Air Serbia prepares for China launch

Air Serbia will launch operations to Tianjin as its first destination in China in just under a month’s time with ticket sales having commenced just a week ago. The Director General of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Tianjin Municipality, Luan Jianzhang, notes that preparations are underway on both sides in order to make the new route a success. “All preparations are progressing in an orderly manner. Tianjin attaches great importance to the opening of nonstop flights with Serbia. We began talks with Serbia’s national airline back in April and since then various stakeholders have been involved and are coordinating with each other for the successful launch of this route, including the airport, the transportation commission, health commission and other relevant departments. We will make full use of all the resources at our disposal to promote the service between Tianjin and Belgrade”, Mr Jianzhang said.

The new flights will have to adhere to China’s strict Covid policies. According to Chinese media, Air Serbia will be able to carry up to 187 passengers on flights departing Belgrade. The airline is restricted to a one weekly service, which has resulted in its plane spending over 24 hours upon arrival in Tianjin, in order to enable minimum rest for crew to operate the return service. “The ground time that Air Serbia aircraft will be spending in Tianjin is not optimal and comes as the result of a combination of various Covid-19 restrictions still in place. We will continue to work to improve that in the future, whenever such an option becomes available", Air Serbia’s CEO, Jiri Marek, said.

China is working on plans to scrap a system that penalises airlines for bringing virus cases into the country. Furthermore, officials are debating whether to reduce the amount of time people coming to China must spend in mandatory quarantine. Bureaucrats are looking at cutting the period to two days in a hotel and then five days at home. That’s down from ten days of isolation on entry into the country, which includes a week confined to a hotel room. An unverified screenshot circulating on social media claiming a broad reopening plan was being considered sparked a $450 billion speculative rally in stock markets this week. Airlines are also said to be counting on China’s reopening early next year and an unprecedented surge in demand.

Air Serbia has said it will use new opportunities once China reopens. “We have much bigger plans once Covid restrictions are lifted in China. We are planning at least two weekly flights to Beijing and two to Shanghai with the possibility of increasing the frequency to three weekly and also serving Tianjin depending on the results”, Air Serbia’s CEO said recently. Meanwhile, the carrier’s cabin crew members are undergoing training in order for all of them to be able to work on the wide-body A330 aircraft. After batches of crew underwent several days of training in Belgrade, many are now headed for a final day of preparations in Istanbul. It comes as the airline is strongly considering the lease of a third A330 next year.

The Serbian carrier is launching its first service to China in the lead-up to the Lunar New Year in late January, which generates significant demand for travel to the country. Due to quarantine policies, many Chinese nationals will be making the trip to their homeland early on. Global Reservation Systems indicate that Air Serbia’s service from Belgrade to Tianjin on January 6 is sold out at this point. It should be noted that only Chinese nationals and residents can currently enter China. Authorities have indicated that foreigners taking part in various trade shows next year will be able to enter the country without undergoing quarantine procedures.


  1. Anonymous09:02

    I think it was the right decision to start China early and profit from the relatively small supply of flights. They will also be in a good position once the country opens up.

    1. Anonymous09:04

      Also they will be the only European airline that is allowed to fly through Russian airspace that will significantly reduce the costs.

    2. Anonymous09:13

      And apparently they even got big overflight discounts.

    3. Anonymous09:30

      Seems like they may have secured some incentives from the local government as well, judging by the first paragraph.

  2. Anonymous09:03

    Exciting times.

  3. Nemjee09:03

    Good thing is that yesterday China announced a slight easing in covid measures. Hopefully they are completely scrapped in the next few months.

    As for their current schedule, I don't think it's so bad for them. If the plane spent less time in China it would have returned on Saturday afternoon when there are next to no flights out of BEG (on JU). Since it's the slow season they can afford it.

    All in all, good luck to JU!

  4. Anonymous09:04

    "many are now headed for a final day of preparations in Istanbul"

    Another sign of the things to come?

    1. JATBEGMEL12:31

      No. Certain elements of training on the Airbus fleet cannot be done in Belgrade as there is no facility to do so. A319/A320 is done in Sofia for example. JU for some time now has a choice to not to be ripped off by EY as in the past, which is why training is no longer in AUH.

