymous17:14


      What, to handle 20000 more passangers ?

    3. Anonymous18:13

      Banja Luka will hit the new record this year. It needs expanded facility to keep growing. Witin five years of expanded facilities Banja Luka could get close to 1 million passengers per year.

  2. I'm looking forward to flying out of the new terminal. Nis airport will definitely continue to grow, as will the area.

    1. Anonymous17:17

      Perhaps, it might reach 1 million pax in 10 years’ time, but I doubt there's significant market beyond 1.5 million passengers per year, after all, Serbia isn't known for its beauty or place to be, and local demand has its limits.

    2. Anonymous17:36

      suuuuure 17:17 if it makes you feel better

    3. Anonymous22:27

      Serbia is maybe not know for its beauty, but it is very beautiful. Landscapes you have in Serbia in small area is not easy to find elsewhere. From plan on the North to high mountains towards south, Danube and other lazy Panonian rivers and mountain springs and waterfalls. And way beyond, there's no country on Europe that has 10000 years of different civilizations, from Lepenski vir as the first permanent settlement in Europe, Vinca, Roman empires and cities, Byzantine monasteries, midleages fortresses... Should I count more?!
      Ah, yes... Tasty food!
      So, start discovering and learning, Anon 17.17.

  3. Anonymous15:33

    Good! It's so needed. I used it this summer and passengers were in two large queues in the plastic tunnel outside with few electric fans trying to cool us but it was quite an unpleasant experience. The airport has a potential and hopefully it will reach it.

  4. Neizostavno prosirenje Niskog aerodroma je minimum za buduci saobracajni razvoj Istocno-jugoistocnu oblast Srbije.
    Ujedno dogradnja Kraljevacke Morave i Uzickih Ponikvi sa gradnjom novog aerodroma u Staroj Raskoj oblasti i Novog Sada su osnov razvoja razvoja aerodromske mreze Srbije.
    U cilju ostvarenja buduceg razvoja Srbije dostupnosti i mogucnosti. Naravno sa autoputtevima Srbija ce postati zgodna i prohodna. Za one kojima se ne svidja razvoj aerodroma imaju izbor. Da idu u planine, "jer tamo nema zime"...
    Rodney Marinkovic and Aviation Enthusiast Associate Group 😀✈🌐🛫♥️✈

  5. Proširivaće se onoliko koliko im vinci dozvoli. Sumnjam da ce iko osim JU imati nove linije iz niśa.


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