  5. Anonymous09:04

    Air Serbia has a huge potential here

  6. Anonymous09:06

    Koja smješna politička linija sa skoro nikavim feeding potencijalom iz ostatka regije otvorena dok je Kina još zatvorena. Očito neki drugi interesi odlučuju gdje će se letjeti, a najmanje se gleda zdrava logika.

    1. Anonymous09:06

      Kod vas je gospodine prisutna opasna ljubomora.

      Tolike evropske avio kompanije lete za Kinu jednom nedeljno ali je problem kad to uradi Air Serbia.

    2. Anonymous09:10

      Druze, za Peking ne moze (kovid pravila), posto vec leti Hainan. Za Sangaj ne moze (Air China je bukirala slotove za Beograd pa JU ne moze). A za sada nijedna druga destinacija nije zanimljiva. Tianjin je pola sata od Pekinga, to se racuna kao Peking. Ne sekirajte se vi za JU, vecina letova za Tianjin je rasprodato

    3. Nemjee09:10

      Није ни чудо што вам смета то што нема веза са регионом када је ЈУ организовала ове летове тако да се каче на летове са Запада. То је неупоредиво веће тржиште и јасан доказ да ЈУ сазрева као фирма и да се консолидује изван наше релативно сиромашне регије.

      Што се вашег коментара тиче, тако су исто писали за Њујорк, Ростов итд па ево нас данас.

    4. Anonymous10:13

      Druže moj, ne postoji nikakva ljubomora na situaciju u kojoj predsjednik najavljuje avioliniju prema Tianjinu. Od svih Toronta, Čikaga, Miamia, Singapura, Hong Kongova oni u Tianjin političkom direktivom. Hvala, nisam ljubomoran niti 1% :)

    5. Anonymous10:15

      I da, tolike evropske kompannije imaju brojne druge long haul destinacije koje su razvijene pa si mogu priuštiti 1 tjendi let za Kineski grad. Ali u ovoj situaciji uvoditi Tianjn kao drugu long haul destinaciju, najavljivati (pazi ti to) Havanu, mislim ono..LOOOOL

    6. Anonymous10:22

      Ne bi ti druze bio ovde i komentarisao ovu liniju da kod tebe nema ljubomore. I to kakve.

      I apsolutno nema veze ko ce najaviti liniju, ono sto je najbitnije je da ce se ona odvijati, donositi novac i obezbedjivati dobru povezanost.

      Ti ako mislis da bi mogao bolje kreni sa svojom avio kompanijom za Majami i Singapur. Ako nemas novaca zaposli se kod tvoje domace avio kompanije samo sto kod njih nema sta da se najavi bilo od strane predsednika ili bilo koga treceg. Mrka kapa.

    7. @An.09.06 i 10.13
      Dobro sto u Hrvatskoj Plenkovic nista ne najavljuje i nista ga se ne pita LOL. A Vama bi preporucio da se pokrijete usima i sutite, s obzirom na hrvatski ponos Croatia Airlines kojemu je vrhunski domet Dasinkama puniti Lufthansu u Minkenu. I Croatia Airlines kao nema nikakve veze sa politikom, 220-ice koje totalno ne odgovaraju tipu linija koje OU operira i onemogucavaju rast i razvoj nisu politicka odluka i Plenkovic i njegova buduca fotelja u Bruxelessu s time nemaju nikakve veze, hahaha. Rugala se sova sjenici. Air Serbia bar raste i razvija se, za razliku od totalno politicki dirigirane Croatia Airlines koja stagnira, ima vece gubitke i jedina joj je svrha biti sluga Lufthanse

    8. Anonymous12:47

      kada prestane kineska zero covid politika air serbia će leteti za šanganj. Svakako u tijanjin moze da stane pola juge, a i ja mislim da je dobra stvar sto je tako blizu pekinga :)

    9. Boris15:56

      Da li ste Vi Gospodine JU Shareholder?
      Mozda je ova linija politicka, ali danas je i igranje fudbala , tj pikanje lopte, velika politika. Obrati paznju na desavanja oko Svetskog prvenstava u Kataru i raznih ideoloskih smicalica oko toga.
      Elem u jednom si u pravu a to je da se region dozove pameti i da napravi opciju da u odredjenim segmentima privrede kao sto je Avio saobracaj nadje komplementarna resenja.
      Region je malo siri od Ex-Yu i ukljucuje Bugarsku, Rumuniju, Grcku, Madjarsku. Sto pre se to osvesti Region ce da nalazi resenja u svom dvoristu a neda ceka na instrukcije i nametnuta resenja iz centara koji se nenalaze u ovom regionu.

    10. Anonymous17:17

      Pozdrav iz Rijeke, you are funny and 100% correct at the same time!! :)))

  7. Anonymous09:07

    They need to find a codeshare partner in China to offer flights beyond Tianjin.

    1. Anonymous09:30


    2. Anonymous09:31

      I doubt they will do this before they start Beijing/Shanghai.

    3. Anonymous09:32

      What are the main airlines based in Tianjin?

    4. Anonymous09:34

      Okay Airways and Tianjin Airlines

    5. Anonymous09:34

      Tianjin Airlines is owned by HNA group, which also owns Hainan Airlines.

    6. Anonymous23:48

      JU already has a codeshare partnership with Air China, although from Vienna to Beijing.

  8. Anonymous09:13

    I think this route to China will be more profitable than New York once China opens. You tick all the passenger categories - business, leisure (tourists), O&D for Chinese diaspora and workers, transfers plus lots of cargo.

    1. Anonymous09:26

      True. It works for business, Chinese locals living in Serbia, tourism and trade (cargo).

  9. Anonymous09:14

    Does the flight number they are using to Tianjin correspond to the numbers JAT used to use to China?

    1. Anonymous09:14

      I mean JU702/703

    2. No. JAT long haul flights were starting with 500 and 600

    3. Anonymous20:32

      JAT long haul flights had numerations 48x, 49x and 5xx, while 6xx were former domestic flights between BEG and ZAG, LJU, OSI, TIV, TGD and SJJ
      If I recall Beijing flights had flt no 492/3

    4. Anonymous23:48

      Interesting. Thank you!

    5. It's been really long time ago, but period 1985-1990 long haul to North America was 500 and to Asia and Australia 600. Maybe I don't remember correctly, maybe all long haul was 500. I am almost sure PEK was not 400 at that time. Also, most of domestic flights were 700. But I leave possibility some domestic flights were 600. However China was never 700.

    6. Anonymous16:51

      JU 47X BKK and SIN
      JU 492/3 PEK
      JU 50X-54X JFK, ORD, LAX
      JU 56X YYZ, YUL
      JU 58X MEL SYD
      JU 60X-61X BEG ZAG
      JU 62X BEG LJU
      JU 646 BEG OSI ZAG
      JU 65X BEG SJJ
      JU 66X BEG TGD
      JU 68X BEG TIV
      JU 69X BEG ZAG
      JU 70X BEG SPU
      JU 72X BEG DBV
      JU 74X, 75X BEG PUY RJK
      JU 77X BEG PRN
      JU 78X BEG OHD
      JU 79X BEG SKP
      Domestic flights ex ZAG JU 8XX and JU 9XX

    7. Anonymous16:53

      JU 69X BEG ZAD

    8. Ok, my mistake then, obviously I mixed up something. I was sure 500 was long haul, I thought it was 600 as well. Thanks for detailed clarification.

  10. Anonymous09:22

    Bravo Air Serbia!

  11. Anonymous09:24

    So many restrictions in place. But I hope they can make it successfully.

  12. Anonymous09:24

    Good to hear flights are selling out fast.

  13. Anonymous09:25

    Seems the choice of destination is driven by cargo as well.

    1. Anonymous09:41

      Cargo will probably bring in more money than the sale of tickets.

    2. Anonymous23:54

      Probably in the beginning.

  14. Anonymous09:32

    This route will definitely lose money until China reopens, passenger number limitation is really unfortunate. Still, I think the timing is good and once China reopens, I expect a boom

    1. JATBEGMEL12:45

      Not necessarily. Ticket prices are quite high currently due to the Covid restrictions. One way TSN is selling for more than a return JFK ticket. Plus there is cargo to also consider. JU since the pandemic has done alot of cargo flights to China. Lets wait and see in the coming months what JU says.

  15. Anonymous09:35

    It's interesting that Air Serbia has no codeshare on the Hainan Airlines route between Beijing and Belgrade.

    1. Anonymous09:36

      They may have started the process. China is notorious for extremely slow bureaucracy and time it takes to approve such things. I believe Kondic said a couple of years ago it took over 6 months for a codeshare with Hainan to be approved (when they were flying to Belgrade via Prague).

  16. Anonymous09:39

    Hopefully they have a good partner there who can help them cover domestic market as well as regional destinations.

  17. Anonymous09:40

    Prices on this route are really expensive.

  18. Anonymous09:41

    On paper it looks like a good opportunity for JU, especially with many European airlines still not flying to China and especially since European airlines have to avoid Russian airspace, adding a lot of flight time.

    1. Anonymous09:43

      Commercially, it makes sense.

    2. Anonymous12:33

      Commercially it makes absolutely no sense as long as they have 1x weekly frequency. They can't rely on potential transfer market yet.

    3. Anonymous12:35

      Most airlines are limited to one weekly flight per route to China at the moment.

  19. Anonymous09:42

    Third A330 is needed. They could fly to PVG twice a week and to YYZ twice a week, as bilateral would allow them.

    1. Anonymous09:44

      When China reopens.

    2. Anonymous10:09

      If next summer they start Beijing, Shanghai, keep Tianjin plus launch Chicago, New York goes daily and use wide body on popular European routes then we will definitely see a third A330 next summer season.

    3. Can they flly Tianjin, PEK, PVG, JFK, ORD and YYZ with 3 planes? I think they need fourth

    4. Yes they can..

    5. JATBEGMEL16:06


      They can, depending on frequencies. 1 pw sure, all can be served. All at 7 pw, no.

      TSN might not even stay, but remains an option if they are satisfied with it.

  20. Anonymous09:42

    Great but it won't be easy organizing these flights. China still has a system for international airlines that if 5 people on your flight test positive for Covid the airline is banned from flying to China for a week starting immediately.

    1. Anonymous17:20

      Full on Retarded

    2. Anonymous17:34

      They just removed this policy today.

  21. Anonymous09:43

    Can't wait for the flights to start

  22. Anonymous09:48

    Good luck

  23. Anonymous09:53

    Residents* typo

  24. Anonymous09:53

    Those Covid measures seem totally lunatic.

  25. Anonymous10:08

    I expected Tianjin will only be a temporary move. Although I don’t think it’s a bad idea at all. It’s a huge city, Beijing’s main port, very well connected to Beijing and not many airlines offering flights to Europe.

  26. Anonymous10:09

    So we will have two airlines flying to Beijing in the future? Air Serbia and Hainan?

  27. Anonymous10:14

    It’s good that they will start China soon and use the current opportunities of being basically the only airline able to fly over Russia, cutting down on travel time compared to other European airlines and making themselves more competitive.

  28. Anonymous10:17

    Air Serbia’s blessing is that Aeroflot can no longer fly to BEG. They were the main transfer airline for Chinese passengers.

    1. Anonymous12:15


    2. Anonymous14:00

      That's why they had three daily flights between SVO and BEG.

  29. Anonymous10:52

    When could we potentially expect the third A330?

    1. Anonymous12:15

      Next summer season

    2. Anonymous12:35

      Hope so

    3. Anonymous12:37

      There're no official plans yet. Two widebodies can be utilized without a problem (JFK 7x, ORD 2/3x, TSN 1/2x)

    4. Anonymous12:40

      Unofficial there are :)

  30. Anonymous12:54

  31. Anonymous14:01

    Has BUD restored all its previous Chinese connections?

    1. Anonymous14:47


    2. Anonymous07:28

      Worth mentioning that BUD lost its connection with JFK. LO announced that it is not bringing it back. Good news for BEG and VIE. Budapest is definitely underperforming this year.

  32. Anonymous14:48

    When will YU-ARC arrive? Just before the flights start?

    1. Anonymous14:52

      It should be arriving next week

    2. Anonymous23:54


  33. Anonymous14:53

    They talk about Beijing and Shanghai but I think they should also look into Guangzhou.

    1. Anonymous14:57

      Yes! Guangzhou is part of the most-populous built-up metropolitan area in mainland China and the largest port city in the world.

  34. Anonymous14:54

    On paper it looks like a good opportunity for JU, however, I am not sure are Chinese willing to fly with foreign carriers or they prefer to fly with local carriers where staff can speak Chinese? Any thoughts?

    1. Anonymous14:56

      Chinese tourists will fly on whoever offers them the cheapest ticket. There are a lot of foreign carriers in China meaning they don't care anymore who they fly with.

    2. Anonymous15:30

      Slično su pričali i za Turke pa ne vidim da im nešto smeta da pune avione Air Serbia i koriste je za transfer.

  35. Anonymous15:00

    What matters is that there is actual promotion and PR being done even before flights are launched. Even when flights are introduced expect many to still reach BEG and Serbia through one of the global hubs.

  36. Anonymous15:38

    Out of curiosity: how many Chinese are currently living in Serbia?

  37. Anonymous15:38

    Once flights are established we will see a significant increase in trade/investment. Airline travel is not only about tourism, it's also about business.

  38. Anonymous17:14

    Another reason for the European Union to mount pressure on Serbia .
    Here in Germany anti-Chinese hysteria is already in full swing .

    1. Anonymous18:08

      Where in Germany?

    2. Anonymous18:09

      Reagovaće kad JU pokrene ORD i YYZ i preuzme dobar deo kolača Lufthanzi.U "Mamino" dvorište se ne sme dirati. Onda će krenuti da preispituju i državne subvencije i letove za Rusiju i sankcije Rusiji i sve živo. Živi bili pa videli.

    3. Anonymous18:25

      Vidi kako je prosao FR sa svojom zalbom u EU komsiluku. Uostalom JU moze da odgovori sa 7x letom za MUC.

    4. Anonymous00:05

      JU ne moze dobiti ni jedan jedini slot dodatno na FRA pa ce joj MUC odmah dati 7.

    5. Anonymous01:41

      bolje da ih ju dobije u muc nego da ih lh izgubi u beg

    6. Nemjee07:35

      Па Луфтханса је већ нападнута само што то не чини само ЈУ већ и Визер који повећава FMM на 6 наредног лета. Уз све то, ЈУ сасвим добро послује у NUE а оба ова аеродрома индиректно конкуришу LH из MUC-a.
      Наравно ни Луфтханса није остала равнодушна тако да ове зиме није претерано смањивала летове из Минхена док средином марта враћа трећи дневни.

      Није Луфтханса до те мере утицајна да би могла дивљати изван граница Немачке. Друго, докле год добро послују у Београду неће се бунити. Погледајте колико често ове зиме шаљу А321 из Франкфурта. Уз све то, OS је једино повећао Београд и Букурешт на целом Балкану ове зиме. LH Group је задовољна зимским пословањем у Београду тако да се вероватно спремају за још боље пословање наредне године.

  39. Anonymous18:18

    Reminder of TSN launch timeline:
    7 Feb: Vucic announces China and ORD service:
    17 Jul: Air Serbia officially anounces Tianjin:

    That means more than 5 months between the two dates.If we apply same timing to future destination:

    26 Oct: Vucic announces Toronto after Chicago
    Add 5-6 months: Late April 2023. That's when it's reasonable to expect Air Serbia official announcement of Toronto service.

    1. Anonymous18:39

      Očekujem da Toronto krene od Juna kao i dolazak trećeg A330.

    2. The situation in Canada is different. They can't just announce flights a month ahead on that route, unlike when flying to China.

  40. Anonymous02:29

    Have I missed or there were no news about the product they will offer on those flights? Food? Drinks?

  41. Anonymous20:11

    Toronto please


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